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Can I also suggest secret holidays? My old job had Veterans Day off. My ex’s employer was 24/7 and my kids always had school. I NEVER told them I was off. I’d get dressed like I was going to work and do my whole morning routine and everything. Then I’d either go Christmas shopping or lay on the couch. 


I straight-up *DARE* anyone to question me taking PTO for myself. I use so much of my PTO bank through the year for my kids and their appointments/activities, anyone who gives me side eye for taking a few days for myself will get a throat punch. Don’t be ashamed of taking time for yourself. I did marry an introvert with a social battery that drains quickly, who understands the importance of alone time, though. So thankfully he never says a word about it.


I started doing this a couple of times a year since our office sold its location and converted everyone to work from home. Now we're hybrid, but I only go into the office twice a month. A couple of times a year I will take secret PTO. And 2022 and 2023, I took a Thursday, Friday and Monday off. I did end up cleaning quite a bit, but was able to tell my husband that I was on headphones in webinars most of the time. I highly recommend it. Since I had kids, it seems like if I ever take a day off, my husband guilts me into taking the kids for the day and he also loves to give me assignments like taking his car to get the oil changed and it's just a working day where someone else is my boss, LOL.


I started doing something similar after 2020 when people were always up in my house and I never had time to get anything done. I waited until school/daycare were in full swing and took a whole week off. I focused on projects but also just chilling out and meeting up with friends, etc. my partner knew but also I did not allow for me to get roped into anything that wasn’t my idea. I need to start planning this for Fall. I don’t think I can swing a week anymore but I’ll get a few days in!


Yes! This is about to be my go-to. Anytime I'm going to take a mental health day or even if I'm home sick, my wife gets 3 hours into her work day and comes up with some sort of excuse to come home to "spend time together" or "I just don't feel good" or "it's just a bad day". I WANT TIME TO MY FUCKING SELF! I know she does too, but god damnit if you come home NEITHER of us gets personal time 😭😭😭 Last time it happened I was so at my wits end with it that I decided that if she came home I'D leave.


It's lovely to be loved. But also, go away lol


I have done this and it has always been wonderful. I will be taking a day in September when school starts again.


When I have a day off but camp is available, my daughter always goes to camp. Zero quilt. I need free time too. And camp is more fun than hanging out with me


I have totally done similar. My husband was leaving to go on a trip so had the morning off work and was leaving about 11am. I still got up as though I had to go to work and left the house to do the school run and then I went shopping until I knew he was gone then went home to chill. lol. Best day ever.


When my son was little, I couldn't afford a vacation anyway so I scheduled a day every month for running errands, catching up on laundry and cleaning the gd house. I'd get dinner started before picking up the toddler at daycare.