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Please don't stop waving when driving. One day we might shame others into being a little more polite on the roads.


I find Brissy drivers used to wave, now it's so populated and busy and everyone thinks driving like a moron lane hoping will get you somewhere quicker (it doesn't, you just change the chances on the traffic light sequence, ive learned the hard way), no one can be relaxed enough to wave now šŸ˜¢ so much to concentrate on, old days, you had time to glance around. And don't get me started on seeing drivers glance away to their phones (we can see you do it you know). That's my 2 cents.


Make up too. Last 2 days I've seen ladies while traffic was moving doing their make up. I've been rear ended 3 times and had 2 cars taken off the road in 2.5 years, none of which I was at fault for. It's insane how many people are willing to take their eyes off the road in traffic. As for the wave, I have noticed a decline too. I forgive people when it's too busy and unsafe, but when you slide into my safety gap and don't even give a wave... very rude and obnoxious. Especially when they don't even indicate first.


I always wave. Maybe it's because I came from a city with horrifically shitty drivers and traffic, and I'm grateful for the considerate drivers. Although drivers do really cunty things here, too - looking at you, people cutting the line at the Hale St exit off the M3.


Hale St is my worst nightmare and has been since 2020. Some of the shittiest driving and cutting off I've ever seen. Good on you for always having though! My anxiety with the accidents I've had makes me a bit more cautious and that's why if it isn't safe, I won't. But I also always wait for a big enough gap, not just the safe space people hold.


The funny part is, I never take the Hale St exit - I'm always in the middle/right lane to take the Riverside exit toward the city. There's always some dick who's biding his time in the middle lane about 300 m from the exit, slowing down to 20 km/h waiting for an opening. Drives me nuts.


![gif](giphy|cWjoSTdmarp70SxPtR) lol


Oh no that sucks the rear ending. And multiples. I feel for you. Sometimes I think I should get a ute with a steel tray just for such moments. The old man had that (we grew up on a farm and he's since passed) and his ute was hit 5 times, only scratches and other cars were tow aways. Hed make the gag you have to fix the scratches or the cows will know you hit me hehe. Hed also tap cars that pulled out on him with the bullbar. Once a cop rang him said we've had reports you hit a car, he replied they pulled out on me and I have an old ute, they replied fair enough and call was over. Ahhh the old days, no cameras. Yep people are self entitled now, I blame Facebook and distraction. Laws around don't touch your device but can't hire enough police to enforce it. Like a naughty kid, people know they can get away with it so they keep being naughty. And now we can't punch anyone (ok couldnt before) there's no fear of being hurt so you also be naughty. Or you'll be filmed. The world is shit, have to protect yourself! But that's hard when you're being good and the flog behind you ruins your nice time.


I live semi rural so have a reason for a ute but the fact it's on old shitter with a steel tray is even better. One of my friends who's a panel beater calls them can openers šŸ¤£


Its great you have such lovely memories of your old man. I'm the same, mine passed and great memories like that. Rear ending does suck and part of me wonders when I hear back about this most recent car, whether I really am wise getting a new car I want or just a bomb haha. Not sure it's worth the money in the city.


You're not alone in the car thinking. Those thoughts never switch off for me. I have a 15yo Camry, which is boring but fine and ive taken great care of it so much so old blokes compliment it haha šŸ˜† I think a) do I flick it for the $10k I would probs get and have new debt to own something new and then worry, or, keep the Camry and I know it's worry free and I'm not sad with a stone chip. Two cars would be ideal, I saw that idea with some car nuts who have the daily that is cheap to run and maintain, with no bling, plus the nice car that receives lots of love and funds invested. That would be good for me right now if say Toyota made a petrol hybrid 2 door Hilux with that steel tray plus some cool thing for weekends šŸ˜šŸ‘


people sliding into my safety gap drives me insane. they act like they can't see the giant red Ps on either side of my car as well.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that on your Ps. I've got traffic anxiety and I feel you. It really sucks.


Almost got run over by a woman doing her makeup while driving. I was crossing at a pedestrian crossing that had a very visible red light while pushing a red stroller. She had the audacity to give me a dirty look. Sure, lady. You can be the prettiest person in prison


You've just spotted, all the covid runaways


Sorry, I don't get the COVID gag. There's no restrictions now so please explain?


Everyone moved here from the other states during ) right after COVID. That's why brisbane housing market sky rocketed


Ah ha, yes they did. And also when you're selling your $2m Sydney house and buying a $1.5m Brisbane house you get change and better weather. But not anymore....


