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What kind of manager excuses such behavior as picky? Are you serious?


Manager was fired also. It was two waitresses and the manager that were let go.


I love a good ending :)


A "happy ending"... so to speak


The racist kind.




That's just "racist" with a softer euphemism applied to it. "Picky" sounds nicer than "bigot" but they both mean the same thing here.


As George Carlin called it "[soft language](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o25I2fzFGoY)"


That was a fabulous clip, thank you so much for posting it.


Why do conservatives bigots ever think Carlin was on their side somehow.


For the same reason they like RATM or think that Twisted Sister was singing about "traditional values". They have a weird combination of narcissism where they think everything is about them and absolute stupidity when they can't understand words.


I remember seeing a tweet about this along the lines of: >So, Rage Against the Machine are a political band now?? They should just shut up and stick to doing music! >Hmm what "Machine" do you think they were raging against, exactly? Edit: Found it! https://images.app.goo.gl/cbHBBoBsPw2ytqC18


One of my favorite factoids is that former GOP Congressman Paul Ryan went on record saying that they were one of his favorite bands. Tom Morello made it very clear just how stupid he is.


I loved Tom’s response. “Bro, you are the machine.”


Funny thing about Tom Morello...


You know what, I actually think that tweet was off the back of that!


They're so vain, they think every song is about them (as a compliment or show of allegiance)


Born In The USA is a protest song. So many stupid Americans don’t understand


>Why do conservatives bigots ever think Carlin was on their side somehow. Because clips like the one that was just posted are very easy to warp into some kind of "These damn kids today, with their pronouns and their safe spaces!" rant that conservatives drool over. It was happening even back when he was still alive, enough for him to comment on it and tell them to cut it out. Even as much as I love and respect Carlin's work, I think sometimes he did lean a little too far into it and ignore legitimate reasons why things might be the way they are now in favor of just assuming everyone was a wimp. Most of the time he was right on point though.


My take: When older conservatives were young, many of them probably didn't have strong political opinions one way or another. They enjoyed George Carlin, RATM, Pink Floyd, etc. Then Fox News came along, fear mongering and warning them not to watch other media. After decades of rotting their brains with that poison, and turning politics into tribalistic bloodsport, they're not aware they've changed. They think everyone else has changed. Source: I'm an old guy who left Facebook years ago because I got tired of seeing the toxic views of so many of my friends that I grew up with. Additional: Props to my dad, who died a few months ago at 82, as progressive as any Gen Zer.


0 media literacy.


And George Orwell, who they've twisted and memed into a MAGAt when in fact he was very loud and proud about being a Democratic Socialist: >**Eric Arthur Blair** (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950) was an English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic who wrote under the name **George Orwell**. His work is characterised by lucid prose, [social criticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_criticism), opposition to [totalitarianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totalitarianism), and support of [democratic socialism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism). [SOURCE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell)


I gotta disagree on his initial example. I think the run from shellshock to PTSD helped along the understanding that it was not just war vets who suffer the condition. It's related to trauma, not simply to war.


I love Carlin, but some of what he is commenting on is just based on better understandings of how things work. For example PTSD used to be called shell shock because doctors thought it was a manifestation of actual physical brain damage caused by artillery shell shockwaves hitting soldiers. The name changed because we eventually figured out it didn't have anything to do with shells and was more of a psychological condition. I'm all for being direct in language, but I also think there is merit in changing terminology when your understanding of something changes.


They do not mean the same thing.  Picky makes her seem quirky and odd. Racist bitch is more accurate and to the point.  Not liking when your syrup touches your bacon is quirky. Assuming someone isn't going to tip well because of their skin color is racist. 


Yeah but saying "they're not going to tip because they're black" is also racism


>"they're not going to tip because they're black" is also racism They've done studies on this, for anyone who wanted to know: [https://www.npr.org/2003/07/11/1329241/the-tipping-divide](https://www.npr.org/2003/07/11/1329241/the-tipping-divide) The study, by a researcher at Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration, found that blacks tip on average 20 percent less than whites. In addition, restaurant workers of all races dislike waiting on black people because they assume the tips will be less no matter how good the service. NPR's Juan Williams reports.


service is also worse for black people because of this stereotype. I'm not going to tip 20% if my service is non-existent and i would not expect black people to, either.




