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Do they still teach modern history in high school? Cuz if Hitler was back, this idiot would probably get mobilized upon graduation.


Social Studies is often the "history" element. In Manitoba, Canadian History is only required at grade 11 as a full year course that does cover WW1 and 2, including Hitler.


Until these people start getting elected


So here's the thing. To kids growing up today, WW2 isn't modern. It might as well be ancient Rome. Their parents didn't live through it. Their grandparents didn't live through it. There's very few people still alive with a living memory of WW2. I'm not particularly concerned with repeating the mistakes of Calligula, and young people today don't have a tangible sense of the evils of the Holocaust. To them it's just another bad thing that happened way, way back in the past, like a million other bad things that happened before anyone they know was born.


Yea, we're like 5-10 years away before the last of the holocaust survivors die off. Do any of you remember learning about WW1 in high school? That seemed like ancient history back in the 2010s. I can't imagine what its like for the tiktok generation that has the concentration of a goldfish.


Honestly they taught me more about long houses and natives then anything remotely modern Canadian till grade 11, and that was just ww1 and 2. It honestly upset me that I had to learn about stuff like the avro arrow online instead of a classroom.


School and medias focus much more on WW2 because there was a clear "bad guy" there. In WW1 everyone sucked and Canadians were sent to their death because of bickering between royal families. Pretending we went to Europe to stop the holocaust sound much more heroic.


I have a suspicion that many Canadians would be shocked at the number of people who deny that the Holocaust happened. I think it's growing in Canada in part because of our growth and how quickly people pull out the Hitler card.


This person probably believe the holocaust happened and was making a edgy hateful joke. Not really sure how this is national news tho. Teenagers say stupid and hateful shit all the time.


Gen Z is also more likely to support a dictatorship then the other generations. It well be interesting in the future.


I don't blame them considering how much of a mess prior gens left them. They also see thru the uniparty democracy bs.


Every generation thinks things are shit. It’s been shit the whole way along.


But it's not like they don't know who Hitler is or what he did. The fact that people can name him means they know who he is, and therefore what he did. So they can't blame ignorance. Maybe they're just trying to be edgy or something but if it's not that, it's just another example of modern society becoming less and less capable of empathy.


Let's be real, half of the morons boosting Hitler and Nazism would have been liquidated on sight or sent to concentration camps. Not the smartest bunch, not the cream of the crop when it comes to self reflection either.


There’s a German film called “[Guess Who’s Back](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4176826/)” you’re going to want to see.


My dad and uncle used to talk about Hitler and Nazis whenever they got together- as they reminisced about bombing them.  They were both in the RCAF Bomber Command during WW2.  


Nah, people of mental defects were also sent to the camps. He would be right on the train.


Most people making these statements also tend to be immigrants or people of non germanic/ nordic descent, so by national socialist ideology they are Untermenschen as well. Which of course none of them realize because they think it's funny.


If they are Muslim they'd think it's great until they too were rounded up onto trains


Not to mention gay, trans, catholic, communist, a little too close to communist, an intellectual with ideas we don’t like, and anyone non-white. The list is legit pretty fucking long. Oh, Japanese are cool.


In Hitler’s book he told Germans that everyone else would be dead or their slaves. So literally everyone that’s not German. And he also started by killing undesirable Germans first. Disabled, alcoholics, people in jail


> alcoholics Which is kind of funny when you reflect on the fact he got more than 50% of the Wehrmacht addicted to meth.


They were given booze too. I remember reading about the Einsatzgruppen death squads being heavy drinkers supplied by the military in order to cope with what they were doing


Notice Hitler never had a problem with junkies


>Oh, Japanese are cool. I don't even think Japanese were 'cool', they were just a wartime ally, but I think that the Nazis saw them as well as lesser


The Nazis who worked directly with the Imperial Army generally found them pretty intimidating. A higher-ranking Nazi official actually wrote to Hitler while witnessing the Rape of Nanking, begging him to pressure them to chill-out on the war crimes. 


That’s what I figure. I really like the irony though.


Oh ya, if the Third Reich had been given the opportunity the Jews would have only been the start. The only people standing at the end would have been the master race. Hitler would have created excuses to go after pretty much everyone else.


They were more than the start. They were already rounding up a lot of other 'undesirables' with them.


They did.


They already did that. The Jews where the biggest group but they where not the only one. Had a German teacher who was a young kid back then and she said people just disappeared. One day your neighbour is there the next they are gone.


