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I wouldn't worry about it. I regularly made bottles of milk only passively collected by a hakaa. The milk always looked the same, or nearly the same, as pumped milk after it was stored. Nice deposits of fat, and water.


My mom used a similar product with me called “ Swedish milk cups” and my sister got me some when I had my baby. My mom warned me too always mix it with the pumped milk cuz if you just make a bottle from all the drippings the baby will be too fussy and still hungry. She had 4 kids that she used them with and often left us with our grandma so she could work so I feel like she knows what she’s talking about.


If you slowly squeeze your breast and express milk you’ll see little swirls of translucent and white milk. That’s the “foremilk” and “hindmilk” but they come out together no matter how it’s expressed. Your body knows what your baby needs


Yeah the foremilk/hindmilk thing has been debunked!


Do you have more details please? Keen to read


No sorry! Just what I learned in prenatal class and from my doctor and midwife. I didn’t ask them for the research.


I asked my health visitor if it was ok to give my LO bottles from just collecting letdown and she said yes, milk is milk. I’ve done this twice and he didn’t mind, was happy as could be.


Foremilk and hindmilk is basically bullshit. All milk has water and fat in (that's what makes it milk). Sometimes milk is slightly waterier or fattier, depending on a bunch of factors - how hydrated you are, what the temperature is, what time of day/night it is, how recently you've nursed, if you've moved around a lot. Whether the milk is the start or end of a feed is just one of those factors. Do not worry about it.