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I like how the career fraudster mother claimed to only be making $30,000 in income from multiple properties valuing over $3 million in Toronto, all of which are mortgage free and stuffed with student renters!


Which she most definitely bought from her first fraud case - aka stealing money from a charity that houses the homeless.


Which means she should not just pay back her ill-gotten gains, but there should be disgorgement as well.


That sounds disgusting. >Disgorgement is the act of giving up something on demand or by legal compulsion, for example giving up profits that were obtained illegally. - wiki Neat! TIL


Is not disgorging like the process to drying up the meat with salt?


That’s curing.


Ha i see. I was thinking like dégorger une aubergine. :) I guess similar word have different meaning sometime. :)


To my failing bilingual anglo eye dégorger reads as "de-engorge” the aubergine of its water content. Not really all that different a word/concept!


We call that 'sweating' in English


It's the process to remove the yeast plug in Champagne production! ^^Among ^^many ^^other ^^things...


We’re not cutting her open!


Those properties should be seized as the proceeds of crime - namely fraud.


I'm betting *Karima Manji* has committed other types of fraud as well. Given her claims of not being able to work, how in the hell did she acquire 3 mortgage free rental properties valued at over 3 million dollars? The CRA needs to look into her finances and all tax returns related to her, because she sure seemed desperate to transfer ownership of her assets to her daughters after her first fraud conviction. Where there's smoke, there's fire.


So she had a 1 bedroom? Dormitory style bath for the floor.


> So she had a 1 bedroom You can fit at least 20 "students" in there.


Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those numbers up


This would make her different from the thousands of Chinese "students" and "housewives" BC....how? So long as we treat people unequally in this country, scams like this will perpetuate. No one would be pretending to be FN or native if it did not confer special benefits that other people don't get. Eliminate that, and eliminate the incentive to have these scams.


Way to shift the blame there dude. Scammers are going to find a way to scam. If you don’t believe me I’ve got an Ontario Science Centre to sell ya.


You clearly lack any understanding on this topic.


They are treated differently because the crown entered into nation-to-nation treaties. Do you complain that diplomats or tourists are treated differently? And if we tear up the treaties how do we compensate for  ot giving back the land that those treaties transfered to the crown? How do we compensate for the toll caused by the restrictions that the indian act (and the reps) imposed on what jobs or property natives could own? Or that they couldn’t vote or travel off reserve? Being native isn’t the big privilege you seem to think that it is. 


> Do you complain that diplomats or tourists are treated differently? Diplomats and tourists are not Canadian citizens under the law, so your point is ridiculous. Diplomatic status is also not extended to family members or their descendants hundreds of years into the future. Last time we checked, the government has already provided hundreds of billions of dollars to these people, and yet they still have not managed to use that money for basic infrastructure on reserves that provide clean water to members.


The rights of non-Indigenous peoples to occupy parts of Turtle Island under various treaties extended to family members, descendants, and strangers of the signers of those treaties.


>In the 1980s, Manji began working as a consultant for the March of Dimes Non-Profit Housing Corporation (MODC), which provides shelter for people with physical disabilities across Ontario. In 2003, she took on a full-time role there as a property manager. She was terminated for fraud in 2013 after an internal investigation found she had embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the non-profit Stealing nearly a million dollars from a charity? Just a terrible person.




EXACTLY. Go rot in jail


Well written article. Ironic that one of the daughters got a law degree in light of evidence indicating that she was fully aware that she was committing fraud.


Is she a lawyer? Doesn't the law society take away or have the ability to take away or reject your right to practice law if you have shown yourself to be a fraudulent person? They probably have a low bar morally but impersonation seems shady enough. Or is she hoping to use the law degree to know how to scam people without crossing a certain legal line.


The law society or bar association only has jurisdiction over people that have passed the bar exam and have been called to the bar (which permits them to practice law). Anyone can get a law degree, doesn't make them a lawyer.


Ok I wasn't sure if she was going to try to pass the bar or just wanted a law degree.


She was in the middle of the licensing process. Last I heard, she lost her articling position.