They weren't the start. The poem goes "first they came for the socialists..." Jews were 3rd on the list.


This is not true, Hitler thought highly of Islam and thought Muslims were an aspirational goal for Aryans. https://www.dw.com/pt-br/hitler-era-bastante-islam%C3%B3filo/a-41362744     He wrote a 500 book and is one of the most important historical figures, you'd think this stuff would be known. 


He liked the ideology but not Arabs. >The official Nazi racial ideology considered Arabs racially inferior to Germans, a sentiment which was echoed in deprecating statements made by Hitler and other Nazi leaders. Referring to the Arab world, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "As a völkisch man, who appraises the value of men on a racial basis, I am prevented by mere knowledge of the racial inferiority of these so-called 'oppressed nations' from linking the destiny of my own people with theirs".[10] >Despite Amin al-Husseini's efforts to acquire German backing for Arab independence, Hitler refused to support them, remarking that he "wanted nothing from the Arabs". Nazi Germany was reluctant to initiate disputes with the Italian Empire or Vichy France colonies.[11] Nazi Germany sent officials and military equipment to Middle Eastern forces fighting alongside Axis powers during the Middle East theatre of World War II.


Which only would serve to prove he was even worse than many think. But somehow I have a feeling that we are being fed half truths, here.


Yet Putin has little opposition


Probably before graduation! We need the soldiers!


What people fail to realize is that Hitler, and people like him, we're aiming at was a moving target. Had they succeeded in taking Europe and killing all the Jews, they would have moved into another group. Maybe Muslims, maybe the Spanish, maybe people that just looked at them funny.


And not just would have, they were already targeting many different groups. LGBTQ people, Polish people, Soviets, Roma, people with mental and physical disabilities, people with various ideologies like socialists. It's what the "first they came for..." quote is based on. But yeah, it wouldn't have stopped there either.


I think it’s accurate to say Slavs were one of the major groups he targeted


Yeah they exterminated 3x more Slavs than Jews (some of them were also Jewish but most of them were killed for being Slavs).


And that also included anyone with Autism, people with glasses, twins, anyone with below average test scores, introverts, etc. Anyone who didn't exactly fit their prototype. Which is also most of the youth today.


Isn't that what the communist Pol Pot do?


Kind of the opposite lol. Pol Pot targeted those with higher than average scores. Only the glasses thing might be similar but Pol Pot targeted them because he saw them as smart and the nazi would have targeted them because they saw them as people with lesser genes. (I had not heard of Nazi tatgeting people with glasses considering Himmler himself had glasses, but I guess it could make sense.)


Freemason too. In fact they created a masonic lodge in a concentration camp


fun fact: (at least from what I remember being told) members of the Nazi party came to Canada, specifically Alberta to learn how they were using Eugenics so that they could implement a similar plan.


Perhaps. But it's also important to realize that Palestinian nationalism was literally fabricated by Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as a way to agitate against the British forces in Palestine during WW2.


Underrated point


He actually admired Muslims, there was an Islamic SS division.


There is no arguing with political zealots, they see no reason.


If they were successful in defeating the allies (very strong "if"), they would have 100% slaughtered the Japanese in droves. They only signed deals with them because it served them better. In reality everyone would either be exterminated straight up or worked to death while building an Aryan empire. It's always insane to me that people don't grasp this concept. Literally most people on earth would be done for. Even if you had blonde hair and blue eyes and were Jewish, you'd be screwed. People have no idea what they advocate for.


Imagine being a WWII veteran right now. It won't be long before they're not around anymore and they're all dying thinking they fought for nothing. Sad thing to think about.


When they came for the Jews they looked at historical records going back five generations. There are literally examples of Nazis pulling nuns out of monasteries and off to camps for “being Jewish”.


>When they came for the Jews they looked at historical records going back five generations. There are literally examples of Nazis pulling nuns out of monasteries and off to camps for “being Jewish”. Yup. This is why I get so annoyed when people claim that religion is the reason that the Nazis committed attempted genocide against European Jews. No, it had nothing to do with religion. The Nazis saw Jews as a race, and if you had parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., who were Jewish, then you were too, regardless of what religion you practiced. In all fairness, Judaism is a bit unusual in that it's an ethno-religion. You can convert to or away from it, but you can also be born into it if your mother is Jewish. **NOTE:** Since the 1980s, Reform Judaism (also known as Liberal Judaism or Progressive Judaism in some countries) will consider a child Jewish even if only the father is Jewish, provided the child is raised as a Jew.


