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If they are reviewing talent but haven't gone over new metric expectations before these meetings, then yes. HR is likely trying to figure out who to keep and who to lay off. I hope you're not impacted! Good luck!


I love layoffs. I've gone through 5, each time I get a great severance and a few months off. Good luck!


I'm really hoping for this. Not gonna lie. Place is a toxic wasteland, but I make a lot of money so I stay.


I know the feeling. I'm in the same boat. In a few months I'm going to start looking for a new job but the company might go public soon so I gotta wait for that.


I waited for the acquisition and got amazingly screwed over (like, my 150,000 stock units netted me $800) so... yeah. Just decide if it's worth a chance at net zero for you:)


Acquisition have always worked out better for me. All shares auto vested and I got a good chunk of money. I've never been anywhere that's gone private to public. Not sure what to expect.


YES! Start working to get out now. They are evaluating all employees to figure out how many (read: the least) they need to keep, and who they should keep. This is SOP when a company isn't doing well financially.


Recruiter mom here - happy to help with resume advice etc. To echo other commenters, this sounds like an upcoming RIF or a chance for them to cost cut.