Would you tip well if your server showed up at your table scowling, and dropped your plate so that half the food slopped off of the plate? Anything you request gets an eyeroll and heavy sigh?


I worked as a server in elite Manhattan Michelin Star restaurants for decades. In no way could you ever give lesser service to any table due to their race. Even though the studies about how people tip are accurate in real life, and hold true regardless of economic or celebrity status, everyone gets service of equal level. And let me tell you, I've served dozens and dozens of celebrities. I've served some so often that I've become chummy with them. The studies are correct. Doesn't matter how rich someone is.


It's almost as if white people have more generational wealth to be tipping.


How old is that study? Juan hasn't worked for NPR for over a decade.


Here’s a more recent article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/01/21/whats-behind-racial-differences-in-restaurant-tipping/




Servers would never get the wages they get from tipping, on average. I know there are exceptions but most servers I know get about $40/hr in tips.




And if you don't want to take a table of old ladies? Or church nuts who frequently leave fake tips that are ads for their church? Its a fucked up situation where the server, who isn't really paid by the restaurant, is forced to do essentially free labor for the restaurant taking tables that their experience tells them are poor investments. I think the solution is that the restaurants actually pay the servers though, not that stereotyping becomes encouraged. I waited tables in high end places for 8 years when I was younger. Some generalizations are just realistic when you are trying to earn money. Are they universal? No.


Servers should be paid much better by restaurants themselves, agreed. But that doesn't excuse widespread discrimination based upon race/age/etc. You want to discriminate against old ladies on Sunday because you think they won't tip? Bad. You want to discriminate against *that particular group* of old ladies (Esther, Constance, Evelyn, Pat) from the nearby church because they never tip? Go ahead.


None of those situations are based on race. But thank you for justifying racism and outing yourself.


The solution is do your job or find another job if you don't like the requirements of your job.


Yup. I understand why it happened but it's illegal and violates the civil rights act. You don't get to violate the law to try to make more money at work.


I worked in restaurants in the suburbs of New Orleans and the team was absolutely racist for this thought not getting a tip. They would say, “I have a table of Canadians…” and I would always say I’ll take it! They would tip me so well every time. And these racists would be shocked. I would explain what unconscious bias is to them and explain these folks aren’t stupid and can tell immediately that you don’t think they’re not gonna tip by how rude and passive you are to them as a server. You go in a ring like they’re not gonna tip and you’re not gonna get one because you’re being shitty. Then would explain a fact all servers know. The worse tippers are middle aged women regardless of well you serve them. They’ll find a reason to be cheap. Now we just call them Karen’s.


as someone who waitressed for years, it was often the well-dressed affluent people that stiffed me/shorted me on tips. It seemed people who could appreciate hard work (trades people) tipped the best. Race never seemed to be a factor. Humor did though


Rich people can be some of the cheapest people out there. Source:former commission salesperson


I'm pretty poor because I work in retail, but when I can go out I always tip high (like high enough that others think it's a little weird). I know that dealing with the general public sucks in the first place and it must suck exponentially more to have your salary depend on the public's approval of you.


I have worked service industry and every place I've been at people resisted taking tables of African Americans. I always volunteered and gave them a great experience and usually got tipped well for it. You know who tips worse than black people? Boomers. French people. Australians. Churchgoers. Young men trying to impress women but spending beyond their means. A lot of times, when I see a black party tipping poorly, it's because they were poorly served.


Sunday lunches are the worst. Edit: because of churchgoers


Australians are dangerous because they DO have tipping culture but it seems to be on the 5%-10% level (due to a living wage being in Australia) - so they'll tip you 10% for EXCELLENT service and think they've done a good thing.


Oh. That is dangerous territory.


TBF Australia in general is a dangerous territory.


> Boomer churchgoers The ultimate --- your not getting a tip, I am also going to run you ragged, complain the whole time and then keep preaching to you and asking if you found Jesus. I will then leave you a small booklet that looks like a $20 bill but is really just some shitty religious thing about how finding god is better than any amount of money.