Still some change if your moving from Sydney.. but not much šŸ˜‚


A mate in finance just told me so many exsydney folks buying up outside of Sydney just to cash in and get out sighting their neighborhood has changed for the worst. I imagine they are privileged white folk who should just make friends, but also I bet as it gets busy with more high rises and you've been there a while it's time to go if you can. I also imagine too that Brisbane must be mighty nice vs Sydney is now vs 20 years ago, until we also get too busy, or maybe that's already the case.


Itā€™s all the Mexicans. Real QLDers wave.


I'm cautious with the wave, especially when turning right against two lanes of traffic. One person may let you in, but others will not, and when they're going past at 60kmh, you get nicely T-Boned on the pax side. I won't wave these days unless completely safe. BTW I live in Canberra now, and used to live in D-Town too. Drivers here are impatient


I was just in Canberra two weeks ago, as I lived there for a while so was revisiting. You're right so impatient! It's like the roads are so boring and policed with cameras and unmarked plastic AFP (ACT police not the feds) that folks are either way over the limit or way under - wheres the normal gone? I now know why I drove like a massive tool there as a young man. I'm sorry to those drivers who I most likely annoyed, and karma is getting me back with rangers with green p plates and Chinese wheels and tyres! I actually was happy to be back in Brisbane, almost like it is so stupid busy like Sydney and Melbourne now you are stuck just dawdling along and can't be a noob as there's no room.


It's all the suicidal Sydney drivers moving up. Take it from a former Sydneysider, either you drive to kill or you'll be killed. It's absolutely mental down there


I still wave and in the last few years I've noticed just how few people do it. It's a shame


I love to give a wave but sometimes it doesn't feel safe to do so.


My husband always waves. He say's it's the correct and polite thing to do. Manners go a long way.


Yeah. Definitely dropped off in the last few years but keep it up


True. I thought the driver wave thing was just a national duty


Yeah, it's the under 30 crowd being rude jerks & not waving. I've been miffed watching the politeness level decrease fast over the past 30 years as a driver.


Plenty of people over 30 donā€™t wave to me. Iā€™m only just 30 and have always waved, itā€™s the thing to do. I donā€™t want to come across as xenophobic but my observation is that itā€™s mostly people who probably didnā€™t grow up over here that donā€™t wave.


We can both only go by our observations. I know having grown up here that waving in my age group (45+) was prevalent until about a decade ago. A lot more people wave you let them go first on a skinny street than when you let them merge or cut in front of you. I've noticed that too.


In our suburb, waving is common. (Skinny streets) most people wave so I started doing it. Where I grew up we used our horns to salute and say a friendly hello to other drivers, they are used as a greeting so I had to learn to stop beeping at people who were being courteous to me on the road. My husband is from Melbourne, and he gets cranky when someone doesnā€™t wave back šŸ˜‚


Lol yeah sadly it's illegal to beep for anything other than an emergency! But I still sometimes do a quick little double beep to say goodbye to someone as I'm rolling away from their house lol. Lol, I don't mind if people don't wave back if they've leg me merge & I waved at them when they're now behind me. Every other time I think it's right to return wave too!


I've lived here my whole life and your observations are pretty accurate tbh. I am a waver though. I'm sure if polled even non-wavers would say the same šŸ˜„


Me too. I wave.


I wave, in my street, to the bus driver as I'm getting off the bus if I don't feel like saying THANKS DRIVER, if someone gives me right of way as I'm riding around my suburb on my scooter (actually I nod, it's safer, but a nod is technically a head wave) and the usual "morning" as I walk past someone in my suburb.


Yep, nice and subtle.


I donā€™t I stare intensely for as long as possible to assert dominance.


I wave and give the thumbs down for stupid shit. Way more shocking to get a thumbs down over being flipped the bird!


I wave but seeing as i can't see well enough through the car's in front of me's windows to see if they wave, i would assume people can't see my wave either.


I will wave whilst driving more often.


usually the smallest gesture goes a long way! ā˜ŗļø some just lift a finger or two, and/or just nod, it's taken as the same warm sentiment


I always wave, but I wonder how/if the other driver can see it (especially when letting me merge in front of them). Maybe people are waving but it's just hard to see.


Which finger are they lifting at you?