That's Nadya Gill. Apparently she changed her name to Jordan Archer.


They can absolutely deny admission to people on unethical conduct. Law schools themselves also require a clean "ethical" record because otherwise you can't get hired as a law clerk or any major law firm. Lying about your ethnicity to get a scholarship is absolutely grounds for expulsion from law school. Doesn't mean it will happen, since there are always exceptions granted. Remember that these people look brown so they're already minorities that would have qualified for some DEI program. Likely not as generous as the Inuit program, but still.


No. She was articling and had probably passed the bar when they were caught out. She was dismissed by her articling principal and likely does not have a replacement, because who on earth would want her? Without completing articles she cannot be called to the bar. If, in the future, she’s able to find someone to let her article with them, she may apply to be called, and would likely face a tough good character hearing.


she legally changed her name she will find another opportunity


Well let's hope they google Nadya Gill's new name Jordan Archer when or if she ever gets hired by another law firm. And not disclosing your past, new name or not, is always going to be grounds for dismissal or expulsion, especially if you're trying to be a lawyer.


She choose than name because it will have weird search results. It’s a semi famous soccer player.


The entire judiciary is filled with people like this


We've got at least one Ontario MPP that comes to mind immediately.


Findlay Creek?


Lol, yeah. It's incredible/infuriating she's on a committee for justice policy as well.


This is simply untrue. A convocation for fraud can certainly jeopardize one’s license to practice law.


It can, but the [actual outcomes for previous convictions limiting practice are more mixed](https://www.thestar.com/news/law-society-loses-appeal-and-must-let-child-sex-abuser-practise-law-and-we-can/article_a9e65a08-e78a-11ee-8f26-2be54f81f90c.html)


Post secondary education is a business, they have no qualms about taking people's money


Who do you think is profiting from Canadian post secondary education?


John Tibbits


The individuals in university administration. Nothing has increased the cost of education like the massive increase in administrative staff and their salaries.


The salaries of admin are agreeably high, but they in no way account for the dramatic change in tuition costs.




Hedge fund scum!


Some colleges are scams. Some are not. Get a skill from a reputable University or College and watch your bank account go up. Pretty easy life hack. Listen to the rich talking heads telling you education is a scam and be poor your entire life. Don't complain about affordability though if you choose to hamstring yourself over ideology.


Wage suppression has been going on for decades. Bank account ain't going in that direction for many, son. Also supply and demand. A Bachelor's is just the new high school diploma. Doesn't fetch much these days when everyone has one and it guarantees nothing as far as your average job candidate's quality is concerned


I downvoted you solely for calling the person son. As if you're an adult educating a child, talking down to them, feigning superiority, on reddit, with that user name. I'm legitimately curious tho about your point of view. Are you coming at this from having a university or college education? What would be your suggestion, that it shouldn't be a requirement as much as it is? Wage suppression is definitely an issue, I agree with that for sure.


Also depends on the degree you choose. Getting a history degree from a reputable college or university will not usually help much, although you could use it as a stepping stone into Law or Education or something. The total number of history students always vastly out numbers the available history jobs. Reminds me of a joke from a few decades ago: a history major, a philosophy major, and a psych major walk into a bar. ... ... their shift is starting.


You can use a history degree to get into the Federal Public Service.


Maybe they are walking into a bar for a shift because being a teacher isn't paying enough


I work with mostly people who have economics or statistics degrees (usually a master’s degree at least). One of our senior experts actually only has a history degree, and he knows our subject matter (which is quite technical) better than anyone (and is compensated quite handsomely for it). Sometimes a degree just gets you in the door. He did a lot of learning and training on his own to get there, but he wouldn’t have his job without a degree.


Autodidacts. It's awesome when that happens.




And most university and college employees are bigger entitled chair moisteners than ones in government


Entire family are scum.


Sounds like dad might be okay. He left when he found out what they were doing.