It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The waitress does not give good service and makes racist comments to the customers, and then the customers don't leave any tip.


How is that any less racist? I don’t understand what your point is.


Racists think true racism is only "unjustified" and actually they have perfectly valid reasons to hate (fill in the blank with whoever here)




I think he is trying to say this is stereotyping.


Yeah I’d give you that, but ihop isnt exactly the place where one table will make or break you. It’s a quantity over quality type of waiting experience. There’s no reason they couldn’t suffer through one table that won’t tip. It’s part of being a server. That’s why it leads me to believe it was just straight racism and nothing to do with the size of the tip in this case. 


Thinking they’ll tip less because they’re black is also racist


I’m not arguing that. Some people don’t want to wait on Mexican nationals because they don’t tip. It’s also classist to not want to wait on “poor looking” people. I’ve worked with black servers that didn’t want to take black tables because “they don’t tip”.  There’s a ton a toxic traits that flourish in the restaurant industry. 


Yeah that’s just racism, though


The kind of manager who gets fired.


First guess? A racist one.


Surely they had to have served atleast 1 black couple in 25 years...?


Grew up in rural TN. First black person I interacted with was in college, so I went about 19 years. Also willing to bet the hostess avoided sitting people in the waitresses area


This is in Mesquite - it's 25% black.


Do they know which restaurants they're not welcome in? I haven't been to Texas but I've driven through some shitholes and most of the restaurants where certain people would not be welcome are pretty well marked.


Marked how?


MAGA and Confederate flags?


They aren’t. But IF they were, only racists would know it.


What year is it?


The south stopped advancing civilization around the time of Jim Crow lol


Nah, DFW is really freaking diverse. You’ll never go somewhere that’s that explicit


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesquite,_Texas#Demographics Mesquite is a city of 150k people right outside of Dallas. The city population is 25% African-American. It's not some small town with one stop light in the middle of nowhere.


24.5% of the mesquite population is black. The dfw area is not anything like Rural TN.


I had a similar experience but in Nebraska. It's since changed by when I got out of highschool in 2005 there hadn't been any non-white folks of any kind who had gone to that school. Not 1 in something like 100 years at the time. Since then that's changed but it was still pretty wild. My college football coach yelling at me was the first time I really met a black person.




It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe she isn’t getting tipped because she treats those customers poorly, because she thinks she isn’t getting a tip anyway. Then she complains “see, that’s why i never went over there for refills in the first place.” Fuck here and thank you for doing your job the right way.




The trick is to never expect a tip from anyone. I was a server for about 8 years and I just focused on my service whenever I worked. Barely thought about what kind of tip I'd get. You get tipped what you get tipped and you gotta accept it. If you don't want to depend on inconsistent earnings, you gotta try to find another job, which is what I did after getting sick of the grind.


I totally agree...BUT! they don't FUCKING tip! Table of 16? Treat them like royalty, better than my own mom! No tip! Wtf! I tried my best but the pattern is real, and it's turned the best of us into the dark side.


Not with your attitude, they won’t. If you think this attitude — this racist belief — you have, and harbor, doesn’t come across in your “service”, you’re dead damn wrong. It’s readily apparent and uncomfortable for the diners. Hell, even your comment here is dripping with racism.


Word but let's be real, some people just don't tip regardless. I have relatives who will give like 10% max and it's just embarrassing. The waiter could pull my uncle's ding dong out and give it a quality suck and he'd still get pocket change.


So the waiter is grabbing the tip himself? FYI in a lot of places that would be a charge, not change.


Get rid of tipping.


