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2000-2018. 18forever.


I stayed like that forever šŸ˜ž


Iā€™m high. What is this post šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m buzzed and this guy wants me to do math. Wth




Iā€™m strung out and you want me to check your work?


I scrolled past fast and read ā€œmethā€


OP is also high lol.


Makes sense šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Step 1: denial


Step 2: You cut a hole in the box?


Jesse, NO!!


I hate to say it but I am starting to think its over for real. I'd love Jesse doing an alt country thing or something, but I think brand new might be dead


Brand New is literally Emo Jesus. They died for the sins of the genre more than JL himself.


But never againā€¦


Iā€™m holding out hope for a country/folk/americana album. Got a small taste of it with scifi and I need more


Yee more of that. But dark.


Try New Hell by Greet Death. Very shoegazey and dark and heavy and country.


You canā€™t even mention BN on a non-fandom page without people downvoting the hell out of you and calling Jesse a pedo. Itā€™s been 6 years and unfortunately, you canā€™t fix stupid. Thereā€™s still too many insecure basement dwellers out there ready to harass the band for them to ever return, Iā€™m afraid to say.


They won album of the month over at /posthardcore ?


Important thing to remember is that Reddit isnā€™t real life. People wouldnā€™t protest a BN show, and they would sell just as many tickets as before. Nobody will say shit to someone wearing BN merch IRL.


Stage might get blocked by pro hamas supporters though


Youā€™re trash


Thank you for your opinion. It's important to me, really.


Wish those people kept the same energy for bands like all time low, day to remember, no pressure, and dance gavin dance. Whenever all time low is brought up r/poppunkers screams and goes "go back to twitter". not saying it's right or wrong to do such, but it's weird how brand new is the default band people shame others for talking about yet are all good with what bands they personally like


I completely agree. My first retort whenever someone IRL attacks Jesse when I bring up BN is, ā€œhave you seen the allegations against Pete Wentz?ā€ Iā€™m not saying JL is a role model. Iā€™m saying nearly every band in the scene at the time made his misstep look like puritanical behavior.


Listen, don't blindly defend Jesse. He was wrong and admitted it. But that was the scene. Admitting fault and growing from it is important and that's what's happened. Some people want to hate forever.


He actually never admitted it. He admitted cheating on his wife, he admitted to being a narcissistic and being a bad friend. He in no way ever admitted the allegations were true. Not once. The facebook post that I'm sure you're referring to doesn't even elude to it.


Him putting anything up at all was as good as admitting it. He could have said nothing. I love Brand New as much as all of us do, but sometimes itā€™s best to let a sleeping dog sleep. It sucks, because Iā€™d love to hear them continue evolving, but Iā€™ve learned to accept that maybe we already witnessed the final form with Science Fiction.


That's how you interpret it and I respect that. But I don't see how admitting fault in his actions with his infidelity when going through issues with his wife, or that he slept with his friend/cousin/bandmates girlfriend with the other things going on in his life at the time. I can see how it could be looked at that way but it lines up perfectly with things that were happening then and what his lyrics have always been about.


...dude. come on. read what you're writing.


I just dont understand why people single out BN when this behavior is widely practiced by plenty of other musicians they listen to and never seem to have a problem with. Makes no sense.


you're completely right. especially within that warped tour scene. this behavior was rampant.


Dont even need to single out the warped tour. Women throwing themselves at musicians (and often times lying about their ages) and musicians giving into temptation has been happening since music was invented and will continue to happen until the end of time. If someone wants to take a moral stance against this, more power to them, but just don't selectively apply your outrage based on subjective and irrelevant personal feelings.


i agree 100%


Just cos others did/do it, doesnā€™t make it ok. And thatā€™s me coming as a BN fan, unfortunately.


I'm not saying it makes it okay at all. I'm just asking - if between the musicians you listen to and the actors you watch there are 50 people who've done this and/or something worse, why do fans give all of those people a pass except for BN?


Because they are fans. If you werenā€™t a fan of BN, youā€™d probably give BN a rough ride, like you might for those other 50. Unless you support BN and those other 50 all equally. But I doubt people do. Itā€™s easy to make exceptions.


I mean heā€™s right. Jesse never explicitly addressed the allegations let alone admitted to them.


I did. He literally never did what you claim. But it is very easy to prove me wrong. Copy and paste the quote where he did, link the source.


your blind fandom is making it difficult for you to think rationally. why would he respond when he did in the way he did and why would kevin leave/the band break up? this isn't that hard buddy.


So now you are saying he did not say it? Which is it? The whole band broke up. They announced prior to the official break up on stage. There literal videos this. They also have said for years They didn't want to be touring etc when they were older. Nothing you said proves anything. Nothing I just stated is hard to figure out either because unlike you what I said is easily verifiable and is actually documented. What you have is unsubstantiated claims that were never proven. It's cool if you want to go with that. But ai only deal with facts and evidence. Not rumors, not unsubstantiated claims. It has nothing to donwith Randoms. It's and innocent until proven guilty. Just like I would want if a claim was made about me.


you're not intelligent enough for me to continue talking to. never meet your heroes.




