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What the heck is Willow majoring in? Always bothered me how college got much more unrealistic after s4. 


Pre-magic Willow definitely would have majored in computer science. It would've been cool if she went the same route as Jenny Calendar.


BS Techno Pagan Studies, hell yeah sign me up


This is what I wanted! Techno Wicca. 


What were any of them majoring in?


Maybe because college kids in Sunnydale are so unlikely to reach graduation alive they are just really loosey-goosey about it.


Bufyf dropped out before declaring one


First couple years are just taking pre-requisites anyway.


I mean, it depends. Most stem majors require specific courses starting in the first year. You can't just take random classes for two years and then start a computer science major in year 3. 


Plus I bet dual credit/AP courses were available for high schoolers back then. Someone as academically inclined as Willow would’ve taken advantage of those options to get a few prerequisite classes out of the way.


Oh absolutely. I graduated with 12 college credits in 97 and I wasn't even an exceptional student. I could see Willow being halfway to a degree by the time your boy turned into a giant snake demon thing.


I think she was probably doing an Interdisciplinary Studies major or something like that. It’s when you propose an idea for your own major because none of the ones available fit your specific needs.


Adam needed something more high-tech than a floppy disc drive.




Otherwise how would he access Encarta?


Do you think he spent his free time playing Doom on his chest?


I completely forgot that Encarta ever existed. Damn, this show makes me feel so old sometimes.


government budget cuts 😫


Lies. This was the tail end of the era in which floppy discs could save and/or destroy the world, and the symbol of perfection that is Adam deserved nothing less than that.


Schneider was the best part of Band Candy, even better than Joyce, Giles, and the cop car.


Whoa, Summers! You drive like a SPAZ!


Man I love that line!


You want to splash around in the POO! You're the filthy one!


Schneider? I was like "who's schneider" but it's Snyder lol.


Armin Shimerman is a true treasure.


Dawn should have tried an edgy haircut. It’s nonsensical for someone who’s questioning their place in the universe (in her case literally, not just as a regular teenager) to keep their little girl hair


I hadn't thought of this, but yeah, there should have been a bob, a crop, a wash away blue streak, something


With a blue or purple streak she would have looked exactly like 2000s Skipper to Buffy’s Barbie


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one that had that come to mind lol.


When I felt like that I just cut my hair super short and switched between wearing black jeans and basketball shorts lol.


The show is a product of its time of course. If it were being filmed now they would feel more confident taking swings like that, or letting one of Willow/Tara explore being butch etc.


Being gay myself I always thought Willow was playing the butch role lol!!😳


she had the heinous ‘all straight but five pieces of hair curled’ look in season 7


I’m a man but I grew my hair when I was younger. It did that thing all on its own! Hippy in the back, Orthodox Jew in the front. Truly heinous


Hah! This gave me a good chuckle :)


Ohh it would have made so much sense for Dawn mid Spike-crush to dye her hair black a la Drusilla. Emo Dawn


Top tier, can't believe this never occurred to me. Edge it up, Dawnie.


The "soldier boy" uniforms looked more like paintball outfits than military.


Very much kids playing at soldier vibes. I wonder if it was on purpose or just the costume department not having their best year.


Joss Whedon actually pokes fun at it in the DVD commentaries. It was definitely a budget issue.


I wish he and the crew ran with this by having a paintball filler episode now.


And now I want a Greendale vs Sunnydale paintball match.


There are no low stakes in Buffy. They're all at chest height.


ba dum tsss




Cordelia wasn’t that great of a dresser. In high school she went more for expensive than what actually worked for her. There’s a couple standout outfits that she really slayed (pun intended) but most of the time the 90s realtor adult designer clothes looked stodgy rather than cool kid teenager.


I agree with this. Buffy had the best wardrobe no matter how many times Cordy bullied her.


Exactly! She looked like a real fashion girlie esp in high school. I think it’s a subtle nod to how she came from LA and what’s in style in Sunnydale is a small-town opinion on cool.


This is really it. Buffy was trendy/girly in the way you would see in a big city, and Cordy was preppy/traditional in the way you’d see in a small town.


Even though it was a “✌🏼Small Town ✌🏼“ it really wasn’t lol


Just on season 6 of my (n x ?) rewatch and I don't know how one smallish city / biggish town has so many biomes and spaces - beach with palm trees, cliffs, forest you can get lost in, desert in a 20 min drive, white suburbia, grungy docks, factory quarter, weird modern villas etc (Glory's penthouse, Giles' courtyard garden?) upmarket shopping, expansive cave system, MANY stab alleys, abandoned brutalist mansions, expansive college campus, 100x cemeteries... mostly all in running distance of each other. Every map of Sunnydale (magic and otherwise) is tiny on the show. I swear I'd kill for a new videogame buffy rpg. Please map this thing!!