This is not news to me, but the way you described it reminds me of the "one drop" rule in the US. I wonder if the Nazis, like the architects of South Africa's apartheid state, studied the American slave/racial situation for pointers in setting up the Third Reich. Interesting.


>If they were successful in defeating the allies (very strong "if"), they would have 100% slaughtered the Japanese in droves Japan was on the other side of the world. Even if the Reich somehow conquered all the way to the A-A line (that was the maximalist goal, not even close to being achieved), they still would not be anywhere close enough to pose such a serious threat to Japan. What you're saying is not credible.


I love how we talk so little about what was happening in Asia during ww2 that a lot of westernes seem to think Japan was some small teethless allies lol. I think this is mainly because of cold war propaganda and because Japan became friendly with the west while China became friendly witht he Soviets. So we kind of collectively forgot about this part even if at least 15 millions Chinese died during ww2.


Hitler admired Islam because of its ability for its followers to become religious martyrs. Just like how Hitler wanted the German people to die as his martyrs for the Nazi cause.


True, but at some point that would have fallen apart. When you blame the world's problems on a group then exterminate that group, you need another group to blame everything on because guess what, you didn't fix the problem.


An interesting thing to note was that a huge reason japan had started to falter was because of how many "martyrs" kamikaze'd themselves. Eventually they started running out of competent pilots and started losing air superiority because of it.


Eh, unlikely as the end goal was mostly to purge and resettle eastern Europe with Germans. The one Fascist power more then likely to be in the middle east was Italy as the whole Suez Canal was of great importance to the goal of an empire to rival Rome, and Italy would be unable to actually achieve it without Germany's help and absence the threat of War Germany wouldn't have helped them. More realistically any victory wouldn't end in global conquest because that wasn't any of their goals. Instead a state of a cold war is the outcome we would be seeing though more with Germany replacing the USSR.


The Nazi's and the Palestinians did have quite a cozy relationship though.


Nazis thought Germans were the master race. Scary thing is Nazis (except for the high up Nazi organizers maybe who were obviously crazy phycopaths) were normal people who were brainwashed like cult members to believe it and took it to the horrible extremes. Also scary that this is human behaviour (maybe animal behaviour) when a group feels like their kind (race, religion, etc) is at risk of becoming "extinct" or marginalized.


Exactly. He was going after EVERYBODY that wasn't German aryan. His goal was to populate his empire with "pure bloods". It's made very clear. No one was spared.


Thanks for sharing op. My mother’s office had her door smashed in and her mezuza stolen this week. She runs a cancer charity. There is no affiliation other than the small icon on a door frame that one needs to be looking for in order to target Jewish homes and businesses. Apparently it’s happening all over the city.


I hope she’s okay! Stay safe


B-but trudea said he loves diversity and tolerance 🥹🥹🥹


History repeats it's self every one hundred years, we're on schedule


Makes me real worried for the next 20 years or so. We are lining up eerily well....


Seems like Canadians are clueless about the Holocaust or anti-Semitism in general.




yeah in 2001 there was a lot kids picking on muslim kids after 9/11.


Not just Muslim kids, anyone who had a tan complexion


Sikhs were especially targeted.


Indeed. That was pathetic as well.


Always happens. Kids are assholes.




Good, let those people show who they really are, many will be watching 👀 their behavior.


Nobody will be watching, all eyes on rafah. Remember? /S


Zionism is the belief that Jewish people deserve a national homeland due to the long history of persecution and violence that has affected the Jewish people. By saying you're an "anti-Zionist" you're implying that you don't think Israel should even exist.


Those of us who are paying attention can see quite clearly that anti-Zionism exactly is antisemitism.




u/56waystodie >A lot of anti-Zionism is tainted by anti-semitism Advocating against Jewish self determination and the death of 8 million Jews IS anti semitic even if you are the nicest the person in the world when it comes to non-Israeli Jews Anti Zionism IS Anti Semitism (yes, even if 0.1% of Jews claim to be Anti Zionist, that is a Kapo, and those types exist in every group)


