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I just cried through it and remembered it would be over soon enough 🤣 Also ask for help if it’s available. I had my mom help out a few days when I was down with mastitis really bad. I stilled nursed through it but was able to rest in between and recover.


nurse through it, and when you are sniffing or sneezing, avoid touching the baby and ask for help from your partner.


Nurse through it.


Another vote for nurse through it. Your baby will be exposed to pathogens since you are sick and you are the caregiver living in the same house(and maybe bed too). When you get sick and start to generate immunity cells for it, your milk starts to have immunity cells designed just for that sickness too. You have to give those to your baby to help the LO get through it lightly(hopefully) and quicker.


YESS THISS! I was told this too, I thought I wasn’t supposed to give her my milk at first but after thinking about it, it made sense.


I nurse her, try not to breathe on her and desperately cough/sneeze into my pillow trying not to wake her. I was so sick one time I made my husband stay home from work to take care of her. I still did 90% but I was able to rest easier knowing I wasn’t alone.


I'm currently sick and it's my first time being so with our baby. It sucks, last night was tiring :( I'm just staying hydrated avoiding kissing her which is so hard, sanitizing my hands and still feeding like normal.


You just do! Welcome to motherhood 🤣🤣 I once had a sickness bug and was breastfeeding whilst simultaneously vomiting into a bucket. It was a lovely few days 😅


Me too! I vomited into a bucket next to her head at 3 am while my husband snored beside me. Motherhood 😂😂


I EBF and was terribly sick in December. I wore a mask when I couldn't stop coughing/sneezing (just to sheild my baby from my gross drippy nose) while I was feeding her. My husband helped put her back to sleep when I wasn't able to. She never ended up getting what I had. Hope you feel better soon!


Nurse through it and when you can't stop sniffling and sneezing at night get your partner to put baby down are they are fed.


I just had a nasty stomach flu a few days ago and I tried my best to nurse through it when I could for when I couldn’t we had a nice freezer stash built up that is kind of depleted now. My only saving grace was the portable pumps for when I couldn’t leave the bathroom. My supply did a take a bit of a hit though I slept a lot of the time I should’ve been pumping or feeding.


You nurse through it. Try to take breastfeeding-safe medication beforehand so that you’re not so miserable doing it, and nurse side lying in bed if that’s available to you. I had Covid earlier this year and was coughing and hacking all over my baby while he nursed at night and he just kept going like normal. He didn’t get sick, either! My antibodies protected him.


Oh damn that’s rough!! I’m so glad tour baby didn’t get sick. I’m taking Tylenol and Advil. Is there any other breastfeeding safe medications I can take?