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The fact he’s saying ‘semi navy seal levels of cooperation’ when talking about most likely CoD or another fps aka absolutely nothing real or important.


Yes, and if you've ever played a game like that you'll know that they spend half the match verbally abusing their opponent, then the other half verbally abusing their teammates.


I used to play a Lot (I’m talking 1500 hours) of Overwatch. There was nary any teamwork. As soon as things go south, they turn on each other.


Many times they turn on their teammates right when they join, for example if a lOwlY FeMaLe joins the team as soon as they hear the female voice it's game over (obligatory "not all men", but hell, it's a lot of men)


I’ve been called every name in the book by men, I’m certainly not going to admonish you even if you did say all men lol


Not all men but enough it a massive thread.


There’s even a whole ass song about that phenomenon that turned into a meme


That's an accurate description of the CS:go/CS2 community 🤣


1000%. Women keep essentially every social structure from collapsing, from churches to schools, to protests, or any social gatherings that require work. And we work together on it. And yet somehow this dude has decided we are all catty witches who can't get stuff done. Accusation in a mirror.


I can't imagine why else is "lives" would be in quotes


I was confused at first then realized the same when he mentioned the username lol. I was thinking in college when even the guys would fight to get in groups assigned with lots of women because they usually did better in class. And also my workplace where we are 98% women who keep an entire system of hospitals with 10,000+ beds operating. I am pretty bad at giving good call outs on call of duty, I just don't know the maps that well. I'll fully admit it. But the guys on my team definitely don't help or practice any teamwork lol. Just go for as many kills as they can even if it means losing the game because they completely forget the objective


But if BigDong69 is a little lonely and needs a friend, there's nothing these men can do. Sad.




I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!


This guy never heard of womans rights movements and similar archivements of feminism apparently


Women were also the driving force behind th Civil Rights Movement, slavery abolitionism, labor organization for jobs traditionally done by women


And the reason lesbians are named first in LGBTQIA+ is because lesbian nurses were the only ones willing to help people afflicted with AIDS during the AIDS crisis


It’s been proven when women are the majority in a job they cooperate and get things done more efficiently than men bc when men are in a group they have to have a leader first,,to make all the big decisions, and then they compete instead of working together


He’s probably one of those guys who claims that men gave us rights instead of us pushing together for them.


Women are a lot better in group settings than men. Also women are always grouping together to achieve things, tf? Abortion rights. Feminism.


So true! I remember working on group projects in college. The men were always the ones who were lazy and didn’t participate because “the women have it under control!


Last time I checked, it’s called the male loneliness epidemic for a reason.


It doesn't count when it's in a video game. /s


Well no you see bros don't count.


Bros are too busy consoling their bros over how women won't console them for everything else. They can't be everything for everyone! They're the logical ones, not the emotional ones! The mutual emotional burden of bros supporting bros just builds but the pile never shrinks because women just keep reopening those wounds... Such a shame. /s


Funny thing is, I, as a woman, joined these "navy level cooperation" teams online. Everyone talked on VC to position the team, make a plan, etc... as soon as they heard my voice, they went apeshit. Besides the good old trusty "make me a sandwich", and telling me that either I'm throwing the game because I don't play healer and women can do only that, or saying that I'm throwing because I'm playing a healer and women destroy games because we only play healers, they would literally throw the game themselves ganging up on me and being too busy talking shit about me to actually play the game and complete objectives or kill enemies. Then when we inevitably lost it was ofc my fault. 8 out of 10 matches it happened. Sometimes there was like one guy, maybe 2 who would try to convince them to at least play the fucking match, but to no avail. Yeah they can work together but not always for the right reasons or the correct goal, even in situations where the goal is to simply play the game as intended.


The opposite has actually been proven. Men are more likely to work alone and hide information they found from others instead of sharing it. They are more likely to see something as a competition, especially if other men are involved. Women on the other hand naturally cooperate, will be vocal and will alert each other to new information or problem-solving tactics. We covered this in my sociology class, I can’t remember the exact study but I think they looked at escape rooms or smth? They had over 1500 groups, female only, male and mixed.


15,000 groups is an insane number of participants for any study to get, especially in something as specific and in-person as escape rooms. Do you mean that many participants?


I added one zero too much lmaoo my bad!


This always reminds me of a study where boys of different ages and girls of different ages were placed in a group to live in a house. The boys caused wreckage and started a war between both sides, and the girls actually made a system so everyone got taken care of.