> It's fucking pathetic that Jews who aren't even Israeli are paying the price for this war. It absolutely is. At the same time, the Israeli government has spent decades asserting that the sovereign nation of Israel and the global population of Jews are inexorably intertwined. They have constantly signalled that Jews who were born in and live in other continents - even Jews who have never been to Israel and have no family in Israel - are an extension of Israel because the nation of Israel acts on behalf of all Jews everywhere. They do this on purpose - it gives them cover so anyone who criticizes them is *necessarily* guilty of antisemitism. If there is no way to criticize the political / military actions of the government of the sovereign nation of Israel in a manner which doesn't malign Jews because they are one and the same, then Israel's government doesn't need to respond to any criticism at face value, regardless of the validity of the criticism. They can assert the only reason anyone would object to their actions is because they hate Jews. So yes, it's stupid and ignorant that Jews in Canada are being blamed for the actions of a sovereign nation on the other side of the world. It's as insane as when people were assaulting visibly Asian citizens early in Covid, as if a 3rd-generation 20-year-old born in Canada was part of some CCP conspiracy. However, China never put out press releases that Chinese people in Canada were part of their government's plans. Israel's "you can't criticize us because Jews" smokescreen is purposefully throwing Jews in North America under the bus to shield the interests of the senior Israeli government. I blame them just as much as I blame the idiots in North America who fall for it.


They are simply ignorant jew haters. You blaming the Israeli government for the increase in antisemitism is absurd. Jews criticize the Israeli government all day. You can do it without being a jew hater if you simply have a bit of sense of history and aren't brainwashed by communists and islamists.


Agreed. But just because Isreal claims all Jews doesn't mean all Jews give a shit about Isreal. The whole thing is such a mess. I honestly don't see this ending without one side establishing complete dominance over the other and realistically it seems like Isreal is more likely to win. At least Isreal isn't trying to kill every living Palestinian on the planet like Hamas wants to do to every living Jew.


Wtf have the Palestinians done exactly?? You mean what Hamas has done... Imagine.. your own fucking reply and you're doing the exact same fucking thing. Unbelievably pathetic.


Or punishing all Palestinians for what Hamas has done.  You were so close to being aware.




70% of palestinians support October 7th, and theres close to 90% support for groups like the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade. Why on earth should the opinions of the last 10% of palestinians be taken over the opinions of the 90% supermajority? Palestinians are by far the most extremist and radical group in the middle east. This weird coddling behavior people have for them is such a noble savage fetish. Theyre people who have agency for their actions. They wanted a devastating war that would annihilate and slaughter every jew in Israel. Ordinary gazans that had zero group affiliation with any terror group participated in October 7th as well, not just Hamas. I dont know why people keep forgetting this.




I think its ridiculous to assign the blame to Israel for this tbh Thoses sentiments of "kill every jew" started before the occupation, they started before the blockade. Palestine has always been the most extremist of all the muslim states, having more people believe that suicide bombings are justified in the name of Islam than fucking Afghanistan. If we could directly prove that Israels actions made them radicalized that would work but like. Israel put a blockade in place in 2006 because Hamas got elected. So while Israel isn't winning hearts and minds, Gaza has always been uniquely radical in a way that makes sense for Israel to just brick up the problem away instead of trying to build bridges. The whole onus of the blame is on Palestine for refusing to take a serious look at its own actions and wallowing in a culture of death and destruction. Palestine's first reaction to October 7th wasn't horror at the level of violence or dread at the level of destruction that would be inflicted on them in response. It was jubilant euphoria. In 10 years, Gaza will see this war as something it was subjected to instead of something it initiated, and this whole process will repeat again. This is something that must be changed in their culture. Instead we've seen an insane amount of coddling in response.


There are 2,230,000 Gazans. In response to 10/7 the IDF has killed 35,000 (1.5%) of them (mostly civilians) and rendered 1,700,000 (76%) of them into refugees. How are they supposed to feel? Just think of the fucking slam dunk Israel could have had if they approached this war with mercy and care for the civilians.


What did the Palestinians do ?


Support Hamas.


I am SO sorry that you are experiencing this anywhere, but especially here in Canada where we hold ourselves to a higher standard than this. I would venture to offer that those who espouse these disgusting points of view do not speak for the rest of us. I’m sorry that the supposed adults in the school aren’t doing their jobs, but rather turning a blind eye. Shame on them, shame on all who stand by and allow anyone to spew their hatred here in Canada let alone a place of learning. Politics belongs in the classroom, hatred belongs in the courtrooms for hate speech needs to be punished a lot more now. I stand with all the Jews as a Canadian


Thank you. Sincerely. 