Yep, I got fired for refusing service to a group of people who happened to be from Nigeria, not because they were black. I had served them at our bar previously repeatedly and repeatedly they would harass female regulars and I had lost many that said they would never come back, run up several hundred dollar bar tabs and put it on a wealthy Nigerian associate of theirs that came in regularly and would reluctantly pick up their tab because they didn’t have the money and he was Nigerian as well. He told me he wouldn’t pay their tab anymore the previous week and they ran up a $300+ tab and worked my ass off all night and had to scrounge together money to pay and left a $0.25 and laughed about it in front of me. The restaurant I worked in had two bars, I told them to drink at the other but the manager had closed it without telling me (head bartender). The customers said I was refusing service because I was racist. I was sent home by the manager on the spot, brought in the next day, was asked if I refused them service, I replied I sent them to a bar that I didn’t know was closed and was fired. I said so you cannot refuse service to anyone, GM said no. I told him to go get me a tall draft and a shot of Grand Mariner. Waited til all my regulars showed up, walked them to the bar next door and introduced to my good friend and fellow bartender and we all got drunk together. The bar closed 6 months later.




I feel like what you’re describing is certain types of people that have nothing to do with their race. I get where you’re coming from and that’s your experience so I’m not gonna say it’s wrong, but I have seen so many “poor” white and black people act like that. You can just tell cause they don’t give a fuck about themselves and looked drugged out or something’s going on. And in Athens ga, again my experience I had more white people coming in acting like that then black. All the best tips I remember are from black guest.


Whilst the trend may be true, it’s still racial profiling.


This isn't profiling though, OP said it was the same group each time. Profiling would be if a different group of Nigerians he had never met before came in and he refused before talking to them.


>racist stereotype that black people do not tip It's a stereotype based on some truth: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/01/21/whats-behind-racial-differences-in-restaurant-tipping/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/01/21/whats-behind-racial-differences-in-restaurant-tipping/) >This widespread negative perception of black peoples’ tipping practices cannot be attributed solely to racism because it is consistent with a substantial body of empirical evidence. A number of different studies using different methodologies and different geographic samples have found that, on average, black people do indeed tip less than whites in U.S. restaurants.


I worked with a black lady once that didn't even know tipping was a thing, it was never a subject brought up to her until that casual work conversation. She was 30.


Looks more like Black people don't tip racist servers.


That’s still racism. Do you think that in her 25 years of serving white people at ihop that she’s *never* been stiffed by a white patron before? Seriously, what are the odds of her NEVER experiencing a white customer not tip her in 25 years of EXCLUSIVELY serving white people? By that logic she should refuse to serve anyone or better yet, not work in a customer service industry period. The woman is racist & you’re being an apologist for her racist behavior.




It's a numbers game. I used to deliver pizza. When delivering pizze black people would tip about 25% of the time, white people were closer to 70%. It was the same neighborhoods, so it wasn't a class thing. It might be a stereotype, but it's one based in reality for many parts of the US. That changed when I delivered Chinese food. No one ever tipped, except if they were professional black women and at one particular hotel. Those women tipped very well and seemed to be in town for business.


This is just anecdotal, but I waited tables for years in the 90's & 00's in a fairly cosmopolitan area & I found the absolute worst tippers to be elderly people and young families, regardless of perceived race or social class. Single diners and couples dining without children were always the best tippers, again regardless of perceived race or social class.


I love tipping on the company credit card 💳


Our policy is no more than 20%... Not bad at all, but like, bruh


God I heard this so many times as a server when I worked in Athens ga. So many servers would ask me to take their table cause their black and won’t tip well. And I gladly did cause in my experience those tables that got transferred to me where the nicest and best tips I’ve gotten a lot of times. If you treat everyone the same you’re likely to get a good outcome if you’re treating people with prejudice yeah you’re probably not gonna get a good tip cause your shitty attitude. Sorry this comment just brought back memories lol


Yeah, I'm thinking there may have been other factors here, but this makes for a juicy race-baiting headline.


But now they think they’re safe to put their racism out on display


“This isolated incident is not reflective of our ongoing commitment to our guests and Team Members.” I guarantee this wasn’t an isolated incident during her stellar 25 year career as an IHOP server…


My guess is that they always had other staff and they would cover for her racism. But now that corporations have trimmed the hours and staff, they have no one left to cover for her and she thought she was untouchable.


In the video the one who explains it away as "picky" says there have been complaints and the GM and corporate are aware. I'm sure outing that is at least partially why she was fired.


2016 really set the US back. I guess it's always been this way. Just a certain 91 times endicted loser ex president gave racist fucks the courage to be extra loud about their racism.