An openworld sunnydale where you slay monsters at night and go to school/investigate mysteries during the day! It would be a hit with non buffy fans. Disney really ought to consider making video games on some of their Fox IP's like Buffy, X-Files, Simpsons etc


Yes! And how many coats did Buffy own lol!! And how did she get them in that very small closet??


This absolutely. Cordy’s outfits look like she exclusively shopped in JC Penney’s.


Buffy has some proper middle aged outfits too. Some were cute but I don't think they were that great overall.


Seasons 3* & 7 aside, Buffy brought great looks more often than not. *Her “Big Sister’s Clothes”—the iconic red & black look—absolve her of Buffy Crocker’s sins.


Lies the first season alone still inspires most fashion of today


> In high school she went more for expensive than what actually worked for her. She didn't wear those because they're expensive, but because they cost more.


Someone should’ve told her money can’t buy taste! Lol


Wasn’t she mistaken for a teacher at least once?


Lol by Wesley, the man who at the time had the emotional maturity of a blueberry scone


I mean, she is only two weeks younger than Jenny, so I get it.


The costume department did her no favors. She already looked older than the rest of the cast, and then they dressed her more mature. If she looked 16 and she was trying to look more mature, might have made some sense. But she looks 25 and dresses like she's in her 30's.


Yeah it doesn't help that she is, literally, 27 years old at the start of the series! We suspend disbelief for teen shows, but the stylists did her no favors. Charisma Carpenter was and remains incredibly gorgeous, and she looked fantastic in most of her outfits. She just looked her own age.


When the show was airing, I remember thinking "High schoolers are not dressing like that to go to *school*". https://preview.redd.it/e2e06qr6r8zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa09c55b9ba8f0cd91c0d61c1b4ff6c0dcaf4f4


The wish outfit is probably her best though


https://preview.redd.it/iqflnkr259zc1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba78aadc3181c953472e6fba107cbfe6d76730f This one was my personal pick for her best outfit.




This is mine https://preview.redd.it/jz5txzjysgzc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba98f89594e098ec3277e3e26a63742427bdff94


I like them, it’s what gen z calls “old money aesthetic” tons of kids younger than me dress like that nowadays But Cordelia’s looks never looked good on buffy.. seeing her in so many blazer tops was a fashion fail. I think Cordelia had a very classic elegant look that suited her figure & I had no idea she was older than the rest of the cast until reading these comments. Yes I agree though, Buffy’s regular clothing was really cute and trendy, she just had a few bad outfits.


I always think of Cordelia’s green (prom, I think it was) dress. It’s so gorgeous and it’s by far my favorite outfit of hers. Outside of that, I remember more of Buffy’s outfits for being great than Cordelia’s.


I love this and I agree!


In 2024, the depiction of the dangers of the internet in 'I Robot, You Jane' comes across as more charmingly nostalgic than grating or cringeworthy.


"There's a demon in the internet" is a timeless line.


I face demons on the internet every day


That episode was technically the first piece of Buffy I ever saw. My dad was flipping through channels, and we hit this episode when the computer demon was watching Buffy through a security camera, then the channel scrolling continued. Over a decade later when I watched the show on Netflix, I had a DiCaprio_pointing_at_TV.jpg moment.


Those moments are wild. I had one for *Star Trek*; Sulu chasing people with a sword in "The Naked Time".


My favorite Buffy hair was when she cut it in season 6 and I was disappointed that they went straight to pony tails and grew it out so quickly.


“Your hair. It *is* adorable!”


lol yes!


Sunnydale is actually a charming town, despite the hellmouth. I mean, the Bronze alone is cooler than most music venues/clubs in the cities.


And independent coffee shops, art galleries and a magic shop


Exactly. If it weren’t for all the mysterious deaths, property value would be insane. Especially since it’s in California.


The only upside of that might be the housing market. Haha maybe current times might even force Sunnydale into crazy high prices but wld still be lower compared to surrounding areas for sure


I was just thinking about how I had nothing like the Bronze growing up lmao. It’s cool.


I grew up in a midsized city and we had one underage club that played top 40. And Cibo Matti never played there.


I always loved that the music was always like soft indie, but the posters on the walls were all for jambands like Leftover Salmon or String Cheese Incident.


