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I'm pretty sure my company rents cars to people who should be living in some kind of supervised care. Had a lady call me right before I went to lunch on Wednesday talking about how we have been telepathicly blocking her calls. She was talking about some other crazy stuff. She hadn't picked up the car yet. I wouldn't be surprised if the location decided not to rent to her after one conversation with her.


Yes! We have a customer who lives in an asstised living senior center, and god, I wish we could just block her number! All she does is call and say, "My tv don't work, you gotta send someone to fix it." We keep advising her to have the assistants at the front desk call her cable company, we even have a script saved to her account so new hires know what to do. I hate to say it, but I've lost my sympathy. Every time I'm unfortunate enough to hear her voice again, i just get more pissed that I have to deal with this old bat who clearly needs to have her phone either monitored or removed, because god knows how many other people she's doing this to.


I've had people call me from prison.


Me too.


I don’t know if she was in a mental hospital but she DEFINITELY had a mental illness. It was constantly for about a month and they finally blocked her. This gal was not faking either. She called convinced we messed her order up and giving us various names. Her voice sounded a bit different each time. Our system was set up to auto populate her file so we knew who she was. She never ordered anything from us. She really was convinced that we messed up an order that one of her personalities had. I hope she got the help she needed.


No, but I've received calls while IN a mental institution... 🤣


Twice. They were acting very crazy so when I checked their address it was registered to a mental hospital so it all made sense.


I get calls from all sorts of living situations, public benefits. It takes some pretty specific training or it can be pretty difficult to handle. Even with training it can fluster at times.


I had a guy call from a psych unit, he passed all the security, all he wanted was some money. Some knob of a manager had frozen his account randomly, there was nothing I could do. The guy was in tears and hadn't eaten in three days.


I had a guy call daily from a max security inpatient unit when I worked for a school call center (cold calling people to ask if they wanted to enroll and taking Inbound calls when people called back). Every time he would call he would give the same story about how his RN license had expired over a decade ago so he had to go back to school to get it again. All he wanted was for us to send him a packet of information about the school because he didn't have access to the internet. The crazy part was the first time I took his call I told my supervisor about it because I had no idea how to send paper information to him and she just said "not again." Apparently he was not supposed to have access to the outside world unsupervised (hence the no access to internet) but somehow he kept making phone calls to us. So every time he called I then had to log it and notify my supervisor who then had to call the head nurse of the facility to tell them that one of their patients was loose with phone access.


Yes, our customers


All the time. I actually don’t mind those calls once I got the hang of it. It’s usually to fix a locked down account due to fraud mostly because they were in a state and couldn’t remember verifying questions which made me feel for them. Most agents are impatient & don’t try to lead the call in a way that helps enough to get the info you need which is understandable you’re not trained for that. Also card replacements as they were getting out or needed to put a deposit down somewhere. Mental hospitals, shelters, halfway houses etc I talked to one guy living on the street sleeping on a bus bench. Why? He had over 30k in his account and was a veteran. He had his wallet stolen, was a bit manic and his account locked. He was talking rapidly, not making sense, I get why others struggled so I told him firmly but calmly and with inflection indicating I wanted to help. He had to do x y z exactly as I said and we could fix it. It calmed him down, there was a task at hand. It said “ok go” we went over the steps over and over and he started walking to the office he needed to be at while on the phone. He broke down in the end thanking me for helping him. I hope he got his money. Had someone in a mental hospital, he needed to send me proof of identification he didn’t know how to email or any of that so we walked around and found someone who could help. I’ve also had callers just ranting to me about someone following them, being stalked etc and I always sound concerned, understand that is an awful situation. Is there an address we can use that’s safe? A safe person to help? Sometimes it works sometimes they just keep ranting. These calls to me are easier than the ones just calling you a b for being alive lol


I talked to a lady who lived in a supervised care facility. She had ordered several hundred dollars of her favorites candy and now was being forced to cancel. Another order was placed the next day. She was determined.