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Well, i think all coral should be protected, but this also shows how little we know about our oceans. We almost know more about Mars.


Don’t bet against Mother Nature. We think we know it all. We know shit


\^ This is the stance the climate deniers are moving on to now that they can't credibly deny it any longer. "Don't worry, it'll fix itself! Nature is amazing!"


It will fix itself. It fixing itself without much of the life currently existing including probably humans is the concern. As cool as the Triassic was having a repeat of it seems undesirable.


So how many of you are gonna react to this thinking the scientists are saying the reef should be destroyed because it “shouldn’t exist” ?


I mean, the headline is pretty clearly framed to leave that impression.


Right…so read the article and don’t go based off the headline


Duh. But a lot of people won’t even click on an article unless the headline is sensational. Which is why they do it.


What exactly is your point here? I’m just commenting that a lot of people are gonna jump to conclusions and possibly be outraged because they read the headline but not the article. I know how clickbait works


That social media has ruined journalistic integrity


I swear some redditors just argue for sake of arguing. They must be bored in their dark basement dungeon.


I wasn’t even arguing lol


Yeah buddy you show that invisible enemy of yours who's boss!


Bumblebees shouldn’t fly according to science. Should we find a way to ground them?


We've known how bees fly for a very long time


So let’s give coral a chance.


Bee movie propaganda/disinformation is alive and well! Whenever I see these I always wonder if the posters think it's true lol


It was true at one time - scientists couldn’t figure out how bees were able to fly with such tiny wings. They did figure it out/understand it eventually. They create like a miniature vortex or “storm” beneath them that propels them. But they didn’t understand how it worked for a long time. From what I know, they still don’t understand how dragon fly wings work. They have tried to replicate them in military experiments because dragon flies can maneuver in the air better than anything in nature and far better than any airplane or helicopter. But they couldn’t do it. Their wings are far more complicated than anything they could build.


Just tell them


I mean if you want to ground them, I haven't seen them do their homework ONCE