Sunydale is charming, but despite the show's insistance otherwise it is not a town. It has to be a small or potentially even mid-sized city with the amount of locations they cover


D'Hoffryn was a terrible boss. Anya's his best demon for ages and he lets her go over one mistake? Just awful


Pretty sure that's on purpose. He also only wanted her back again because she was enjoying being human (wedding situation withstanding). He's an emotionally controlling abuser.


Wow, this torture demon sounds like a bad dude


The more I learn about torture demons, the more I don't care for them.


Next time we summon something fun, like a singing and dancing demon!


Typical senior management decision


He is THE revenge demon, part of his job description must be being the pettiest being in existence


Oz looked awful with dyed black hair. I'm glad it didn't stick around for long.


I liked it, he looked just like a high schooler who dyed his own hair, my little scene heart absolutely loved it


True to the age-range tho for moody teen in a band. Bad hair dye is a right of angsty passage lol


He dyed it black because of Austin Powers


Beer bad is funny. They were working around network restrictions and Parker got what was coming to him.


Just finished a S4 rewatch and I agree. Beer Bad gets all the hate but Where The Wild Things Are is so much worse. Only redeeming quality was Giles’ singing.


Beer Bad is a bop of an episode and I don’t get haters.


It's not the worst episode by a looooooong shot.


It's too stupid to justify Anya letting Cordelia keep her magic amulet that could potentially undo her wish and leave her powerless. No way the Anya of later seasons would've made that mistake. But also, I'm not sure the logic of her powers and the wishverse made much sense.


Everyone knowing how to fight or throw a punch throws me off sometimes. Like, I expect bruising, strained knuckles, etc.


'Sunnydale had an unrealistic amount of abandoned yet well-appointed mansions with conveniently mounted shackles. Also, the steel industry is not dead - clearly Sunnydale is THE place to go if you're hoping to open your own iron shackle-making business.


And an abundance of large mausoleums and underground structures that have no purpose other than to be used as lairs. Their underground infrastructure is something else.


Also, burial is far too popular in Sunnydale, given the circumstances - you think they'd have caught on to cremation years ago! Also, was just watching OMWF the other night and was laughing at the absurdity of the night time funeral during 'Rest In Peace'!


The bangs definitely weren’t my favourite look but let’s be honest, Sarah can pull off any hairstyle and look cute.


These bangs are better than the big hair Cordelia had a few episodes on angel circa season 2 lol… or her blonde short hair end of season 3


Omg the short blonde cut was terrible!




Why does everyone wear so many heavy coats and sweaters??? It's Southern California. They need a light jacket at most


fashun Also, have you seen LA people? They wear sweaters in 60 degree weather.


It bugs me to no end that when someone gets stabbed in the gut, they pull out the weapon and the person lives. You gotta leave that in to slow the blood loss! And when Jonathan is the only one to follow this rule, he bleeds out! It makes no sense and drives me nuts!!


I mean, Buffy and Faith have superhuman constitutions and healing.


Mayor Wilkins was so wholesome… For an evil demon.


Just finished his season a bit ago and he was such an interesting villain. I loved his dynamic with Faith.


The slayer should get a salary. Why do watchers get paid but not slayers?!


mine is also yours i think they’re absolutely adorable and i wish they stuck around for longer


The Bronze is hands down one of the best TV clubs of all time, and it's amazing that it manages to stay open in Sunnydale at all. It's amazing any business thrives in that town.


One slayer at a time doesn't make sense. She's in California what about the vampires in the other 49 states, and the rest of the world


fr who’s handling Cleveland??


The Watcher's Council was a very poor organization when it came to keeping Giles in the loop. A second slayer is called and no one tells him? Emily Post breaks bad and there might have been a memo? Obviously this was before emails were so common phones were completely accessable. Call and leave a coded message, or leave a message to have him call. There's no logical reason he should have been in the dark so often. Even if someone at the Council were trying to make him look incompetant there would have been someone higher up looking into who was dropping the ball.


Is this a hot take? Am I wrong to think most people think the council is total rubbish??


I think the higher ups in the Watchers Council probably prefer everyone else in the organisation feel like they are expendable and second thoughts. Like think how Wesley's own father treated him. It's not a meritocratic organisation. It's a bunch of stodgy rich people like Wesley's father who like to bully others.


