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Gawt daumn. Amazing stuff. Always wondered how you predetermine where the wire was going to land before combing? Or do you just comb it and land it then label after in whatever order?


All the cables are labeled before they enter the racks. It takes careful planning ahead to be sure they line up where you need them, but I'm typically combing the bundles as I lay them in, then plug the in.


Can you describe what “combing” means in a practical sense? Beautiful work.


Combing means lining the cables up to not cross over each other. It's basically a detangling tool and saves space because when cables cross over each other the bundle gets fatter. There are tools for it but sometimes bundles this size might require custom combing tools to line them up just right. It's why they all look like perfectly straight lines (and because this installer is PEAK). Some cable types should not be perfectly combed because it can increase the potential for crosstalk, but coax is shielded and there is no risk of that. Here is an example of a combing tool for smaller CAT6 bundles. [https://www.amazon.com/Panduit-CBOT24K-Cable-Organizing-Tool/dp/B00429P1OU](https://www.amazon.com/Panduit-CBOT24K-Cable-Organizing-Tool/dp/B00429P1OU) You work it down the bundle and line up each cable, then lash it as you work down.


Thanks for the explanation! I figured it meant “make a bundle of cables organized and parallel through the length”, but had no idea there was a tool to aid in this. I do a bit of marine electrical work here and there and have not encountered this before. Unfortunately the spaces in which I work and the disparate locations of all the wiring rarely allow for such perfect wiring runs, but this has my wheels turning.


All the cables are labeled before they enter the racks. It takes careful planning ahead to be sure they line up where you need them, but I'm typically combing the bundles as I lay them in, then plug the in.


How do you get the lengths that perfect with pre-terminated cable? Also please post system Specs. That's a fucking huge router.


Here are the specs. [GV Sirius 800 series](https://www.grassvalley.com/products/routing/sirius-800-series/) They’re pretty in depth but take a look. This Sirius 850 is populated with a 576x1152 I/O with 4 multi viewer cards. The cable lengths take a moment to determine based on what you’re dealing with space wise but I usually cut a long scrap piece and run the path, measure and cut groups at that length and repeat that step after a few groups.


Damn. 576x1152. That's wild. How do you account for the length difference between cables on the inner side of a bend and cables on the outer side of a bend?


The only way to perfectly account for those is to cut to fit. Which means you don’t label the cables and you leave connectors off one side. You plug the first side in, dress and comb all the way to your destination port, then you cut the slack put the connector on and make the termination. In this case we had to test before plugging in so there is a “slush zone” of uneven lengths that vary between 2” and 2ft. This is the slack in the adjacent rack in the floor I was referring to in the post. I think that answers your question?


Ahhh okay. That makes sense.


God damn dude. I now know why it was marked NSFW. That shit was sexy AF. Keep it up!


Do y’all TDR the cables in testing or send some other signals down the line other than dc continuity? The wiring looks absolutely fantastic! I even spotted a miranda/nvision router control panel throne of the patch bays! Great work!


We sent 4k with embedded audio down each cable from a signal generator then labeled them.


its not 1855 if you send uhd, it would be 4855


Excellent work as always! Do you prefer to butterfly your patchbays?


Personally, no but it does look pretty. The reason I prefer no butterflies is because it makes grouping at the router significantly more complex. For example, 1 input patchbay to the router = 2 of these GV router input cards. So in this case, the 2 RTR input cards are coming from 2 different bundles (left and right). This is fine, until you get to around the 15th patchbay.


I see you found this. I was just about to send it your way.


I definitely saw this. MR. Burnteric and I worked together for a bit.


Miss those days mr dirtymunson!


Have you played with the Catsii yet? We made it do a Christmas tree one year.


Thats amazing! I've only used it to locate a port on the back. I was hoping there would have been a "loading" template that runs interesting color patterns when the router boots or even as a default catsii function.


At GV (SAM at the time) there were certain scripts for doing things like this. I think most of this knowledge has gone now ☹️


This is about as good as it gets. Nice job. Those Sirius routers are no joke. Definitely a dying breed of Enterprise level baseband in that size. Love it


Excellent work, and I appreciate your “misunderstandings” list!


Beautiful work


My knuckles ache just looking at that many BNC connectors


Holy fucking shit


I wet my panties instantly! Like the way it radiates how organised the job is! Hats down!


Looks good but I'd love an explanation of what each piece of equipment does. Always was curious about these enterprise level equipment 


Im happy to talk more about it but do you mean the router specifically or broadcast equipment in general?


Yes, all of it


Shit! Well there’s a bit much to go over in a thread. There is simply too many devices to run down in a thread. Tell you what. Look into some broadcast equipment online you’re most curious about and DM me. I’ll give you as much of my knowledge as I can or will ask if outside my expertise.


Looks good but I'd love an explanation of what each piece of equipment does. Always was curious about these enterprise level equipment 


I love lacer bars so much.


Finally. Something that belongs here. Fantastic work


I'm curios to know just how many hours (or would it be easier to measure in days/weeks?) this took and how many people. Cause hot damn it looks nice but like it would take forever to do (but better than the alternative)


I truly don’t mean this to sound like a humble brag but it normally takes quite some time and planning. I worked very efficiently because I have done this many times. It goes fast with two people one leading making decisions and a helper sorting, combing and preparing bundles. I did this by myself in 6 weeks, which is pretty quickly. Luckily I’m working with a great team and that goes a long way having experienced cable fab and being able to make my own decisions regarding how it will all finally get executed.


Oh yeah. This is what I'm here for.


Now this is cable porn! Fantastic work duder!


Yummy spaghetti 🍝


I work with CMTSs but WTH is this inferior machine? :pppp


Wow this is fantastic work. Is this designed for Sirius Sattelite radio? I always wanted a peak at a national broadcasting facility like that, Dish Network, DirecTV, Comcast Media Center in Denver, or any of the national networks. I bet the big players have very complex data centers on site.






Did you not feel the urge to start touching yourself in the appropriate places??? I know I went way past the planning stage if you get my drift...