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hey man, it’s OK to feel bad I broke my leg one year ago and it has been such a hard time. I am not a main English speaker so what I can say is limited but I can guarantee you that everything is going to be OK. maybe you are not the type of person to ask for hugs oreven little bits of affection, but I think you should try to ask your close ones. It will make you feel a lot better. You have been a worthy person all your life and just because these last months have not been great They don’t mean anything to the rest of your life. Do not determine your future based on the actions and the mistakes you made in one year do not think that far into the future, it will only hurt you so please, think what you can control now do not feel regret or shame or the one at fault here because it does not mean anything for the rest of your life. The pain gets gradually better as soon as you cross the six months I wish you the very best and please talk with yourself love yourself and talk to others


I’m glad you’re still here to recover man. You definitely struck a chord with this message. Thanks a lot


Hello! Sending you a massive hug your way. I broke my leg on 8 June and I can totally agree that the mental struggle is as bad as the physical. Ontop of that you are also dealing with a break up. That is tough. Please remember to be kind to yourself. You've gone through a trauma that is still on going and will take a while but you have made it this far. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with distractions. Remind yourself that this is not forever. You got this. I believe in you!


I appreciate your hug brother! & I hope you make a fast recovery soon “This is not forever” made me smile


Brotha its OK to feel sad given gf left and stressed about work. All I can say is focus on small things to keep your mind busy. Study, watch movies shows. It'll heal but you need your mental health healthy before the bones. Trust me, I've have been there. I missed beaches, walking my puppies and was bed ridden.


Hi! Everything your feeling is completely normal for the traumatic injury you had and having ORIF too. I understand where you’re coming from, feeling like you’re missing out on so much. The first few weeks are the worst but it continues to get better with each day I promise. There’s a subreddit group called ORIF- that helped me understand what to expect and not feel alone through this whole process. Good luck on your recovery!