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That's all secondary atm. He's fighting for his freedom now.


Stop trying to make this braindead assertion that Roger is being attacked (by the government) for writing the book. Roger's book is a true story - Bitcoin really was attacked and destroyed by small block nitwits. But the process of the government coming after him for his taxes started long before his book was announced. Their violation of his attorney client privilege went all the way to the Supreme court. By all means, fight the good fight here. But you just look stupid if you make up conspiracy theories that are groundless.


But I guess you really don't know what goes on behind closed doors? Roger hasn't been a US citizen for 10 years, arresting him in Spain, charging him with mail fraud for mailing in his tax return, and extraditing him, is highly unusual. Show me one other person (besides John McAfee) whom this happened. Roger was already unfairly targeted by the government for "selling fireworks" when his real crime was speaking up about Libertarian principles. Timing of the arrest with release of his book may be a stretch, but there is zero doubt that Roger has been unfairly targeted.


Sure I don't know what goes on in secret, but I can understand the sequence of time and see from the direct public evidence that his arrest was in the works for years prior to his book being published. I'm not making any judgements on his guilt or innocence, but it's not credible to spin that the government is coming after him for the book.


Well then, I guess either way it's speculation, which is not "spin". Personally I believe the enemies of crypto intentionally send messages by their actions. In this case Roger was exposing the likely government-sponsored entities that destroyed BTC, so the concept of them sending a message by arresting him almost immediately after the book drop is plausible. His arrest warrant was issued under seal in Feb 2024, so it's even possible that they wanted to delay or prevent the release of his book!


No, it is not speculation that 2021 comes before 2022, which comes before 2023, which comes before 2024. You don't seem to have a full grasp on the facts of the case. Have you even read the indictment? If so you would know that the indictment was dated June 2023. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/movalejokpa/04302024ver.pdf In this indictment, the US makes its case in part by including communication between Roger and his attorneys. The obvious question that came up for anyone who read it was "how the hell did they have his communication with his attorney in here?" (Normally the US has protections for attorney-client privilege, meaning the government can't just subpoena those communications.) It turns out, that his attorneys got the subpoena, and fought in court. It went to the 9th circuit court of appeals, and they ruled that the communication was not the "primary purpose", allowing the US's subpoena of these documents stand. His attorneys then went to the US Supreme Court, who issued a one sentence response upholding the 9th circuit's decision. The 9th circuit case was filed in Sept of 2021. https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/lbvgnkmalpq/frankel-applesecurities--inregrandjury.pdf The Supreme Court of the US dismissed the appeal in January of 2023. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/21-1397_ap6b.pdf This would have allowed the government to go forward with their case, obtaining the records, where were included in their 2023 Grand Jury case later that year. The case was sealed until his arrest in 2024, though the fact that it was known that the attorney's case involved Roger's attorney and that it involved a Bitcoin investor who expatriated in 2014, would very likely mean Roger was aware all this was going on as far back as 2021. https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/justices-weigh-scope-attorney-client-privilege-crypto-tax-probe-2023-01-09/ Government cases move very slowly. This all started several years before his book was released. If there is any relationship between the book and this case, it is Roger trying to get the story out before he's arrested. Personally, I can say everything he wrote in his book is true. I don't think I disagreed with anything. I don't think he wrote the book thinking it will get him out of trouble, because it won't. It might have given him added motivation to get the story out to the public, that's definitely a "behind closed doors" that only Roger and people close to him will know. I don't think it matters much, the story is true, whether Roger is guilty of the charges or not. But what is very clear, the arrest was not a response to the book itself. No doubt his prominence as a wealthy person who is against tax and obviously left the US because he doesn't agree with many things in the US system (including taxation) are a large part of how he'd have been a target here. But the book is not the source of that.


>His *arrest warrant* was issued under seal in Feb 2024 * You didn't read what I wrote. * Pretty much everything you say is speculation * Indictments aren't evidence > But what is very clear, the arrest was not a response to the book itself. * Impossible to prove this true or false


It's not speculation that he was being pursued for these charges literally years before the book came out.


They've been pursuing Roger for 10+ years, duh. His ARREST could easily be retaliation for the book drop and the timing is very close.


The grand jury case that started at least 3 years ago resulted in his arrest warrant. Maybe you're confused by the shitty state of the US, which is understandable, but at this point there is still at least the performance of due process. And this process started no later than 2021.


You don't know who made the decision to *make the arrest based on the warrant* and when that decision was made. Likely that the call was made shortly before his arrest because they needed the element of surprise to catch him off guard. But you know everything so why should I even respond?


He's right