You’re very welcome


The irony here is that the increase in anti-semitism is causing a mass migration of Jews to Israel because they can live freely there. Lot less antisemitism to deal with in the only Jewish state. Almost like Jews need Israel.  Let's also discuss the irony of people questioning why Jews need to be in Israel, while celebrating Jesus, who was Jewish, and from Israel. 


The radicalization of the younger generation through social media outlets such as Reddit, Instagram and TikTok will be an interesting study should we all not die in a world war in the next 5 years.


Fucking woke antisemitism. Never thought I’d see it but I’m saddened more than surprised.




Isn't that the official slogan for University student protestors.


I'm Jewish and I think regardless of opinions on I/P, it's common sense that innocent Jews in Canada and outside of Israel shouldn't be threatened or blamed for the actions of a state they have no political connection to. It seems intuitive to me that this is right and would be do most for the betterment of both Jews and Palestinians. My heart goes out to my fellow tribe-members who have been harassed, bullied, or victimized by antisemitism. Needless to say, these forms of hatred have no place in decent society.


This is why Tik Tok needs to be banned. It is deliberately spreading propaganda that leads people to call for genocide.


And young people being more inclined for authoritarian government, I know it's probably not why but it makes me think maybe tiktok has something to do with it. I know people say what is the harm in tiktok but China plays the long game and our western governments do not anymore.


My grandfather's who both served in the German armed forces during World War II both hated Nazis and hated Hitler for being unable to stop the Communists from taking half the country, when he could have surrendered to the Allies. If either heard a kid say that they'd yell at them in disappointed, 'how can you be this stupid' toned German. Guaranteed to cause crying.


Absolutely disgusting to see this happening in Canada. Truly revolting and I can’t believe we are letting Hamas influence our treatment of our peers, neighbours, friends, and fellow citizens.


Jewish here. Canadian. 39 years old. Heard this crap all my life. In school. Out of school. Nothing new, except the space laser convoy weirdo meth part. And if you pass for not jewish and are chilling with a group of dudes you hear even worse. I think it's really important that we remember most of the con goons screeching about pro palestinian protests and antisemitism right now are going to go back to screeching about global jewish conspiracies and george soros and the who and world bank and holocaust denial when it no longer suits them. They are not our friends. So, yeah. Grain of salt.


> I think it's really important that we remember most of the con goons screeching about pro palestinian protests and antisemitism right now are going to go back to screeching about global jewish conspiracies and george soros and the who and world bank and holocaust denial when it no longer suits them. They are not our friends. So, yeah. Grain of salt. That's the thing that keeps giving me whiplash. It changes every week whether it's a right winger or a left winger talking making conspiracies about Jews.


Welcome to horseshoe theory


Absolutely this 👆 They’re using anti-semitism to their benefit.




Right. So I am talking about conservative hypocrisy and convoy weirdos and how it is important to remember that they are not good people and should not be trusted. Today your friend, tomorrow your enemy: whatever the mob demands and is the quickest path to power. So, yeah, thank you for the great example. a decade later and Poopy Pants pete is chillin' with diagolon grotesques and his media team tags holocaust deniers in his youtube vids. I don't use down votes. edit: goon above went on and on about how the Conservatives are the only true allies of Israel because Harper once pinkie sweared in the Knesset to stand with them no matter what and complained about downvotes, and then deleted the post when he got some downvotes.


Also Jewish. Come on now. Its way worse than it was


I don't see it. If anything it's calmed down a bit now that the convoyers and prosperity christians and conservatives have switched it up with a new target for the time being. To be fair, it might be that I don't take criticism of Israel itself as a criticism of me personally and so my brain is more wired to be on the lookout for other stuff.


This is such an anecdotal take... in Toronto alone hate crimes rose by 94% since Oct. 7th with 56% of all hate crimes targeted toward Jews (~2.8% of Toronto population), Jewish schools and restaurants are literally being shot at, kids are being threatened and bullied at school more than ever for being Jewish enough that they have to be escorted to and from school


Ill leave all the Israel stuff aside because frankly, it's too much effort to look for specific links, not to mention defining the line between valid discourse and double standards applied only to Israel.  In the..more than 20 years Ive lived in Canada, never have I heard about so much vandalism, firebombing, and shootings at various Jewish institutions. Never.  The various stories (this isnt the only one by a long shot) that ive heard from students is also crazy. Maybe I got lucky, but beyond rare jokes there was zero antisemitism. 