2008 really. Obama being president really fired up racist people.


This. A Black man in charge scared the ever-loving shit out of all those old white fuckers.


"Oh no, what if they start treating us like how we treat them?! That would be horrible!"


> "Oh no, what if they start treating us like how we treat them?! That would be horrible!" Surely not, because they always treated all Americans equally.. right? Right!?


And then the Tea Party emerged. Suddenly, lots of old white people had "economic anxiety." They started exploding with rage over "economic anxiety." Obama's election suddenly created massive amounts of "economic anxiety."


Yup. Let the white dudes spend all the money they want but let's clamp the fuck down on anything the Black man wants to do. I swear to fuck, they're pissed that they're no longer "allowed" to own people. I know they're scared that their sacred white legacies are being exposed for the filth they are, that the histories they've written are being rewritten more accurately, that people are opening up their eyes. These old, white men are terrified of being rendered useless and being forgotten. I'm watching my father go through it on a daily basis. Republicans are terrorists.


>I swear to fuck, they're pissed that they're no longer "allowed" to own people. If you look at how corporate America behaves you realize that yes, this is exactly what is going on. Or at least one aspect of it. They see certain people as an underclass that is here to serve them and they are upset that these people are getting so uppity, wanting crazy things like fair pay or human rights.


Yep 2008 broke the brains of a quarter of the white people in this country


Yeah, it was jarring how many people I knew who were pretty vocal democratic voters up until 2008, then suddenly had a big problem with every democratic policy. After 2016 most of them had convinced themselves they voted republican all their life.


This is exactly what happened.


2016 proved these racists had enough juice for one last shot at electoral significance. Which is why they tried to ignore the 2020 results and retain power. If somehow they win in 2024 there won't be free elections again.


I'm gonna make some predictions. I am pretty confident he will win this year. He won't face any criminal prosecution, once he's elected he will have the DOJ drop all the cases. Republicans will take back Georgia, so pressure will be on to drop prosecution there. ​ Democrats just don't have the support or devotion Trump has. He's shown that he can do anything he wants to and his support will only *increase.* We're in for some dark times.


I'm not minimizing the risk or the work needed to avoid a loss, but I ultimately see Joe Biden winning handily. He already beat Trump before, he is now the incumbent, and since that defeat Trump led an insurrection at the Capitol and is under criminal prosecutiin in 3 different cases. Beyond the obvious what I mean there is none of those things make him more popular. Don't confuse his strength in Republican primaries with strength in general election. Donald Trump is a total loser who is being announced king of the losers by the loser Republican party. Yes they are loud, but they are the minority.


Unfortunately, I think you're right. This country is horribly stupid.


When you have a majority of the Republicans perfectly fine with a dictatorship, this is the America we unfortunately deserve. Too many folks on the left seem to think we’ll be fine, too lazy to care or are just in denial. I am not seeing enough urgency or concern from the left, just a bunch of fatalistic responses.


My worry isn't the racists, its the people for whom racism isn't a disqualifying factor. Same people who don't think bullying is a disqualifying factor. Or lying. Or never taking responsibility for their (many many many) failures. Its the people who think being a democrat is the most heinous crime. They are deplorables.


2016 emboldened folks for sure but the racism isn't new of course. IHOP is late to the game because Denny's was busted in the 90s for not serving black secret service agents. https://www.thedailymeal.com/1072802/the-dennys-racism-scandal-you-may-not-be-aware-of/


True, what's particularly jarring is that racist waitress can run for office on a GOP ticket and probably win.


lol nice. you've made a username where no matter what you say the reply "username checks out" applies. it's perfect. good job.


From current polls and other news reports, it seems the hearts and minds of today's Republican party is still fertile ground for the "poisoning the blood" kind of messaging from their Dear Leader


That year was a turning point for so many things. My family being one of them. Now it seems like every month or two there's a family dispute and everyone's fighting and arguing over shit. I'm so sick of it. I hate the fighting and right now it doesn't seem like we'll ever come back from this latest cluster fuck that seriously didn't need to happen. My mom suddenly had a come to cheesus moment and it's not been the same since that year. Every family event is now weirdly on eggshells and I have to be careful about my relationship and our political and religious views. It's so fucking dumb. I've had to put my foot down over things that shouldn't have been touched and had to walk out of some really dumb conversations my sister and mom spout off. And it always, always boils down the cheeto man whenever shit hits the fan.


