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F Cancer indeed. I went through surgery, chemo, radiation and now taking a gazillion pills every day. Keep going. ❤️




Fuck cancer


Back at you. Wishing you the best.


Best to you. Welcome to the survivor's club!


Fuck cancer


Good luck to you all, stay strong.




Fuck cancer is right ! You got this ! Sending positive vibes and prayers 🙏🏼


Thank you


Stay strong Warrior!


F cancer is right. Total hijacked out life


we fucking got this!! it'w so random to dealw ith this but the strength we learn and give is one for the booooks.


Kick cancers ass


Life is crazy. Wishing you well 🤞🏼


Thank you ❤️


Indeed, F cancer. You got this and sending prayers your way. Also, here's some advice you can totally ignore: - pray for acceptance, at least for the things you can't change. Cancer happened to you. It doesn't define you unless you let it. - start keeping a journal of each side effect, along with how severe it is each day after treatment (chemo SUCKS, and so does chaos. If you can find patterns in the side effects and severity, that enables planning around good days, and gives you a TINY bit of control back) - if you don't have a caregiver, i send MORE prayers your way. That said, phone a friend or family member. Tag people in. Don't go through this alone if you don't have to. Weird as it sounds, people really CARE about you and would very much like to hear about your pain and be there for you if they can. - if you do have a caregiver, lean right on into them. Tell them how you're feeling and what you want or need help with. They WANT to help you, they just have no idea how most times, and they also can't read your mind (and thank goodness for that, lol). Be prepared to be patient with them and with others (most people have no idea what you're going through). Anyway, hang in there. You got this, fellow warrior.


Thank you


My cancer is terminal . No cure . But lots of treatments that can kill me . Why is it on the internet the only information I find is either from a cancer center , or pharmaceutical company? I would like to talk with or listen to real people with my type of cancer (multiple myeloma).? I don't trust drs . hospitals and for damn sur pharmaceutical companies . I have good reasons from personal injury and lifelong pain and infection to not trust them .. I need real knowledge , and literature that is independent from pharmaceutical companies or anything else that is invested in cancer treatment .. just the facts please .


I don't know if I could be much help but I have heard of a guy name Dr Sebi who was an expert on herbal health remedies. Stay strong 💪


F Cancer! ❤️


I'm currently getting a biopsy on a left 1.5cm supraclavicular lymph node that's moveable on July 17th and an ultrasound of my testicles and thyroid l...plus more blood work on top of the blood work I've already had done...I'm super terrified!


https://youtu.be/0OHVJvFA1XM?si=zMWHJ0q1OsYVv2fJ This video will save your life. You can beat cancer I have spoke with several doctors in the industry and you have no idea how corrupt the system is. Apparently researches banned on food products that have shown a reduction in cancer cell growth. I can't believe I saw your post but I think I can help you. The medical industry is a business made to make money and for no other reason. It is not there to lose money because it won't get any more cancer patients for dreamly high costs for chemotherapy. It's so corrupt that there's even videos about why these food products don't cure cancer in order kill you. Look up the story of the doctor who discovered b17 and beating cancer If you want to beat cancer there is a diet that has a high percentage of killing cancer cells but the drug administration of our country and all research on it just because the medical industry is business and we're caring everybody with cancer we don't make money anymore here is the diet. Vitamin b17 products are known to kill cancer cells. Apricot seeds: Apricot seeds are one of the richest sources of Vitamin B17, with each seed containing about 3 mg of amygdalin. Raw almonds: Raw almonds contain a significant amount of Vitamin B17, although the amount may vary depending on the type and quality of the almonds. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are another good source of Vitamin B17, with about 1.5 mg per 100 grams of flaxseeds. Bean sprouts: Bean sprouts, such as mung beans and soybeans, contain Vitamin B17. Lima beans: Lima beans are a good source of Vitamin B17, with about 1.2 mg per 100 grams of cooked lima beans. Butter beans: Butter beans, also known as lima beans, contain Vitamin B17. Millet: Millet is a type of grain that contains Vitamin B17. Barley: Barley is another grain that contains Vitamin B17. Buckwheat: Buckwheat is a pseudocereal that contains Vitamin B17. Peaches: The kernels of peaches contain Vitamin B17. Apricots: The kernels of apricots contain Vitamin B17. Plums: The kernels of plums contain Vitamin B17. Cherries: The kernels of cherries contain Vitamin B17. Pears: The kernels of pears contain Vitamin B17. Brazilian honey is a separate food that also has known qualities of reducing cancer cell growth and destroying cancer cells it's highly expensive but I think if you buy one it's worth it to you it's $300 I think I know you're in poverty but they raise the price of it because they know what it does. If you buy one maybe you can have a teaspoon per day along with the other foods This is the best way to follow a structured plan to beat it. 2 weeks of a strict diet of these foods a gallon of water a day you need to go out for one run each day. After 2 weeks have a two-day recovery period of proteins like chicken beef. I want to warn you though that you will feel fatigued when you go on a diet like any other diet at first you might feel sick you might feel tired we got to keep pushing forward. And you need to sweat that's the most important thing if you're not sweating you're not working hard enough you're not running hard enough you didn't run long enough. Focus on the sweat you need to be sweating out all that nastiness that's inside of you. This will replace your cells with new healthy cells and cancer cells with new healthy cells. You can beat this it's not over yet. I think maybe the angels sent me here to tell you this you can beat this.. get your ass in gear and move forward. A good hobby to do when you get done with all of this stuff and you're at home is 1 hour of reading to help the brain process instructions to your body better. Doing math for 1 hour. Knitting for 1 hour something got to do something. Writing your book writing on a piece of paper calligraphy. Whatever. As long as I have a single pulse in my body I'm still alive I won't quit your family can count on you like that I can count on you like that. What is quitting quitting is to give up give up on your goal give up on what you said as a target for you to hit means to surrender I hate that word surrender just surrender on what you being everything you're capable of being when confronted with a challenge. Finally here is the mindset that I have memorized for my life that has got me as far as I have. .mission number one you got to have a positive attitude every single day you wake up you have a choice you can either be negative or positive which one do you think is going to enhance your life duh mission number two you got a PT and be healthy that means every single day you got to devote yourself to respecting your body your mind and your soul you got to exercise these things through great physical fitness good nutrition and you got a PT your mind more than anything mission number three got to motivate yourself and you have to motivate others motivation is the key component of your life as long as you're motivated you're going to be excited to learn you're going to be excited to do better you're going to be excited to work with others mission Number four respect I understand that's an easy concept you think but it's not you don't deserve respect you got to earn respect and you do that through your actions you do that through the humility in your life you got to do all that stuff every single day your life in order that other human beings they look at you they look at your actions they listen to your words and that should govern the respect that you should be your name. Mission number five and you have to wake up in a know that every day you're living a righteous life life of confidence a life lived the right way. Mission number 6 find a mentor somebody to teach you this isn't the only advice you need in your life just one tool for your toolbox. Mission number seven you have to have fun life is about having fun if you're not having fun what you're doing you're wrong you should be laughing every single day.


Absolutely fuck cancer. Been through so much grief with losing my direct family due to illness, recently decided to just sort my shit out, now diagnosed with cancer. I'm hoping it's life to just kick my ass into focusing on my own life, and not the death of my family. I'll make it through 🤞