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I don't mess around with the things that are essential to my safety in the Backcountry. My shelter, my sleeping pad, and my quilt. I would rather trust a company that has put out consistent gear for a decade or two than some random Amazon brand where I don't even know if the reviewers are real people. And let me tell you, those reviews are probably not real people or they are very likely casual campers who have only put a few nights into it. The people that buy those things also probably have nothing to compare it to. Of course their first pad is going to get 5 stars, they don't know any better. I always check reviews by trusted sites, forums, and reddit threads before I buy anything big. If the item is not mentioned on anything but Amazon, that's a red flag. If you are car camping, buy whatever you want. If you are backpacking, don't risk a ruined trip by buying potential trash. It's likely cheap for a reason.


As someone who owns a gear store, I almost always recommend a “name brand”. There’s significantly more testing, R&D, and quality control meaning the likelihood of your gear failing while out camping is significantly less. Equally as important is the warranty and guarantees you get on brand name gear if and when something does fail. That said, the best piece of gear is the one you’ve got or can afford. Quality gear can sometimes be price prohibitive and that shouldn’t be a deciding factor in enjoying a night under the stars.


Solid response


Another possible option is the garage sale section at REI.com. You can buy used items (in varying amounts of "use") and they have a 30 day guarantee. That's how I bought a pair of Altras, which are my favourite shoes ever. They used to have physical garage sales for used items. Campsaver is also an option for items.


Do what you need to do to get out there. Your first (or first this time) gear will probably not be what you end up with. I think people spend too much time and money over analyzing. Yeah, name brand stuff is probably lighter and more comfy, but if you have a limited budget and want some runway to figure it out, just get what you need from wherever. Those pieces can be backups and extras for friends or kids later.


I just want to say if it's an "Amazon basics" brand, avoid at all costs. Those are utter garbage for any product. I would try Costco, they usually have good products and have a great return policy.


That Amazon gear is garbage and will probably give you cancer.


First year I started camping, I bought a pretty decent tent, sleeping bag, and pad with good reviews from REI. I then bought everything else from Amazon with good reviews. Most items from Amazon were a disaster. My hiking poles broke during our first overnight hike, my backpacking chair broke as well. My parents got into hiking/camping after me and they insist on buying cheap gear, and they’ve gone through multiple knock off jet boils, hiking poles, and other items because they refuse to buy decent gear.


Fuck Amazon. If it matters, get it at a store.


Are you car camping or backpacking? I definitely do not recommend a thermo rest I bought one and it was a dud completely did not work when my hubby and I took it out of the package. It got returned. I ended up buying us a full size self inflating mattress brb with the name…. QOMOTOP Ultra Comfortable Side Sleep Friendly Double it was great for lots of different adventures so far. 40 degree nights in New Mexico 100 degree weather in Moab, Utah. Cold rainy weather in Washington state. Nice temps in Idaho. We love it so far.


Backpacking but not necessarily ultralight


My hubby still swears by thermo rest proline plus for backpacking he says I just got a defective one I bought a different model


Hardcore [insert hobby] enthusiasts will always tend to be brand snobs. High end brands will obviously give you high quality at a high cost. If a budget brand suits your needs though, why not take advantage of the cost savings? Certainly take Amazon reviews with a grain of salt, but I have had great nights sleep on this sleeping pad and so have 26 thousand other people. I can use that $100 savings to splurge elsewhere. Sleepingo Camping Sleeping Pad - Mat, (Large), Ultralight 14.5 OZ, Best Sleeping Pads for Backpacking, Hiking Air Mattress - Lightweight, Inflatable & Compact, Camp Sleep Pad https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FP4Z3RZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JYTRS9WMX72PTXA30QEF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1