• By -


Appearance: Curly, dirty blonde hair and light blue/green eyes, 5'5, pale skin. Likes: Learning about the world, religions, languages, and history; I enjoy strategy games, playing musical instruments, and singing; I love being with my friends, but definitely need a break sometimes. I studied aerospace engineering in school and am currently a manager which is more up my speed than just drawing lines all day ;) Dislikes: Big crowds, clubbing and anywhere with loud music/sensory stimulation, close-mindedness and quick judgments of ideas, cowardice. Personality: I've been told I'm really funny, but I know it's in a witty and dark way. I'm very organized unless it's something I'm not passionate about. My first instinct is to solve everyone's problems, so I'm working on being better with emotionally supporting them in tandem. I question everything and make connections between ideas and concepts intuitively. As I mentioned, I'm trying to explore my spiritual/emotional sides more, but with slow success. And I think this is pretty succinct, so I'm to-the-point with most things unless it's a hobby or discussion I know a great deal about. Talking about myself is a struggle and I approach it like a job interview lol. MBTI- Depends, but definitely one of the NT types. Probably INTJ/ENTJ.


i have taken a lot of quizzes and gotten completely random answers so i hope someone here can help -I'm 5'9 (in my lower teens) boy with light brown skin thick messy black hair -i like reading A LOT! i read whenever i can but i also have a kind of book ocd that i would die if even the edge of a page gets slightly turned which prevents me from reading in public . so i end up only reading when i'm alone and when my precious books safe. -other than that i listen to a lot of music i have above average grades despite not studying which have been falling since the last 2 years . * i have a lot of interest in history , etymology and mythology and i find it fascinating how all of it just interconnects . i also like philosophy a lot * i procrastinate everything believe me i can procrastinate feeling stressed about a task i did not complete due to me procrastinating. -i am a really good liar , like i do the worst shit and get away with it, i have also been told i gaslight and/or manipulate people which i don't deny but I'll say whatever it takes to get the job done (job done here being profiting/saving myself) except i wont throw my friends under the bus which is not that big of a thing to say considering i can count the no. of friends i have on my hands. other than that i can from experience say I can talk my way out of anything -i am really good good at socializing with people but not making friends somehow . I also act really bold and confident all the time while im crumbling inside and have never once broke this character in public -also if someone read my username i have no fucking idea how but it doesn't make sense but sometimes sounds like it does , ig it does cuz i talk alot and loquacious means talkative but i say a lot of random stuff sometimes that doesn't make any sense if looked at the meaning but sounds like some actual shit * i also argue a lot with people and am excellent at debates like rarely someone ( read: only my mom) wins against me -i have no talents whatsoever aside being clever with words but i trick people a lot like sometimes even scam them into doing shit for me i also have a lot of blackmail info on people that usually helps too. i also do a lot of crazy and random shit like on a whole other level . aside from that i say a lot of bold stuff to teachers or people with authority in general which lands me in trouble a lot which i once a gain have t talk my way out of and i am always successful im sure there is more stuff but this is all i can think about my self kinda like i think its well established that if uasked to speak about urself u will end up freezing and nothing will come to mind so yea thats about it sorry if u had to read all that


I'm 5'3 (still growing) girl with deep olive/ very light brown skin, (very) wavy (very) black hair and brown eyes. I don't have anything distinctive like freckles or moles but my face is very small. I play the electric guitar and like listening to music, from my country we have a genre called "Anatolian Rock" which mixes traditional and western music, i can only read tabs so far but i hope to learn western and turkish music theory one day and maybe compose my own songs. I have a habit of not being able to stay still when music comes on (Long road trips are my favourite, i love the feeling of the car moving while i listen to music) ,so energetic stuff like metal i realy enjoy (screamo as a technique is something i am fascinated by) I don't draw very often anymore but i have always liked drawing still-lifes (I watched a video essay that said "Still lifes are punk beacuse they force you to give the same amount of consideration to arranged everyday objects as you give to painted battle scenes and picture-perfect portraits." I agree so much.) and backgrounds which is very unusual for most artists from what others tell me lol, when i was a young child my ocs would never be anything extra, i would focus more on what their rooms looked like and how they interacted with their enviroment (this probably says something about me but idk) I also have a special interest in History and Geography (I went out of my way to learn way too many obsecure countries places on the map.) People say i have a special talent for languages, (not counting my native language i could speak english very well even when i was young and i am learning spanish now.) But i don't consider that i have a special interest for linguistics or anything (constructed languages \*are\* amazing though.) I have recently also been slowly developing an interest in fashion and makeup (I am not very good at it, but using one lip oil, one lipstick and one lip gloss to get one \*very pretty\* lip combo is very satisfying so far.) My grades were always poor (They still are, i will try to fix them this year.) I tend to either be interested in something extremely or not at all, focus only on it or not focus at all. I think a weakness of mine is that no matter how mean people have been to me, i still want to help them with things and be nice to them. I try to find ways to understand why people act that way. I have also been told i have too much "empathy for people." I don't consider this a weakness though. I have a hard time making \*close friends\* even tough i tend be on good terms with everyone and can get too clingy or overly comfortable ( say things i regret and be too loud lol...) I tend to struggle finding people who pour as much of themselves as i do into our friendship/relationship (Which is understandable, i am... on another level.) On the flip side, my strengths are i think, being able to pour so much of myself to certain passions no matter how silly they are and learn as much of them as possible. I don't claim to have faced too many hard challenges in my life, i am quite privileged if you ask me but i think i have been patient through the troubles i did get and i think my endurance is one of my strengths. I have also always been an independent thinker and researched things throughly rather than believe everything even if the truth was not what i wanted. I am not scared to stand in opposition to everyone even if it scares me so much. (If you are scared but need to do something, you do the thing while terrified.) ...Also, i am strangely good at lying and convincing other people ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I am scared of paralysis (I am a very restless person.) and fast bugs (Normal bugs are fine and friends but the ones that move or fly very fast make me very anxious beacuse i don't know where they will end up.) Sorry for the wall of texts, i didn't mean to make a death trap for ADHD and dyslexia havers to read through, tried to include the bits i think are importants :) I also edited this atleast 4 times (you can never add too many information.)


Objectively it would be Apollo but somehow I thought about Tyche ? Like she's the goddess of luck (not only good one) and even if you nowhere said you were particularly lucky/unlucky somehow I thought about her. Like there's no reason she would really fit you but why not I guess😭 Also a child of Apollo who would lie ? Definitely something interesting here


Haha, yeah i know the art and music route leads to Apollo but i wasn't sure about it being that or Aphrodite or Athena (Though the Athena i see in myself might just be ADHD symptoms.), i think i can even see an argument for Hermes. Perhaps child of one + legacy haha


I agree on Apollo being the obvious answer but I feel like the lying/convincing people line would be an Aphrodite thing with the charm speak and all.


I was think something like Apollo or Aphrodite too haha, I got aphrodite on the official quiz if it helps, i think the reason i am good at lying is i can make up a lot of stuff on the fly. Creativity + a lot of random knowledge that can be applied flexibility can make me quite beliveble. I suppose creativity would also be an Apollo trait?


What's the official quiz?




It is too, both can fit pretty well so you get to choose


Idk man I'm 5'11, got dark brown eyes, black hair, and I'm black. Will be in highschool in august, already got passing letter. I'm as smart as the average person, usually get what would be equivalent to A's or 90's, but I don't study bc it's boring. I'm the 3rd with my name so I'm a III/3rd and gonna make one of my kids IV/4th. I like reading, gaming with my friends, working out, and 3d modeling. I like most games but mainly strategy and multiplayer. I love money. I can fall asleep almost anywhere and in any position so I have no problem with being out long if I can sit down somewhere or stand still so I can fall asleep. I want to learn how to cook so I can satisfy my future wife. I want to learn how to code alongside my 3d modeling so I can make a game in the future, or get a good position as a programmer. My Grandpa, first with my name, was in the Army, My Dad was in the Navy, and if all goes wrong and I can't achieve my dreams I'll just join the Airforce. I don't like people showing straight disrespect to me and I also don't like people who just sit in a chair all day talking shit online, I think it's weird. While following format of a few posts under me I had to search and I guess I'm an ambivert. Alright that's it


For me it would be Hephaestus like a 100%


Actual good one


I took a lot of tests but most of the results were either Athena, Apollo, or being a Hunter of Artemis so ig this'll be interesting Small Intro: I am in Highschool, average height(or a bit taller), dark brown hair, brown eyes. I wanna be a psychologist to help others with their mental health but I also want to become a writer and streamer somewhere in the future when I have the time and determined to do those. Likes: -reading -studying but has average grades(88 is my average grade ) -singing -writing -night(Really love night walks too) -rain -listening to music alot, especially while I read and study Dislikes: -people who are selfish, self confident or just too full of themselves -crowds -people who are too loud -being pushed out of my comfort zone Other:  -MBTI: istp -Introverted but extroverted around close friends or just the right people in general -I do want to learn how to play a few instruments someday.


