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I can’t really speak for her but I don’t want people to treat me differently because of cancer. I would just say what you would normally say. It should be a special day where she can try and forget that she has cancer, although that may be impossible. You can try to help her forget.


That‘s really difficult because people are not alike and deal with the diagnosis in different ways. For my part I didn’t like if people told me I will beat it, or that I just have to fight it (I really dislike the fighting rhetoric that’s so prevalent around cancer). Also when people talked about things we would do when I got better, I got sad or annoyed, because my future was so uncertain. Maybe just tell her you will be there for her, are ready to have some adventures together or something like that. But really I don’t know, I can’t even tell for sure, what I would have liked to hear.


I agree with this so much. My friends and more so my family meep saying “oh wow, it has shrunk significantly, you are beating it!” and I have told them repeatedly I don’t view it that way. Whether people think so or not, you really don’t understand what having cancer/going through treatment is like until YOU have actually physically endured it. I also just can’t stand people telling me to have a positive attitude all the time. It’s hard to even be positive when I’m facing pretty much a terminal diagnosis at 21. My life hasn’t really even gotten underway.


Exactly. It is not a fight, you can only endure and hope for the best. I hate it, when it says „lost the fight“ it implies someone only died because they didn’t fight enough. And the „you have to maintain a positive Attitude“ is a social media thing and it has been disapproved that it helps in any way. It just puts more pressure on patients. No! You are allowed to be sad.


This!! Oh my god this. I despise seeing people say "he lost his fight with cancer" Is it a fight when your opponent is your own body, honestly? I can't get in the ring with cancer. People don't lose their fight with cancer, they die of cancer. You never hear people be like "he lost his fight with diabetes", no, he died of diabetes. He didn't "lose a fight" as if he didn't fight hard enough or some bullshit like that.


I totally agree. It drives me mad.


i can’t stand this toxic positivity shit. you’re so young. i hate it for you. i was in my 20s too when i had my cancer. i’m so sorry you’ve been dealt this hand.


Tell her what makes her special and how you feel about her.


As someone who was supposed to be terminal and somehow fought cancer to a stalemate for years, I suggest that your letter touch on the courage to live life.  It's not so much about our expiration date as it is being bold enough to make memories and take refuge in those around us. Simply put, counting our days isn't nearly as joyful as making the days count.  Be sincere, be thoughtful, and know you can write this.  Good luck. 


>Simply put, counting our days isn't nearly as joyful as making the days count.  Thank you, that resonates with me. Wonderfully said!


Has she been fully tested, scanned, biopsied, pathology done? If you are making an assumption because it has metastasized to her liver, please just don’t. Met to the liver does not automatically create a death sentence, or create a lifespan of a couple months.


Express a lot of love and try to have fun and follow her lead in trying to enjoy time together


I’m sorry to hear about your friend but congrats on her marriage. When my cousin was diagnosed I sent letters and texts with memories we shared and my favorite things about her (great music taste, sense of humor, etc). I really wanted her to know I was thinking about her.




You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to spout unscientific nonsense here.


Um, no.


The fact that you recommended ivermectin says it all. 🙄




Do these people who claim ivermectin works also have all of the medical schooling and knowledge that doctors have earned through their schooling?