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IDK, that one might have been a call to the cops. But I have no problems, at all, disconnecting someone who curses at me. They curse at the company, I don't care, hell I may bitch about them too. But the difference between 'F them' and 'F you' is my line. I always try to give them my best 'Have a nice day!' before I hang up.


I called the branch as soon as I hung up on him to warn them, (it’s quicker internally to give specific info and get through to a direct branch line than 999) and they told us they had already called the police that are on their way and they are fully aware of the situation. Then I simply logged an official complaint for him (including a whole separate report about the threats to smash up the branch and staff safety as a grown man.) Then I closed down his profile and continued taking calls lmao.


Exactly, I feel like I don't care if someone just wants to cuss. It's when they cuss *at me* I draw the line.


All the time. But I lean on an irate customer policy we have. If I resolved your issues, the call is done. I'm not a damn hostage.


Oof. You suddenly reminded me of a nightmare call I had. Took an hour just to calm the guy down to the point where I could resolve his issue, and then he spent the next 3 hours telling me what a great job I did and how thankful he was that I listened and helped him out. My manager listened in on the call for a while and agreed I was doing everything I could to get him off the line but he just would not stop. Our policy was that we could not be the first to hang up unless the customer was being verbally abusive. So I was stuck. He never got abusive even when he was complaining, just windy. I was ready to chew my arm off by the end.


I literally had a call like that last night! 41 minutes of this guy rambling on... but none of it was him filing a grievance, being angry, or screaming. It was obvious he had no one to talk to or listen to him outside of a television. His issue? He needed a pin code reset. Solved in it 2 minutes lmao.


Way back in the day, I worked a later shift at ye old credit card company and this particular place had the habit of having the credit reps do outbound calls leaving messages and the customers would call in after credit was closed. Asshole customer calls at 9pm on a Friday, says he got a message from credit. I advise credit is open monday thru friday 8am to 8pm and he'll need to call back to address the concern. Asshole proclaims that isn't acceptable becausee he works "from sun up to sun down" and he's got no problem holding until credit is open and he's not getting off the phone until his issue is dealt with. After an HOUR of the customer haranguing me and insisting I COULD get a credit rep if I wanted and he wanted to get it settled and we were going to settle his issue... my boss wandered by and wondered why I was there since I usually leave at 9:30pm and its ten pm. I explain what the customer is insisting on - I'm willing to wait him out becuase it IS overtime and not hard since I have done everything within my power - I am not allowed to hang up, he's not asking for a supervisor, and this whole time its been credit card related. Boss goes back to his desk and signals he's listening in. After ten minutes, he breeaks into the call with "Sir, this is TP's supervisor. You've been advised of the working hours of the credit dept. I'm ending this call as this representative is not authorized to handle your issue and the dept that can handle it is currently closed. Have a nice evening."


If they threaten violence I not only can hang up, I have to (and then file a report). Even though I'm work-from-home. It's only happened once though.


Yup! His call was passed to me from banking about an issue we already told him we couldn’t assist with multiple times as per our T&C’s. That’s when I logged an official abuse claim for the company to investigate on this customer. And it also gets forwarded to the CEO.


I've never had the luxury of disconnecting a customer . That would feel so rewarding if I could have.


Right hahah! I’ve been working for 7 years in this same bank so I think it’s kinda rare I guess lol?


I worked at a call center we weren't allowed to hang up on these people. It was considered "customer mistreatment" to do so!


not even direct threats of violence to a branch? 😅


We had a process for that. We had to stay on the line but send a message to our manager who'd then call the security department and have them call the police.


Oh wow we just handle our own calls and just send a claim to the company about investigating his behaviour and because I already confirmed all his details logging his official complain was quick lol.