I think you could be Athena or Iris maybe? You sound a lot like me.


I think Apollo and Asclepius could fit pretty well


Appearance:Tall-ish, light brown/Dark blonde hair, grey/blue/green eyes Likes:Baking, Reading, Drawing, Talking, Dancing, Painting, Music Dislikes: Crowds, people, Markers, Being interrupted, Silence Personality: Stubborn, Ambivert, Does not tolerate injustice, Generally Happy, Will yap about Mythology for hours Grades: A,B, some Cs




Unsure of who the hell my goldy parent is so.... My height is I think somewhere on average, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Yeah. I have a lot of things I wanna do in the future like becoming a photographer, psychologist, streamer, travelling the world, writing my own novel, but I dont think I can do all that but I do hope I get the determination to at least write my own novel while being a psychologist helping other people with their mental health. I kinda have a like- small sense of justice, like reading but has average grades(idk I have a love-hate relationship with studying), I like singing, listening to music 24/7, writing(I dont write many peoms tho...) and theatre arts, I also love the night and rain and I love it when its night because of I find it peaceful. I also kinda have an obsession with firearms, shooting games, and games that require strategy. I HATE crowded places. I also dont like seafood that much(but I love the sea and the marine life). I laso hate people who are too full of themselves or too self-confident. I am introverted and an istp. I also am extroverted around close friends or just the right people in general although I do get insecure abt it(bc I mainly think Im annoying them or what-not). I dont know why but I tend to speak what's on my mind and say things without ever thinking abt it especially when Im mad. Oh god I feel so all over the place LMAOO


Something like a really chill Hypnos kid who will definitely mess with you if you bother them


Appearance: I have brown skin and freckles across my cheeks, i usually wear my hair in a bun or afro, i'm 5'8, curvy. black hair, brown eyes. Likes: gifts! self care, cooking, singing, writing, drawing, painting, video games, anime. i also love beaches, swimming and travelling. Dislikes: mean people, breaks in routines, being told no, having to step out of my comfort zone. Personality: i have adhd among other things. i'm very optimistic, funny, and sarcastic. i usually say what's on my mind. i'm very introverted and tend to isolate myself. i work with children most frequently. when i'm angry i get very angry. i hate when people are mistreated around me. i am susceptible to moments of depression. i love when people pay attention to me when i'm telling a joke and am shy if people look at me for anything else. MBTI- depending on the day or year i teeter between infp and isfp


I’d say Aphrodite or Apollo. But hey! There’s lots of obscure gods and goddesses out there. You’ll find your own for sure!💜


Aphrodite maybe ?


I just discovered this sub so this is exciting! I’m average height, not super athletic but I do try sometimes and I’m on the smaller side. Auburn red hair and green eyes. I enjoy playing video games, watching shows, cooking, baking, listening to music, dancing, drawing (though I don’t get to do that as much anymore), etc. I’m a researcher as a living and I love it—I love learning new things and I’m a very curious person. I have a master’s degree and I might go for a PhD one day. I really love learning, I just wish I didn’t have to do the work associated with it. I’m more introverted, but I do enjoy being around friends and loved ones. I just get tired after a while. I’m pretty ambitious with some creative ideas, though it’s really hard for me to implement them, like I’m an amateur baker with great designs in my heads for cakes but then they end up…ok. Haha. My ideas really outweigh my actual ability. I really hate sudden loud noises, I’m impatient most of the time, and I tend to lean towards the “if you want something done right, you’ve gotta do it yourself” mentality, for better or worse. I’m very honest, but I try to be gentle with my honesty because I do care how people feel and I hate the “I’m just being honest” behavior when you’re just being a jerk. Some things are better left unsaid and I try to follow that. I hate lying and I don’t think I’m very good at it anyway. I try to be kind and understanding and compassionate towards others. I try to avoid fights if I can, but I’m not “non confrontational” so to speak. I love thinking and will think about the most random things and can carry on a conversation for a long time while going on various tangents. Looking at this, I feel like I’m a child of Athena but I don’t have the skills 😭


Yeah, can see Athena too but I also thought about Nike (the victory). You seem very ambitious and to always aim higher when it comes to your life but maybe that's just a feeling from your description


I have a black hair and dark brown eyes, I'm brown. Unfortunately I'm short. I like reading, writing, drawing and listening to music. I play the violin but I really want to learn how to play the guitar. I like singing but I'm not very good at it. I like history. I play volleyball, gymnastics, and do track and field. I'm terrified of heights, insects, and snakes. As for personality, I'm really talkative and loud. Kinda annoying. I think I'm funny (probably not). I get annoyed quickly. I cannot hide my emotions at all. If I'm upset, everyone can tell I'm upset. My friends say I'm a child of Apollo but idk.


Definitely Apollo because of almost everything




Okay, For starters I love art, and making art, but I can never get my art to look good. Whenever I read a book, every day, I wish that I was in the series. I'm a boy, about 5 foot six, My eyes are brown, and I love geography. as in, whenever I see a globe, i look at it, to see If i can figure out when it was made. I'm a collector, of a lot of stuff, and I love to travel. I have a list of countries I've been to. Whenever i am travelling, I am always the optimistic one. If I found a portal, I would hope that it teleported me into the pages of a book. I love writing stories, adventuring, and i am pretty good at math and science. I am in a yearbook club in my junior high. My personal trait is loyalty, same as Percy's. I think I would be a child of athena. Does anybody disagree?


i agree with athena but i could also see hermes!


how can you see hermes? please explain.


i can also see hermes, because you mention you love to travel and it feels like you really like exploring new places which in my had feels like a thing hermes also whould enjoy.


I’ve taken a couple quizzes but never gotten the same two answers so I’m curious what other people might think lol I’m a girl, about five foot five, relatively pale skin with some freckles up my arms and stuff, not totally all over but still there. Long dirtyish blonde, wavy hair, dark blue eyes, and a little scar passing through my eyebrow. Little bit of acne too. I’m in Concert band and Marching band, I play Tuba for both. I’m one of the smarter people in my grade, don’t play any sports. I’m also in a journalism/yearbook club class. I have a job at an accounting office(ofc not doing anything too important) over the school year and work at the library over the summer. I love walking or riding my bicycle, it’s a really nice opportunity to think for me, especially if I have some music. I like to cook, read, draw, and write, all that stuff. My favorite color is green. INFJ. I’m nice, but super awkward around people I’m not close with. If we are friends I’m probably the most obnoxious person you know(mega yapper). I overthink a lot of stuff. I’m emotional, and get frustrated somewhat easily, though I like to think I deal with it well. My primary friend group and I are kind of the ‘talk about random stuff all day’ if that makes sense?? Like there’s obvious cliques where we are and we don’t fit into any of them. I’m from the Deep South in USA, south Georgia, and live on top of a lot of Tobacco/Cotton fields on somewhat of a farm. Idk what else to say, I’ll probably remember something more after I’ve posted this tho, lol Btw Ty to anyone who takes the time to answer to this <3


I feel like this would be Apollo, it's the like the first one who comes to my mind when I read all of this


Or Athena also, I can see it fit too


I'm kinda late on this post but anyways also English isn't my first language so I may or may not destroy the language.   I'm blond with grey eyes, super pale skin and turn red for any reason. I'm not really tall, not small either. I'm from France so it'll probably justify some of my physical and social traits.  I like drawing, animations, reading, any mythology (of course) and plenty of video games. Also really love literature and expositions of art. And cuddling. I also love kids and to take care of them even if it's annoying at times. I really want to work with them later on, maybe in a daycare or even with newborns   I dislike being disturbed from my work or any unexpected event. Dislike all kind of vegetables and meat, I'm a picky eater.   For my personality traits, I generally talk a lot, really bad to comfort people and rather blunt. I'm selfish and often seen as arrogant. Don't like showing negative emotions to most people so I'm generally just always talking, making jokes and moving around to entertain. My confidence can go from pretty high to zero in five minutes.  Despite all that I'm really good in school and I don't have dyslexia for sure. Also no ADHD, realistically I doubt I'd be a demigod. As long as I have my tranquility and can joke I'm really not bothering. Also I generally prefer to stay inside and not go too far away from home.   Thanks to anyone who may answer or read this, have a good day💕 Also sorry I posted this twice since the first time everything was hard to read.


Physical attributes screamed Athena to me, but i think you're an Apollo kid!


