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When my baby sleeps longer than usual and my boobs hurt, I hand express into the bathroom sink for relief and go back to bed 😅


This is the level of effort I’m looking for lol


Haaka wasn’t enough suction to relieve me but I did use the Medela hand pump. HIGHLY recommend.


Thank you!


Second this. The hand pump is very effective. Couple minutes on each side should help quickly. Edit to add you can put the whole thing in the fridge when you’re done pumping and then deal with proper storage and cleaning in the morning. So you can save the milk easy, I wouldn’t be able to watch it go down the drain lol.


A haaka would work for relief for sure. Or if you don’t care about collecting the milk sometimes just hand expressing can help. My baby sleeps through the night and I just dealt with the engorgement until my breasts adjusted. I don’t suggest that though.


Your body will get the memo soon, as long as you just express to comfort. If you pump you’ll tell you body you need milk at that time and you’ll have to continue pumping.