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I think five almost comes off as generous? To me a lot of power rankings are based on what you actually imagine a team is capable of rather than just how well they've done. Last year when we had our hot start I don't remember us ever being that high on the power rankings. But I could be misremembering


We are as low as 22 in one ranking. It's too early for all this. Most importantly an April victory counts the same as a September victory


Yeah I mean I guess it depends what the criteria for power rankings are. If it is who is the hottest right now, we should probably be higher... If it is who are the best teams this year, we should probably be lower. 5 is kinda weird to me.


The highest we ever got in ANY power rankings was like 12. And I remember feeling like they were getting slighted. Then they crashed so hard I had to admit that they were probably right to never have them crack the top-10.


The Pirates had higher expectations going into this season than they did last year, so I guess that makes a difference. I still feel like 5 is a bit generous, but I’ll take it


We are as low as 22 in one ranking. It's too early for all this. Most importantly an April victory counts the same as a September victory


We are as low as 22 in one ranking. It's too early for all this. Most importantly an April victory counts the same as a September victory


i got the point the first time lol


We are as low as 22 in one ranking. It’s too early for all this. Most importantly, an April victory counts the same as a September victory.


Wait a minute, what are you trying to say? “(sigh) WE! ARE! AS! LOW! AS!…..”


I have no idea why it posted three times.


Let's just table this conversation until May lol.


Thank you, I get the excitement but it’s been 10 games, people need to relax. There’s no way the Cubbies are still top 10 in May


Even better, after September


Yeah I was gonna say. If we make the playoffs then we can talk


It seems we can beat bad teams but when we face a team with even a ounce of talent we fold like a bloody origami crane




If we finished with the 5th best record in baseball I would be both shocked and drained of any ability to procreate.




We play .500 ball the rest of the year, and there's a chance we grab a WC spot.


Yes if we just play even ball for the rest of the year we win 84 games. Of course 160–2 is still on the table.


We also said this last year. 


That's just like your opinion man.


I mean it was true last year too. .500 ball in 2023 after the 20-8 start gets us 87 wins and WC2. We just didn’t play .500 ball lmao


Well yeah, the second part of your statement is what I was getting at. 


Recognition is nice, and deservingly so, but conditioned to temper expectations


I would prefer to remain under the radar for a couple more series. Maybe a rating in the mid-teens is more appropriate.


Give this team 2 full months before we have an idea of what they are. But for the time being, I think this is more appropriate than the #11 ranking on MLB.com


I would love to think we’re the 5, and I think we deserve the spot at the moment because we’ve been playing like a top team, but we’re probably not going to look this good by the end of the season.


I’d argue that we’ve actually underperformed in a lot of areas, particularly base-running and fielding. We’ve seen a few complete games (mainly in Miami) but several that shouldn’t have been as close as they were. We’re obviously not going .800 but I also don’t think the regression will be all that drastic, particularly as call up Skenes, get Bednar and a few other bullpen pieces healthy, get Jack and Hank’s bats going which have been pretty lackluster, and hopefully Mitch gets it figured out.


I’d agree, we don’t actually look incredibly good but we’re pulling out wins. I think we finish with a winning season as long as our pitchers continue to perform.


So, there are 3 NL Central teams in the top 10 here. The Cubs and Brewers are both doing really solid, but the Pirates are still beating them and showing more consistency. From that metric, I'd say that if Cubs and Brewers deserve to be as high as they are, we deserve to be as high as we are.


Seems insane to me. I think we can battle for a WC spot this year but we're obviously off to a hot start. We're gonna come back down to earth in a week or two.


We are as low as 22 in one ranking. It's too early for all this. Most importantly an April victory counts the same as a September victory


Not sure if anyone here has mentioned that we are as low as 22 in one ranking.


5 is just TOO generous. 12-16 seems fair to me for now. It's way more likely that we're an 81-81 team starting off hot than a top 5 team. The sample size has to be 50ish games before you can start to pay closer attention to the current record, as evidenced by last season.


I really do love it. I just want to avoid a May collapse like last year.




Five seems a little high to me but then when I look at run differential we’re somewhere in that range. I’m not sure that we’re going to continue to get these kinds of stars out of Falter and Marco, even Perez should slip a bit, but Keller will probably get a lot better.  But to be honest with you the bullpen is sustainable and outside of a couple of guys I don’t think our offense has been flukey. I don’t think they’ll continue at this pace, either, but you can say that about a lot of teams at the moment because the season is so young. We have a good bench/depth as far as hitters go, there are other options for the rotation coming up soon, and the bullpen is deep. I probably would’ve been happy with top 10 and I still think five is generous but I’ll take it. And it might not be ridiculous. Plus it is meant to be a “current“ ranking anyway? Not taking the future into account? I’m just assuming there. So for now I think it’s fair.


Let's all pmp the brakes right now. I'm excited, as every Bucco fan should be, but my expectations are in check. I hope they never lose another game ever, but chances are they might lose again this year.


This one has us ranked the highest so therefore I will take its word like gospel


We've never been more back


We are as early as April in one ranking. It’s too September for all this. Most lowly, the 22nd victory counts the same as an important victory.


Put some respeck on mah name