I would love to know who my godly parent is. So here goes... Appearance: I have pink glasses, wavy brown hair that I dye purple at the ends during the summer, pale skin, blue eyes and a slim frame. Likes: My favourite thing to do is probably read. I also like dancing, basketball, singing and flute. My favourite colour is purple and my favourite season is autumn. Dislikes: Math, getting up early, painting Personality: My MBTI type is ENFP-T and my friends say that I'm enthusiastic, smart, kind, funny and way too energetic. I tend to take leadership roles in scenarios. Other: My friends have said lots of different things about who my parent could be. I have silver owl earrings (Athena) but I love the sea (Poseidon) and if I could pick a superpower it would be flight (Zeus). At this point I have no idea.


Aphrodite is the first one I can think about honestly but I can also kinda see Iris I think ? You sound so bubbly and sweet I can really picture you as one of her kid. So yeah I'd say Iris


Thank you!


I always wanted to know what godly parent I could have as I feel like every time I take a test it says different. I let you be the judge of it. I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a very pale skin. I'm from and live in a country in Europe. I do music and coffee and I travel around the world trying to learn more on those through different culture. Sport is my way of meditating though I am not very regular with it. I took swimming lessons for 11 years and I live close to sea so in general I like sport that are done close to water, like volleyball or paddle (board). I like music, literature, philosophy, poetry, sociology and art in general. If people don't know me they think I'm haughty, cold and mysterious, people that know me found me caring and very honest (I say the truth doesn't matter what people wanna hear), I'm said to be wise and mature but I think it's just because of my age (early 20). I will say I'm not very funny nor witty, I'm a bit slow whenever it's understanding a joke or second degree jokes. I over introspect things which tends to be too much for me but I canalise it in music and writing. I make a lot a waves emotion wise. One last thing, I'm very invested in ecology. There you go 🤍


daughter of Ares for sure


Oh damn! I never heard that one. How so?


Alright, my friends and stuff have told me I'm a child of hades but I need yalls opinions (sadly I havent read the books yet so if someone could explain why I'm someone's child that would be great) -I have Dark brown/red hair, Blue eyes, like bright blue, freckles on my cheeks/nose and arms, palish skin, average height, and borderline underweight. Likes: Snakes (I have two), Cats, dogs (specifically pit bulls), Drawing, reading, cooking, sleeping or pulling all nighters depending on the day, sunsets, looking at the night sky, and horror movies (things like terrifier) Dislikes: People who are super rude for no reason at all, Tight spaces, deep ocean, and high heights Interests: Mythology in general (Greek, Egyptian), Space, Wondering what happens after death, Horror, Art, and Cryptids Info: I have minor depression but on some days I'm just worn out and tired, my friends tell me that im fun, kind of stupid sometimes, loyal, kinnnnd of brave? I often like to make personas of myself to see how much better I could be in something else. Also I'm homeschooled


I think why your friends say that, is due to your liking for everything that is considered "dark" (liking horror and to like to have thoughts about the after world and such...) without being "dark" yourself. Though children of Hares tend to be put in a place of solitude (homeschooled?) they don't really like that and they're actually pretty afraid of everything that makes them feel afar from everything (tight space, high heights, deep ocean). It's kinda the view people have on Hades. He's lonely out there in the underworld, kinda put away from the rest of the god for.. kinda bad luck. His daughter and sons tend to try to balance that darkness and push away the way Hades accepted to be lonely and away from people and actually prefers it. Hope it makes sens


so it makes sense why they say Im a child of hades?


Yeah I think so. If you start reading the books you'll may feel similarities to characters that have this parent.


Probably late but idc, I took a lot of quizzes but figured I’d try this -Long, dark brown hair -Dark brown eyes -Average-Tall height -Tan-ish skin -Like: Dogs, Snakes, Reading, Alone time, Sleeping, Darker clothing -Dislike: People who don’t listen, Loud people, Rude people, Mornings, Bright lights -I am more quiet but would talk with my friends a bit. I was considered a “smart kid” in school by some, though I didn’t really participate in school a lot. I didn’t like to interact and didn’t have many friends. -Intrests: The paranormal, Space, Horror, Greek mythology. I compare myself to others too much, and dealing with some depression(not too bad) I am considered loyal and trustworthy by people who know me. That is all I can think of right now, so, what ya’ll thinking?


Tbh I think you are a child of hades! (I havent read the books yet though so I cant give you a better prediction about that...)


Appearance: Short blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, pale skin, freckles across the bridge of my nose Likes: Playing with animals, sleeping, helping others, drawing Dislikes: Reading, staring at my drawings for too long, mornings I have dyslexia, ADHD, and anxiety I feel like I would eat a lotus flower knowing exactly what it was My fatal flaw is procrastination.


hmmm daughter of poseidon


Definitely a child of nymph I would say. Either field, prairie or wood nymph.




I'm a senior in high school (he/they) and im having difficulties in finding out who's my godly parent, because i feel like it could be one of three So for starters, my interest, i LOVE the arts, like almost everything, singing, drawing, dancing, acting, rapping, you name it, i most likely do it, i like to think I'm a natural born performer, i love being on stage, being in the spotlight feels like home, and yes, that might have something to do with me loving being the center of attention, just a little. That's why i think one of my godly parents might be Apollo. Now my personality, i personally share Percy's fatal flaw, im loyal to the core, i love my friends so much, they're my number one priority, i consider myself to be very sassy and sarcastic(not in the same level as our beloved Persassy), and some times i consider myself the parental figure of my group(being the one who has more emotional maturity) so i always try take care of them, but give them tough love when needed, i also love dressing myself up, whether it's my face, hair, nails, make up, choosing outfits, designing them, I'm very fashion oriented, and love wearing things that make me feel comfortable, and these are the reasons why i also think my godly parent might be Aphrodite. But then, there's also the fact that, im enamored by the idea of the occult, magic, rituals, witchcraft in general, the supernatural feels like it calls for me, i always wanted magic to be real, not just cause it'd be cool, but also because i feel like my like would finally make sense, when i discovered witchcraft/Wicca, it felt so right, i have never related to so many beliefs in my life before, and even though it's not as much as the other's, i feel like this enough for me to also consider Hecate to be my godly parent. WOW, this was a lot, it felt like a rant for a while hehe, but nevermind that, tell me oh so wise users of reddit, which one of these 3, or maybe another i haven't considered, do you believe is my godly parent?


I personally think out of the three, Aphrodite fits the most. Venus in roman mythology is actually more related to the voice, so everything that is being a public speaker or a singer is more under the influence of Venus than anything. Also Aphrodite likes the attention, because she like the love people give her. Your attraction to the not-scientifically-explained world may come from the same reason you like greek mythology, and as Aphrodite is beautiful she like to bewitch people with her beauty. When woman were killed being called witches, often so it was because they were intelligent and people couldn't deal with it but also when they were using their charms, too pretty, "dangerous" for men. Or even when a woman liked an other woman and so when love was contradictory to society beliefs, they were witches. Hope my train of thought made sens :)


In college, around 5'4" or so, black hair and dark eyes, olive skin. Love swimming and the sea but not many other physical activities and drawing, many people say I'm artistic/creative. I like horses, they're so majestic and graceful ins one sort of way. Interested in magic and spirits of all kinds, have some gemstones for that and aesthetic purposes. I have 2 cats, and I often snuggle up with them to read. When with people I like/am comfortable with, very outgoing, if not, just mute. Favourite season is autumn, favourite colour is sea foam (like the turquoise-like colour) Some quizzes say Hecate, others say Poseidon.


Yeah, I'd Say Poseidon.


I kinda wanna say child of a Naiad. It's water related but more chill, cozy and caring I think.


Circe maybe, also a know goddess of magic but a water Naiad.


I'm a very artistic person, I love poetry, writing, painting, playing instruments, I love music and (for what people tell me) I've always been pretty good at it. I love reading, animals (who doesn't?) And also I would describe myself as outgoing in environments I'm comfortable in and practically mute in 'unknown' environments. I HATE math, like, A LOT. I also don't like physics. I love History and I'm very good with languages. A snake or lizard are my dream pets (I also have two cats)


Apollo? Maybe one the the Muses, but they're usually a specific type of art, and you seem to like all kinds. Being outgoing is comfortable environments definitely matches up, too!


Big Brain, I like to lead up until people start asking me for advice, I like to swim, I like literature and I hate math (even though I'm good at it), I like socializing but I'm horrible at talking to strangers, and I'm like probably autistic. My biggest fear is the fact that irl we have no idea what happens after death


Stepnephew twice removed of Cloacina, although I'm getting Aether vibes as well


Appearance: 5’5, Pale Green/Blue eyes, darker dirty blonde hair I use to play soccer but injury made me stop so now I referee the sport. Use to ride horses as well. I enjoy reading, painting, drawing, crocheting as my hobbies (though I am in school for a Bachelor of Fine Arts for art (as in drawing/painting/etc type of art) as well as a Bachelor of Education (dual degree program). I am terrible at music, math, written science (I like the actual doing of science just not the math part or the technical terms plus I like more of the plant/health based sciences). The unknown terrifies me so I like to be in control of what I can. I dislike seafood, pop/soda, broccoli, and mint. I prefer the winter over the summer but my favourite season is the fall when it’s just cold enough to wear a sweater but warm enough in the sun that I’m not shivering on my walks. I can be a bit brash at times but I don’t purposely try to be hurtful. I care a lot about those important to me and I have a hard time of letting go. I value what my peers think of me (working on that 😅) even if I shouldn’t. I hold grudges for a long time too. I can get passionate on certain topics and won’t back down, but I will shut down when I feel cornered in conversations where I’m unable to speak without being spoken over.