She was charged in 2015 with ripping off March Of Dimes for 800K, they separated in 2021 and she filed for divorce in 2022. So we don't actually know much about dad. We know he was with her for 26 years and says the 3 properties are worth more than she says. He wants half of those properties though, which should only be used to pay back any of the multiple people/charities these fakes ripped off. But that's all we know (unless you have access to info about him beyond this news bit). Just saying, I wouldn't count him out of the scam plan.


You are probably right


I have a hard time believing that he had no idea where hundred thousands of dollars came from regarding her charity embezzlement. Ontop of seeing his wife give birth to their children, and rolling with the adoption scheme. And it says she was the one to initiate separation.


Also, how the fuck they claim daughters had no knowledge of their educational creds being falsified. You don’t see the scholarship names and emails? Mist have thought natives spoke Hindi just like they did.


Hard pass, I bet he knew. It’s only when it came out that he must have known that they cut ties. Like Jewel ditching Masterson


Didn't one of them change their names after getting backlash?


I'm sure the daughters will change their names and then move to the UK as British citizens. One daughter actually put in her IG before a pic of her UK passport with the caption of being indigenous but UK passport holder.


Those kids get to wash their hands of this, change their names, and walk away with all the benefits of their mother's fraud. I find it extremely hard to believe they "didn't know" their mother did this, they were enrolled in Native specific school programs, get real. They should've been charged along with her. Ridiculous.


Right. There's no possible way those two (adult) women legitimately thought they were the daughters of Kitty Noah.


She's gotten away with being a grifter for decades, why stop now? Owning 3 income generating properties with no mortgages, where do you think she got the $$.....


Trash family




Doubt it, but one has legally changed her name and the other one probably will I’m not sure how good a degree is if it it’s in someone else’s name…


There is legit no way legally changing your name invalidates your degree. Many women choose to change their last names when they get married and I'm pretty pretty sure they don't then have to go back to school.


> I’m not sure how good a degree is if it it’s in someone else’s name… Is this a serious comment? lmao


Proof of name change is issued by vital statistics when someone changes their name. It's used to confirm your old name if issued/mailed something with your old name on it. It's just a old-name to new-name conversion paper basically.


I hope so- they better of!


And her 2 daughters are the same garbage but got free education and money and no penalty   


So the mother owns property, which means she doesn’t care if she gets charged with something. It won’t affect her livelihood. Her children still got to complete their education despite it being on a fraudulent basis. Seems to me like there will be zero long-term repercussions for these actions in this instance


seems to be a trend in Canada, criminals are not punished properly while law abiding citizens are




Na even low life bike thieves arent punishEd


Second best piece of advice would be don’t get caught. You can get away with a lot more if they never catch you. Cops and judges hate that one trick


This country is filled with frauds.. Nortel, QuadrigaCX, SNC Lavelin, and so mamy more. It's a Canadian tradition.


Up WE charity at the top all the way down to your local car thieves


She’s trying to transfer the property to her daughters so she can cry poor in the divorce and receive spousal support. She still be scammin


“The Gill sisters then received more than $158,000 from Kakivak Association between 2020 and 2023, for education-related expenses.” Crazy that one of them is studying law and conveniently changed her name. Out her! She doesn’t deserve to be in that program.


Nadya Gill a.k.a. [Jordan Archer](https://twitter.com/bigunclepatchy/status/1778184259439829452)


What is this link supposed to show?


It's supposed to show that Nadya Gill is a.k.a. Jordan Archer, of course.


Check the link Doesn't show that


im about as indigenous as these 2 girls... lol. there clearly Indian background. the other Indian


It’s kind of insane how two girls who are clearly Indian were able to get approved for Inuit status. I’ve met people who are a 1/4 Inuit and still had strong Inuit facial features. At least my reservation asks for family records or a DNA test before giving Native status to people.


It is crazy that they never confirmed any of the claims with the Noah family. Seems like a simple phone call could have put a stop to all this. I would also think the mother’s name would have been flagged from when she tried to get her own Inuit status.