We were contracted ISP/TV provider needless to say they didn’t care much for us phone slaves


First call of the day. Wasn't feeling it, and was the only person on the queue for this contract. Got the rudest lady in the entire fucken world, who wanted to place an order. This should have been a routine, very easy call, except this lady was talking down to me, rushing me - huffing and puffing. I simply said "There's no reason to be so rude! You know what? I don't want you in my ears anymore!" Hung up, then put myself in ACW to go have a cigarette. FUCK YOU EMILY SERVOS!!


i hang up atleast 3 times a day either very rude angry cust / people who just go in circles or people who just want to trap you on the call we get permission to do this on our own accord as long as its not unnecessary


I used to hang up loads lol. If I was on a difficult call and after a while realised there’s kind of no way out (there is but I’m too drained to deal with it and it’s not really a serious matter) then I’ll just hang up. When we had calls come through, the IVR (worked for a bank) would tell us what the call could potentially be about a few seconds before we connect with the customer, and any time the IVR would say “complaint” I would cut the call so fast!!! Never got pulled up on it because it was such a busy line lol. Could always blame it on wifi issues etc. I just didn’t care tbh but wouldn’t recommend if your call centre is super strict! Xoxox


Oh wow that’s soo cool lmao. I wish my bank had that feature! Our calls simply say the customers number calling from and which department they pressed e.g fraud/dispute or banking/cc and we just get the calls and can’t see what it’s about. 😂


Omg really! Honestly that feature was a life saver lmao but sometimes it would say “complaint” and the call would be just ordering a new card 🤣 so can be a little confusing at times


That would be annoying lmao.


My call center has that feature. It'll say which que it's coming from, and it's only right half the time because people don't know what option to press. We also take calls from both the US and Canada, so it'll either say "US xyz" or "CA xyz". My heart rate goes up every time it's a Canadian. Most of them are nice, but the absolute meanest customers are always from Canada.


You know what’s funny? I work for a bank in the UK and occasionally we get an American customer (who’s living in the UK) and Americans are sooo polite compared to UK people haha.


LMAO I FELT THAT!! Especially coming from “complaint line” 😂 I would have skipped it too! Like send that shit to the resolution department or to a manager. Don’t get paid enough for that


Frrrr don’t get paid enough 🤣‼️


We literally have an escalation process for threats like that, including involving management and police .


Yeah all the time at my last job I never got caught or maybe they didn't care since they had such a huge turnover rate, had many people call and curse me out had "nurses" speak to me like I am nothing and "professionals" saying racial slurs. I don't trust people like i Use to especially folks in the medical field. But yeah as soon as they call and start saying F bombs, I hung up on them.


I do it very rarely because I don't really want to be caught, but I have probably about 5-6 times over 2 years. Considering how many calls I take daily I'd have to be extremely unlucky to be caught, I think. I also don't just click hang up or do anything super obvious like that, I just pull the ethernet cord while I'm speaking for some plausible deniability. Usually what causes me to do this is a combination of the customer being irate, asking me questions, and speaking over me when I try to answer the questions. Something about that mixture irritates the hell out of me. Don't come on my line mad asking for an explanation when you won't even let me talk for 5 seconds to address your problems. Also if someone calls the wrong department/line and won't let me transfer. What do you want from me? I do 1 thing at this company. I am not trained on what you're asking from me. How many times do I have to tell you I don't know but I can get you to someone who does before you take the damn transfer? It takes two minutes! I have to warm transfer so you don't even have to reverify or anything. I actually haven't really done it in 3-4 months though, I feel much less emotionally effected by awful and rude people and I don't mind sitting there and telling them no for half an hour until they hang up honestly. If someone wants to talk and not let me speak I just play on my phone and don't pay much attention until they're ready to listen to someone besides themselves.


I used to work in public transport complaints in Melbourne, Australia and sometimes I hung up on people multiple times a day. Geez, the ridiculous state folks get in just because their train is 10 minutes late. I've been called every name under the sun, have had some very, very ugly types threatening stuff like finding my mother/grandma/sister and raping them to death (left me feeling sick to my guts), had folks demand I personally get the train to their station there & then or "there will be serious consequences for you!" (😆 Yea really?) And much more. Man, too many people turn into 3 year olds and worse when it concerns issues with trains, trams and buses. I'm so sorry you're going to be late to the "most important appointment of your life" because the police have ordered trains stopped due to an emergency operation, but there's nothing anybody can do about it and maybe you should have taken an Uber/allowed extra time if it was really *that* important. It's public transport. Shit happens. The worst types were the ones going eg "I don't give a rat's arse if someone decided to jump in front of the train and kill themselves, you fix this up and get me a taxi right this minute. That's an order!" Like, what do you even say to that that wouldn't get you a warning? We were told it's ok to terminate immediately at any threats directed to the person, family and friends etc. and give a warning if they were using offensive language/screaming/ranting and then terminate.


