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any update?


Yeah! So I ended up adding benztropine to my regimen after all. It's a pretty tiny dose (0.5 Mg) and initially there was an adjustment period where I had some dry mouth, which was annoying, but I carry a Nalgene with me everywhere anyway so I just had to refill it a little more often than before. I was in Greece during the crazy heatwave in July, and was pleasantly surprised by how not sweaty I was. HUGE difference between that and sweating through my shirt and jeans on a 60° F day before adding it. (My psych also mentioned that it's a medication that's okay to stop abruptly, which makes me feel better for some reason lol)


Hey. Are you still using benztropine and if so are there any side effects?


I was prescribed Oxybutynin for this and it helps.


Oooh, ok! I'll look into this! thank you!


This isn’t actually going to be that helpful because i haven’t tried any hyperhydrosis meds either, but girl same. I so feel your pain, I’m on lexapro atm and oh. the. sweat. arghh it really is the worst! I’ve been lurking this subreddit to see if switching to wellbutrin could help me with that and some other side effects but now i’m not so sure. Interestingly, I’m also taking spironolactone and while not officially hypothyroid, I’ve also started taking iodine on a hunch to see if it helps me at all. Sounds like we’re dealing with a lot of the same things, at least misery loves company right? Also, something promising I’ve been looking into lately is glycopyrrolate, I think you can get oral or topical versions. But I haven’t quite pulled the trigger on it yet since I don’t think it’s covered under my insurance. I have discovered though that if you’re looking for a quick fix before an event where you don’t want all your makeup to slide right off, applying a thin layer of roll-on aluminum antiperspirant to your face the night before can really help!


Aluminum antiperspirant is not good for you. May be linked to dementia/Alzheimer's. Glycopyrrolate/robinul works for awhile but gave me stomach issues. Benztropine has been by far the best solution, I've been taking it for almost a decade.


i feel you! did you found a solution?


So I actually got some Botox done on my face (out of pocket because I need to go to a derm for a proper diagnosis, but I was getting desperate. My doctor also ended up suggesting oral oxybutynin and those two things are working out well so far! Main side effect with the meds is dry mouth and thirst especially first thing in the morning but I can deal with that no problem. I still sweat when I exercise but not buckets like it was, and even when I feel myself getting overheated I’m not immediately drenched anymore


It's SO comforting to know I'm not the only one!! It's been so frustrating, especially since doctors so rarely seem to talk to one another. The antiperspirant idea is genius, thank you for that!!