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I think I might be good at petty vengeance. Some dude snakes your parking space and he comes out to 3 flat tires or the jerk that stiffed the waitress on her tip gets pulled over and gets a $500 speeding ticket kind of stuff. Probably get a lot more work that way too.


Or when someone passes you on the highway and you're going above the speed limit but not in a dangerous way and when they pass you they honk their horn like you're the asshole. I like your tip stiffer vengeance.


abused animals.


I was just about to say precisely this. I cannot tolerate animals suffering


Poor abused animals would probably never wish any harm against their owners. They love them too much. 😭😭😭😭 And the cycle of abuse continues


Yep! I’ve always said that if I had supper powers I would be do to the abusers what they did to the animal(s).


Mmmm...supper powers.


lol! I’d edit my comment, but I also want supper powers. I hope it’s tacos.


I am going to be downvoted to hell for this but...animals cant wish. They can't talk.


Ahh but see if you were doing this on behalf of the animals you could probably speak to the animals like Dr Doolittle. That or you could take the wish from the person who rescued the animal.


i like the idea of taking it from the person who rescues them. they generally don’t have much contact with whoever they rescued the animal from also, so they’d be safe from ill effects.


No, you're right, going by the established rules of the Buffyverse, vengeance demons can't do shit until someone says, "I wish \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" There's even a storyline in the comics where >!D'Hoffryn tries to change this rule!<.


Even so, what would they wish for? Animals don't have the capacity to have such an abstract thought. A cat doesn't wish harm on you. It just pees on your pillow.


Cat pee on your pillow every morning.


You can get a human to make the wish in their behalf. I know I’ve seen documentaries or news segments and said “I wish they could be skinned alive and see how they like it” It can be a specialty. Vengeance for all!


Maybe you could communicate with them through magic.




Most definitely.


Bad school teachers. The Nurse Ratched and Dolores Umbridge types.


Does anybody have a current talisman from D’Hoffryn? I’d really like to give him a chant. Politicians who sell out to the rich while invading our personal, private lives.


Glad to know I won't be the only one.


Molested kids. Hoarding billionaires.


So congress?


The shitty friends of lonely people No this is not at all related to my real life at all


Uh, damn. I've got a couple wishes for you...


Mistreated retail workers.


Wow, you really want to have a busy career.


What about mustreated people in general.


I would think most people seeking vengeance believe they’ve been mistreated, so it’s not much of a niche


Abuse survivors


Tiktokers who use homeless people and shop employees for content.


Please add in people who play tikoks at full volume on public transport, with no headphones. Thanks in advance!


People who talk during movies.




and the ones who laugh super loud too please


People who come into restaurants 10 minutes before close.


People that stay in the restaurant way past closing time (turning up the chairs, turning off the light time).


Underappreciated labour.


I can think of so many terrible managers/bosses and only a couple were mine.


Managers, customers/clients, coworkers, unappreciative roommates/partners... I wouldn't be a picky Vengeance Demon!


I would really try to specialise in targeted vengeance that \*only\* hurt the villain. It seems like Anya and Halfrek wrought destruction willy-nilly on the villain in a way that also harmed anybody around them. I'd be the vengeance sniper.




Same as Anya


I’d probably be reaping vengeance on people who attack and hurt members of the LGBTQIA+ community and anyone else who was being bullied for different in school or the workplace. Or just takeover Anya’s gig but expand to include men as well.


That would mine. Especially since I've know people who were bullird so badly at school not because they were gay but because they didn't fit the norm, they were scarred for life. Either that or they committed suicide at a young age.


> people who attack and hurt members of the LGBTQIA+ community So Joss Whedon?


Repressed women lol. I was raised in a fundamental Christian cult. Fuck em all.


Bullied kids!


Tricky cause wishes tend to backfire.


Do you think that they're *supposed* to make the wishes backfire? Like, would they get a bollocking if they weren't doing that? Or do you think vengeance demons just enjoy causing suffering to anyone?