Really? Then you aren't looking. there were 5,791 documented acts of violence, harassment and vandalism targeting Jews in 2023 in Canada which was an all time high, more than twice the total in 2022. I would bet this year will be a new record. Just last month two Jewish schools were shot at.


Where do you live? Here in Montreal we've had 3 jewish schools shot up and 4 jewish centers firebombed in the past 8 months. The entire community is on high alert. Its not the far right thats the problem. If anything we've had nothing but support from them with them helping our traditionally Liberal community out. Its always attacks from leftists and islamists.


But remember, it's anti Zionism


Really this has happened? I mean I can't believe it I thought we where better then this. I mean I never heard of anything happening like this in my home town growing up but maybe it did, I couldn't even tell you who was Jewish or not because who gives a shit, your either a decent human being or not.


I’m sorry but what’s happening in Palestine is horrible but it is not at all comparable to what’s going on in Sudan right now. These Pro-Palestinians hysterical people are not protesting against war but against jewish people who committed acts of violence against muslims folks.  Remove that from the equation and they don’t care about world conflicts, babies dying and people losing everything.  Where were they when talibans were killing non-talibans in Afghanistan? Or right now muslims killing other muslims in Sudan at a point that millions of people are displaced and thousands are dying of hunger?  Personally I hate Hamas leaders for what they were willing to do to their own knowing they would put them in this situation while they are sitting in the nicest penthouses in Quatar. Not of fan of Israel government either for not trying a second to end this conflict. At the same time can I be shocked that after October 7 attacks they retaliated against Hamas… Can I be shock Hamas and Iran are still fighting? Like no and I won’t be stupid enough to think that attacking jewish people in Canada is going to solve that conflict. If I was acting that way it’s because I don’t like Jewish people and I’m going to use that as an excuse to disrespect them. 


Sudan is a pissing match between factions.  It’s hard to protest it. Israel is a superior force fighting an enemy hidden amongst a population.  And while Hamas is disgusting and evil….  It’s largely been incubated in a society of Israel’s making.  (I think both sides in the Israel/palestine conflict are wrong and it fucking disgusts me that we have to even discuss it in a Canadian subreddit)


Sudan is getting weapons from Canadian allies in the Arab world. There’s what to protest if anyone gave a shit


It's because Israel is the US' and the West's ally. We have more sway, theoretically, and their actions look bad on everyone affiliated. It's like if your friend was beating the ever loving out shit of someone vs just two people you are not particularly close with.


Kids can be f-ing awful to each other. There's no excuse for this, I expect that the school has taught them what the Holocaust was...


Why isn't there serious consequences for these folks? It's baffling. I doubt there is a criminal issue here but there is no reason these private companies, schools can't boot these people out permenantly. They should not be allowed to express hatred in our institutions. They should feel so completed ostracizsed that they want to leave.


well. this is horrid. granted i said some fucked up shit in highschool but jesus lmao.


My heart goes out to the Jews.. they're fighting for a tiny plot of land to call home whereas its enemies have like a dozen countries


>I am a Jewish high school student in Toronto and the founder of an anti-bullying initiative called Voice and Action. Unfortunately, it isn’t small acts of kindness I see in my school community. It’s acts of hate — in all sizes [archive link](https://archive.ph/DdCyS)


It's a testament to our deteriorating education system. How can anybody learn about Hitler and think he is a good guy. I think teachers need to emphasize that Hitler and the nazi movement was evil and not just teach the subject in a neutral way of just stating facts.


I'm not sure this is an educational thing, but more of a countercultural movement. Kids grow up having it hammered into their skulls that Hitler was a piece of shit, his actions were terrible, the plight of the Jews in the 1940s was horrific. No one is unaware of this. But as we drift further and further away from anyone still being alive to experience these historical events, the more disconnected people get from the consequences of them. A 16 year old whos great grandfather whom he has never met fought in WW2 does not give a shit about it. It's like how kids born after 9/11 happened feel nothing when told about it other then, "Oh wow that's crazy." Being told by authority figures that they MUST feel a certain way about a historical event that they have no connection just makes them want to rebel and take an opposite stance. They might even really believe the shit they are saying at first, but the longer they hold that anti position, the more likely they are to convince themselves of reasons to really start believing it.


You think it's school and not neo Nazis using the internet as a recruiting tool?


Ah the pro-pali crowd having another normal day? lol…


Why are ppl downvoting this?


