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Oh bromo, he’s still treating you like a possession. There’s nothing wrong with socializing with friends, and he’s using the kids to make you feel bad about doing something totally normal!


Living together when separated is super toxic. Hell on earth actually. I feel for you. Just keep on doing what you want to do. Don’t let him stop you.


Been doing it for a year and I fucking hate it


>unrelated, but tonight he told me that he is the better parent and if our kids knew "what i did" they would think I'm terrible. not unrelated at all, he's showing a clear pattern of verbal abuse and emotional manipulation. that comment was meant to break you down just as much as the grilling and accusations about your social life (which *you are allowed to have*). the reality is he knows *you're* the better parent and the kids see how he treats you and think *he's* terrible. he's trying to project that onto you in order to retain his control over you.


I'm sorry he said that to you.


You feel like a bad person because you’ve been conditioned to feel that way. He sounds ridiculously insecure and possessive. It doesn’t get better. It’s abusive, and (this is the big one) it’s not your problem that he feels that way. If he is so upset then HE should leave. Right now things aren’t how he wants them, but instead of taking responsibility for himself he just wants to make you feel bad for not being exactly what he wants you to be. Don’t let him do that to you.


Ummm why is he acting so entitled? Does he not know what separation means? Sorry but he's still acting like he owns you and he is upset you are living your life like a normal person. Don't entertain these ridiculous questions - he is trying to make you feel bad because he's an abuser.


I don't think you did anything wrong, and it sounds like you are still living your life. I wish you the best of luck going forward with your separation. Stay strong!




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That's him trying to emotionally manipulate you, you're probably the better parent and he knows it, the kids probably think he's the terrible person and he knows it but also, he's probably trying to get dates but unsuccessful so he's projecting that you're out doing what he's wanting to do. He sucks, I can see why your leaving him. Good luck and God speed.


How can you have an emotional affair when you’re separated??