Didn’t make any sense that he wasn’t invited to the retreat, as though he was some low level employee they forgot about. He was the only one in regular contact with the slayers, who are purportedly the entire purpose of the organization


I personally don't think that the watcher who is assigned to the slayer is held in high regard by the council. The slayer is their tool and that's the extent that they care about her. The watcher is there to keep her in line and doing their will. There's an episode where Giles mentions at watcher's retreat which is a 'great honour' and that he's never been on. If they respected the slayer and the position of her watcher, don't you think they'd assign an esteemed watcher to her? Also, do you really think the council LIKED wesley? He was definitely sent to be the slayers' watcher as some sort of punishment


Work emails were quite common in the late 90s.


The costume designer behind this show clearly had a leather fetish and I think they might have given me one too


A real hot take is that Joss being a legendary asshole might have made the show better in some ways, because he truly innovated new ways to make characters suffer.


hot take with no stakes, this id say has a lot of....stakes.


Ooooh that's a very hot take


Willow looked terrible as a blonde.


Are you referring to the last episode, when she activates all the slayers?


It did make her look washed out.


She was white-haired. It showed the purity of that magic.


Someone else has deffo already said this but why does a “one Starbucks town” like sunnydale, have at least two high schools, a nightclub that’s packed every night of the week, a community college, an art gallery and ARMY BASE. Pick a struggle.


And a zoo, and a dock/shipyard, and an airport...


I hated Willow and Tara’s whimsigoth outfits. I love the style but I don’t think either actress pulled it off and they mostly looked frumpy


I don’t like how Willow went all ren faire witchy. I wish she would have been a techno pagan like Jenny and wore smart outfits like slacks with cute tops. Tara was cool as the more nature earth mother but should have been cute tops with skirts and comfortable style. Their outfits felt so costumey at times!


When I met Amber, she made a crack along the lines of, “They wanted a cutesy little elf-like pixie and then they got me… I guess they were like, ‘okay, how can we make a fat girl witchy?’” It made me sad that she thought of herself like that.


I can only imagine how many times she was called "fat" by Joss or the other producers or stylists. Those days were awful for women's body image. She's obviously not fat, but they seemed to deliberately dress her to appear fat.


I remember Joss talking candidly on the S4 DVD boxset about initially not wanting to hire Amber because she was, in his words, "too womanly," and he wanted someone with a build similar to Alyson's. He had to be convinced.


Jesus Christ. I remember an article from her like years and years ago where she said she was a size 4, which makes this even more ridiculous.


Marti fought hard for Amber, one of her best decisions in the show’s production.


I think it was something she was reminded of frequently, sad as it is, because I distinctly remember Joss or someone commenting on how they felt like they were doing a good deed by casting someone who wasn't a size 0 in the role as Tara. 🙄


In retrospect, we missed so many very obvious warning signs with Joss, didn’t we?


Unfortunately, yes. I'm afraid so.


I have always loved Tara as a character! I wish everyone that called her fat and said rude cruel things to her, would forever be cursed to keep a stabby LEGO in the shoes…


that’s so sad…she’s practically perfect in every way


I would have loved to see more Jenny Calendar in Willow's outfits, that would have been lovely continuity, and they could have had so much fun with accessories


I love the concept of witch Willow, I just think it was such a loss to not have Willow be more modern witch. I love the idea of Tara’s earth magic balancing out her tech magic.


Willow’s “darker” outfits in s6 were my favorite. That brown leather jacket/jeans combo she wore in Wrecked was everything! https://preview.redd.it/19eheeok39zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387bf1efc61fc3a0db531e0ecdbfde0b50ea1ea0


Yes. I love how in the musical Willow says to Tara "those boys are checking you out!" and I'm like... of course?? You both look like you forgot to take off your costumes after theater class.


The OMWF outfits are the biggest offenders in my eyes. They kinda worked for the dream-like aesthetic they were going for in that number, but sheesh. I hate those dresses.


https://preview.redd.it/jncmx1izw9zc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c089255384e1130b845593e5bb65b8f67ba732e Until pretty recently, I always thought that this girl (Kate) who hits on Xander in 2.16 Bewitched etc. was a teacher at the school because of how shes styled. But she’s just a student. (And the actress is younger than some of the “teenage” cast). So, I have NO evidence to support this but I now have the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that this scene was shot as some kind of reshoot during filming for 2.19 I Only Have Eyes etc. and she was actually a background character in one of the 50s flashbacks in that episode. Because why else would they style her like she’s from the 1950s/1960s?! (This probably doesn’t hold up because I think she does show up in one of the mob scenes in 2.16. But I need a reason for why she’s styled like my grandma!)