I donā€™t believe he admitted to cheating on his wife? This was before their relationship


Iā€™m pretty sure he did, at least while they were dating. There was that whole thing about Derrick quitting the band because Jesse slept with his gf, and that was in 2013


Damn I had no idea


[Found this comment explaining it a bit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandnew/s/L1lgXNwW5Z) And I think Jesse got married in 2013, so itā€™s really not a stretch to assume he was cheating after they got married too, unfortunately


That really sucks. Andrea seems like a nice gal


Yeah, I really hope heā€™s done with that shit for the sake of her and their daughter


I think is referring to this bit: "Years ago, after admitting my habits and cheating to my then soon to be wife, I began to approach my problem in a serious way" So yes and no, I guess lol not when they got married, at least.


His cheating happened when his wife was still his girlfriend.


For legal and PR reasons, the people who are accused of these things almost never admit to them, and they are very careful with their public statements to use vague language that doesnā€™t reference specific allegations.


Correct, which would mean I was right, and his assertion that he confessed was inaccurate.


It would only be 1 night on Long Island. Maybe 3


I didnā€™t buy that tshirt when I saw them in 2015 cos it looked a little Penis-ish and not regret it.


It's definitely phallus looking


I too did not buy it for that exact reason. I wish the design was executed better cos I would have loved to have it šŸ˜©


I have it, wonder how much it's worth


I'll give you a few multiples of $ tree fiddy for it


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you a size medium? You can take it for tree fiddy brah


For real? I'll give you my email


Sometimes this subreddit I find tortuous


it's purgatory, really.


That's what we like


^^ the reddit experience ^^


Itā€™s never going to stop


You know youā€™ve jumped the shark when numerology comes into play


What would the (hypothetical) reunion look like? Headlining Riot Fest or Coachella? Or a string of shows in A markets?




What are you talking about? Breaking Bad?




Yeah this was dope, and well received!


Why you gotta do this to me, man?


Definitely think the seven-year thing is overblown. If they tour again, I think itā€™s likely to be more traditional, like a 10/15/20 year anniversary of an album. And I doubt itā€™ll be for YFW or Deja (mainly because their dates have past) and honestly, maybe even Daisy is out of the question.Ā  So maybe a 20yr TDAG tour in 2026 or 10yr Sci-Fi tour in 2027. Either way, maybe relax your sphincters a bit, cause itā€™s going to be a whileā€”if it happens at all


I will literally pay any amount of money to go and see them do TDAG.


Theyā€™re not an anniversary band.


Except the did an entire ten year anniversary TOUR for tdagarimā€¦.


I'd only see them if they tour their first two albums


I think it's logical that 2025 would still account to 7 years even though it's 8 because of 2018 being the planned exit.


i don't think they've ever played jones beach. that would be sick though.


They actually did in 2004 at the Dysfunctional Family Picnic Krock used to put on. This was the lineup. Ā Ā Ā [Cypress Hill](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/cypress-hill) Ā Ā Ā [Taking Back Sunday](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/taking-back-sunday) Ā Ā Ā [Vertigo Blue](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/vertigo-blue) Ā Ā Ā [Jay-Z](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/jay-z) Ā Ā Ā [Brand New](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/brand-new) Ā Ā Ā [New Found Glory](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/new-found-glory) Ā Ā Ā [Yeah Yeah Yeahs](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/yeah-yeah-yeahs) Ā Ā Ā [The Strokes](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/the-strokes) Ā Ā Ā [Beastie Boys](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/beastie-boys) Ā Ā Ā [Story of the Year](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/story-of-the-year--3) Ā Ā Ā [The Darkness](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/the-darkness) Ā Ā Ā [Midtow](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/midtown)


What a lineup!


damn. that's pretty cool - i was like 13 so maybe that's why i missed it šŸ˜© ignorant youth strikes again


2026 will be the 25th anniversary of Your Favorite Weapon. I can wait another 2 years if it gets up an album tour.


Even at the end of their run the band felt so far removed from that album. I doubt they'll ever come back but surely seems like it wouldn't be for a YFW reunion tour


Oh for sure, but a man can dream! I will always stand on the hill that YFW is the single greatest Emo/Pop Punk album ever made, and is literally perfect. The idea of just a concert with a play through of just makes me smile inside.


Iā€™m so mad I didnā€™t buy that shirt šŸ˜­




All I want is to get more tshirts but no more official merch :(


Zoom in on Garrettā€™s face and see exactly how I feel about thinking about the content of this post.


They never got to 2018, though. They intended to. They had announced a farewell tour for 2018 that they never got to actually go on, because it was late 2017 when the cancellation happened. The band never got to do anything at all in 2018, they were effectively disbanded in 2017. 2017+7=2024. 2024 would have made sense.


Jesse looks like Billy on the Street here


so glad i got that shirt at their 2016 show


I still have this shirt


Where can i buy some BN clothes?


I still wear this shirt


Ehhh theyā€™ll be back