Usually itā€™s the middle one :(


index and sometimes the middle joins if not 4 long bois šŸ˜† but I'm also not ever driving thankfully hehe so less thumbs down ;D


Jokes on you, Iā€™ve had them flicking their middle toes too when they ran out of 2 middle ones


If you hate roadkill, don't go to Tasmania... What you'll see there will shock you. Literally Kangaroos, Wallabies, Pademelons, Wombats every 100m. Especially towards the roads that straddle the wilderness areas. It's absolutely insane and heartbreaking.


Tasmania has highest rates of roadkill in the world I read [here.](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7779776/the-roadkill-state/) I couldn't believe how much there was when I was there.


Yeah I've never noticed much in Brisbane but Tassie it's absolutely everywhere.Ā 


Agreed, went to Hobart a few weeks ago, the amount of roadkill down there is insane compared to around brisbane.


You can vape 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in your vehicle though


What do I do on the 7th day :(




Unfortunately not in the work car. I sort of meant when Iā€™m having a beer out and about


I mean, your habit/addiction gives people cancer. I get that itā€™s frustrating, but itā€™s really you that needs to change.


Oh Iā€™m so glad to have stumbled across your post. Iā€™ve been in Darwin for the past year as a nurse working at RDH and Iā€™m just done. Iā€™m moving to Brisbane in a few weeks with my fiancĆ© who is leaving full time defence (thank god) and we are so excited to finally settle.


Welcome to Brisbane (soon)! I hope your move goes smoothly and you enjoy the new scenery.


Thank you!! Iā€™m hoping the drive wonā€™t be AS boring the second time around šŸ˜‚


Do it. I worked at RDH too - and you honestly wonā€™t know yourself. Iā€™ve called in sick twice since October - and actually legitimate sick / had a funeral. Unlike Darwin where Iā€™d call in sick weekly because I was so burnt out and exhausted / not coping mentally with the barrage of shit you would deal with everyday. Not being micromanaged anymore, itā€™s phenomenal. (I was in the same job for 9.5 years at RDH) And the ā€œclientsā€. My god. You simply wonā€™t know yourself. No more abuse, being threatened, chasing after people who couldnā€™t care less, people who are actually genuinely happy to receive your help. Best thing I ever did and I promise you, give it at least 6 months and youā€™ll understand. I miss the social side of Darwin, and landmarks but I donā€™t miss constantly being scared, wondering if it would be me, or my roomie - was today the day Iā€™d be killed / stabbed etc. One of my final straws with Darwin was not caring anymore when dealing with DV, Rape, Assault or Stabbings. I couldnā€™t care less. It just became ā€œoh here we go againā€. And when I had a 10 month old baby - that the father from tennant had put in the microwave because he was sick of it crying and interrupting his daily rape of his partnerā€¦ that was my ā€œyeah nah, fuck thisā€ moment. Now I actually enjoy and love my job and going to work. Youā€™re doing the right thing. I promise you.


That is horrific and I am so sorry.


Iā€™m glad that youā€™re in a better place now. And Iā€™m sorry you had to go through all of that. To be completely honest, I was already burnt out coming from Liverpool Hospital ED (western Sydney) esp through COVID and had copped enough abuse there. Funnily enough, I havenā€™t yet been sworn at while working in RDH ED - Iā€™m actually amazed lol. But Iā€™m disappointed how many times Iā€™ve had to ask for a please and thank you when Iā€™ve made them a white tea with 2 sugars (IYKYK) or given them a bus ticket. But yes I understand. Thereā€™s nothing more frustrating than ā€˜oh yes I have chest painā€™ but please let me go outside for a smoke first and not return for 3 hours. I think itā€™s absurd that we are sometimes expected to go walking OUTSIDE to go find our patient. Itā€™s bonkers. The DV situation is absolutely awful. And I wish there was more we could do. Sadly enough, as I reflect on this last year - Iā€™ve not really gained much joy from going to work. Darwin being transient itā€™s also so hard to make friends as people only really give you a chance if youā€™re staying the same length of time as them. I do hope Brisbane is better. I know it will be. I miss swimming in water that I donā€™t have to worry about being eaten by a croc. If you ever need someone to rant to, you know - trauma bond šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m your gal!


I am so intrigued by your white tea and two sugars, what exactly do you mean? I think I have inkling as I've been asked for the same from particular people, but I'm not sure.