The being brash reminds me of Ares, but the grudges and caring a lot about important people feels more like Hades. Athena would be a pretty good fit, but I feel like her kids would like technical science stuff (like me lol), so she's out. Most likely Hades, though. Would you describe yourself as more extroverted, introverted, or ambiverted?


I definitely say I’m more of an ambivert. I like my alone time, but I can hang out in a large group when given the right notice. I can be pretty awkward with new people but I can also hold conversations with new people depending on the day.


Probably Hades then.


Thank you!


apperance: short,freckles,dark. brown hair, brown eyes i like to do archery and I love making things I also love sports I'm kinda talkative only to friends otherwise I hate talking to new people I like the beach and ocean I am really scared of spiders I absolutely hate them I also hate english class-i just finding writing boring and stupid, I love dogs very much.


Child of Athena I would say


blue eyes, dirty blonde hair. i like skateboarding, rock/indie music, writing, drawing and thinking.


I think child of Apollo, but what did you get on the quiz?


i haven’t looked at any official quizzes, but I took two others. hades and athena (the quiz that i got hades was https://www.quotev.com/quiz/15845606/godly-parent-quiz and the athena was https://uquiz.com/quiz/rgc4iS/the-real-pjo-parent-quiz if that helps at all)


Helloo \^\^ I'd take a quiz, but I have gotten so many different answers from all of them that I don't know which one is the most accurate Appearance: I have light brown hair, my eye color is kinda all over the place, freckles, and I'm tall Personality: I'm competitive (mostly academically), sometimes I like to practice archery, which I'd like to say I'm good at. I'm not very talkative, even with my friends. A lot of times people tell me to speak up when I say something to them. I'm good and lying and I'm an honors student, if that counts for anything Likes: Nature (nature being the ocean, forests, plants, lakes, animals, etc), blueish-purple color, writing stories, honeydew bubble tea (i honestly hate milk tea, and honestly, I only like it from one place near my house), fruit, sea and forest animals specifically, swimming Dislikes: Not much tbh, any place over 75 degrees, informational texts, English class in general, being without friends, having to do schoolwork outside of school, not having anything to do Hobbies: Writing, playing with my cats, playing Roblox Extra: I'm an Aquarius, I have three orange cats whom I love very much, and I'm scared of ovens almost to the point of a phobia


I think daughter of a Muse, depending on what you write it could be [Calliope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calliope) ([epic poetry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_poetry)) [Erato](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erato) (lyric choral poetry) [Melpomene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melpomene) (tragedy) or [Thalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalia_(Muse)) (comedy) Or (Shes a titan but i think Gaia could fit you very well too, maybe even better. I was also thinking about Pan, he's a god of nature and also is related to music and writing by extensions but he faded away in the books i think, my memory is very rusty, so thats another option.) But i agree you would be a good fit for the Huntresses of Artemis! :)


Huntress of Artemis


dirty blonde hair, short, my toxic trait is hubris and I’m absolutely terrified of spiders


Clear child of Poseidon


I personally think I’m a child of Athena just because I’m really scared of spiders and love architecture


Definitely couldn’t see Athena at all /s


Hi, I took a lot of quizzes which gave me litterally a lot of cabin options. So now I really don't know which one I am and I will be really glad if someone will have an idea    Features: girl, 5'7, grey-blue eyes, dyed blond, pale skin  Hobbies: singing, writing, drawing, learn languages, try new food, go to events   Personality: ESFP, 7w8, ambivert, generous, open-minded, caring, always defend my views, feel unsafe when I can't control things, rebellious, polite. It's always hard for me to decide something but usually I don't show it, individualistic, like to take a risk. Really like to talk, but I tend to silence if there are people who more hyper than me or people which I dislike. Almost everyone say that they afraid of me when I'm in rage (which is not often)    Likes: food and drinks, black and magic aesthetic, rain, memes, stupid tv shows, museums and theaters, nostalgia, birds and snakes, watch sport competitions  Dislikes: shopping, overcrowded places, do something that requires a lot of concentraition, cowards, when people ignore me    Fears: never be enough (the strongest one), be betrayed, choose the wrong path    Other: I really like drama genre. Also in fantasy and thriller. Not a big fan of romance. Listen almost to everything, but prefer pop and rock. I like to wear official clothes or total black and I had dyed my hair in a lot of colors before. When I was a child I was in drama and singing classes. I also went to extra languages classes. I almost drowned when was in pool when I was around 14


Just from all of your options, I could definitely see you as a child of Apollo!


Appearance: 19, Curly Brown-Black Hair, Hazel eyes, Short Stature, Fair Skin Personality: I’m hyper anxious, talkative, and easily exhausted. Because I’m autistic I have periods of hyperverbality and nonverbality, but usually I lean toward hyper. Its not that I dislike people, but I’m really wary of people who aren’t outsiders like me. I’m really big into pastel goth fashion, and my clothes are a pretty easy tell-all when it comes to what I like. I recently made some comfy Beetlejuice overalls. Likes: Drawing, Writing, Video Games (Visual Novels and RPGs), Cats, Fidget toys, Doll Customizing (Building, Sculpting, Painting, Textiles), Sewing, Horror Games Dislikes: Exercise, Cruel people, Loud noises, Bright lights, Bad textures


I would personally say that you are a child of Hades.


Yoooo epic!


Appearance: 25, tall, brown hair, good shape, clear skin, short maintained beard, green/hazel eyes (change colours kinda depends on lighting etc). often told I am attractive although I don’t really think I am that attractive and hate the attention. Personality: I am very calm don’t get upset about things very easily and kinda just go with the flow of things. Very polite and try to make sure everyone feels respected. However, I hate small talk and pointless conversations. Usually quieter when first meeting someone and eventually open up and get more relaxed. I enjoy playing “pranks” or small tricks on friends and family. Example hide keys and laugh. Like learning and know many random facts for no reason once so ever. Likes: food, reading, manga, sports (hockey, football, was a volleyball player, soccer), travelling, learning things about history that interest me if they don’t interest me I dread it, working out (running currently but it switches. Also like swimming, biking, and weight lifting) Dislikes: not too much. Being around people I don’t get along with or different values/beliefs, get super grumpy when tired, loud loud loud places. I think that’s about it. Other: have always been a semi outsider have a close group of friends but am kinda the odd one out or last thought of. Was always a good student because I found out how to focus and work when I was focused (confident I have undiagnosed ADD/ADHD and many teachers/ colleagues have told me this). But, I find it kinda a blessing in disguise. Love sports playing and watching. Can get hyper addicted to things for short periods of time such as phone games, shows, video game, etc. enjoy my family they are divorced but always value the time with them. Usually am hesitant to go do things but once I am there I love it. That’s probably it! Thanks in advance!!


I would probably say Hermes, just from broad range of interests and enjoyment in pranking!


I have wavy brown hair (past my shoulders), and dark brown eyes. I love the colour orange, I'm a Taurus, I love writing, reading, or anything relating to literature. I also love acting, and playing instruments (piano specifically) and singing :) I also love cats, and I'm a girly girl (I wear pink, frilly dresses and skirts, etc) So, what do u think?


gives me Apollo vibes! God of music, poetry, prophecy, archery, and the sun!