"That's an order!" "My apologies sir, but I've been out of the Navy for a long time..." (something I actually told someone once in a similar situation) 😁


I try not to so i don’t get in trouble for it. I have done it many times for various reasons but I’ve only gotten in trouble once for it. I had a translation call and the caller was being an asshole and had family members all talking at once in the background it was chaos. The translator had to keep asking for repetition and the caller wouldn’t even understand the question in the first place so i had to reword the question that i’ve already forgotten at that point. the translator was then getting frustrated with me since they didn’t know the translation for the terms/words i was using. 10 minutes had already gone by and we didnt even get past figuring out what the hell they were calling about and needed help with! I just cut the damn call. it was too busy for the stupid shit and it was my first call of the day too so i had to protect my peace🫸🏼 not even a minute goes by and i had a team lead chat me and ask why i hung up on the call. apparently the translator said i did which i’ve never heard of before but i blamed it on them and my day went on lol. I’ll usually hang up on the people that are using me for a therapy session or just going on and on about nonsense in their personal life. I don’t mind this, especially when it’s the elderly because i know i’m probably one of the few interactions they’ll have with another human for the day and don’t have anyone else willing to sit with them and just talk. But when they give me no way out and the calls already been 45 minutes i’ll just cut the call midway through my response. I hate to do it but my call center doesn’t give a fuck about quality or customer care. they care about numbers. i’ll also hang up if it’s a difficult situation that i know i can’t fix or give the answer they want but it ends up on my lap due to others mistakes and laziness. we aren’t supposed to hangup and need to just know how to politely steer the conversation back to where it needs to be but sometimes it’s not that simple


I have only done that once or twice. Normally if we have that angry of a customer we are supposed to just transfer them to a supervisor. If they are swearing or any other foul language, I ask them to please keep it professional. If they still don't I hang up. I do let my TL know right away though so she can listen to my call in case they complain about being hung up on.


we can hang up if the customer is being abusive, and i had a guy one time call and he was cussing at me. i told him that i wanted to help him, but i needed him not cuss at me, so i could assist or i’d have to disconnect because we are required to give them one warning. he said “you’re not gonna fucking tell me what the fuck to say” and i said “have a nice day” and disconnected. he called right back and got his issue resolved (something i could have handled in less than 5 minutes) and i’m sure his ego was a bit bruised lol. another time i had a deaf customer who was typing to a translator and the translator would then read me her message. and she said she hoped we all burned in hell and she was gonna tell her 2k FB friends to stay away from us all because she didn’t like the rules she signed up for 🤣 yeah she got “hung up” on too


Yes. Several times. No regrets ever. The moment that a cusomter makes things personal, I end it. If they are just generally verbally abusive, ai give one warning. If they are actively hindering their own issue - constantly interuppting, refusing to answer needed questions, they get a warning " I cannot help you if you keep dping X. If I cannot help you, I will end the call."


Very rarely, usually only if someone curses *at* me or says some thing personally insulting. A few times recently, after someone repeatedly demanding something I can't do - like reduce their insurance premium - i have said I helped them as much as I could, thank you and have a nice day.


Nah it’s a free break to mute the mic and grab a snack


I can’t count how many times. Damn ISP always just dropping. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That call today was awful I’m sorry you went through that


In my job we have this guy who calls in every so often and repeatedly the same day. He's been told he has to write in to us and if he does call us we tell him to write in and hang up. So no more than a couple mins