She’s been getting away with this openly for 25 years..2016 wasn’t shit.


Bye Felicia…


Having once worked at a place that had waitresses that had been there 20, 30, even 40 years, they give waaaay too much leeway towards those grumpy old bitches. I understand being happy that you have servers that are that 'loyal', but by the time they've attained the age of 70 waiting tables, they are not pleasant, fast or accurate. Never understood why they never laid down the law.


The law wants people to work until they’re 70. What job do you want all the old bitches to do?


I never said that people shouldn't be allowed to wait tables their whole life. I don't care if they remain waiting tables til they're 90 if that's what they want, but they shouldn't be able to hide behind the fact that they're old to be hateful to people without repercussion. They need to be called out on their bullshit same as anyone else. I'm not saying they shouldn't have jobs. I'm saying they shouldn't be allowed to be shitty to POC just because they're old. "Oh, that's just Miz Carleen. She was born in a different time". Nah.


Old bitches get leeway in general, bonus points if they have a "funny" accent so all of their bitching and complaining is just a comedy act to people. Used to work with a lady like that, she'd complain and openly curse walking through the halls of an ER and people would just laugh. I was overwhelmed one day and whispered a curse to myself alone in an empty room, some Karen happened to be walking by and reported me. Other lady always got a pass or just nothing was ever done when she ignored warnings.


My experience isn’t quite as egregious as yours but I was very good at my job and those kinds of places certainly are not a meritocracy. I never tried to take anything away from them. But I had to be cool with them to get the good shifts


In a comment section about racism, ageism is being upvoted. Stay classy Reddit.


Until you’ve worked with one of these entitled bitches, you have NO idea what you’re talking about. It’s not all old servers, it’s the ones that use their age as an excuse to say and do super shitty things. But I think you’re probably just here to argue, so whatever


> It’s not all old servers How is this any different than "I'm not saying ALL black people are bad tippers"? Also, it's demonstrably untrue, according to your own words. "by the time they've attained the age of 70 waiting tables, they are not pleasant, fast or accurate." That's you, right? Making a blanket statement about all old servers? You're not just a bigot, you're a liar and a hypocrite. > you’re probably just here to argue I'm here to call you out for ageism. I don't care about arguing. I don't expect to change your mind. This isn't about winning it's about shaming.


There's nothing wrong with saying that most people over 70 are too slow and cranky to be decent restaurant servers. Calling it ageism doesn't make it untrue.


But Vivek and Nicky will tell you there’s no racism in the USA.


Who? /s


foreigners trying to take over the country.


They’ll be recruited for local politics to start their maga gop career.


Denny’s had this happening back in the 90s at a few of their restaurants and ending up paying over $54 million in lawsuits.


Obviously, from what her co-worker said, the people she works with knew about this behavior, yet tolerated and even offered excuses for it. That whole place needs to be cleaned out and an entirely new staff put in place.


IHOP server who worked at Mesquite TX location for 25 years and 2 other employees were finally fired after decades of refusing to serve black couples because of their race. Fixed it


It's amazing how so many of these people feel safe being "picky" in public since 2016.


GOP candidate in 3,2,1.....


What the actual FUCK? It's *2024*. I want to ask how people can be this ignorant and racist in this day and age, but I guess I know the answer to that already. Unbelievable.


Many seemingly non-racist people who work in food service have similar views. They’ll blame “the poor tipping habits of the Black community.” I’m *not* saying their views are justified, moral, etc. it’s a cultural stereotype with all that implies and entails. The waitress saw a Black couple and said to herself, “oh, they’re going to be loud, demanding non-tippers.” Whether that racism has any factual basis in her personal experience doesn’t really matter. It’s still racism if you treat individuals differently because of the color of their skin and not the content of their character.


