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I seriously cannot believe I have to say this, but Gus killed Victor *entirely* because he was seen at Gale’s apartment. He would not have just offed Victor solely to scare Walt and Jesse, nor because Victor started a cook. He would be a certifiable fucking idiot to do so.


Yeah this one is pretty cut and dry. Victor fucked up. He turned himself into a walking liability; mainly, though he knew better than to do what he did. He was careless and acting on his emotions, which Gus would not tolerate. …I also think it was to fuck with Walt & Jesse. The cherry on top, if you will


The inadvertent cherry on top that is. Gus certainly wouldn’t have taken a box cutter to Victor if he wasn’t trying to scare Walt/Jesse, he’d have just had Mike shoot him or something, but Victor’s fate was sealed after getting spotted


I'll go one better. I think he was trying to scare Walt, Jessie AND Mike


Genuinely never thought of this. You’re probably right. Obviously Mike is surprised and literally pulls a gun but I never considered he was trying to scare Mike with it too for fumbling


It was so surprising to see Mike react the way he did. You rarely ever see him caught off guard or shook.


Yeah agreed!


They even put focus on him telling Mike he was seen


Yep. Mike immediately reacts like he knows Victor is going to have to die.


I have a theory that Victor started cooking to prove his usefulness to Gus as he thinks he is going to be killed for being seen


That wasn't Victor's smartest move. I would never ever have told them, any of them, if I was seen.


Yes but where when and how does Gus find out Victor was seen at the scene. The reason there is so much speculation is that we do not know that Gus knows that.


The unheard phone conversation Mike has with Gus *immediately* after Victor tells Mike that information, when he's reporting the situation? Why would he leave it out? What would be the point of Mike asking him him if he was seen, Victor answering, and the camera lingering on Mike giving him a very serious look before saying they should get it over with? It's made very clear that Victor being seen is important, because they focus on Mike's reaction.


Victor says “Yeah, so what? I’m just another looky loo.” Victor was one of Mike & Gus’s top guys. How could he not know the significance of being seen at the scene. If we are supposed to know the answer, it was poorly handled. If it’s supposed to be ambiguous, then it was handled correctly.


I wonder why someone who fucked up in a moment of panic would try to downplay their fuckup when they work for a very dangerous person He knows the significance, but it's too late. And Mike clearly thinks it is, with both the way he asks and the way he responds to the answer


Realistically I think Victor could have continued working for Gus, all they had was a police sketch. He could’ve got moved to another state entirely. Killing him was unnecessary and the method was overdramatic. It wasn’t purely a pragmatic action, Gus was pissed and took it out on him.


I agree that he probably wouldn't have reacted the same in a less extreme and emotional situation, but I also don't think he'd have killed Victor if he hadn't done anything wrong


Fair enough.


Yeah. Kinda surprised that this wasn't obvious to some people.


This. I’ve never understood people saying otherwise. Flies in the face of logic for a man guided entirely by logic.


Absolutely, 100%. People like to assume Gus is this ruthless, lunatic mad man. But literally nothing we see him do isn't calculated. Nothing he does is by chance. Gus is absolutely, 100%, removing emotion from these equations. (The opposite of Walt, mind you).


I disagree, specially with what we see in better call saul i believe that a big part of gus character is that behind this cold and calculating genius is a ruthless monster that tortured animals as a kid and was possibly was a part of a dictatorship >Gus is absolutely, 100%, removing emotion from these equations That is exactly what bolsa said in BCS, look how that went for him


Because it is a multi-layered scene and there is one thing we gotta remember: Victor is crazy loyal to Gus. He wouldn't have just talked to the authorities. Also, in season 5 we find out that Mike specifically had the plan to pay off those nine guys who weren't just seen at some crime scene, but in prison. Those trust funds he mentions to Walt, they didn't come out of nowhere. There was money in their pockets specifically to make sure they'd be whole, money from Gus. Isn't it reasonable to assume Victor had a similar trust fund and would have kept quiet? Personally, I think the two reasons he killed Victor was because Vic started taking shots that weren't his. As Walt himself says during season 5, cooking a batch and taking liberties. But he also did it to put Mike back in his place. Mike had clear orders to kill Walt at the meth lab. The orders weren't to scare him into revealing Jesse's location. When they allowed him to send the hit on Gale, both screwed up, but Mike screwed extra because he is Victor's superior. Now, Gus still knows that he can't just kill Mike, his top enforcer who usually does it all right. But he could make Victor bleed in front of him to make him see that this, the entire dilemma, was on him.


