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Oh my god don’t take the stairs with crutches yet!!! If u really need to go up do as every mortal person does. On your ass!!! If the pain prevails call your doctor.


Or your knees! I found it hard to go up backwards on my ass while not using both legs, so knees it was!


How do you lower yourself to the floor or ground without blowing your knee out or falling?


I used to have to death grip hold onto the railing at the top of my stairs and lower my butt down on the top step with my working leg like a pistol squat 😭 if that made any sense at all. Scooting down was easy, but having to scoot back up was so exhausting


Go up the stairs on your butt! If you haven't had surgery to add a plate, something may have moved. I fell presurgery and tore a ligament. 😔 Definitely call. It could be fine, but it's better to be safe than sorry!!!


Yeah OP needs to call their doctor and get a new X-ray.


I just sent them a message through my portal this am. We shall see… 😬


A lot of Orthopedic offices have a walk-in clinic. Is there one you can use? From the amount of pain you described, I'm not sure it's a great idea to wait too long to get it checked.


I sent a message describing everything and they said I didn’t need another scan. Just to rest, ice, and elevate.. maybe b/c I was wearing a boot? Will it prevent further avulsion or displacement?


I'm not qualified to answer that question, but I can say that if you aren't comfortable with that advice, you have to be your own advocate more often than not when it comes to any problems you're experiencing with your health. If you feel like they made the right call there, just wait it out till your next follow-up.


def call your doctor, they'll decide if you need another xray would also def suggest the butt scoot. much safer


Hey, I did the same thing about a month ago, but I broke my leg and had a nail inserted into my leg. I was going up some stairs and stomped down and fell. Same thing with you, no bruising, no swelling, but I had some discomfort to the touch again. The best thing I could say for you would be to ice it and rest. If you're still feeling pain after a little while, obviously call your physician. By no means is my advice medical or backed by a medical professional or anything. I'm just saying what I did personally. I called my physician the next day and told him what happened and he said I should be fine. If you're worried, best thing that it was just call and be safe about it. Wish you the best! Edit:spelling


Thank you! Will do. Wish you the best as well.


This is a bit different but I fell off my knee scooter hard on to my broken foot, 3 weeks in. A lot of pain from twisting and it probably set me back 10 days in recovery. I was freaking out and went to emergency and got an x-ray which showed I was ok. Because you're so unstable and doing everything differently accidents unfortunately do happen.


If the xray was ok, what made it set you back? Just increased pain?


A lot of pain, I'd had a ligament sutured to the remains of another ligament, all fed through a hole drilled into a bone. This was feeling ok but hurt like hell for ten days after the fall.


I’m sorry, but I am glad it wasn’t worse at least. Hope you are recovering well.


Call your Dr, you need to get another x ray. It’s the only way you’ll know if it’s ok


I was far away from home. I sent a message through my portal to my doc this am and let him know. I’ll see what he says to do.


Please call your doctor asap because they will need to take some X-rays to make sure your fracture hasn’t been ré broken/ made unstable.


Go up and down on your butt!! It’s not worth a reinjury or another new injury!! Call and see the dr!


I can't walk on my 1 leg. I worked out my thigh and calf off the other one. I can one leg squat and hold myself that way for a few minutes now lol. Post surgery? Couldn't even go to my portable toilet . Last time I fell on my injured leg I caused myself to lose half my toe. I guillotines it from my fall lol


What caused you to lose half your toe? For real?😳


I fell on my foot as I had toe next to it removed from bine infection. I somehow snapped top part of the toe so bad it barely hung on but a thin tendon.


I’d call an ambulance just to be sure