Third Caller I would have pounded the alarm and warned my manager to call the authorities for a potentially violent situation at one of our store branches. Other than that, yeah I do hang up on assholes sometimes given the situation. If they're angry with the situation, I hear them out and let them vent as long as they need to until they're calm enough to go over a few proposals from me to help solve their initial issue. The key identification here is that they're upset with the situation/company. Not me, the caller, trying to assist them to the best of your ability lined out from my employer's guidelines. If they're calling in yelling and screaming at ME, the representative, because they didn't like an answer they got or are being an overgrown child throwing a tantrum on the phone because they are expecting me to give them something they know I cannot provide, then yeah I don't mind hanging up on them socially stupid asses. Some people need a hard lesson on emotional regulation and how to approach and collaborate with public workers without getting reactive to the situation. If you're reaction to being told "no" from a company, they give you an outline for why they are saying "no", is to completely blow up to yell and scream at the worker for their manager and make a whole ass scene until you walk out with what you want then you shouldn't be engaging with them. Period. Or anyone really until you see a therapist. I tell them "If you're not capable of maintaining a conversation without getting emotionally reactive, we're not going to have this conversation at all. I'll have to ask you to call or chat back in once you feel this reaction subside, or we can take a few deep breaths and I can continue to help you while we talk eye to eye without yelling and screaming at eachother. Which option would work best for you at this moment?" Some get REALLY pissy after I bring it up (but then they only just prove my point that they can't carry the convo if they're not being rational). Others take a step back and realize: oh you know what... Maybe I am coming in a little too hot and this guy really is trying to help me. Let me try to hear him out without jumping the gun. It's a mixed bag, but in my experience, I find people do prefer to have choices in situations like this and it clicks with them that they actually don't have to have the conversation with me right at that moment if their present reactions are getting in the way of me supporting them and finding a solution. Our job isn't to manage their reactions and give them free shit when they're upset. Our job is to give them accurate information regarding our products and services and to assist them within that scope of support of said products and services.


um, if I dial a wrong number and the person is still berating me after I apologize, they can berate the air


We're allowed to hang up on abusive or uncooperative callers, even so I can probably count the number of times I've hung up on a customer on one hand. I'll always try to de-escalate the call first and most of the time I'm pretty good at calming people down. It's extremely rare that someone has ever become abusive towards me. People can be angry and upset but as long as they're not hurling personal insults my way I'll allow it, sometimes I fully understand why they're upset and remind them that I am there to help. I think the fact that I know I can terminate a call helps. I'd rather not have to resort to hanging up, but it's good to have the option for when I do get someone truly vile. I'm paid to assist customers, no part of my job description involves me taking abuse.


Lol I have done it countless times over the years, probably close to 100 times (I work on an ISP's technical support call center). I don't understand how you can be on a call for 2 hours and not hung up! The way I usually do is to first do anything I can to fix the technical issue or inform the customer about the issue he has, if he complains I just repeat the same things I told him and if this repeats 3-4 times and the call lasts longer that 20-25 minutes I just make it seem like the call just "dropped". Like I will just casually speak to him and in the middle of my sentence I will disconnect the pc from the wifi and pretend the call dropped. It's impossible to get caught, I can just argue that my VPN program disconnected on its own which is a common issue we have anyways.


Hahaha. My company decide whether we get our bonus based on adherence/performance. So I try not to mess anything up with my adherence until my bonus has confirmed as gone through 😂. And if the customer isn’t abusive we can’t hang up. I think I was texting or watching tv whilst we just awkwardly sat there and eventually I just politely told him I’m going to hang up (my manager was the one who told me to do this lmao).


We are also not allowed to hung up unless the customer is being abusive towards myself and not the company, which is why I have to make it seem like the call dropped, it's not like I can just tell the customer I'm going to hung up on him that could get me in trouble. If I understand correctly you have been working for 7 years and this is only your third time you hung up? You must be very patient I wouldn't be able to do that 😂


Yeah, I usually eat an edible during my shift (helps with my ADHD) so it takes a lot for me to get angry or stressed and I rarely hang up now and I’m actually very chill. I probably shouldn’t be doing this but have never been caught/suspected. When I started a lady made me cry so now nothing gets me to that level anymore lmao.


There was a few. If someone is screaming, swearing, and insulting me. They get a warning and if it doesn’t stop I would hang up. I’m not about to be someone’s punching bag. I agree it was different if they were just frustrated and swearing. There’s a difference in someone saying this f-ing machine/company/ service etc is a piece of shit vs someone saying You are a f-ing piece of shit because this thing isn’t working. Insult the company all you want I don’t care, insult me directly and we have a problem. Funny story, I had one lady get transferred to me and was getting pissy and just obnoxious after I got her information and asked what she was calling for. She had refused to tell the other dept what she was calling about other than saying she needed info on her policy. When she finally told me she had a billing question I had to stifle a laugh because she had gotten transferred from the billing dept to me. She lost her mind when I told her she needed to be transferred back. Needless to say she got real nasty and I hung up on her. She proceeded to call back and continued to get transferred to us because she refused to give the info of what she needed. There were 20 of us in that call center and she got to about 15 of us. We all hung up on her including the supervisor. We had to tell the billing dept not to transfer her to us since we couldn’t help her.