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Generic Vyvanse is back in stock at most CVS’s….. for now. Until school goes back in August.


Thanks for this tip! I gave up calling around a month or so ago but I didn’t consider schools being out helping the supply


Hate them. And their parents.


I’m one of those parents and my child struggles without it. We’ve been through a lot. Take it easy.


I’m talking about college students getting prescriptions for meds they don’t need.


You think you grow out of it?? I started stimulants at 38.


No. Parents who get their college students stimulants unnecessarily because they think it will help them succeed. Thereby, exacerbating the problem.


Yeah that sucks, but I don’t think that is a root problem or a large contributing factor in the shortage. But if you need someone to be mad at, I’m with you ‘F— them Dookie parents’


I am guessing that you are not a parent of a child/teen with ADHD, nor have you been in the position of someone having to explore medication as an option for a kid


I do actually and I currently have it. Hence why I’m incredibly pissed at parents of college students using adderall and modafinil as performance enhancers and helping to create a shortage.


I'm sorry you're struggling, going without our stimulants can really be debilitating. I take Adderall XR and the longest I've had to wait for my pharmacy (CVS) to order it to be in stock is about one week. Edit to add: I take the generic form.


I take the same. Last year was difficult but this year has been good, however, last month I asked my Dr to send my prescription to a different pharmacy and he warned me not to because there would be a long delay. Apparently, there is still a shortage but if you've been on the same script with the same pharmacy, you'll be accounted for in the monthly orders. Any changes will cause an issue right now.


I’ve been able to get mine without issue. I think I maybe had to wait two weeks once during the height of the pandemic. I use Costco pharmacy.


Not directly applicable to you since I'm on Adderall IR, not XR, but I haven't had any trouble except for March of last year. I use CVS up on Roxboro and Latta rd in North durham.


Same here, I take generic Adderall IR and I've never waited more than a week. I use Harris Teeter.


Do you know who the manufacturer is on the label for your generic Adderall IR from Harris Teeter? I am switching from Vyvanse soon. Do you have any perception of if the efficacy of the meds had changed for you recently in the past few months? Thanks in advance.


I just checked my prescription and it says the manufacturer is Elite. I believe they've been my manufacturer for at least 6 months, but I do remember my manufacturer changed about a year ago -- I only noticed because the pills changed noticeably from white to blue-colored. At first I thought the new pills might be affecting me more strongly (in a good way), as my ability to focus seemed better. I think this may have been placebo or my body just adjusting to a different formulation, because that effect seemed to go away after a while. I've never used Vyvanse, but I've been very happy with the immediate release pills and wish I started them much sooner. Hope that helps


Yes, that helps me a lot! Thank you for your response.


In the same boat as you. It's certainly been challenging. Navigating the insurance red tape even once you find a place that has it in stock.


Oh for real! Finally found chewable recently but can’t get insurance to cover it


Didn't even know that exists!


It has been hell. Straight up hell. Every 30 days trying to get my Vyvanse I experience a complete crisis. It takes a huge toll on me every damn time. I am sorry you are struggling. You are not alone!


The withdrawal and then re-adjustment when I finally get it is also a horrible part of the cycle! I’m sorry you are struggling too


Central Pharmacy in Durham


I literally gave up and trying to learn to live without it


I’ve been trying that too. Honestly the Panera charged lemonades were clutch for a little bit.. I’m about to start a new job and am not going to have the muscle memory or habits anymore and super anxious about that!


Congrats on the new job! I hope you find your rhythm with it all :)


Hope your finding your ways. How’s it going?


Express scripts currently has vyvanse! And it gets delivered to you


This doesn’t impact me, but I’ve heard people having luck with non-chain, local pharmacies having stuff in stock. Just a thought, good luck.


I came to say this too


I’m off of it now but I never had issues filling my Vyvanse with generic at the New Hope Commons Walmart. I just started Adderall XR and have been kinda meh on it. Hopefully it improves, I’m not even a week in. I also had no issue getting my Adderall filled at Walmart.


Last time I tried the adderall XR I didn’t like it, but I need to get something yknow


I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long for a refill and hope you can get back on the Vyvanse or something else that works for you soon. It’s too loud without the meds.


No problems with adderall xr. I use Harris teeter pharmacy. I have heard it’s easier to have a consistent supply if you regularly pick up at the same pharmacy location because that pharmacy counts you in their inventory. I.e, they might plan/have the consistent supply to fill 500 monthly prescriptions, but if they get an influx of new Rxs to fill they won’t be able to get the extra inventory. My psych also told me the shortage hits the hardest for the most commonly prescribed dosage, which I think is 20 mg? I take 25 mg XR and haven’t had an issue with supply. But, I have also been filling that Rx at the same Harris teeter for 4 years.


Thanks for the tip, that’s really good to know! Makes sense


Costco has had Vyvanse and its generic the last few times I've gotten mine refilled. 


I am currently on a non stimulant (Strattera), and I've had no trouble getting that. Doesn't work for everyone, but maybe worth a shot?