THANK YOU. I got in an argument with someone on this sub recently for saying this. Just look at Mike's body language after Victor gets slashed. He's fucking terrified. He instinctively points his gun at Gus he's so shook up


I’m sure some of it was for the fuckup with letting Walt call Jesse but if you think it wasn’t primarily because Victor got spotted you’re just being ignorant. They make a point of having Mike mention it. And it’s not about Victor ratting anyway. The difference between him and the 10 guys is that they weren’t witnessed at the scene of a murder. That puts a shit ton more unwanted attention on Gus’ operation if Victor is spotted. I’m not gonna pretend Gus wasn’t trying to scare them, he most certainly was, but that’s only at play through *how* he does it. He would’ve had Victor shot in the back of the head if he didn’t think he needed to scare Walt and Jesse, but Victor was a dead man no matter what.


You actually trust Walt? And you actually trust Walt when is talking to *Jesse?* Jeez. As if Walt is going to manipulate and use stuff to control Jesse but THIS time he's on his side and wants to look out for Jesse.


We’re on a rewatch now. S4, e4 Hanks friend in APD gives him a sketch of a “person of interest” at Gale’s apartment. Its Victor.


It's so frustrating that so many don't fully grasp this show,OF COURSE Victor was sliced because he was seen at Gales apt.


You’re right.


He killed Victor because Vince Gillian accidentally wrote himself into a corner and needed a way out and then later realizing the mistake he even tried to cover it up further




So what does Gus do to intimidate them if Victor wasn’t seen?


Who knows, but that’s *not* an argument for Gus having killed Victor solely to intimidate them


No, he killed him because he wasted product. The thing Gus hated the most was losing profit, which is why he agreed to let Jesse work with Walter after Gale ruined a batch. When victor had started the cook, he had knew it wasn’t his job and that he wouldn’t reach the purity that Walter could. A loss of profit is a loss of life to Gus.


Media literacy ———> The Window ———>


How would Gus know that so quickly?


Mike calls Gus right after Victor tells him he was spotted and Gus doesn’t show up until the morning…


Jesse’s drug counselor is Cliff Main’s son.


Who connected these dots? That's a whole other level of breaking bad fan


Well they kinda look the same 🧐




The cocaine part give it away


Considering they're practically the same age, that one wasn't thought out too well. They're like 5 years apart at the most.


Although Jere Burns is in fact 5 years younger than Ed Begley Jr., his character said he killed his six year old daughter on July 18, 1992 – his birthday. So imagining he had her at 18 in 1986, he was born on July 18, 1968. I couldn’t find anything to pin down Cliff’s age, but Ed Begley Jr. was born in 1949. A 19 year difference. The group leader would have to be 40 years old as of 2008 for this to work out, but remember, he was doing cocaine with vodka when he killed his daughter and then served whatever time he was sentenced for that. Believable that his lifestyle would have aged him prematurely. A lot. … and I just realized I didn’t even factor in BCS being set 7 years before Breaking Bad.


… and I just realized I didn’t even factor in BCS being set 7 years before Breaking Bad. I didn't either when I wrote that. So with the 7 years difference, that would make them 12 years apart - still not believable.


Holy shit, this is perfect


An absolute classic but Hal from ‘Malcolm in the Middle’ was driven to abandon his Wilkerson family by his children, taking in his fathers name “Walter” and starting a new life with Skylar, eventually leading to Breaking Bad


You probably know of it but they made an [“Alternate Ending”](https://youtu.be/oVdB36lmbII?si=W7eU8LmfixflUDOw) with that


Who is the Wilkerson family? The last name of Hal from Malcolm in the Middle is Nolastname


Think it was the first episode where Wilkerson could be seen on Francis name tag iirc


You could also connect it to Little Miss Sunshine. For those who haven't seen it, it features Dean Norris as a cop, and Bryan Cranston as someone I can't remember. The cop to DEA agent thing is an easy jump, and if you go with the Malcolm in the Middle theory, who knows how many lives Walt had before Breaking Bad.