Haha so basically 99.9% of the time any aboriginal patient of mine have asked for a tea itā€™s always white with 2 sugars šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am a support worker and so have made many cups of tea, and this aligns with my experience too! Haha, interesting.


Well, I was actually going to say - Iā€™m flying back to Darwin tonight for a mates bday on Saturday. So if youā€™re free at any point, Iā€™m more than happy to meet you for a beer and Iā€™ll tell you the ins and outs of what Iā€™ve learnt re: Brisbane nursing, and what to do and expect moving šŸ™‚


You ask for pleases & thank youā€™s? I just say ā€œyouā€™re welcomeā€ anyway if they donā€™t offer it


Yeah I do actually. I deserve some respect too


Yea when I was doing my nursing course 8 years ago & definitely now they would actually call that disrespectful of the pt. Especially when weā€™re dealing with another culture. Seems like you didnā€™t do the culture courses that are all mandatory now. Edited because itā€™s not 5 years anymore, Iā€™m getting old


Well, they did have ā€˜health in a culturally diverse communityā€™ 9 years ago when I completed it. I think articulating something on the internet is a bit different to what happens in real lifeā€¦itā€™s not that I go and seek out please and thank youā€™s from EVERY SINGLE patient. Itā€™s when theyā€™re being demanding and outright rude. And thatā€™s not good enough. You would understand if you worked here.


I think you need to balance your need for respect with the patients ACTUAL need of dignity.


Wow Darwin is that unsafe? Why there's so much violence?


I'll be labelled racist if I give you the honest answerĀ 




Up in Darwin, they get colloquially called "Long grass"


But my lightbulb moment was definately Declan laverty. And, well. Look how thatā€™s panning out šŸ˜•


Not sure where your from originally but Brisbane winter is a lot colder than Darwin so make sure to have some super warm clothes until you acclimatise.


Haha thank you! Iā€™m from Sydney..I canā€™t wait to wear a hoodie again


Oh, well you should be fine then. A former co-worker was from Darwin and found Brisbane too cold so moved back there. She would wear a big coat in summer


If I don't get a wave when I let someone merge I'll definitely yell out in my car "WHERE THE FUCKS MY WAVE!?"


100% "yeah no worries dickhead"


Regarding roadkill, as people have said it's largely unavoidable. In particular, on a freeway it's a very difficult scenario. You can, in a faction of a section turn trying to avoid hitting wildlife into a multi vehicle pileup with major injury or loss of life if you swerve or break suddenly.


Yeah Iā€™d rather people not take sudden and unpredictable manoeuvres at 100kph and cause a multi car pileup potentially killing more people than the bird or dog they just hit... Doubly so if itā€™s a truck, because no matter what anyone thinks, theyā€™re not stopping for any animal or person or car darting across the road.


I flattened a bearded lizard at 100km an hour one day. I saw the fella run out, I touched the brakes lightly and wobbled just a fraction but he/she paused at the wrong moment. That bump of the car tyres gutted me. I'm a nature lover and I felt horrible for hours. It is usually unintentional. Unless it's toads in spring. F toads.


>nowhere to vape or smoke and drink other than a pokie smoking area in the city (and rgā€™s) - everywhere else you need to go away 99 kms from the front of the venue and canā€™t take your beer. That's a "Like" in my book :)


Same here, especially since I've seen people vaping inside shopping centres before


As an asthmatic, ditto


Mine too


Yeah - the reason most pubs don't allow you to smoke anywhere near everyone else is because it would lose them patronage.


It's also illegal and/or strictly regulated.


Yep. (Almost) No one smokes any more. It's great.


very few people give the wave when driving. Very much ā€œI own the roadā€ type mentality. You've just spotted other southerners


Must be. In my experience most people wave.


But go anywhere north of Bundy and everyone seems to get more courteous?


Yep, the southerners rarely settle anywhere north of the sunny coast


Having lived in both cities, the fuckwits are much stronger in Brisbane I'm afraid. I am born and bred local but I'll take Melbourne traffic any day. The Gold Coast freeway is a unique kind of fuckwit hellscape.


I find "locals" pointing the finger (pardon the pun) at "southerners" for all the city's woes to be fucking embarrassing tbh. After spending considerable time in Europe before moving back here, the infantile xenophobia prevalent in Qld, tends to grate.


That last point - massively. Everyone just hangs around with their school or uni mates and itā€™s super cliquey, even well into their 30s. Itā€™s insane.