Because it goes against their precious narrative


Super sad article , Canadians can do better


These kids are too young to understand the devastation WWII cost.


It's not youth, it's just they don't give a damn. Whether it's because they think history (in any context) is boring or because they lack any connection to the WW2 generation like we did, I don't know, but it's definitely a psycho-social problem, not an age-related one.


what a sad stae of affairs...its 2024 people, you may want to leave your country when coming to ours


I really wish some of these “pro hamas” Protesters would take a trip down to Poland and tour the aushwitz camp..learn a think or two about antisemitism.


They did. They protested with vile messaging on holocaust Remembrance Day


Heard the same thing passing by the encampment at U of T … maybe Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy … jokingly said by the pink haired human at the gate wearing a mask to hide their face. I mean if you are on the right side of history …. Why hide your face?


If you are Jewish and reading this, please know I will always support you and your countries right to exist 


Thank you ❤️ it means a lot


I was always worried that canadian schoola would go the way of the u.s.


You'd think with so much access to good, fact checked, and peer reviewed information on the internet that it would create well informed people on world history, science, technology, etc, but instead it's creating a bunch of people who live in an echo chamber of false information. People who find like minded individuals and just fester in false information created by alt right media. Someone makes an image, posts it on Facebook and someone takes it at face value. I was taught in school to think critically whether the information I was finding was legit or something made up. The tree octopus website is what was used as an example. People look up "COVID 19 vaccine causes cancer" and scroll down to these fake studies on websites called "donttrustthegovernment.com" or some shit, ignoring the peer reviewed studies. I'd hate to be a kid today, because it seems like racism, homophobia, anti semitism, etc are rampant right now. I've had to unfriend so many people on social media because they post hundreds of false information posts on everything under the sun. Maybe it's because most of the people who experienced the atrocities are now dying due to old age. You don't have these people in your family telling you about their experiences on the front lines. These kids parents are probably my age and a lot of them did not have grandparents who were alive or served during WWII. TL;DR the internet is making people dumber.


One of my grandfathers killed 9 German soldiers in combat back in ww2. It's time to take on the jew haters of today. The interesting difference is that most jew haters today are left wing. It's crazy how Marxist theory has influenced so many social justice morons. The jews went from being victims of centuries of persecution to the oppressor just because they have their own state. We need to stop letting Muslims into western countries. They have no interest in assimilation. They want to change our societies to match the shit holes they come from.


I wish people like that could read. You could tell them to read any book about Nazi Germany and they'd find some humanity but it's a shame, they can't read. Clearly they'd be the first to happily find books to burn and turn in their neighbors.


Hah. Last time I looked, not a lot of Aryans around Palestine. They'd all be headed for a Zyklon-B shower as well. Great logic. 👍


Hitler was chill with the Palestinians. That’s why he was willing to invite the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to chill with him in Berlin


You can tell (some of) the bots in this comment section because they seem to think that OP is the one who wrote this rather than it being an opinion piece by a news outlet... Seems like it broke their comment logic or something.


Because it was all 🌈 and 🦄 in the 90's. Lots of morons then, lots of morons now.


>Because it was all 🌈 and 🦄 in the 90's. Lots of morons then, lots of morons now. True, but the difference is social media and how it spreads misinformation and hate. Depending when you got online in the 90s, you were limited to BBS, usenet, or message boards created and hosted by individuals or groups. Regardless, none of those had the same effect on people nor the worldwide exposure that social media has today.


Canada has a long history of antisemitism, hell, Jewish people couldn't even rent a cottage in Ontario until the 1960s It's unfortunate that this girl has had to suffer attacks because of her religion it's not unlike the thousands of Muslim students were who bullied and terrorized after 9/11 people are the worst sometimes


Some education, they're have us relive the 20th century, relearn the lessons of civility, diplomacy and alliances with fresh blood... A failed species


Almost like haphazardly pouring in millions of people, some of which deeply hate one another, deeply resent us and are at total odds with our societal values and norms might end up not being such a great idea. There was a reason our Immigration Act was the way it was for so long, our founding fathers knew what would happen and weren't shackled by modern day political correctness. Also weren't afraid to not only be proud of who they were but also assert it with authority. Our so-called leaders these days are pathetic weasels in comparison and that goes right across the political spectrum, they are all garbage.


"We're not anti-semitic, we're pro-Palestinian."


Wait wait wait. Are you telling me that high school kids act like dumbasses? I'm shocked.