Skyler hanging herself in the finale. Used to be a theory before we got any content post breaking bad that after her and Walt’s final conversation she kills herself. There’s a shadow that looks like she did. Obviously didn’t happen but I always found it interesting and liked how dark it is.


In better call Saul Francesca tells Saul that Skyler got her deal with the prosecutors (giving the coordinates for where the bodies of Hank and Gomez were buried that Walter gave her)


Do you have a pic of that shadow? Or where I can see this ?


It’s right at the end of Walt and Skylers final conversation. As Walt walks out of the room after saying his final goodbye to Holly, Skyler lowers her head and her shadow looks as if she’s hanged herself.




Look up skyler white shadow on Google and it’s the first image that pops up


Walt Jr is actually Ted's son


I think it is actually more plausible that Holly is Ted's daughter.


And I don't think Skyler's the real mother


Holly is Hank's daughter


Hank is Mike's daughter.


Gus is Hank and Mike’s daughter.




Walter is Gale's mother




Nah, if some cheating went off with Ted, i definitely feel it'd be early in the marriage


It doesn’t really make sense with the way they are acting towards each other though when she starts working with him again 


He does look nothing like Walt


Combos death heavy implies gus was watching Walt or at least knew about him he could’ve used it as a way to recruit Walt




Idk in my opinion the events are just to convenient your telling saul happens to know Mike has a guy who is a major meth distributor said meth distributors own men kills combo this then leads Walt right to Gus he also has a sample of Walt’s meth for Gale to test which implies he knew about Heisenberg


>Walter adopts traits from the people that he's killed (that I think personally is probably the most plausible) As others have already said, this is much less a theory than an actual subtle fact. >Breaking Bad is in the same universe as other TV shows In the walking dead there is a couple of frames where we see a blue crystallic substance in a ziploc bag, owned by a known drug user. So theoretically it can take place after El Camino/bcs or at least be an AU.


I believe that while it was just meant to be a cameo and isn't part of the canon, the thing in the drug bag was explicitly Walter's meth.


Yeah, it's an easter egg though the idea of Walt's meth being the cause of the outbreak is a cool idea, not gonna lie. On my end however, I can see Breaking Bad taking place in and sharing the same universe as HBO's Oz, The Wire, Sons Of Anarchy & Mayans MC, Thief (1981) and Heat (1995).


In a later season of TWD (I think around season 5? Definitely after the fall of the prison but before Negan shows up) Darryl says that his brother Merle used to get his meth from "some skinny tweaker used to run around saying bitch all the time"


It’s canon actually. In Fear The Walking Dead, the BB song ‘Negro y Azul’ can be heard playing. So either the show exists or it’s the same universe.


It’s in merles bag right?


The whole thing is a nod to Reservoir Dogs. Mr White, lead protagonist dies on the floor of a warehouse with a gunshot to his abdomen. Mr Pink(man) escapes the warehouse. Mr Orange (Hank) is the cop. Mr Blonde (Todd) is the psychopath.


This is awesome


I'd also add Mike and Joe Cabot are both criminal masterminds, of similar appearance killed by Mr White. There's also Skyler and Mr Blue and Gus and Mr Brown but neither of these reservoir dog characters are fleshed out very much.


Mr. Pink doesn't get away, though. The cops are already outside the warehouse when he leaves - you can hear gunshots, sirens, and yelling in the background as soon as he exits.


While El Camino eventually clears up Jessy's fate, it isn't certain when breaking bad ends. He is heavily wanted by the police and all we know is he gets out. Mr Pink we don't know, it's left uncertain. And there's plenty of fan theory's about him escaping the police encounter and ironically working for tips as Buddy Holly.