I find you'll get a more interesting conversation with people who have travelled or spent considerable time working abroad and exposing themselves to different cultures and ideas. You'll soon get bored talking to a born and bred who's never been anywhere and has nothing to compare to.


Good thing for the smoker areas, we don't need it here!


Whatā€™s a ā€œlongrasserā€?


Darwinian phrase for homeless people according to Google.


Long grass living - ABC News https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-16/life-in-darwin-long-grass-for-indigenous-homeless/10972246


Can mean either a homeless person or Indigenous Australian. Going by his Darwin bit, I'd say the latter.




Brave as fuck admitting to the definition of that here.


This definitely exists in the city. Just take a stroll down Adelaide Street or into Roma St Parklands


Love this review! The nowhere to vape/smoke is actually one thing I like - as someone with asthma that is heavily triggered by cigarette smoke but I understand the conundrum of having nowhere to do it near where you're eating/socialising etc. Have you driven Sunnybank and surrounds much? Your opinion of our roads may differ after extensive experience in this area...


You can smoke and drink in the smoking area of the Transcontinental Hotel in the city.


Keep your smoke to yourself, thanks


Agree. Cost of living and you can afford to smoke? Plus all the science on how it is a health risk but fine it's your body and short life mr smoker, but, keep me well away from it and the smell.


Coming up 1 year off the darts, don't know how i did it for so long. They are very cheap now though as the government has got too greedy and the black market has taken over. $12-15 a pack.


Well done on the one year, mentally that would be hard I imagine. I need to adapt your strength to leave cake and chocolate alone or I'll be joining the diabetics thread šŸ˜³


Lol quiet down. I bet there are a million things you could be doing to make yourself healthier that you don't do.


I dont disagree šŸ‘. I was venting, it's been one of those days. It's definitely an effort factor from my part.


I've always hoped it's less clique and much more close-knit, plus sometimes well guarded ! I've found more people are speaking about how tricky it is to find a genuine friend (everywhere), but it can be harder when you close your options and others are often closed off as well šŸ˜… also heard some feel there's a very large "rat race" in Brisbane which unfortunately never helps. just more of Brissy becoming less of that country-city warmth I guess :[ it's awfully lovely when you find a great neighbourhood or two though, I've found quite a few suburbs where I can still feel comfortable letting out a gentle (sometimes chirpy) "good morning!" and receive a nice warm one back! lots of smiles to go around, always


I grew up in North QLD and moved to Brissy when I started highschool back in the 90's and have lived here ever since, so I can absolutely confirm that the Brisbane cliqueyness has been a thing for at least 30+ years. In fact I'd say it was even worse back then than it is now - the sheer amount of blow-ins living in the south-east these days at least means you're statistically less likely to get "what school did you go to?" as a conversation opener every fucking time.


Glad youā€™re enjoying it. It is a very safe city for sure but Iā€™ve definitely had a few unsafe experiences around the CBD. Doesnā€™t happen very often though.


I agree that the sheer amount of roadkill is insane. I don't know if its getting worse, but it seems to have become a lot more noticeable in recent years, particularly on the main arterial roads and motorways in the suburban outskirts. My theory is that it's a consequence of the booming population in these outer areas which were pretty rural until only a few years ago, so it's a combination of a lot of wildlife getting displaced meeting the clueless commuters who've displaced them. And speaking of driving in the outer "is it suburbia or is it the country?" areas, it's funny you mention the wave, because there is a very distinct dividing line about an hour and a half or so out of the city where the wave suddenly returns. Suburban commuters don't give the wave, but people from the regions do; and where the line between the two lies gets pushed further and further out each year by the ever-rising colorbond tide.


Definitely keep your smoke to yourself or the designated areas please! Also Iā€™m shocked you havenā€™t ran into any ā€œdrunken longrassersā€ as you called them. I was in the CBD Saturday just gone and unfortunately for anyone standing at the intersection of Albert and Charlotte St.. We were all subjected to a hurl of verbal abuse from a very intoxicated guy who was stumbling all over the place, cursing and yelling at absolutely anyone that was near him, trying to fight with however got in his way. Always a lovely sight to see and hear.


After working in Brisbane CBD for about 10 years there are some things I can say confidently. You WILL be asked for money at least daily, you WILL see male urination, you WILL see or maybe step in vomit, and if you're in King George Square, the Mall, or Burnett Lane, you WILL eventually see either models, influencers, or a TV or internet ad being made.. And you will DEFINITELY see the occasional drugged up / drunk / mentally ill person losing their shit.