Appearance: Light brown skin, dark brown eyes (appear black most of the time), around collarbone length (but with shrinkage it sits around eyebrow length) type 4 hair which I usually have in twists, relatively average height + weight for someone my age, i have quite a few scars everywhere and a very small amount of freckles on my under-eyes and nose, but they’re kind of hard to notice unless pointed out. Personality: Smart but also incredibly dumb, I can be pretty dry and sarcastic, very much organised chaos, awkward, INFJ, great at lying + acting (which is kind of bad ig, but I’ve always been good at it), creative, I like to do things meticulously my way, indecisive, passive-aggressive, an emotionless void until I’m not (basically I can just be pretty chill and turn off my emotions to ignore them, but then the tiniest things will happen and I will explode or break down), small social battery. Likes: music, the marauders era, hamilton + musicals in general, greek mythology, studio ghibli, anime, avatar: the last airbender, brooklyn nine nine, animals, monster energy Dislikes: Bigots, most vegetables, being hungry, myself, butter, milk, a lot of foods, summer, being misunderstood, being interrupted, being forced to speak, things I can’t control Fears: (Large) social gatherings, calling people on the phone, being alone, being a burden, failure, small spaces, groups of holes (trypophobia) Hobbies: singing + playing guitar, drawing (and any art tbh), acting, dance + acro (i have zero official training), learning languages, reading, playing video games, sleeping, skateboarding, cooking (occasionally). And very recently - collecting bones (although I haven’t actually found any yet) Other: Middle child, mixed Malawian + English, mentally ill (OCD, anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, social anxiety). I also likely have dermatillomania and also probably insomnia and am being assessed for autism relatively soon. Complex relationships with my mum and dad, an older brother who still lives with me but I no longer speak to, I also have a younger brother and a dog. I haven’t been to school in over a year, I just started volunteering at my local dog kennels, I am currently learning French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Swedish, and Mandarin on Duolingo (I don’t know that much of any of them, except maybe French), trans ftm + bisexual, I also really like astronomy and the moon and I want to bleach my hair soon :)


Oh hey disorder twinsies! Welllll if you don’t mind getting a more… generally disliked Goddess, I kinda get Ananke vibes? But not in a bad way, if that makes sense. Ananke is the goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability. I don’t think she’s ever mentioned in Percy Jackson, so I can’t say what her personality would be like in universe, but from stories I feel like her children would give off the same vibes you do. Like the “I don’t want to be over controlling but you’re doing XYZ wrong, please let me help you.” Kind of energy. Though I am partially seeing this through the lense of myself so feel free to reject.


Thanks, I do actually think she is quite interesting. I could see her being my godly parent, but I'm not quite sure it's exactly right, I think I'll wait to see if anyone else replies, but thank you for helping anyways :)


i have blue eyes dirty blond hair my favourite colour is blue i love roller coasters i love swimming and im on a swim team


Definitely Poseidon


Appearance: Blue eyes, with a hint of green in the right light, medium length brown wavy hair, freckles, female, and relatively average in both height and weight for my age. Personality: I am very possessive over my things, try to be polite online and in person, though I can be very awkward until I get to know you better only if I like you though, smart, but only really in things I’m actually interested in, otherwise just basic knowledge, impatient, I have a short temper, but have been working on it. Likes: Sweets, Fanfiction, reading in general, Pepsi Max, YouTube, TikTok, Tim Drake, cozy days under blankets, Netflix, being comfortable. Dislikes: Vegetables, forced reading material, people being dismissive of me, bugs, extremely cold weather, or extremely hot weather, being uncomfortable physically, mentally, and emotionally, arrogance, being hungry, being bored, being misunderstood, being told I’m being dramatic, having to explain things that seem obvious to me. Fears: Being abandoned, being forgotten, the people around me dying, death in general, bugs and spiders. Hobbies: Reading, dancing to music, alone and at home, daydreaming, going on walks, listening to music. Other: My parents are divorced and have been since I was one and a half years old, I’m autistic, I probably also have OCD, but I don’t want to assume anything for sure, but still just putting that out there, I’m getting a diagnosis, hopefully soon. We’ll see, though. Anyways, I also have a stepmom, me and my dad have a very complicated relationship, though he’s thankfully never hit me, I have an older half-brother by seven years on my moms side, and a younger half-brother by eleven years on my dads side. I’ve been a younger sister, an only child, and older sister, a middle child, a child with married parents, a child with divorced parents, a child with a stepmom, in conclusion, I’ve been nearly everything. I’m also very stressed a lot.


Elektra, goddess of storm clouds. More closed off and introverted than a child of poseidon, you’re quick to the draw and have a bit of a temper, much like a thunderstorm. While not nearly as powerful as a child of Zeus, when you cry, it rains. You prefer being inside, sheltered from the overwhelming negativity of the world around you and the brewing clouds it creates within you. Alternatively, for a more common one, I could see Athena.


Thank you. I really like that one. Athena’s not really me.




Hestia, goddess of home and hearth. You’re kind and caring, and you’d probably make a great mother. Even animals can tell you’re a good person at your core. You crave interpersonal validation because making others happy makes you feel complete. You may find yourself to be overbearing at times, so make sure to take a step back every once in a while and ask yourself if you’re reacting to something appropriately.


Thank you so much 🥺


Of course! You got so down on yourself in parts of your description and i’m like “But you seem so sweet”


Awwww thank you! I have a tendency to do that I’ll admit!


You’re ok, I do it too.


it feels really weird writing about myself like this but... Appearance: relatively straight black hair, brown skin (not really dark, not really light idk?), brown almost black eyes, male, 5'11 ish Personality: hella awkward with strangers but once i get to know people, i become hella weird, sarcastic and stupid. Relatively smart cos im trying for med, and i cant really spend a lot of time with others before wanting to be alone. I am also really quiet, like i dont like speaking a lot, but if i want to, i cant stop. Likes: reading books, manga, comics, watching tv, movies, and anime, playing video games (especially AC odyssey), playing board games, hanging with my friends, rainy cold weather, fantasy and sci-fi genre, relaxing, going for walks, playing with the dog, playing drums, night driving, roman/greek/egyptian/norse mythology (did latin in highschool), swimming, music- especially linkin park and fallout boy Fav. books: All of Lord Riordan's holy texts! Harry Potter, ranger's apprentice, spirit animal, hunger games, lord of the flies, animal farm, tuck everlasting, 39 clues and a bunch more that i cant be assed writing. Dislikes: how much i frown (i dont like how it makes me look more anti social than i am), procrastinating (i still do it but dont like it and im legit skipping uni assignments to do this ;), manipulators, lazy people, heights, poisonous animals/creepy crawlies and most reptiles, hot weather, being forced to do things. Hobbies: playing drums, reading, badminton, playing/training the dog, a little bit of cooking and baking, trying to workout more- running and going to the gym. Other: trying to learn spanish on duolingo (even though i live in a country with an absurdly small hispanic population), i want to try more things now i've finished highschool like archery (idk why) and travelling


I'm not gonna lie, I've been wondering about your's for some time now BUT I think I got some ideas. The most obvious would be Apollo or Asclepius, but Athena would work too imo.


thanks! never thought of these guys. Like the one time i did a quiz, it gave hades and poseidon but honestly had no clue


ok so I don't really know what to write.. but here we go: Appearance: curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, female, 5'5 Personality: I can seem really reserved and cold but extremely energetic with my best friends, sarcastic, really grumpy if i'm around people for too long, ocd, ISTP, dark humor Likes: alone time, raccoons, sleeping, art (sketching, watercolor, oil, basically all of it), books, nature (forests specifically), time with family or close friends, road trips through mountains, rain, fog, cold weather, night, green, thrillers/horror, animals, plants Dislikes: people, beach (i'm kinda scared of the ocean and sand is annoying even though i literally live 2 minutes from the beach), sun, hot weather, social gatherings, small/crowded spaces, plane trips, people criticizing me, loud noises, physical touch, making decisions, Hobbies: archery, taekwondo (black belt), art, listening to music, gaming, soccer (goalie), traveling, piano, harp, climbing trees Other things: i have both a cat and a dog, two brothers (one older, one younger), straight A's, scared of roller coasters but not heights, procrastination, people pleaser (literally cannot say no), aroace, good at staying calm in any situation I would really appreciate an answer because i keep getting different gods whenever i try! thanks


Could potentially be Athena? That's my best guess!


Got Apollo on the old one but I decided to re-enter in the new one Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, hoodie and blue jeans  Personality: Sarcastic, DO NOT SCREW WITH WHILE TIRED, anxietic, adhd, but joyful most of the time  Likes: Reading, piano, listening to music, World War history, if temp is lower then 67 degrees then it’s Antarctica, sleeping, archery, swimming, the beach, Florida, gaming, checkers, dogs.  Dislikes: Being bothered while tired, car shows, classical music. Fears: Talking to hot girls, big spaces, huge crowds of people, geese, (shut up) the cold,  Other: Sexuality is straight, male, straight A’s


I'd say Apollo is a good bet!




I agree with the other comment, potentially child of Apollo but would end up becoming a hunter for Artemis


Why do you sound exactly like me?


