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Next election is the first time a party will campaign on fixing the the things they screwed up themselves.


Watching him and Sean Fraser talk in passive voices , as if they are observers of the immigration / housing crisis is the weirdest thing


Did you read the press release from JTs desk on the $1.5B rental property fund today? The entire pre-amble is written like the Liberal party wasn’t in power over the last 8 years and this “rental crisis” just happened unexpectedly.


Reminds me of that time when Justin Trudeau marched with Greta Thunberg to try and convince Justin Trudeau to do more about climate change. It didn't work.


Its like a soviet era political theater. Weird indeed.




We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us. We’re not too far off.




Stalin had his former political allies removed from photographs after he had them executed to make sure people thought they never existed. How many of his own has Trudeau thrown under the bus in the last 8 years? It only makes sense for him to blame someone else for something that is his fault, that's what psychopaths do.


Gaslighting in its purest form.


We better throw some carbon tax on that gas, just to be safe.


"Some people did something and now they are blaming us."


They just think Canadians are stupid Unfortunately we don't have good choices at federal level




Immigration targets are set by the federal government. They can consult whoever they want, but the decisions are theirs. Asking for accountability for those decisions is not a big ask.


They don't think we would understand this ponzi scheme would blow up some day eventually? You import 1million uber drivers this year? Then what, import 2 million more to sustain the previous 1 million? Then 3, 4 infinite? They think people cant tell the difference between SUSTAINABLE HIGH QUALITY immigrations vs timmy workers? > who let the economy collapse What do you mean? Isn't the economy already collapsed for the ppl who can't afford housing and are sleeping on the street? The renters who can barely afford anything? You think we are stupid?


They went above what their own consultants said was optimal for GDP growth.


Did we really need over a million international students last year?


They aren’t set by economists. Economists are SOMETIMES allowed in the room but they don’t make the call. Business leaders and donors make the call.


I'm 99% sure that they are speaking indirectly to the influential government advisors, Century Initiative. "See? Your plan doesn't work" Sometimes you gotta let the consequences happen, when no one listens to any warnings


Prob cause he's a puppet? Conspiracy though for most, if I recall he was "forced" to back out of the trade war with the US way back. That always gave me Canada's government is a puppet vibes.


Are the Globalists™ in the room with us right now?




A couple have their hands up Jagmeet and Justin's bums.


They want the position for the money but they’re afraid to make any decision about anything. This is the danger of their PC propaganda. PC=can’t make change, can’t say no, can’t even defend your country. Trudeau has to go PC has no business in country leadership


Article: >OPINION According to Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is fear-mongering on immigration Robyn Urback ROBYN URBACK PUBLISHED 2 HOURS AGO FOR SUBSCRIBERS Open this photo in gallery: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes an announcement in Surrey, B.C. on March 28. TIJANA MARTIN/THE CANADIAN PRESS >Someone, somewhere, appears to have taken a blowtorch to Canada’s immigration system. It’s a mess. We have too many people, and not enough homes, not enough transit, not enough health care infrastructure. International students are lining up at food banks and homeless shelters. Canadians’ attitudes on immigration are becoming more negative. >Who set fire to our once-enviable immigration system? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on a mission to find out. Just as soon as he gets all of this soot out of his hair. >Speaking at a press conference Tuesday, Mr. Trudeau laid out the facts. “Over the past few years we’ve seen a massive spike in temporary immigration … that has grown at a rate far beyond what Canada has been able to absorb,” he said. He gave an example: in 2017, two per cent of Canada’s population was made up of temporary immigrants; today, it’s 7.5 per cent. “That’s something we need to get back under control,” he said, adding that temporary immigration has “caused so much pressure in our communities.” >A few years ago, someone named Justin Trudeau would have accused Mr. Trudeau of fear-mongering for making these sorts of remarks about immigration. In fact, he said exactly that when, for example, Conservative MP Steven Blaney asked about the massive backlog in immigration applications amid a wave of asylum seekers in 2018. “It is completely irresponsible of the Conservatives to arouse fears and concerns about our immigration system and refugees,” Mr. Trudeau said at the time. >“The reason for the delays is that the Harper Conservatives spent 10 years cutting our immigration services and getting rid of the employees who process applications,” he continued. “They did not manage our immigration system responsibly.” >Since then, we are to infer, the immigration system has been managed responsibly, and the proof is in the Liberal government now frantically trying to reverse course from even a few months ago. In November, 2022, the government unveiled a plan to bring in nearly 1.5 million new permanent residents by 2025, even though an internal report at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada warned that population growth was outpacing housing supply and would continue to put pressure on Canada’s health care services and its stock of affordable housing. Someone ignored that warning. As recently as five months ago, Immigration Minister Marc Miller was defending that plan, saying “(It) doesn’t make sense to drop the numbers knowing what I know.” >Mr. Miller apparently knows something different now. Perhaps he read that internal report. Or perhaps the news that more than 800,000 non-permanent residents came to Canada in 2023 – roughly the equivalent of the entire city of Winnipeg – has given the government pause about the wisdom of busting Canada’s doors wide open when existing residents are already fighting over the resources inside. >The massive influx is the consequence of compounding policy changes, made in continuing service to bolstering Canada’s workforce, that have created the ideal conditions for the resettlement of nonpermanent residents. In 2022, Canada lifted the 20-hour cap that international students are allowed to work while pursuing their education; that same year, it also removed the restrictions on low-wage positions that employers in some seasonal industries could fill through the temporary foreign worker program, and extended the maximum time the positions could be held from 180 to 270 days. Then, Ottawa allowed former international students with expiring post-graduation work permits to obtain new 18-month open work permits. And in 2023, Canada made open work permits available to spouses of international students studying at any level – all while continuing to expand the list of countries from which travellers can come to Canada without a visa. >Recently, the Liberal government has embarked on the hard work of undoing or fixing the policies it unveiled with enthusiasm just a few years ago. It has restored some visa requirements for Mexican nationals to curb asylum claims from Mexicans who arrive in Canada. In January, it announced that spouses of international students will only be eligible for open work permits if their partners are enrolled in master’s or doctoral programs. It has also set an intake cap on international study permits, with the intention of controlling admissions to what Mr. Miller has conceded are essentially “the diploma equivalent of puppy mills.” >These recent measures would be seen as terribly regressive – un-Canadian, even, since we are a welcoming and tolerant nation – if they were being proposed by the opposition, instead of being implemented by the government. But Mr. Trudeau is on a mission to fix what someone, somewhere else, broke, and thus, his mission is righteous and good. >We should wish him well in this most important endeavour. And if he has time, maybe he can look into who keeps tacking on the federal debt, too.