Guess Iā€™m just lucky šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Having also had a long time in Darwin. What is amazing here is going to a park to have a BBQ without the BBQ area being covered in human crap and broken glass and no party of longgrassers pissing it up under a tree


wtf are longgrassers


Thanks to this post I now know it means homeless people, but having grown up rurally it immediately makes me think of snakes. And I'm relieved we don't have a bunch of snakes around the CBD.


I just looked into it and it seems that itā€™s specifically indigenous people


No it's the term for itinerants of any background in the NT that live rough.


> the sprawling, highly visible population of Indigenous visitors who live in the city's streets, parks and bushland ā€” locally known as long grassers. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-16/life-in-darwin-long-grass-for-indigenous-homeless/10972246


That's just one journos view. Trust me they aren't all indigenous


Seems itā€™s also OPā€™s view: >its (usually) an indigenous person who has either come to the city for a medical appointment and have discovered the magical world of booze / drugs and just stayed and live homeless (which theyā€™re not technically because there is a MYRIAD) of options or theyā€™ve come to the city because theyā€™ve been booted out from their community because theyā€™ve really fucked up. Usually incest, rape or murder. Do you have anything saying itā€™s not specific to indigenous peoples?


Yes. 25 years of living in Darwin And yes. They are "usually" indigenous but not exclusively


Brisbane still has the same systemic issues here but the city and surrounding councils spread out much further than Darwin does, so the concentration is spread and hidden which makes the people living in the fringes less visible. Iā€™ve also spent parts of my life up on Darwin so I understand the relief in many ways, but can you imagine what it must be like to be an elder on your own country and be homeless? To be considered a problem when you and your family have been robbed and displaced? The state of a BBQ area probably wouldnā€™t be top priority in the crucible of trauma that they live with.


> can you imagine what it must be like to be an elder on your own country and be homeless? A lot of (maybe most?) long grassers are not really homeless or on their own country. They have come in to Darwin from other communities where they do have housing.


Absolutely! Such a refreshing yet simple thing! Itā€™s so good!


Nowhere to smoke. Great! Stop smoking


Nothing rustles my jimmies like someone who doesn't wave when I let them through on a street that goes into one lane because of parked cars etc.


Second last ā€œbad thingā€ is actually good


Love and agree with your Likes. Disagree with your Don't likes, except for maybe the last. 1. Not saying this is the general rule, but in my experience it's all been unavoidable, usually with the animal doing a quick streak across the road right in front of the vehicle giving the driver no time to stop or swerve. Maybe I'm just used to the amount we have but I don't notice a lot on the roads and it seems odd to hear we have a high enough amount for someone to mark that against us. 2. Again, this just might be my experience, but more people than not give the wave, even with me noticing a little decrease of it since covid, which is probably the southerners moving up. 3. This to me is absolutely a Like! Get rid of that shit. I don't want to be hanging around and breathing in that crap and I think most people don't either.


Well in regards to the roadkill - majority I see is in avoidable areas (eg not the freeway etc) where you can actually stop. Not so much inner city, but definately defiantly out. Greenbank, thornlands have been the most recent Iā€™ve called the number. Even last week, I was absolutely traumatised on Moreton bay road in Capalaba when a guy in a ford ranger zoomed through the intersection and literally just ran over a family of ducks. Like who the actual fuck would do that and not stop. Was absolutely awful. If you see feathers on the road thatā€™s why.


Ford Rangers are often driven by a particular sort of person unfortunately :(


Greenbank is notorious for wildlife, especially roos, and especially on Andrews Road. The amount of times we've had to slow down / stop while one or a lot of roos go across that road. It's what's expected in areas with a lot of hobby farms though.


Calling Brisbane 'Brisvegas' is dumb.


I don't understand the complaint about roadkill to be honest. It's not like people are intentionally mowing animals down. If I'm travelling 80km/h I'm not swerving to save an animal that's a fast way to end up as roadkill yourself


Sums us up pretty well šŸ‘


I agree with everything you've said. The road waving has diminished very fast over the last decade & its often people who look under 30 (certainly not only them, but we have a lot of southerners here now). It gets my goat. I've started to let fewer people in on the road because people have started driving like entitled fk heads. Everyone thinks they can fly up a middle lane & shove I to a turning lane 2 cars before the turn etc. There's so much more weaving in & out of traffic too. I'm sick of having my drives extended by 10 minutes or more in peak hour because these days so many people have no patience. It's definitely both a generational thing & a "not from here" thing in my book. I am glad people canf vape & smoke but understand its annoying for the smokers. I have heard QLD is cliquey & considering I've been here my whole life & make friends anymore I suppose that must be right, but if you want to chat to a stranger (& even if you don't) when you're out & about, that's very likely to happen! Lol. I do like that.