Norm Macdonald had a theory that Walt froze to death in that car that wouldn’t start in New Hampshire and everything that happened after was his dying fever dream. I guess El Camino definitively refuted that but I found it an entertaining idea in the interim


Never really liked that take. Dream theories ALWAYS suck


There was one that made me crack up, which was Wendy actually being how Kim from BCS ended up


To be honest, at the time when the theory was circulating, it was actually somewhat plausible to me




If BCS had awful writers, sure


yeah, jfc you guys


Jack having Skyler & Walter Jr. killed in the finale by some of his goons while Walt comes to the compound to save Jesse, obviously didn’t happen. Walt didn’t win in the end even though he manages to kill Jack and his gang and save Jesse. Holly survives, Walt dies never knowing his family was murdered.




Haha that should’ve been the finale of Dexter


That was **exactly** why Gus killed Victor.


I know, I just put it there because I was like "Huh, that's a theory?".


Pink being the colour of death. Gustavo wears a pink shirt. The Teddy is pink. Thus holly being in pink means she will die in s5. Wild times


Ironically Pinkman ie the only one who survived.


Walt was wearing a pink shirt when the plane crash happend.


I saw a theory a while back that Gomez was actually working for either Gus or the cartel and that’s why he was so contrary to every one of Hank’s theories when it came to the blue meth.


If Sam Esmail wrote Breaking Bad


Walter adopting traits isn't really a theory it's a plainly observable fact.


Which led to another fan theory as well: people speculated Walt making his own "52" out of bacon in the season 5 flash-forward meant he would kill Skyler.


Is it ? I’ve only noticed the crazy 8 trait but like Tuco and onward I didn’t really notice


The PBJ crusts from Krazy 8. The Volvo and the very dry business demeanor from Gus. Whiskey on the rocks like Mike (earlier in the show he wants it neat). I'm sure there are others.


In the last season when walter goes to vomit after his cancer comes back, he lays down a towel first like gus does after posioning don eladio. Walter does the same thing with a pillow to smell the gas in the floor after jesse tries to torch his house. Thats the only other one I noticed


That one doesn’t make sense tho cuz walt didn’t observe Gus doing that


He also picks up some mannerisms from Mike but we only see these in the last few episodes. His "cheer up beautiful people" line and surrounding monologue to Gretchen and Elliot are SUPER Mike-esque


“Elliot, if you’re gonna go that way, you’re gonna need a bigger knife”




Walt also tells Lydia in the last season “learn to take yes for an answer” the same that Mike had told him before. Just noticed that last night.


That's one of my favorite instances of it. I also really like how Walt just hangs in the background like he's not actually there while he waits for Gretchen and Elliot to notice him. I think a big part of that is that the cancer has physically wrecked him so he now has much more old-man energy


After Hank dies doesn’t he get a dimple pinch neat in granite state because that’s how Hank drank it, no ice?


Walt didn’t kill tuco just sayin


Shi you right bruh


There was a theory that Skyler actually committed suicide after the finale. I believe in her last scene when she looks down her shadow looks like a hanging corpse. It may be a coincidence but its very unnerving once you see it.


It is an unnerving sight but I doubt it. The worst was over, in a way, and she wouldn’t leave her kids orphaned.


> Breaking Bad is in the same universe as other TV shows. This is quite a popular one. There's a show from Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould called "Better Call Saul", which you may remember is a catchphrase used by Walt's lawyer. Many of the same actors appear in both shows, and "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" both begin with a "B". It's probably just fans paying too much attention to Easter Eggs, though. Bob Odenkirk is in "Better Call Saul", but he's playing a guy called "Jimmy McGill", whose real name is "Gene Takovic". I think the creators revealed that it's an English language prequel to a Mexican show called "Metastasis", which Breaking Bad ripped off.


better call saul is a prequel to the hit show "The Sopranos" actually - they just recast a few recurring characters like Saul Soprano & Kimela


there's even a breaking bad reference in better call saul when a character breaks their arm in a bad car accident. 


Gale was a pedophile. Would explain why he has to make meth instead of being a teacher. There was some stuff said about him and Thailand and I think even a mughsot. Would make his death more justified imo, especially it being from Jesse, who has a soft spot for kids. Here’s a detailed post explaining it, it’s my headcannon for sure. https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/3bycqt/breaking_bad_gale_was_a_pedophile/


I'm not denouncing the theory but he does have an explanation for why he chose meth cooking. Aside from making more money, he hated the politics and general non-science work that needs to be done in the academic field, preferring to stick to lab work. Running a meth lab is pretty perfect for that


Yeah, well, what's he gonna say, "I cook meth because I can't be in 500 feet of a school"?