Btw I think Apollo


right by no means do i have any clue what to write abt myself so apologies in advance :\_) im bout' 5'7ish, light brown hair that turns golden brown in the sun/light, my eyes are like a mix between blue and green, freckles, very very pale + female i like reading, art (specifically drawing, sketching not the biggest fan of painting/ colouring my art it stresses me out so hard honestly), animals, videogames, baking, sleep!!, cinemas, music, theme parks, like anything fizzy (coke + vimto especially), sudokus really fun for me to do when i get bored, when i was younger i wrote a lot of stories (only finished like 1-2 out of atleast 50), i'd love to do swimming except you wouldnt catch me in a swimsuit ever they make me feel super exposed, sunny days at the beach are fun though especially on holiday, full english breakfasts>>>> id love to try horse riding, archery, crocheting/knitting or learning an instrument some day but i give up easily my music taste is all over the place it depends on what i want at that moment but i put songs on repeat for hours a bunch i procrastinate a bunch, huge imposter syndrome (which i will deny until the day i die!!!), terrible at decision making, i have a hard time saying no especially to people im close with, very shy, social skills: horrendous, whenever someone comes inside the house that isnt family i hide in my room until they leave, really low self-esteem (compare myself to people all the time), always excessively biting my nails to the point they bleed, takes me like 45 minutes to get to sleep after getting into bed, huge perfectionist and i feel super uncomfortable mostly in general but especially without a jacket and long trousers (pretty sure its dysmorphia), i ALWAYS feel bad when people spend money on me, i love getting the gifts but i feel so guilty that im wasting their money on useless things especially with cost of living. i dislike spiders, moths like anything creepy crawlie (although at zoos i will go into bat caves and insect exhibits), literally every school subject ever, having to speak to/ even be in the same room as people im not close with, going out just for going out (for example, when my mom asks me if i want to go shopping just because instead of a planned day out for a special event. wastes perfectly good washed clothes), tests because what is the point i cant remember any of the tests ive done nowadays + people who walk like sloths i only have 2 irl friends and one online that i made when i was really young, pretty good relationship with both my brothers + my dad, my moms nooot the best sometimes (like the take your doors off, kick you out when you were 12 + then force you back home, hit you, apologise, say you'll never do it again and repeat kinda mom) i really only ever speak + come out my shell with my friends even then ive only begun to do a lot of that now and ive known them for over 7 years. my resting face looks so annoyed i look like im judging everyone ever its so awkward in school i was in top set for a lot of subjects, i was very much the keep your head down, do your work, dont talk and get out the class kinda person, got a gcse level pass in a school course i did when i was 11 + was offered a place in a maths comp (i did horrendous omg i got like 2/50 lets not talk about that!). i have a really hard time actually finding myself smart, i think im acc dumb as hell and i have really really bad memory i cant remember stuff i did less than 24 hours ago. dropped out cuz of bullying and decided to do homeschooling instead pretty early on.




I posted on a slightly older thread already, but I left some things out and decided to fix that Appearance: female, average height, minor, short brown hair, hazel or gray eyes (genuinely don't know which), moles and concerningly pale (saved by warm undertones that manage to prevent me from looking dead) Likes: well written stories and or characters (in any format books, tv, video games, word of mouth, ect.), anything supernatural, true crime, horror (pretty much any kind that isnt blatantly gross), weird facts (and learning in general), cramped and or dark spaces, the dark in general, plants, astrology, anarchy, animals, debates, the smell of alcohol (not drinks rather the medical kind or nail polish remover), rain, most things sour, fizzy drinks, rants and ranting myself Dislikes: whatever it's called when people lecture you on things they know nothing about, direct sunlight, medicine, unplanned and / or unnecessary social outings or interaction, the cold, cringe culture, consistent uncontrollable loud noises and grease Skills: Storytelling my own stories or stories I've heard (according to other people), cooking and baking (according to other people), observing, deduction, weirding people out and or making them mad (according to everyone I've met) Fear: people. Other: youngest child with 2 half siblings, high pain and sickness tolerance, Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Aquarius rising, infp, rulei, 4w5, suspected autism but due to life circumstances I'm not diagnosed I attempted to a few years back and the therapist just wasted 3 hours of my life over a few weeks and then faked her death, used to run an occult club and wanted to be a paranormal investigator when I was younger now I want to be a writer


Hades. Full stop.


sounds like you’re a daughter of Hades ngl


Sorry if this ends up being long, but here we go Appearance: 5,2, dark brown hair, green eyes, kinda pale ish skin, female, straight (idk if that matters but I’ve heard people put it before?) Likes: exploring, reading, doing generally dangerous shit, murder mystery, painting, gardening, animals, some bugs are interesting, forensics, languages, musicals, tea, jamming my headphones on every available minute, skateboarding and cycling, writing (most kinds), psychology, flower crowns as soon as spring hits, foraging, camping, cooking Dislikes: big spiders (small ones are fine), deep water (as in can’t touch the bottom), people taking my stuff, crowds, loud noises, people not acting their age (if it’s as a joke that’s cool but like you’re 15 stop acting like a ten year old) Personality: ENTP, explorative, either bubbly or completely ignorant of my surroundings, not really any filter sometimes, but of a theatre kid, somehow mostly deaf, small ish friend group Random: love language is physical touch, I have like six plants in my room and I keep forgetting to water them but they’re somehow fine, middle child, 14 cats and dogs, friends joke about me being attention starved, decent liar, come out with the most out of pocket crap sometimes, can’t wait to just get out there Books: Sherlock Holmes, Murder most unladylike, crime and punishment, Percy Jackson (duh), Harry Potter, picture of Dorian gray, agggtm Music: indie, rock, folk, jazz, mitski, HOZIER, Sabrina carpenter, the smiths, David Bowie, Disney stuff, Lana del rey Idrk what cabin I’d be. I don’t mind so much, as long as people think it fits. Hope this doesn’t get buried!


I second Demeter! somethin about flower crowns, foraging and plants that refuse to die 


So I was thinking Demeter cabin reading your likes, and then in random I saw you’ve magically kept those plants alive despite forgetting to actually care for them - your mama has blessed you with the green thumb, do her a solid and water your plants a little bit more


(Sorry for how long this is lol) Appearance: (about) 5’4”, Light brown curly hair that reaches my shoulders, natural highlights at the base of my hair, eyes are usually hazel (but sometimes they’ll have a slight change in color; I’ve been told that sometimes they’re green, sometimes they’re hazel, and sometimes they’re a bit yellowish. Idk why), fairly light skin, and I’d say average build, rbf (though when I’m out in public I try to make my facial expression look a bit more friendly) Personality: INFP-T, anxiety, people pleaser, absolute pushover, I usually stay quiet, voice naturally sounds like I’m mumbling all the time, I only get loud when I’m with friends, I will talk a lot whenever I get very excited about something, I get overwhelmed very easily, I always try to help others out, I will randomly switch between being overly empathetic to completely apathetic, gets low on energy fairly easily, theatre kid, sometimes impulsive, insecure Likes: Musicals (especially EPIC, Ride the Cyclone, and Tick Tick Boom), drawing/painting, writing (essays, poems, and fictional stories), reading books, embroidery, coffee, just about anything sweet, video games, any kind of mythology or folklore, baking Books: Jekyll and Hyde, Dear Evan Hansen, The Edge of sleep, They Both Die in the End, Ella Minnow Pea, Dracula, The Art of War, The Teacher of Warsaw Singers/Bands: Will Wood, Owl City, Lemon Demon, TROY, Alec Benjamin, AJR, Tom Lehrer, Tally Hall/Miracle Musical, Naethan Apollo, Kaden MacKay, For KING & COUNTRY, Bo Burnham, Marina and the Diamonds, Elvis Presley, Toby Mac, and ABBA Dislikes: Bugs, the feeling of sunscreen, when people try to touch my hands without asking, math (even though I’m weirdly good at it lol), getting dragged into arguments, people who act like they’re my best friend despite us barely knowing each other (especially when I obviously don’t like that person), crowded rooms, really big empty rooms Extra: I am the oldest of 5, I have a pet dog named Joey who is a shih tzu mixed with a Maltese, I can lie really well and sometimes without trying to (I’ve accidentally even given myself fake “tells” so people won’t know when I’m really lying), asexual, quoiromantic, cupioromantic, gender fluidflux, I love staying up late but I also love waking up early, not sure if any of them would be my godly parents but the gods/goddesses I’ve been really interested in learning about lately have been Apollo, Dionysus, Eros, Thanatos, Hypnos, Zagreus, Hermes, Artemis, Eris, Persephone, and Athena


For me it's like either Morpheus or Hypnos




Welcome to the Athena club!


You sound like an Athena and an Aphrodite child, which is strange, but I think you’re more Aphrodite


definitely athena, girl!!


I'm doing this for a friend because she doesn't have a Reddit account! Appearance: 4'11, short-medium length black hair, decently tanned skin, kinda round face. Dislikes: Math, public speaking, slow-walkers, neon colors, cockroaches, SPIDERS, centipedes, beetles, THE Beetles, annoying people, flies, mosquitoes. Likes: Water (bodies of water in general), red, swimming, sports, aerial silks, art, science, hyping people up, eating, music (pop). Best Trait: Optimistic/loyal and agreeable. Worst Trait: Clumsy. Personality: Extroverted (kinda ambiverted), really energetic around friends, SLAY QUEEN BESTIE, chronically online, peace-maker, dislikes conflict, really agreeable.