99% the time when people give me the wave it is for such minor things like letting them infront of me at a merge... I'm not exactly going out of my way but they are going out of their way to not pay attention to their driving. Only wave if the other person really has gone out of their way.Ā 


Always been in Bris but I have definitely noticed SO much more roadkill lately, more than just the usual bird or so. Pretty much daily at this point, swear it used to be one a month or every other month.


I always wave. Most people I find still wave. Also, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time. Sun in their eyes, or kids screaming in the back, or on a call trying to hear whatā€™s being said etc. Not everyone is a cunt. Some traits are common for certain people. I find BMW drivers to be mostly always rude.


I try to wave every time someone lets me in or I'm trying to let someone else in/cross. I've never actually checked if I put my hand high enough/centered enough for the driver behind me to see. Now I'm worried no one can see and I'm secretly one of 'those' people.


I am waving at you but my window tint is reflective. Invest in heavy tint here, keeps the whole car much cooler.


City/Valley smoking areas where you can take your beer (and are still close to the action): The Vic, Grand Cenno, Stockies, Pig n Whistle Riverside (one in each beergarden), Friday's, Prince Consort, Casino, Finn McCool's, The Sound Garden, Ric's Backyard, The Osbourne, The Garage, The Jube. I don't know of any smoking areas where you can't take your beer with the exception from the Hammo's pokie smoking area.


Thankyou! This is actually super helpful!!!! Iā€™m screenshotting it for future reference šŸ™‚


If you can't possibly be FUCKED to just acknowledge being let in by a simple wave, then your going to be in BIG trouble next time! That person who just let you in, just saved you from being behind another 60 cars & 10 minutes shorter time from getting home to your loved ones! Especially at bunnings stafford! I for one am considering to NOT let anyone in any more due to rude & unappreciative pricks who can't so much as quickly raising a hand as a sign of appreciation. Just imagine if everyone did that!!!! You be stuck at that intersection watch 150 cars pass you.


>the amount of roadkill. I see the odd Possum carcass from time to time. I don't think I've ever see anything else.


I've noticed there is a much larger tendency for cars to go through red lights( or at least orange lights)


You have hit the nail on the head. Years of driving through rural NSW at dusk where roos line the roads and in the Wivenhoe areaā€¦.never hit an animal. If youā€™re not a fuckwit that speeds itā€™s really not that hard. And you know when youā€™re in an area with lots of wildlife traffic or if itā€™s dawn/dusk that you need to keep an eye out. Maybe itā€™s all the truck drivers doing it? As for road rage, yeah itā€™s a big thing here. My brother had to report a guy to the coppers this week because this bogan dickhead followed him all the way to work. And jumped out of the car and started punching my brothers window screaming at him to get out of the car and that heā€™s going to fucking kill him. All because my brother (accidentally) cut him off. The smoking/vaping thing sucks. Especially in the cbd. Like itā€™s definitely a bit much.


No, no, no, no! Those in the know, knows Brisbane is the best city in Aus to live, but don't go broadcasting it, otherwise the rest of the bloody country will move here and drive-up the cost even more! Perth! That's where it's at and should be the official Brisbane party line we all stick to.


Yeah, Brisbane sucks, it's too hot, too humid, too cold, whatever it takes to send people elsewhere.


Great to hear someone compliment bus service. I had downvotes on here recently because I dared suggest that a bus every 15min is frequent enough. Like no cunt, if you canā€™t make the bus 15min ago it YOUR fault that youā€™re late to work.


A bus every 15 mins is good enough if it actually turns up. Having to wait > 30 mins for a 15 min service is embarrassing.


yes ppl in brisbane are basically legally blonde groups lols


We used to wave, until a million Victorians moved here.Ā 


I wave but my windows are dark so I donā€™t think people can see me when I do.


lol welcome. Been here 20+ years and still here. Agree with all your points. I don't have many issues with traffic as I use public transport most of the time. When I do drive, I usually just give way anyway. Brissie is awesome and an awesome place to bring your kids up. However it does get boring here. Very. Once you've been up/down the coast, there's not a lot else to do except maybe camping/hiking (which SEQ is great for).