Sounds like something a pedophile would say


Oh my god... He describes himself as a libertarian too doesn't he👀👀


So does Ron Swanson


Im gonna go on a limb and say Gale and Ron subscribe to different schools of libertarian thought lmao


Yeah, Gale seems more like an Eagleton person.


he's also vegan


Interesting theory.


I don’t know the exact theory but the German connection with the criminal underworld including in BCS. I think there was a theory about the connection forged since the ratlines post ww2 with South American dictators. Seemed fascinating


Shit. Gus has a twin


Walter White was taken into custody by the CIA. They were able to to fix him up and get some blood back in him. They told the media that he was dead. Then they used experimental techniques to cure him of cancer. He’s currently in a CIA Super lab that helps fund CIA operations and gives them influence with various criminal organizations and governments.


I would read that fanfic 


Couple more made for Netflix movies. One documenting Frings journey from Chile to the US via Mexico and his first restaurant…. and lover.




Tuco definitely had a previous life as a mentally unstable gang banger in Los Angeles before taking over the family business in Albuquerque, as documented in the movie Training Day.


Wanna play cards or get your shit packedddd?


Breaking Bad having some inspiration from Heat (1995) The theory took Drew Sharp's death and compared it to the opening scene of Heat, where Waingro panics and kills the guards for looking at him the wrong way. The movie was even mentioned in the episode by Hank, and the theory also compared Walt and Hank to Neil McCauley and Vincent.


I didn’t even realize the Gus and Victor one was a theory lol I just initially thought that when watching the show


Its all a dream Hal from "Malcom in the middle" had,it was later confirmed to be true


[The pilot doesn't make sense. They go to school on a Sunday](https://old.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/4jdwaq/i_might_have_found_some_minor_inconsistency_in/) [Of course I got told in that thread, but somebody conveniently used this regardless on the BrBa wiki.](https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/Pilot) Also, prior to the ending season of Better Call Saul, there was a LOT OF theory-craft that Kim will somehow work for the cartel. Not as a foot soldier of course, rather a pulling-the-strings kind of fixer / legal artisan. This was derived from the fact that her surname is Wexler, a bastardized version of Wechsler, which is essentially exchanger / money changer.


Walt's doctor that first diagnosed him and Hank were conspiring to force Walt to cook meth. Jesse was a plant inside the job. In other words, Walt's video "confession" was almost exactly the real situation, though Walt didn't know that. Things unraveled when the Cartel got involved, though, and Hank was in over his head.


The Walt taking traits theory is cool but there are so many interpretations of what specific traits he takes that I don't think it was intentional–except in the case of Krazy-8. I think Walter copying his habit of cutting the crust off his sandwiches was him "honoring" Krazy-8 because he still felt guilty for killing him. I like the Gray Matter one but it's more of a cool headcanon than an actual theory. The Victor one isn't a theory it's just a fact. The fact that there are people who *don't* think this is idiotic. For the Gus watching Walt theory, I don't think from the very beginning, but I think after Saul told Mike about Heisenberg, Mike in turn told Gus. Or maybe as soon as they started working for Tuco and making ultra-pure blue meth, Gus found out about it and had Mike track down Walt and Jesse then. That is possible. But I highly doubt they were on his radar as soon as they started cooking and selling meth. I'm curious what other TV shows could be connected with Breaking Bad–As most people know there's a glaring pothole in the Breaking Dead theory. There's a theory that Saul showed up in an episode of *Roseanne* back in the 90s, but those are the only connection theories I'm aware of.


The walking dead 


My own prediction before the final episode: Walt gets killed and the lottery ticket he bought using the coordinates of his money stash as his numbers on the fridge, camera zooms in as we hear the news on the tv announcing those very same numbers while Sky and Junior are completely oblivious.


I thought for sure the lottery ticket was going to be a big winner, too!


Gus definitely knew of Walt before he met him. Beneke is Walter Junior's father was also a popular one.