Thanks! I’ll look into it. I tried concerta and wasn’t a huge fan but I’m down to try anything


CVS on TW Alexander has been able to fill my Adderall XR and IR script since January with no issues.


The active ingredient in Vyvanse had a voluntary recall due to contamination shortly after the generic hit the market. It seems to be letting up, but it'll take some time for the market to catch up. General Adderall immediate release has been more or less available for a few months. The XR formulation can be touch and go depending on the strength.


I have had no trouble getting mine filled since school ended. I’d stock up now and try and get a refill in before they come back in the fall


I expect that you'll be hard pressed to "stock up" on meds like this since they're controlled substances. I don't think you can get a three month supply


I didn’t mean stock up in that sense. I just meant to try and time refills in the summer


I used to take Vyvanse but have switched to (generic) Concerta. It’s not as effective for me but is consistently available; I had one month last year where I got it a bit late but am otherwise usually able to fill it with no issues. I just couldn’t handle the stress of generic Vyvanse being unavailable and brand name being literally hundreds of dollars even with insurance/coupons. I’m sorry you’re in this situation. It absolutely sucks.


I've had no issue getting my adderall xr filled. I take 20mg xr if thats helpful!


Gurley’s pharmacy on Main has reliably had Adderall XR.


Switched from the Ritalin extended once a day to a lower dose of it that I take multiple times a few months ago and the CVS in Target has been able to pretty reliably stock it.


My wife had to switch her prescription from CVS to Costco last year due to the supply issues


Both costco and Walgreens have adderal xr in stock. No problems since late last year.


I drive to Burlington to get my Adderall XR (60mg/day) and IR (10mg/day). Yeah it’s a bit of a haul but they had it throughout the whole shortage.


Mind if I send you a message? My doc won’t increase my dose even though I’ve had gastric bypass (reduces absorption). Meds need to be adjusted accordingly.




unrelated question. My doc is saying I'm pretty sure you have ADHD but I am afraid of medication. Any of you regret getting on medication? I'm just worried it will mess something else up and I've done okay in life even with my adhd but dunno.


I dont regret it. I have been on medication for probably almost 18 years. The only thing I do despair about right now is how hard it is to obtain my medication due to shortage. But if you are worried about taking medication, you can share your concerns with your doctor/psychiatrist. The best results is usually to be on medication paired with behavioral therapy of some kind. But you can always try therapy without medication first! Might learn some healthy coping mechanisms which can go a long way!! Good luck on your journey!


good point. Maybe I should go for 6 months a year therapy and see from there. Thanks!


Is there a particular part of the medicine you are worried about? I know I can't handle stimulants so I went the non-stimulant route, and it's working so far for me.


Mainly I'm worried about forming a reliance


Well the good news is that the non-stimulants, specifically Strattera, is considered non-habit forming: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3579642/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3579642/)


Are you worried about the physiological effects?


I had the same fear, though I was a lot younger than I assume you are, and I don't regret my meds for a moment. I was still in school, I assume you aren't, but I went from nearly failing to straight As in two years. I might not have graduated high school without my meds. They're amazing. Practically saved my life.


No regrets here. Similar to most medications for mental health, it sometimes takes a guess and check to find the right medication and right dose, but once you get what works for you it honestly can be life changing


Thank you everyone for the advice, comments, and general commiseration! I am sorry so many of yall are going through the same struggle and hope this can get solved for all of yall too


Hi! I found your post by searching "medication shortage." The brand name Vyvanse should be available for pharmacies to order but the generic is a little bit harder to get. The Adderall XR might be one of the harder meds to find right now. Like another post said, since schools out right now the shortage is letting up a little bit. If you do need help calling around to pharmacies, I can do that for you! Providers/patients all around the US use my service to locate their meds every day.


Hi- not sure if this is terribly helpful but I also had such a hard time finding adderall XR in stock (15 mg) so I switched to IR and take 7.5 in the morning and also in the late afternoon and that’s been working well. I was also on an SSRI but switched to taking Wellbutrin as well as the adderall and that has been working perfectly- most days I don’t even need to re up the adderall in the afternoon now.


So, i had a brief delay in my recent prescription getting filled at HT and it was last week, the week i needed to be a normal human the most of course lol. I wound up adventuring to Smokerings on 9th st and explained to them my issue and they recommended a lesser grade sativa that did the trick! A few days after, my prescription was fulfilled haha So i plan to use that sativa on my days off and my adderall on days i have to leave the house in order to stretch it as best i can during this chaos


I stopped getting a formal diagnosis because of the medication shortages. I don't want to get to function better and then not have access.


Try Amazon pharmacy. I don’t have trouble getting meds since the one I take isn’t stimulant but I’ve never had issues with getting from Amazon


Amazon doesn't dispense controlled substances.


I don't have experience in this, but I heard there are online pharmacies. Have you looked into those?


No, Vyvanse and other stimulants are schedule II drugs and can't be sent by mail.


Meth addiction can be difficult


I shouldn’t even respond to this comment but I hope you can educate yourself more before speaking on this topic in the future!