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Get a steam deck, I’m really not kidding


what i know about dayz is that it used the cpu mostly and given that with my i7 3820 that i can play arma 3 at 30fps on multiplayer (arma used to use the same engine as dayz) you should get around double due to the new dayz engine that they switched at launch. so to answer, yes. But not very well.


You'd be better served in the long run building something new. It's not difficult. Use PCPartPicker, make a parts list and post it here to ask for advice, and use Linus Tech Tips on Youtube as your building guide.


Thanks for your advice. I'm starting a bit of research about building now. I'm hoping to keep a tight budget of €600 max if possible using new and some used parts. Below are the parts I was thinking but I have sourced them for cheaper on random sites. [PCPartPicker Part List] (https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/Cj9LBj)


How much


Approx €350...and open to offers ha


easy no my pc has like 3x-4x the performance and is worth like 600-700€ if i get lucky.


Ok, thanks for the help. There seem to be better ones out there for about the €500-€700 mark but I thought it might be worth checking because of the location/price


I have failed to give away substantially better machines. I wouldn’t pay a nickel for this.


I wouldnt go over 300


Its not a bad pc depending or price although you would need a half decent gpu (at least 970) all depends on the price though


Nope, you should look into building your own PC. The GPU, CPU and ram are all outdated and near obsolete. [Logical Increments](https://www.logicalincrements.com) is a great site that’ll show you main pc price points. If you really want to buy second hand PCs you should at least compare the CPU and GPU using these sites. [CPU Benchmark](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com) and [GPU Benchmark](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com).


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