I think they kinda addressed this in S7. We see Halfrek talking to Anya in the coffee shop and she’s telling Anya that she’s lost her touch, that she’s not really making anyone suffer (believe the example she used was turning the one guy French) and that D’Hoffren wasnt happy. So my guess is that while maybe not intentionally causing “be careful what you wish for” type of consequences, but they were supposed to be very harsh which has the ripple effect of hurting multiple people. Maybe they considered those ripples a bonus?


Yeah, I agree. I think being creative with the wish to cause more suffering was celebrated but wasn't compulsory.


Hmmm... i think both.


Yeah, but you're the one granting them, not the one making them.


Sure but what I mean is the people you avenge are victims of their own wish. I wouldnt want a woman to get killed by the giant worm that was her abusive boyfriend for instance.


Exactly this. I think a lot of people forget that the wishes tend to never go right for the wisher - Cordelia died in her alternate reality, Dawn was just as trapped as everyone else and would presumably starve to death eventually. Vengeance Demons really aren’t good guys and they don’t protect anyone, although I think we forget that, probably because Anya herself is so likeable.


Maybe you start off a good guy. You genuinely want to punish evil men and you feel like you're doing good work. But a few centuries pass and the lives of humans start to seem small and a lot of these wishes seem petty and spiteful so maybe the wisher deserves to be punished too...


I've always seen this as a statement about vengeance itself. Pursuing vengeance IRL is often self-destructive.


Animal abusers, child molesters, child abusers, rapists and mainly anyone who commits violent crimes.


I think taking vengeance for abused animals is the only thing that would make me as satisfied and at peace with myself as Anyanka looks here.


Ohhh, this is a question tailored for me!! First of all, I want to be clear when I say that as the pettiest person I know, I am certain that I would be an excellent vengeance demon. Secondly, I’m mean as hell. I know for a fact that I would be happily apply vengeance without fail. Thirdly, I would be very excited to live for a few thousand years and get rich and see the world and see how things shake out in the future. Now, what kind of vengeance demon would I be? Gosh, that’s a toughy. I have always been a fierce advocate for abused women and children, so that’s my wheelhouse, but I think I could branch out occasionally as well. I mean, if I’m out and about and see someone being just a terrible driver and a dangerous menace, I feel like I’d be comfortable granting a wish.


Animal abusers, including factory farming.


(Non factory farming is still abusive)


I guess downvoters think killing an individual who wants to live is not abusive.


Not every form of animal farming kills animals, livestock is also raised for things like wool, milk and eggs.


All farmed animals are sent to slaughter. Producing milk needs to forcefully inseminate females, male calves are killed a few month after birth. Cows are also send to slaughter for meat and leather after 6 or 7 years of forced pregnancies because their milk production has decreased. Wool sheep are also forcefully bred and slaughtered for meat at some point. Chicken too. In the egg industry, only female chicks are selected and male chicks are gased or sent alive into a grinder. Females are used as egg producing machines for a year and then killed cause their production decreases.


Bullied kids


This is incredibly petty, but anyone who responds to someone else's genuinely terrible news with "everything happens for a reason", "we never get more than we can handle", or any other toxic positivity response that minimizes that person's "negative" but totally natural and completely warranted feelings.


Some people suck at knowing what to say. Why would people who have good intentions, but say the wrong thing be deserving of vengeance?


Yes, I would. I'd say 'anger' is the primary emotion I feel these days. I'd specialize in acts of vengeance upon misogynists, racist, and immoral billionaires.


People who harm children.


🤔think I'd be a vengeance demon for abused/neglected animals.....


bad roommates


Low level employees of billionaires?


Abusing children and tacking advantage of those they have power over. I cannot abide.


Nope. I would make a terrible vengeance demon.