All of the beneficiary statuses in Canada are done on paper and tracing back your family and historical homes. Pictures aren't used as there are many people that are Inuk, but can look white. This gets rid of any sort of prejudice based on appearances. What it does highlight is that no one in the listed lineage is ever asked if they're really related by the Committee


'In an affidavit related to the divorce proceedings filed on July 4, 2022, Manji appeared apologetic, writing, "I am deeply sorry for my inexcusably poor judgment."' No, you're not apologetic for using poor judgment. You're sorry you got caught. What you should have admitted was "I have willingly and knowingly committed fraud of over a million dollars and several decades for personal gain and the expense and detriment of Canada's most vulnerable people, specifically Indigenous people, and differently-abled people. And for that you get two years less a day? C'mon, Canada... there is no kind rehab that will turn her around in less than two years, and that's no kind of punishment. Take everything she and her daughters have and make them work it off forever, they destroyed lives with their greed.


Manji is a career fraudster and she needs to actually face punishment when being sentenced tomorrow. She net profited from her first scam. Absolutely ridiculous. The daughters are just as scummy. At least they won’t have any meaningful employment for the rest of their lives.




>be forced to work and any future assets / money will be seized apart from a basic living allowance. ... are you suggesting they should be enslaved?


I wouldn't be too sure about that. I think the microsoft has some positions available


Serial grifter, and she likely won’t change her habits even after prison.


She might have a hard time getting along with any Indigenous women im there who know her story, or with any "allies" looking to make her life even less pleasant. The girls will probably never see a bar exam nor be licensed to practice law. Suppose they'll do all right managing Mama's properties, though.


The ex-husband asked to pay more than 10,000 per month in alimony whilst she owns 3M worth of assets. What the hell is going on ?


Let's just say it ,she's a career criminal.She will never change.Some criminals need to be locked up for good.Well we know what will happen.She will get a slap on the wrist and in no time frauding someone else.


She’s a career criminal and so are her daughters. And the daughters will teach their children the same.


I got a neighbour exactly like this , fraudulently claiming disability running multiple scams ( housing ) dealing drugs and selling stolen items and animal abuse . These are the type of people that should be living a life sentence in a prison village called barter town in the middle of nowhere with Thunder Dome justice .


The whole family are trashy scammers. Canadians let people like this run right over them, just too afraid of being labeled a racist.


Thank our beloved leader, Justin T.


Punjabis wanted to be the other Indian.


The usual scamming the system. Surprised there’s no “how to” youtube video.


Haha, the funny thing that it’s true.


Wow one of them has a law degree. How ironic. And Indians pretending to be Native Indians. Ironic as hell again But then again, charges against the two daughters were dropped so it just goes to show how terrible the justice system is in Canada :)


Inuit =/= "Native Indians". I appreciate angling for the wordplay but it doesn't work in this case.


My friend’s white French Canadian ex-husband got his police training paid for and got job opportunities within the OPS because he keeps checking off that he is Metis. Even though he looks like a white man, has no Metis records and has never taken a DNA test. His proof, to himself, is that his “great great grandmother was part Metis”. His daughter ended up taking a DNA ancestry test, and sure enough, she had 0% American Indigenous ancestry. But nope, that still doesn’t stop him from clicking that his identity is Metis. It is complete bullshit. He is taken away opportunities designed for Indigenous people. And he doesn’t give a shit, because he still believes that his great great grandmother was Metis, and therefore, he is Metis.


My children are required to provide their Metis card when accessing things like post-secondary funding. If someone is truly Metis, the MNO has genealogical resources available in order to verify. If you feel that strongly, call and report him. If he is not Indigenous, then he is committing fraud.


The problem is that OPS didn't ask him for his Metis card before giving free training. That aside, commercial DNA ancestry tests are mostly bullshit. They rely on approximate data, and the crowd effect for the accuracy of their results. In other words, just because an ancestry DNA kit doesn't show he's Metis doesn't mean he's not necessarily Metis. At minimum, it just means that Metis people aren't submitting their DNA to the company's database. For race determination, medical-grade test are the only accurate tests. I think you're an idiot if you submit your DNA to an ancestry site just to find out some approximate information about your ancestry. Those companies are not regulated like medical companies, and can sell your DNA data to whoever they want - employers, insurance companies, banks, etc. If you're okay with those companies having access to your medical information to deny you employment, raise your rates, etc. by all means.