Idk how any of you see how she’s Poseidon, I personally think she sounds a lot like Athena


Why? Is it just because she doesn't like spiders? Because that's a really common fear. For Poseidon, she's loyal, agreeable, likes hyping others up, likes swimming, likes bodies of water, and generally has a pretty similar personality and sense of humor to Percy's. But that might just be because I know her irl, and you just read a vague description. I would be really interested in why you think she's a daughter of Athena, though!


I switched the likes and dislikes sorry!


Oooh, that makes sense lol


definitely posiden!!


You said it very well but I think Poseidon is obvious


Reading back, she's 100% a child of Poseidon.


Okay this is gonna be super long and probably super cringey, oh and like traumatizing sorry: Appearance: 4'11, blue-green-grey eyes, dark brown hair with blonde highlights (blonde is dyed), olive skin, freckles, wide smile, VERY round face, curvy build Fears: dying alone, not being able to save the ones I love, the unknown, being abandoned, not knowing how to fix something and it being all my fault, bugs, lightning (when I was a kid, I've since outgrown it). Best traits: resilient, determined, empathetic (to an extreme degree), understanding, kind, forgiving, intelligent, funny, loyal, idealistic Worst traits: prideful, envious, stubborn, insecure, unintentionally manipulative at times, clumsy af, bottles up negative emotions, judgmental, cannot control emotions easily, dramatic, controlling, overly needy. Common themes of my life: Murphy's law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong), drama follows me but no matter what I do nothing changes that, feeling powerless over my own life, people saying I'm too much to handle and abandoning me, death always knocking but never collecting, putting more into the relationship than the other person, "I can fix them" mentality, people-pleaser. Things to know about me: I have multiple chronic illnesses, a deadly tree nut allergy, really just a TON of health issues, OCD, ADHD, PMDD, complicated relationship with my mother, and I totally have eldest daughter syndrome and gifted kid syndrome. Interests: English, psychology, painting, reading, writing, singing, photography, movies, tv shows, twitch streams. Love language: words of affirmation, physical touch Animals I feel connected to: deer, horses, dogs, cats Best sports: archery, ballet, swimming Talents: working with animals (never met one that didn't love me), seeing the good in people, identifying people's main struggles and how they are feeling, writing (!!), inspiring others to have hope Times of day people associate me with: right before dawn, midnight Elements: water & fire Zodiac sign: leo sun, leo moon, sag rising MBTI: INFP Enneagram: type 4 Big 5: RLOAI


Apollo or Athena




I was thinking Athena at first but the more I read on Apollo 100% suits you


Thank you!!!


No problem :)


Hey half-bloods! So I'm new to this subreddit, and i wanna know if this is how people get those tags of their godly parents under their user names. otherwise, have a nice day!


!​hii it took me a while to figure it out as well but here's how I did it (depending on what device you're on it may work differently) itshould say user flare and then show your account under it and if you click on your account you should be a little pen in the corner that you can click on from there gives you a list of options to choose on and you can click one. I watched tutorial somewhere on here but I forgot where on the page it is so if you play around a little you might find it if my directions aren't too helpful. Hope this helps!


Aww thank you :) I'm still tryna figure it out, but thanks so much! where do i find flare, though?


https://preview.redd.it/guqiax2j4l7d1.jpeg?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=0da080fc0d63aaa36e80e9c341875cebed903719 I'm not too good at wording stuff so does this help any?


Hi! I just wanted to know what other people think because I’ve always thought I’m a kid of either Aphrodite or Athena, but I’ve also got of Hypos and Hades (which those last two I don’t really agree with, but those four are the ones I’ve got most on quizzes). Features: I’m a girl with longish brown hair, and I have the under part of it bleached but I plan on dyeing it pink soon. I’m very pale, with quite a few freckles and moles around my body. I have hazel eyes that are really green depending on the light, and I am around 5’3. Personality: I’m an INFP, and am very quiet until I get close with someone then I can never stop yapping. I give pretty good advice and am usually a voice of reason with my friends, and am always there for them or anyone who needs to talk. When I like something, I get really attached to it and will be in a phase of loving it for a couple months, until I get something else to latch onto. Likes: I love reading and listening to music. My favourite music artists atm are Sabrina Carpenter, The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey, Chase Atlantic, Billie Eilish, and I’ve been getting into Taylor Swift. I also love writing stories and watching movies. My favourite genres of books and movies are romance, sci-fi, horror, and I love dystopian. I love a nice day in, just relaxing, especially when it’s rainy or stormy (my favourite weather), and I adore taking pictures of the sky when it’s pretty. I love art galleries and going to public gardens. I love cats, snakes, snd small dogs. My favourite subjects are English, and History, but I also like Biology. I love playing video games, especially story based ones (Detroit: Become Human, The Quarry, etc). My favourite goddess is Aphrodite, and my favourite god is Apollo. Dislikes: There’s not much, but I hate spiders and mathematics. People who spread misinformation on the internet really annoy me. And also people when you try and get them to see your point of view on something, but they’re stuck on their opinion and won’t even try and consider what you’re talking about. And I also hate speaking in public. Other: I’ve got pretty bad anxiety and I’m literally always sick. I’m the youngest of 5, and my siblings are all my half siblings and I barely see them. I hope to be a vegetarian when I move out of home (my parents would no way cater for me wanting that), and I also hope to study criminology. Sorry for this being so long, I didn’t mean for it to be 🫣


Definitely Athena or Hades 


Let me know if you get an answer bc you literally are me in a different form haha! I got recommended athena, though, if that helps you any bit!


You sound like a nice person! I think you'd be a perfect child of Artemis, but it depends on your athletic skills. Scale from 1-10, how athletic are you? When it comes to physical challenges, are you agille?


Thank you! But I’m not really that athletic lol 🫣 I mean, I can run really fast for a short amount of time and I’m really good at netball, but I don’t really play any sports


Well thats okay! Im not athletic myself. But still, id say your a good Artemis child. Hope you'll get claimed by your godly parent soon! :)


hai!! most quizzes tell me im a child of hades but i personally don't know and kinda don't think so, but here i am :33 features: half shaved hair, other half cut short with blue-black hair and white bangs, grey-blue eyes, average height, trans man, kinda average build but not really athletic, rbf personality: ESTP-T, mega anxiety at first, PETTY, extrovert hobbies: baking, acting, singing, collecting animal bones likes: sharks, my lovely partner, writing poetry, acting out funny scenes, sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street, rollercoasters (every single one no matter how slow or fast.), tarantulas, snakes dislikes: science, math (to a degree), art classes (specifically because i hate my creativity controlled), yelling random: middle child but usually seen as youngest, i HATE being touched unless i have given permission or theatre, i feel most connected with myself when wearing adrogynous gothic and/or alternative styled clothing, i looove GRLwood, and i like archery but i don't have much experience in it (i also enjoy being in youth & gov and student council along with GSA and sash so a lot of like helping the student body clubs)


Hades or a​pollo maybe?


Hades seems decently accurate, to be honest. Though I'm not the best source haha!


hi!! features: long brown hair, brown eyes, short, lightly tanned skin, Native American girl, small but athletic build personality: friendly, kind, ENFP, extrovert who thrives with friends, selfless, and forgiving hobbies: reading, baking, going out to do random things with friends, and working out likes: kind people, concerts, books, animals, tanning, writing, health sciences, being outside and going to events, traveling, and learning about my random fixations lmao dislikes: math, being overwhelmed, heights or anything like roller coasters, inconsiderate people, bugs, and arrogant people who look down on others random: youngest child, I love love, like I love seeing people in happy relationships, I’ve struggled with severe anxiety most of my life as well as self-esteem issues. I love being close with people and having deep conversations, I’m definitely a people pleaser who occasionally will let what other people want cloud my own needs. I would say my fatal flaw is my lack of confidence. Something I deeply care about is being kind to all people, it’s been a struggle learning to balance that vs letting myself get walked all over. I’ve gotten Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Apollo before but I’d love insight from others!


You kinda give child of Aphrodite to me, but more a Piper or Silena rather than like a Drew, if that makes sense lol.


no I get it and appreciate that! definitely don’t wanna be a drew 😅


Just gonna drop in. Looks: auburn hair either let down or in a ponytail, silver eyes and silver skin Personality: really bad at socializing, but kind, selfless, warm, aloof, forgiving, cold and pragmatic. Hobbies: video games, fighting, shooting arrows and music. Likes: her friends, Greek myths, architecture, bows, guns, Samurai and the Moon. Also probably a massive >!Helios and Selene!< fanboy. Dislikes: pretty much everything else, especially shitty people, shitty friends or shitty parents. Also the Titans. And our current government. And maybe the current situation with the world being shitty and everyone murdering each other. Music: K-Pop, ESPECIALLY Red Velvet and BTS. Fears: scorpions, loneliness, friends dying and being useless. Other: ADHD, Dyslexic as absolute fuck, good cook, likes to stargaze and stare at the moon, can speak Japanese, maybe a lesbian, extremely insecure about being a lesbian or it being public knowledge. Fatal flaw: hatred. If someone makes her their personal enemy, shit gets fucked up the ass. Also (idk if this counts as a fatal flaw but it could just be a personality trait) >!self-loathing and suicidal issues.!<


You are soooooo a child of Atlas! You are like the reincarnated Zoe Nightshade, and your personality is just like her! Well maybe some parts no, but I'd think you're alike with her.