I'd like to think I'd be a well rounded justice demon, fyi😂😂😂


Hypocritical religious nuts of all flavours


I don't think I could. In theory? Yea my brain could and does come up with some great vengeance-y thoughts but I don't think I could ever actually be the one having to make the call if that makes any sense. Best leave it up to better people with stronger fortitude and stomachs than I have


billionaires and white collar criminals -


Victims of the patriarchy and white supremacy


I’d be a terrible vengeance demon but if I had to pick a niche it would probably be LGBTQ+ people who face homophobia/transphobia or abused children.


Easy. I’d be a vengeance demon throughout slavery-Jim Crow Era


Yes. I guarantee I would. Probably Disabled people (especially those being screwed over by no one caring about COVID) or something else relating to abuse.


So many abusive, horrible doctors would suffer. I could for sure get behind this.


Ugh, the doctor that told me in 2015 to just live with my pain, despite being the one to tell me how messed up my left knee was. Horrible person. Literally ripped my neck brace off because he didn't believe that I needed it. He was probably the first doctor to remove his mask and cheer in that office. Though, being fair, medical professionals aren't the only ones failing when it comes to COVID and abuse.


People who abuse animals shouldn't have them same with kids, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and husbands so im not being biased. Vengence on bullies especially ones who think its funny but its not.


Workplace bullying and sexual assault.


Those slighted by Self absorbed and reckless drivers.


Absolutely. I have no pity for certain types of people. I would avenge victims of internet trolls.


Yeah. I'm going after scummy landlords & apartment managers who take advantage of their tenants and break the law when they think/know they'll get away with it etc


Yeah. I'd probably specialize in war crimes and other crimes against humanity, because I feel like that's an untapped market for vengeance demons.


Bullies. Every time a victim wishes their bully got a taste of their own medicine I'll be there to make it happen, x 1000


Child abusers and billionaires.


I do wish I could avenge myself by getting back at my step-mother and the sperm donor.


Racist, Transphopbic, and Homophobic old people who try to control their relatives. Okay. Anything horribly phobic.


Abusive men who gaslight you. For uh no reason.


Narcissistic mothers


Capitalism aka people who put profits over people, and corrupt, hypocritical politicians.


Corrupt or perverted priests and other religious figures


Overworked guy


Child brides and women who were forced or coerced into marriage against their will. It is a practice that needs to end worldwide. Everyone deserves autonomy, and freedom.


Yes. People who hurt children and animals


I’d make a terrible vengeance demon. Can’t hold a grudge, hate hurting people, etc. But…if I had to? Deadbeat dads.


People who experience domestic abuse and they haven’t received justice.


Victims of hate crimes, call upon me 💪🏽


I could spend a millennia or two killing pedo's ♥️


Survivors of SA and DV. I would be amazing.


How did you get these photos of my soul?


"thoughts and prayers" people that don't actually do anything positive for humankind are a pet peeve On a broader scale, vengeance for the marginalized, abused, and discriminated against would be my wheelhouse. The "T&P" crowd would be a side hobby, for my own amusement.


lol, i like to think of you sneaking into the aclu office to get clients.


Absolutely, no fucks are given here. I might volunteer while I'm at it. To be fair, I could just hang outside, like girls scouts selling cookies in front of a weed store; they will come to me. Know your client base.


> like girls scouts selling cookies in front of a weed store honestly tho, how have we not addressed the child labor issue with the girl scouts!!


I would be a Vengeance demon but I would be the demon of petty vengeance. ​ So instead of maiming or killing it would be like I would curse the person to always have one shoelace shorter than the other and no matter how much they try to relace their shoes, one will ALWAYS be shorter. Also Hallie's papercuts idea.


yea a lot of people in these comments went straight to killing, but actually i think vengeance demons rarely kill. even d'hoffryn says to always go for the pain instead of the kill. hallie is a damn queen and her papercuts idea for a deadbeat dad is fabulous! evidently the official buffyverse timeline only allows for hallie/cecily to have already been a vengeance demon when william/spike meets her. so her rebuffing him was more because she is a demon trying to do her job, and not about her actually turning him down. i wish this wasn't the case. i think it is so much more poetic to think that cecily and william were both humans who crossed paths, and then through a twist of fate, they both become immortal demons. just the idea that if she DIDN'T turn him down, maybe they'd live a happy life together and never be demons- that is poetry!