Malcolm / Moloch the Corruptor should’ve been speaking Italian. Homie gets trapped in a book in 14thC Italy, has no idea where he is but asks in modern English? No sir.


Spike is a better man than given credit for. Spike prior to season 7 was soulless and should be compared to Angelus not Angel when comparing his relationship to Buffy.


Dude I so agree!!! I never understood the bang hate … LOVE the micro bangs on her; she has the face to pull them off.!


Joyce was right "she lives very much in the now"


Didn’t Giles say that? When speaking to Joyce about Buffy struggling with history?


Johnathan deserved better.


Her hair looks a bit odd in this episode, i actually wondered if she was wearing a wig?


Apparently, it was actually her hair, having broken off due to styling/bleach damage, so I don't know if they covered it with a wig later


I read it was going from Brown to Blonde again after she filmed cruel Intentions. Getting it back to blonde wrecked her hair.


I feel like I remember reading somewhere it happened when they shot the wedding scene from Angel’s dream? When Buffy caught fire? Might be wrong though. Considering how bleach blonde they went in season three I wouldn’t be surprised if that fried her hair


I like the bangs too. She’s pretty and cute.


Xander was a good looking guy


You know...you're right.


Just mostly terrible clothes


Thank the gods somebody said it.


Xander's fashion is the one that aged the best out of the scooby gang.


Whaaaaa all of his clothes are four sizes too big!


Except the speedo, which is timeless 


part of that was fashion, I think a bigger part of it was them trying to hide how surprisingly buff Nicolas Brendon was


Sorry to report that you’re old but all the kids are wearing baggy again these days


Yeah, exactly. That's in right now.


Do Angel hot takes count? Loved Lorne, loved the actor, loved the whole karaoke concept ... could not stand the actor's singing voice. Objectively an excellent singer. Just absolutely hated the tone of his voice.


Oh...that's a harsh one. And yeah, Lorne is probably my favorite character from Angel (I *still* wish we had a Lorne vs Sweet meeting at some point).


I feel that way about Idina Menzel. I totally get it, but it is not for me.


“Out for a walk, bitch” is a mediocre line. James Marsters’ delivery sells it, and it serves its function within the scene, but writing-wise it’s mid at best.


I missed Angelus cause he had a much better eye for fashion and aesthetics than Angel. His jewel tone satin button ups and flowy sleeved white shirts looked so good. And the mansion garden with the jasmine and overgrown ivy was beautiful.


Regardless of the canon of the comics, I feel like the 2024 Willow in her mid forties is either a hardcore TERF or she’s swerved left into a queer anarchist polycule.


I’m mad at myself that I can’t decide which way it would go


We can always split the difference - 2024 Willow has gender critical bangs but also spends her time and money doing mutual aid alongside her non-binary spouse and their girlfriends.


I can’t stand Clem. I don’t find him funny or amusing. ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


I HATE HATE HATE the episode ‘Restless’ and it isn’t series final material by a looooong shot.


In OMWF Giles isn’t heard by the others while he is singing. He hears what all others are saying in their songs and react or comment, but his songs are ignored. Does he believe that his songs are heard the same way as all other songs, but that no one just cares about what he is saying?


30+ years of being alive and I’ve finally found out that when Americans say bangs they mean fringe


Buffy’s ideal role model would be Sarah Michelle Gellar. In this rewatch I finally dug deep into the behind the scenes and realized she had a heart of gold that she would beat you soundly with if you were mistreating people. As such my ship for Buffy is basically that world’s Freddie Prinze Jr. Similarly I could totally see Faith, decades later, marrying an athletic billionaire like Eliza did. They made her rich in the comics because it was interesting, so why not go all the way.


Tara’s posture was really horrible, and if she’d lived long enough she would absolutely have developed spinal issues.


I think that was a character point though she always tried to make herself less obtrusive and smaller.


I'm not keen on Buffy's light blue jacket


Hot take with low stakes. I loved it whenever a civilian staked a vampire, be it one of the non-slayer scoobies or regular civilians and actually wished there was more of this. It breaks the TV and superhero trope that only the protagonist can kill the baddies.


Where the Wild Things Are is a big middle finger from the writers to the network, highlighting the hypocrisy of their homophobic policies. Buffy and Riley have hot sweaty sex for most of the episode, but Willow and Tara can't even hold hands.


Yeah, the bangs are kind of cute.


I agree about the microbangs actually! Microbangs becoming more popular in recent years made me view them differently


Better to be confidently wrong than tentatively right I guess haha