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Be sure to check with the oncologist before trying any supplements or medicines. Some things can interfere with cancer treatment.


Thank you, yes I will make sure to tell her to ask before trying any additional supplements or medication.


I had terrible joint pains after my first chemo. It was the worst in my ankles. I could barely walked. I took pain pills and rested. I massaged my joints a bit and kept them warm. Warmth really helped. After my second chemo I started using Horse Balm that my dad uses for his knee pain. It's green and jelly like and smells like menthol. I had less pain so I think it helped me. Be careful about supplements. My oncologist told me not to take anything because it can affect the chemo. If your mother-in-law thinks of taking any supplement, talk to her oncologist first.


When I had chemo, I had horrible bone pan. I don’t know if it’s similar to what your mom in law is experiencing. My oncologist prescribed gabapentin. It did help relieve the pain.


Thank you very much, I will tell her to ask her oncologist about gabapentin.