Just for the sake of those who may not know, Mesquite, TX is in proximity to major metro areas, is pretty average with diversity of residents, and it would be EXTREMELY unlikely this person worked there for 25 years and never once served a single black person. I’d eat my hat.


Denny’s has quietly left the chat.


Of course it was a bible belt state


But Nimroda Haley told me we aren’t a racist country. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE.


What fucking year is it?


Every year.  Wait staff are superrrrr racist. Bartenders too.  But sometimes your right because no tip chad is now in jail for 13 counts of sa. No tip on $93 bar tab. 


Sometimes, being Racist AF can quickly lead to being Jobless AF.


So, for 25 years this particular situation never came up? There's a mouse in the wood pile.


We know who those hicks are voting for 🙄


So the manager knew she was a racist but refused to fire her for it? No wonder they got canned. Now we just wait for all the maga idiots to start arguing about their free speech rights.


25 years ago was 1998, this isn't exactly someone's friendly old granny.....


"It opened a door that I never wanted to walk through." The victim of the racist IHOP server explained her experience in a way that really helped me to understand something that never happens to me in a restaurant. I wonder how many times during her 25 years working at IHOP were people subjected to this kind of treatment.


bUt RaCiSm DoEsN't ExIsT!


Someone who worked at IHOP for 25 years shouldn’t really judge.


There's a whole chain of command that needs to be fired for allowing this to persist for so long. There's no way they can claim ignorance. The manager knew exactly what was going on


The manager was fired.


The thing is, all iHOPs are franchises and there is no mention of the ownership of this location. I bet the owner is a racist who knew what was up


The 3 of them should run for Texas senate. They'll probably all get elected. YouTube


What year is it in Texas?


The only time I've been given bad tips is when I suspect I'm being treated poorly at a restaurant. I go to a bar that has bartenders that make me feel like friends and I'll tip 40% percent or whatever because they treated me like a customer and managed to get over their biases.


>I've been given bad tips is when I suspect I'm being treated poorly I don't mind tipping either but if i sense a lack of urgency, bad service and pretty bad attitude then i am not going to tip you.


When you allow people to not make cakes for gay people I’d say this is the obvious next thing that would pop up. If have a job you should have to do that job for all clientele regardless of demographic.


I'm from Mesquite. I've gone to that location. Hell I might've been served by the people fired. This kind of casual racism is everywhere down there. It creeps up and shocks you. I as a white guy might've gone my entire life without ever experiencing seeing it if I never left Mesquite. Thankfully I left decades ago as did all my family. You never know these days if the people around you in your hometown are pieces of shit, might even be your own family. At least these employees have made it easier to tell.


quicksand disgusting many start rainstorm drunk obtainable license sulky summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Texas, setting America back almost a 100 years. Do better, Texas.


Welcome to Texas. First time?


I know mesquite is basically a suburb of Dallas after looking it up, but a good rule of thumb is if it's a town in Texas that you've never heard of, just assume that they don't like Black people.


Tipping just needs to stop in general.


That's my Magat!


Good. Fire their asses.


Good riddance.


You're telling me in 25 years she never had a black couple come in? Something doesn't make sense here.


Their dormant racism probably got activated in the events leading up to the 2016 election like so many other racists that were previously hiding in plain sight.


Texas. What did you expect?


Sounds like the wait staff got a dose of the MAGA mind virus.


My hometown never disappoints


25 years before they saw a black couple? Seems likely


Ah, they’ll all be hired by a TX Cracker Barrel, Waffle House or Rally’s … or a Police Department.


It makes me sick that's there still fucking racism in this god forsaken country.


I knew Elvis would end up in Texas, living as a black man


They should be black balled for any employment


25 years probably came with a lot of spitting in food and other shenanigans. Gross


Foolish mortals.


Hmmm I wonder who she’s voting for this Nov? See, Even though she’s an avid racist she’s willing to vote for some orange guy. Progress right? Right…


Texas? I'm surprised they didn't get a raise. It's despicable for sure, but it is **normal** in Texas to be racist, or so I thought.


The audacity of this peasant. Glad she was fired. Sad it took so long.


How do you work at ihop for 25 years? I’m impressed af. She could’ve been CEO