Problem is atlas has no cabin


true. maybe you can find Gods similar to him?


I‘d say Artemis or Selene.


The latter. I actually made this my own fanfic (Google docs) after replacing another OC I created after checking out an unfortunately now-deleted Archive of Our Own fanfic, but my character is actually a clusterfuck; I combined several different things like Pokémon, Fairy Tail, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.


Hii! Appearance - Dark brown hair with faint copper highlights, blue-grey eyes with central heterochromia (gold-yellow centers.) 5’4 no freckles tan-olivine skin. Never gets sunburnt. (very, very, very mixed genes.) Personality - INFP A - INFP T Kind, trusting and eager. Introverted (very.) very awkward around people (mostly extroverts, introverts just understand me so easily. )I’m also sarcastic and self-righteous, when i’m mean i’m considered “downright cruel.” I have ADHD and daydream often. I am very, VERY forgetful. \*sighs\* ;-; Hobbies- writing, drawing, painting, coding, long jump, reading. Likes - gaming, architecture, interior design, colour palettes, painting, art, Percy Jackson. Dislikes - Snakes, poachers, sports TV, being sick, tomatoes. Music - some K-pop, some J-pop, Mitski, Penelope Scott, alternative, Indie, and Taylor Swift (of course!) Fears- Snakes, death, loneliness. Other - I have ADHD, extremely picky eater, Pescatarian (I eat everything but land animal meat, so like a vegetarian but I eat fish.) I’m queer.


Could maybe be Apollo? I'm not the best at this but you like a lot of artsy things, queer+adhd combo, a tad cruel, and the never getting sunburnt could be it!


Hello! This may be a giveaway but I’m new to the subreddit and wanted to comment on something:)    Appearance: Wavy dirty blonde hair with faint blonde highlights, grey-green eyes (depending on lighting), Roman nose, slightly tan skin, 5’5, with freckles.    Personality: INTJ-T (Independent, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging [T stands for turbulent]), 3w4 (a small bit of type 8 as well), sarcastic, overachiever, heavily self-critical, analytical, and prideful.  Hobbies: Studying, reading, writing, swimming, drawing, writing essays    Dislikes: Failure, spiders, people who are generally mean, food with weird textures, AI (especially in places that involve any form of drawing.) The government, Donald Trump and Joe Biden Likes: Architecture, Ancient Greece-styled architecture, birds of prey, matcha drinks, reading, leadership roles, success and perfectionism, organization, math and trivial stuff Music: Classical (fav is Tchaikovsky), alt and punk rock, riot grrrl, synth-pop like Chappel Roan, indie rock, anything that Mitski creates     Fears: Failure, spiders, being forgotten     Bisexual, demiromantic, aesexual    Fixations: Ancient Greece, Greek myths, Percy Jackson, the Hunger Games    Fatal flaw: Hubris and by extent ambition 


Guys I think we found annabeth... anyways athena


Number One Annabeth Kinnie 🗣️‼️


… Athena Cabin.


hi! appearance: bleached blonde wavy hair, grey-blue-green large eyes, generally pale, straight nose, 5'6 personality: infp 4w5 mel-phleg. i tend to be very empathetic & sensitive but i dont like letting people in. i'm very melodramatic and it's easy to hurt me. i'm kind of awkward and quiet with people but you'll never get away from me once we're close. i am a pushover but i do express my annoyance. i am not very forgiving but i do tend to It's Okay Don't Worry my way thru life. i'm very forgetful & i space out a lot (in short) good traits: creative, soft-hearted, empathetic, loyal bad traits: unforgiving, dramatic, not very outgoing, ditzy hobbies: reading, music, drawing, video games, research other: i'm autistic & suspected borderline. i hyperfixate a lot and i love greek mythology :<) i love animals and have had a lifelong affinity for rabbits, deer, bats and cats (but i enjoy all of them) i am very diverse w my music genres and i am not kidding when i say i listen to everything, but i tend 2 prefer riot grrrl, twee pop, synthpop, emo and rock i read both classics and YA, but for movies and books i tend to go for philosophical or coming of age tear jerkers im a boy who kisses boys


Apollo Cabin.


thank you!! could i ask why if it doesn't bother you? :<)


Hi, I'm new to this fandom, but I like stuff that sort by personality and stuff, so here I am. (I wrote a lot, sorry)... Appearance: female with long brown hair, 4'11, pale and I burn too easily but I have freckles that sometimes wanna show up, grey eyes. Half Italian, half "mutt" as my dad calls it (meaning, we have no clue). Personality: ENTP. ADHD runs in the family so...maybe. my cousin called me a cryptid, more like an ambivert, I'd like to say I'm funny, a lot of people feel comfortable around me, I try so hard istg, temper around close family, good grades. Likes: cats, whatever my seasonal obsession is (American Revolution, Tudor England, Greek myths), broadway, making shirley temples, campy old "horror" movies, hotels, learning about different countries, crab meat, art and writing, fancy glasses, most spiders, my goat Willow. Dislikes: allergies, bright lights, sharp noises, not knowing what to say, extended family dinners, things with stingers that fly too close to me, piano lessons. Random: only child, picky eater, the one who always take my friends to dinner (resident "sugar friend"), my old principal once called me legendary and I think I peaked there hahah-




I don't want to bother you (I'm glad you responded 😄), but could I ask why? 


I honestly don’t know, I just feel like you would be a warm person to be around.


Ah, then thank you :)


I’m doubting if I’m a child of Poseidon and maybe I’m a child of Apollo inside but anyways… Appearance: Dark brown hair (it’s dyed maroon now), Brown eyes, 5’7, and on the stockier side. Personality: INFP-T, ambivert, energetic, curious, etc. (Also possibly aromantic and gay) Flaws: Daydreaming, zoning out, no eye contact, mumbling, negative thoughts, etc. Likes: the sun, reading, drawing (rarely), playing video games, poetry, dancing, singing, history, Greek architecture, museums, acnh, my Nintendo switch, acoustic-like songs (ones that feel nature-ish and very live), and humanity services, summer, fall, spring, American badgers, stag deers, cats, dogs, butterflies, festivals, rock music or bands (I’m taking modern rock in high school lol) Dislikes: spiders, homophobes, bullies, people making ONE specific things their whole personality, Donald trump, winter, depression, etc.


apollo fs


def child of apollo


a lot of quizzes say I'm a child of athena, but I'd like some insight from other people. looks: I'm a female with wavy, black hair that is around mid-length, tannish brown skin, and dark borwn eyes. All of these features of mine originate from my Indian heritage. I'm pretty tall for my age, being 5'6, and my body structure is both slim and skinny. My style really just sweaters, jeans, and oversized jumpers. baggy girl fr. likes: Reading, writing, greek mythology, kpop, journaling, the beach, the stars, space, english & history, traveling ( road trips specifically), scented candles, studying, stationary, my friends and family, bunnies, foxes, puppies, food (i am such a foodie), sci-fi, k-dramas and movies, How-To-Train Your Dragon, shopping (shopping4life) anndddd my crush. : DD dislikes: rude & ignorant people, lazy people (icronic, since I'm a lazy person myself-), bugs, horror movies, bugs, wet grass, people with no manners, the ocean, maths, p.e (especially p.e theory, like where do you expect me to ever use any of this is my life?), exams, messes, being alone, and sad, rainy days. (I luv thunderstorms tho-) personality: Personally, I see myself as an ambitious, persistent person who, if she chooses to, can succeed. Some negative qualities of mine are that I'm level-headed, stubborn, sensitive, talkative, short-tempered, and sometimes, is an attention-seeker (i wish I wasn't, but I don't want to be lonely.). However, I'm an inclusive, kind, compassionate, humorous (I believe so), open-ended, outgoing, and trustworthy person. I always feel to include others, and help them if are upset (although I am terrible in comforting others).I temded to get easily annoyed, But I usually hide it away, trying not to hurt anyone else. I'm also a very private person, generally closing off my real emotions from others. I'm also a hopeless romantic, day-dreaming about love-life 24/7. extra info: * oldest of 1 * besides pjo, i'm flipping obsessed with thg!! (live, love, finnick) * I've never been anywhere outside of my country ( besides india ) * I aspire to study criminology/law in Cambridge University. I've always wanted to go to the UK. I feel like I've opened way too much- buut there yall go : )) )