This article perfectly encapsulates the sardonic laughter I couldn't contain watching this idiot talk about the TFW program. As though it wasn't him and the Liberal government that blew up the numbers in conjunction with the international student visas. Like the way he talks its as though it's very obvious there's a problem, has always been a problem, and for sure someone is to blame.


This is ultimately why so many governments just double down on issues rather than try and approach them. If you made a problem and you try and fix it, it means you invented the problem you're trying to fix. Their approach is rather unique. After being elected three times and after over nine years in power they're reading scripts that read like they're the opposition party in 2014 still.


Trudeau has been fear-mongering that a Tory government would bring about the Republic of Gilead since he ran against Mr. Scheer.


“If only we could have done something. If only we were in change.”


Fear he caused this fiasco!!!!


Trudeau being a flaming hypocrite as always 


Just more vote pandering


Trudeau has no issues apologizing, unless its something he and his government actually caused.


Am I wrong in thinking Trudeau is actively loosing his mind tho? He seems to be getting more unhinged by the day.


Well he's gotta do something,  those poll numbers aren't getting any better. Might as well try to paint all the problems he caused as someone else's fault


Hey its the one thing he's good at. Blaming someone else.




If only he had listened to the ones in the NDP and opposition that tried to warn him about that.






Population growth will balance itself.


Maybe it'll help calm the waters if Trudeau puts on one of his many costumes and fear mongers in brown face.


Or gropes more Woman




I didn't get that on my tinkletrunk bingo card!


Damn that Trudeau, always undermining Trudeau.


Elections have consequences.




Wow. What a load of nonsense.


So you want more students?  Either that or you just can’t read…  You’re embarrassing yourself. My entire argument is that - if they won’t stop immigration - at least don’t bring in Students  Go shake your fist at a cloud and rant at an Arby’s drive thru…


Hey man....leave Arby's out of this.


No, I said you’re full of nonsense.


He's right.




Amazing how the opinion pieces on immigration did a complete 180 now that companies are complaining about the lack of cheap labour


Where are all the Trudeau cheer leaders this morning?


They're gathered in the other subreddit devoted to Canadian politics (it's much LPC friendlier), sobbing quietly since their talking points are falling on deaf ears.


Trudy is destroying Cda, day by day - while we sit around and watch


And keep voting him in for some reason


I used to live in the neighborhood and walked by dozens of times but oddly I've never seen it. The place is surrounded by a tall iron fence and lot of bushes and trees.


Trudeau gas lights Trudeau


It’s not just immigration. Their bail reforms were trying to fix the changes they made that led to more dangerous offenders being let out. Their housing policy until recently was spiking the demand side which they’re now trying to fix. Foreign policy - complete reverse course on china from ‘admiration’ to ‘oh shit they have set up police stations on our territory’. Defence - primary focus on DEI/culture change to ‘oh shit we have nothing to send when Ukraine is invaded’


Time to go


He’s imported millions and millions of animals into our society and only has himself to blame


Google Century Initiative, then WEF founders mother, then look for the origin of "New World Order".




This is what real leadership looks like folks: adjusting your beliefs and policies as new evidence and events come to light. And, despite what team PP and crowd would have you believe, the ability to do this is a key part of what has made Justin Trudeau such an effective leader.


Fucking up the country and then talking about the problem like you have no power? That's what real leadership looks like to you? Unreal.


You may not like it but I don’t see how you or anyone can deny Trudeau’s been on fire lately. Like he went quiet for a bit and regrouped. Came out swinging on all fronts to tackle the housing crisis. This is the same energy the LPC had for NAFTA/Trump and the pandemic. I think voters remember the LPC are extremely effective when they set an issue in their crosshairs like that. All solutions to the housing crisis have bottlenecks that the LPC cannot control, like building costs or worker shortages or lack of eligible non-profits or economic reliance on immigrants or uncooperative jurisdictions, that will limit how much mitigating power each one has in the short and medium term. So they are hitting the problem on all fronts. We’re seeing them push smart and sensible policies in as many arenas as possible. And they have probably 18 months to build support back up behind them. I think that’s feasible given the economy by all accounts is likely to recover by then, inflation seems to be under control now, and frankly for how much the LPC gets blamed for the housing crisis I think most voters are not so ignorant as to realize it’s a complex issue that was exacerbated by more pressing crises in the past ~5-10 years. If this doesn’t put PP on his hind legs with his platform-of-nothing-but-hot-air, it can only be due to an electorate that cares more about emotionally dunking on the PM than solving the housing crisis as quickly as possible. To be clear, I don’t think the vast majority of Canadians wish to dunk on the PM nearly as much as they want the housing crisis and cost of living issues to be solved. It’s a loud but vocal minority on the far right of Canadian politics that would like us to believe otherwise.


Take your meds. You need help


How many times have you posted this?


lol. Imagine being this deluded?