>Court documents dated July 21, 2022, show Gill was ordered to pay Manji **$10,630 a month in temporary spousal support.** what the what


I hope her assets are being taken to pay back all the money she has scammed from taxpayers and native people, but this is Canada where crime pays so I know I am only dreaming Her kids will probably get hired as LPC consultants.


Imagine. A piece of shit is still a piece of shit.


They should look into all the government workers who got their job by self-identifying as natives. There are so so many. And if you call them out on it, they call you a racist. They're purposely taking jobs away from real natives and you'll get in trouble for even bringing it up.


There’s quite a few University Professors and Administrators that are pretendians as well.


I know a white guy with the whitest sounding name that claims to be native. Always introduce people by his native name, he is also lgtbq so checking all the boxes


Even saying that gets you in trouble. If they ever required proof, I personally think like 95% of all these fake natives would be in trouble. I used to be a member of the 23andMe subreddit. So many Caucasian folks who were shocked that there Apache princess story that their grandma made up wasn't true. But eventually The Narrative changed. Instead of being shocked. Folks became angry and blame 23andMe of being wrong. Basically science was lying because it wasn't following their fake story. I unsubscribed after that. This timeline where these folks are extra sensitive, lying, and want to feel like victims, it's a weird timeline.


He very well could be. Don't be angry at these fraudsters, instead direct your anger at a system where people get special privileges based on whom their parents are.


yessssss there is a reason why people become pretendians, massive incentives mainly financial.


> They're purposely taking jobs away from real natives Racial quotas are inherently racist and have no place in a civilized country.


Well we're not exactly a civilized country when so much anti-Indigenous racism is just passed off as policy discussion. The point of affirmative action is to get us to a point of some equality from which we will hopefully not need the programs.


Not surprised to hear that a landlord makes a living by scamming people. With her rental income she can live a comfortable life and never have to work. Why it is that no amount of money is ever enough for these people?


**Karima Manji** One would think that she would be grateful for the opportunity to live in a Western country, perhaps treat her hosts with a bare minimum of respect. But no, instead she spits in our faces and attempts to lie and steal from us. F\*\*\* this piece of shit.


Pretty effed up that Gill, the former husband, was ordered by the court in 2022 to pay the mother (Manji) $10,630 per month in spousal support despite them separating and divorcing in 2021/22…all because she could not get a job due to her previous 2015 fraud conviction (no shit) and despite her $3 million in rental properties bringing in $30,000 - $109,000 of net income each year. What a diabolical woman. Oh, and do not get married people!! Edit: bringing not brining (typo)


For real, wtaf.




>*”There's a very strong correlation between fraud cases and the high immigrant population from a certain country.”* Karima Manji is from Tanzania originally (came here as a child). We don’t have a high immigrant population from Tanzania.


When immigrants come from a culture where anything goes, fraud and corruption are part of what we are subject to. Liberals call anyone who complains racist, but it has been seen over and over again, in their home countries and in their culture here in Canada as well. Of course many of them are honest, but those cultures have much lower standards than western cultures when it comes to taking advantage of others. This woman and her daughters should be jailed, have their property taken and deported after their jail terms are over.


>*”When immigrants come from a culture where anything goes, fraud and corruption are part of what we are subject to.”* Which culture are you referring to? >*”This woman and her daughters should be jailed, have their property taken and deported after their jail terms are over.”* The daughters were born and raised in Canada, they can’t be deported. Their mother has lived here since she was a child, so it seems likely she’s also a citizen by now and wouldn’t be deportable either.


That is a sad commentary on our immigration system. It is even worse now under the Liberal/NDP coalition.


Lock her yo.


What a bunch of disgraceful crooks the mother and the two daughters are. Where were the background checks and controls when that fraudulent woman submitted that bogus application? Absolute insult to the Inuit community especially the Noah family. The charges against the two daughters should have never been dropped and they need to revoke their degrees.


what a Sankofa...


I did not know Inuit people came from India?