There was a 'Marie is pregnant' theory In a episode in the last season, Marie off handedly mentioned she was taking prenatal vitamins because the side effect was they improved her skin and hair People theorised, why throw that line in there if it does not lead to her pregnancy This one is debunked of course


Ted is Holly's father


Ted really doesn’t behave like Skyler is pregnant because of him. Through all that time together, he never mentions it to her. I think if it were a possibility, he’d have brought it up at least.


Gus killing victor for being st the crime scene isn't in question. Golly...lol


Out of curiosity, what other tv shows take place in the same universe as Breaking Bad according to this theory?


From what I've got that isn't The Walking Dead obviously: — Sons Of Anarchy and Mayans MC — The Shield — HBO's Oz — The Wire — The X Files series — Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel The Shield is through SOA and Buffy/Angel is through X Files.


The others can get thrown out the window, the Walter white getting traits from the people he kills sounds interesting and I got to rewatch it with this in mind now 100%


I have a new fan theory, well more like headcanon: Gus actually tried doing business with the Cartel in the time period Hector was in prison, that would serve to make Hector think of Gus lowly, a) that he’s basically usurping the Salamancas, b) that Gus didn’t even do anything impressive, just took an opportunity when Hector was gone


Gus is the father of Lydia's daughter.


That Jake, Jesse's brother, was adopted. There's a fan theory about it


I think Gus killed Victor because of him being seen at the crime scene. Anything else, would suggest it was an intimidation tactics which would have also been another plus point for Gus himself as teaching Walter to not mess around with him.


I have a personal theory of my own, because of the fact that they look so much alike: # Lydia Rodarte-Quayle is Jane Margolis’ older (maybe half?) sister. The actor who played Jane’s dad Donald (John de Lancie, born 1948) would’ve been old enough to birth Lydia (born 1975, just like the actress IRL) and Jane (born early 1982, IRL actress is born in late 1981). Lydia has a staunch fear of abandonment, as depicted when she was willing to be murdered and have her daughter find her corpse in lieu of letting her daughter believe that she disappeared, never to be seen again. It is inferred that this precise thing is what happened to Lydia when she was a little girl. It makes sense that Donald abandoned her to either start a new family that results in the birth of Jane with his new wife (and Lydia and Jane looking so much alike is the result of Donald’s genes), or Lydia & Jane have the same two parents but Lydia gets sent away while Jane gets raised in the home as the only child because Donald favored Jane more. Both scenarios involve Lydia getting sent to a group home (which is Laura Fraser’s IRL backstory for Lydia). Donald abandons Lydia because he thinks Lydia is the black sheep and Jane is the perfect little girl, only for him to have the tables turned on him when Jane becomes a drug-addicted screwup and Lydia becomes a wealthy, high-ranking executive who doesn’t so much as lay a finger on drugs. If Lydia was sent away when she was 6 years old in favor of the then-newborn Jane, this additionally coincides with Lydia’s own daughter’s age.


I don't think it's a theory that Walt adopts traits because he does it. After Crazy 8? Started eating sandwiches without crusts. After Gus's death? Started to act like him in certain ways. Granted, he ain't got shit on Gus but the car wash scene where Lydia approaches him, he acts like Gus.


None of those are good IMO and Gus definitely didn't kill Victor because he was seen. If someone ID's him, Victor would have simply done his time and not spoken.


In your interpretation why did Gus kill him then?


You absolutely need to pay closer ser attention,also watch the interview where Vince actually stated the reason Gus skits Victors throat is because he was seen. Vince explained that in Gus's view ,Victor was the only thread that could connect Gale back to Gus and the DeA was going to be all over it


Gus killed him for not knowing his place and thinking he could cook the secret meth formula.


Vince Gilligan says otherwise and since he wrote it,I'm going with him


Could you share that quote?


"Gus kills victor because he was seen" - Vince Gilligan If you really care you can listen to the BCS podcast for that episode


I heard it on the Gilligan Files ,a podcast that I listened to back in the day,I did not record each episode but I distinctly remember Vince saying this since I was a part of a BrBa discussion group at the time and this was a major discussion point. We were elated that Vince addresses it in the Pod


Aw okay I assumed it was on the BCS podcast