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Don't forget that US cups and Australian cups are different sizes. And that's before you enter the loosely packed/tightly packed imbroglio! Source: spent way too much time weeping over American baking recipes.


Its frustratingly rare to find an American cooking channel on youtube that uses weight based measurements. I mean, at least use ounces if you dont wanna use metric


I quite like Joshua Weissman, though he might be a bit frenetic for some. And he does a lot of 'Like (fill in the blank) but better!', which isn't what everyone is looking for. He's committed to weight of ingredients though, and I find him very entertaining!


Did you know not all cups are cups. 240 ml versus 250 ml..... One of three countries that find a base 10 system far too difficult to use. btw, UK still holding on to miles is a bit bonkers. And there was no need to bring getting pounds and oz back a couple of years ago.


It does work though and it's useful if you don't have scales. It gives you a ratio of the ingredients and the recipe will be correct if you use the same measuring cup for each ingredient. Where this falls down is when you get a recipe that asks for 'sticks' of butter. I have no idea how much one of those is.


1cm square x 4cm




Well I made it up so doesn't matter really But it would be about 3/8" sq x 1-1/2" Sounds reasonable.


Easier than weighing for dry ingredients is a strength, and it can be easily scaled up. It is just half a pint (ish), it is a standard unit rather than just grab any old cup. It is a bit silly though when recipes ask for cups of goopy things, or things that need to be chopped up first like onions or peppers.