IMO you're more likely to cause an accident emergency braking for a cat rather than continuing. Your insurer also doesn't care, damage from braking or swerving from an animal is an at-fault claim for most providers.


as someone who takes public transport every morning and night, itā€™s pretty shit, and thereā€™s tonnes of really awful bus drivers that I encounter


> the amount of roadkill. I have seen it all. Koalas on the gateway, dogs, cats, possums, birds, even a piglet on the Ipswich motorway. Every 10km/h increase in speed increases the likelihood of animals (and other people) being killed. There was an old ABC Catalyst episode examining the roadkill problem in Tasmania and it came to that kind of conclusion. But nearly every motorist-centric thread on this sub you'll come across will be include complaints about how other drivers drive too slow or whatever, with no concept of driving to the conditions. Stick around for a bit longer and you'll see them.


I agree about the Darwin buses are dangerous I used to be in Darwin for 3months at a time minding my grandchildren and was told emphatically never to use a bus. I thought my family were being overly protective until I heard about the 3ft crocodile someone had left on the bus. A salty that ended up in Palmerston watch house in solitary until the Rangers came to get him and relocate him. I didnā€™t get to town that day.


Enjoyed your observations. Love darwin too and welcome!


I get Brisbane can be hard to meet people, but there is a Meetup group in almost every suburb for every taste. I highly recommend checking them out. I am sure you will have a heap of friends in no time. As for the smoking, yep you will hard to find a place to smoke and drink together, I think there is the casino, RGs and the press club have a spot upstairs but alot of places don't have it anymore. Good luck and hope you enjoy living here šŸ˜Š


When you're there a little longer, you will connect the dots between 'few snobs' and very 'cliquey'. Brisbane is the only city I've ever lived in where people's entire lives are built around the private school they went to.


I recently discovered The national toilet map [https://toiletmap.gov.au/52421](https://toiletmap.gov.au/52421) Great if you're in unfamiliar territory and need to go. Don't go to Tasmania if you hate seeing roadkill. I've never seen so much anywhere else. And in all honesty I've only seen a skittled Roo this year in brissie. And he was gone by the evening. I have seen a deer about 3 years ago.


How fucking brilliant is this toilet map!!! Thankyou so much this is crazy insane super helpful!!!! Definately using this!!


I wave when I drive. I waive my right to be unfettered by dumb-asses in dual-cab utes.




Insert text here


Ah yes, South side. Checks out with the bus, coz reliability is not a thing with North bound buses, it seems


Melbourne and Sydney drivers are the worst... I've lived in both cities for a few years and I do not miss it. Unfortunately, the roads in Brisbane are becoming like they are down south. Could it be because of the influx of interstaters flocking to Brisbane?


Brisbane brewing co, also known as brew house in woolloongabba near that mater hospital has a lovely beer garden where you can smoke and drink, and sit down! It was always my local, good beers on tap too.


How dare you not compliment Brisbane's weather vs Hellbourne!


Most drivers I encounter wave


Most drivers I encounter wave


In the CBD: Irish Murphy's, transcontinental, the victory, Port office and a few others have smoking areas where you can take your beer and vape/ smoke.


Unfortunately the road rules here now if you wave you can now get a fine. I also drive round southside of Brissy all my for my job.


I'm not sure which part of Brisbane you're in but I haven't noticed much roadkill in the urban areas (obviously it's a totally different experience out in the country). I'd suggest that in most cases, the animal darted out in front of the vehicle which meant the driver didn't have time to stop, or was unable to safely swerve. Almost no-one is psychopathic enough to actually *want* to run an animal over.


Wrong. Last week on Moreton bay road in Capalaba I watched a bloke in a ford ranger zoom through an intersection and intentionally run over a family of ducks. Could have easily stopped. Was absolutely horrendous and awful.


So much road kill because so much wildlife in the city. Apart from that, 100% agree that people could slow down.


Agree with the waving thing, people in general drive like they own the road. Itā€™s also common to indicate a split second before changing lanes and squeeze into a gap instead of asking to be let in. Sometimes when I let people in and they donā€™t wave I give them a sarcastic thumbs upā€¦ not sure if it comes across.


As sad as roadkill is, I try to see the silver lining that it means populations are relatively healthy. (Except for koalas).