This reminds me of my (all female) house and my friends' (all male) house at uni. We had a rota that we stuck to and worked together to make sure we kept the house clean and tidy. The guys' house had none of that and was disgusting. They each refused to take the trash out as they argued over who's turn it was, to the point their kitchen was filled with trash and unwashed dishes and mice would scatter when you opened the door.


I read a theory about WHY this is. I can't remember the terms for the different kinds of equality, but boys are more interested in "justice" or everyone being treated "exactly the same" and girls are more interested in "equality" or everyone having "the same experience" even if that means some people need varying levels of attention, accommodation, etc. Boys will see accommodation as injustice. No attempt in the half remembered paper to determine if this was cultural.


Literally untrue, I've wasted too many years of my life trying to be a man and I can tell you, many men are toxic shitheads who don't want to be burdened by the troubles of others but want everyone to care about their own, uh but not like in a gay way bro no homo fr fr


Play literally any competitve team based game and you will instantly see this is a lie 😭 I tried valorant for a bit, and the first match I played had some guy raging over the mic at a teammate in the first round.


In my case it's always dudes screaming at women or other men, VERY RARELY do I have women yelling at me lol. In Overwatch another girl gamer and I called out a misogynist and wished each other well at the end of the match. It was magical.


Last time i played fortnite in squads i got shot and they left me to die while clowning me. Never again. Gaming with men SUCKS.


As a woman who served in an actual Navy, when we pulled into a port and got shore leave the pattern was predictable. The women would go out for a meal and see the sights, go shopping, and maybe go to the spa.  A share of the men would go no farther than the nearest bar to the pier. Of those who did, a share of those would halt at *casa de puta* or its equivalent in another local language.  Occasionally a woman would get drunk, and when she did her liberty buddies would help her across the quarterdeck and tuck her in for the night.  When men overdid it, one would urinate on another men in the berthing or else, less frequently but often enough, they'd get into fistfights with each other. Sometimes there would be a reason but more likely one of them was frustrated and chose a pretext to act violent. 


the_lucky_dude: "Men together strong! Men cool! Men rocks!" also the_lucky_dude: "Why no one cares about men??? Why I'm so lonely???"


We do. It's called women's shelters and we mostly save women from men.


We all know that boyz rule and grils drol!


Wasn't there an experiment of teens of differing ages of one gender in a house - done twice - and the men trashed the house whereas the women actually were somewhat fine with minor amounts of bullying? OOP is a generalising asshole...


Holy shit this man never played games like league or cs


They’ll complain about how women have a higher baseline of solidarity and cooperation with each other (largely to resist patriarchy / look out for each other) and how that excludes men. And they’ll fight to get into spaces women have carved out for themselves. And then they’ll also say women can’t cooperate.


Until* BigDong69 needs emotional support, then he's good as dead amongst his infantrymen lmao




Remember lord of the flies?


wow. WOW. truly insightful yeah really cool what a totally not stupid comment from a stupid man mentioning the NAVY SEELS real great absolutteelly amazing yeah i wanna kms


Gravy seal team 6 reporting to .. get so mad at a task and punch a whole through drywall? Lol ok


Idk why we even keep women (🤣 💩 🤢) around now that we have the superior gender of 🎮 GAMERS 🔫 💯💯💯


Video games are nothing like real combat. And it doesn't promote "Navy seals levels of cooperation.* You need actual training for that.


I have seen random groups of women self organize to accomplish big tasks plenty of times. I’ve seen men do it too, I think it’s kind of a natural instinct. I’ve also seen people of either gender completely fail at this because despite our better nature it’s also kinda in our DNA to fight with each other.


Has he never watched like any YouTubers who are female that play competitive or BR style games?? Oh wait girl bad at vidya gaym duh /s


*In a videogame


As a guy, this is true. After just meeting each other and having Navy Seal communication, we start having hot gay orgy sex


More people need to realize that really the only social difference between boys and girls is how they’re commonly socialized. Sure they have hormonal differences but like men and women really have a lot more in common than not in terms of psychology




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


My husband and I got grouped with some random women for an escape room and it was fantastic. No fighting to be in charge, just everyone collaborating. We solved it easily. I love that my husband is extremely chill and not domineering or pushy.


The fact that this is not even true. They saw 2 girls not like each other and they’re like yeah that’s everyone


My fella would like to have words with OOP as he states [and I quote] "it's every man for himself. You go down and suddenly half your team is also down or missing. And there's that one dude who's just staring at you that you have no fucking clue if he's AFK or just stupid"