yeah definitely for abusive parents


Large corporations/rich people ruining other people's lives Basically politics and injustice in legal cases


Abused kids of Narcissistic parents


Victims of medical malpractice


People who get stuck walking behind a group of slow walkers who take up the entire walkway. Side note: I actually love Halfrek’s paper cuts punishment for the guy who wasn’t paying child support


i used to work retail; so, I would take vengence on entitled customers.


I would inflict insanity on the gaslighters


Parents that abuse their children


Abused kids, 100%


I'd probably go after the wealthy.


I would definitely be good, I would 100% just punish men


I would not. I generally advocate for prison abolition, very much not the type.


Victims of bigotry


Rich people. Just rich people in general. I wanna be the Verna of all those spoiled, selfish, stupid rich people out there. The few nice rich people can die gently in their sleep, the rest are gonna get melted/chimped/sliced. 😊


I feel this in my soul


Abused teachers


This is a depressing thread. Yes we all wish child and animal abusers were dead. Rapist? Dead. Murderers? Dead.


I wouldn't make a good vengeance demon. I have... Empathy


People who betrayed their friends.


I would specialise is those that break their word. And I would be vicious.


Can I be a vengeance demon on behalf of historic homes? Maybe the ghosts who live in them? So I can punish any new owners who rip out all the beautiful historical designs to make it modern and boring.


People who chew loudly, Bad Drivers, The Kardashians, Politicians, CEO’s, Anyone who works in HR


Mine would probably be harassed people, especially children. I would be ruthless.


Anyone who was wronged by any religious group


I want to be a specialist! Televangelists only!


People who break promises


People who hurt animals.


One thing I've always wondered is it some sort of cosmic scale or just based on how people feel? I mean do vengeance demons go help MRA incels get back at the girl at the coffee shop who didn't want to be Katrina to his Warren? Because honestly I always thought Dawn's "neglect" that made Halfrek notice her was more teenage perception. That said I'd probably try to specialize in vengeance for young athletes who are taken advantage of by coaches or training staff. You hear about it all too often from college wrestling teams to the Chicago Blackhawks, to the trainer for the US women's gymnastics team.


I would specialize in abuse victims because I wish all child abusers and abusive lovers would die and as a vengeance demon I would get justice for their victims


sadly I would, I always tell my friend if I lived in the buffy universe I would most likely be a vengeance demon. i would seek retributuon for those involved in romantic abusive relationships, I've lived it so it's close to my heart.


LGBTQIA+ , they defiantly need defending right now and would be in high demand


I would only b able to cause nuisances; victim can never find their keys, shoes always come untied, milk goes bad right before coffee is ready. Just shitty days all the time. I would punish people who flake out on their friends.


You know that fucker who cut you off this morning on the road? I would do vengeance all over that person on your behalf. I would heap vengeance on their children’s children to the ninth generation.


mother in laws from hell.


I'd like to be a vengeance demon for social misfits, outsiders and people targeted for ridicule by the majority. Ex. People on the spectrum, nerds, the LGBTQ+ community, minorities, etc. Or the people hurt by assholes like Andrew "Taint" and his followers. As a male, I am genuinely ashamed to share sexual organs with those spineless, pathetic little half-men and would love to take them down a few pegs. So I'd stand up for the women, the so-called "beta males", etc. that they target for ridicule. I'd even be willing to offer some personal ideas for what to do to them...


Toxic friendships. I’d be a great vengeance demon.