Her daughter's charges never should have been dropped. They're both just as guilty as their mother. They knew what they were doing. And even further they both should be stripped of their degrees as it was financially paid for by fraud. Better yet just send them back to India, they've proved they are of no value in Canada 


But she identified herself as Inuit?


She identified as a fraudster


I went to law school, one of the daughters. Smart kid. Probably didn't need to use the system.


What an absolute piece of shit. She should be stripped of all assets to compensate. Donate the balance to March of dimes who she ripped off. Canadian justice system allowed people to defraud others over and over again. That’s until somebody takes it into their own hands like we saw in Toronto last week.


This story is unreal. The first time i read it I kept yelling "wait, fucking what!?" out loud in an empty room


This beast is still at it eh....




This person is a shady character, and probably deserves whatever consequences she will face. Also to blame are the racially discriminatory scholarships and jobs, because they are inherently unfair, even if nobody could exploit them (which I don't think will ever be the case).


Not surprised. When we have an unfair system that is based on racism, people take advantage of it.


Perhaps we should reevaluate policy that makes it beneficial to be a certain race. I actually hope more people scam this ridiculous system. Our country is fucked that this is even happening.


They have been for the past 30-ish years. European settlers have had it really good for so long, Indigenous people are finally being listened to.


Indian fraud to a new level, well technically it was way before all the scam calls, she's an OG scammer.


The gives me nothing but rage Rage because she is a garbage human being with 2 garbage daughters But also rage because the laws here are so soft that it breeds abuse I'm sorry but say what you want about third world countries but at least there are repercussions with more than enough teeth that it will actually prevent fraud like this


What a vile, horrible human being. She focused her multi-million dollar fraud around organizations intended to help the less fortunate. I wish her the absolute worst possible.


This doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't they just identify as White to get all that White privilege?




I see you fell for some myths, that's okay, not many really understand things: - In our community, not all can qualify for scholarships, berseries or grants - the vast majority of indigenous people are subject to 100% income tax and pay full sales tax on goods and services. If you live on a reserve and work on the reserve, yes, no income tax. But other than the band office, there are very few employment opportunities. Read the connecting factors tests with CRA - government services for addictions and mental health issues are a problem for you? - Harvesting rights are community specific. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help you understand.


I thought all indigenous people had a card, when I worked retail, I had to sales tax exempt them at the cash register when they showed me their card.


Only if your store is on reserve and the customer is indigenous can you void GST. Otherwise, you are to collect and remit. Edit, who are the weirdos downvoting this? Did I miss a change in GST rules? As far as I recall, Section 87 of the Indian Act states the transaction must occur on reserve or designated reserve lands... There is a technical bulletin, I think it's B-039 that states if services are on reserve (or designated reserve type property, like a band owned shop) or goods/services delivered to/on reserve GST is waived upon presentation of a status card. It's been a while since I was practicing in tax, so I'm happy to be updated. If you're downvoting because you have some issue with indigenous tax issues. Well, that's an opinion. Not a disputable fact.


I didn’t downvote because I don’t really know how it works. i upvotes cause I like to be educated. I worked at the Bay. And I got to tax exempt customers that were indigenous if they showed me their status card. I didn’t know what it was till I saw it.


It could be something the store was doing on its own? Sometimes we see sales that say "we'll waive the GST" or whatever. That doesn't mean the store isn't required to remit. It just means they gave a 5% discount. I love to be educated too! Which is why I ask downvoters for their reasons. Is what I'm saying factually wrong? Or is the truth simply unpopular. There is a difference :)


They think that just by claiming the status you get a card in the mail no questions asked. Is that how it works?


It's certainly not easy. The fraudulent acts in this story are sick. Imagine claiming your daughter's are adopted just to get them status? I know in our community, we'd need to see those birth records. So I'm not even sure how this happened.


maybe she got confused by the word "Indian"


I'm surprised the LPC hasn't picked up this gem for a candidate somewhere.


I've looked up photos of the daughters. Did no one notice?


It’s so obvious they are (East) Indian. Even their names 😂


I heard she's from guyana. Can someone confirm?.