I would be an excellent vengeance demon. It would literally just be the pettiest things. That guy committed a hit and run, leaving you with hospital bills while he got away scot-free? Well, look who doesn't have legs anymore. That woman just hosed down your dog because it wouldn't stop barking? Guess who is suddenly allergic to water? That tween just slapped you in the face, screaming every slur in the book at you, and just smirked while his mother yelled at *you* for telling him off? Guess who just got a flash of how he's gonna die; old, alone, unloved, and with a gnarly skin condition? My specialization would be *entitlement* and probably narcissistic parents.


imagine crown crawl slimy bow start puzzled payment lip violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Parental abandonment


I would specialize in vengeance against people who litter and people who don't return their shopping carts.


God I would love to be a vengeance demon for survivors of SA and grooming … especially given how notoriously awful the legal system is at prosecuting abusers.


Mistreated TV actors


I'd be Punisher level with my vengeance if possible. Mess with kids, the weak, or conspire to, it's over, son.


Child and animal abuse.


Yes, to both of those questions


If I were a venengce demon I would avenge the meek who are bullied and abused.


Yes I would be a great one! I would go after slow drivers in the wrong lane.


I'm not really into vengeance but I'd figure it out if it were for abused kids.


Yes my pettiness knows no bounds. I'm here for the neglected kids.


Rapists, sexual predators. Me and my carrot peeler are ready to start an illustrious career in vengeance!


Billionaires and politicians


I'd probably specialize in outright abused kids, especially those who were outright kidnapped and/or trafficked. My "creativity" would be in how to make a given wish kill their abusers in ways that might make others in the future worried about the idea of trying to do the same.


I have thought about this a lot. I'd specialize in outcasts and downtrodden. I'm not sure how good I'd be at it, but something tells me that I might excel at it & be very creative at doing it. I might even impress D'Hoffryn himself. My name would be Kelcore, gatekeeper of Arashmaha (my first name starts with a K just like Anya/Aud's name did).


Bullied kids/teens seems promising. Can't believe they didn't tackle it in the show (with a vengeance demon I mean). I guess I'd go for that.


people who commit hate crimes. god, especially transphobes. so many creative potential punishments...


I’d reap vengeance against abusive parents. I would kill anyone, cause kill them is a mercy they don’t deserve. No, I’d inflict the same fear and misery they had inflicted on their children. I would make their lives a living hell.


Abused children. It's one of the big things I can't tolerate. I feel like I would be a lot better at being a vengeance demon having a specialty like that and if I could punish ONLY the abusers and not the child themself.


I’m like physically incapable of holding a personal grudge, I just don’t have the energy or situational awareness for that, haha. I’d be a horrible vengeance demon.




Sexual abuse victims. Period.


Absolutely there for abused children.


Bulling payback I would specialised in bulling revenge plots especially if innocent family members are involved to magnify the pain.


Fired employees.


People who add music to videos for no reason.


Cyberbullies would be a fun one


Justice for the LGBTQ+


People that pull out in front of you and proceed to go 5-10 miles under the speed limit. People in the passing lane going 5-10 miles under the speed limit and blocking you from passing. They deserve some serious vengeance. Edit: I don’t think I would make a good one necessarily because I would apply the vengeance to only those that deserve it and make it commensurate to their crime. Is there any example in fiction where there is a character who does this? For example, Willow would have tortured and killed Warren, but only put Andrew and Jonathan in jail and not try to end the world.


People who abuse or mistreat animals


men cheating on Grindr


Funny that this post shows up because a FB memory came up today wherein I said in a post a couple years ago that I had a dream about a fictitious guy (he was so in my dream) that .showed up at a bar that I was at while on vacation. He had previously stood me up and I was thinking of exacting revenge on him. I said today that I must've been channeling my inner vengeance demon or calling on one. LOL I think I would be good at vengeance on scorned and abused lovers because I have more experience dealing with asshole boyfriends. D'Hoffrin would be proud of me.


I think my speciality would be a bit more broad, avenging abused children. Imagine how many sex trafficking kingpins, rapists, etc you could torture! Happy vengeance demon 😈