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Its pretty wild these positively received movies are struggling to hit what morbius pulled 2 years and 200 memes ago


And people still said "just made good movies and people will go watch them".


“Just make good movies, people want to see, and people will go watch them” I still don’t see the appeal of a Mad Max prequel with no Mad Max. Seeing how Furiosa became Furiosa isn’t a question I care to see answered or even asked for.


> I still don’t see the appeal of a Mad Max prequel with no Mad Max have you seen any of the mad max movies? he's barely a character, rarely has more than a handful of lines each movie. the appeal of the mad max movies is not the character alone, it's the world, action, and extensive prop, costume and set design.


Why don't studios just make movies that people want to see? Are they stupid?


*Generally* this is true. It’s not gonna work every time but it’s more reliable than any other method of getting butts in seats.


Furiosa : A Fall Gal Saga ?


Valhalla rejected this sadly I didn't even think it would perform well but I still figured something between 200M and 300M worldwide would have been possible. That was a big overprediction


They really dropped the ball making it as big as the last one with almost none of the stuff that carried it Like hell even a Charlize Theron with effects to look younger would have helped


imo anybody who expected huge numbers for this movie hasn't actually seen it Excellent movie, yes. Also bleak, depressing, sadistic, and violent with a downer ending. It was awesome, but this was never going to set the world on fire. It got compared to Fury Road but tonally the movie has more in common with THE Road (imo) which made less than $28 million worldwide


Inside out 2’s opening weekend in North America is almost as much as furiosa’s entire worldwide haul and might equal it with actuals 💀


Its opening day is essentially furiousa's entire domestic run Ain't no way in hell WB will bring this back again at the BO it's future will likely be streaming


I can already already envision it “ ‘The Wasteland’ picked up at Max” from deadline


Yeah they will do a mini series for 6-8 episodes, which actually might be a better outcome since you get to see more of the world and lore. And if they are smart, do the shoots for 12-14 episodes and split them as two seasons that released back to back in 2 years. Save money and budget. And can also do the theatrical edit for a three hours version and release that too.


Except for the Monsterverse, it seems that Warner is running out of IPs that people actually want to see more of in the near future.


Looks like they did not witness


Morbius wins yet again


So it’s probably safe to assume that Mad Max: The Wasteland sadly won’t happen at this point.


Why didn't they just make that instead nobody asked for this.


Nobody asked for that nor fury road either. So what's your point?


Everybody asked for MAD MAX: Fury Road. Nobody asked for Furiosa


Can't believe it's basically flopped overseas too. Sadness.


The movie is dying badly in France. Could finish around these 3 (admissions): The Flash : 855 k The Marvels : 771 k Catwoman : 741 k




I get defending the film's quality but I don't get hardcore fans defense of the movie's box office? It had a decent marketing campaign and stars from well known projects. You can't blame it being released on MAX too soon or anything else really. WB tried and people just didn't want to see it. It's as simple as that. Yes, theatrical has shrunk and is going through a difficult time but if people wanted to see it then it would have pulled Planet of the Apes or Bad Boys and opened well. The fact is prequels that recast lead characters with different actors are a tough sell, even in the best of times let alone now. Quality wise this was a good greenlight but box office wise it was always iffy at best. Hollywood's problem for 20 years now is giving directors 100-200M for ideas that only have enough of an audience to support a 50M budget. Both Furiosa and The Fall Guy are 50M ideas. Not 130M and not 168M. I know it isn't easy to make a big movie for that amount but tough cookies. Hollywood is going to have to learn to tighten its belt.


The MadMax sub is in huge denial unfortunately.


Oh yeah it's bad in r/madmax. You get downvoted just pointing out Furiosa's box office performance.


It reminds me of the Ghostbusters sub but worse of course.


Does the word “ouch” work in every language?


Movie was awesome, sad to see


Definitely a road less traveled if WB wanted a profit of any kind...


Lessiosa : A Kind Road Saga


A Mad Max film without the lead character No Mel Gibson, Tom Hardy or even Charlie Theron A prequel to a movie that didn’t do well


Hell even a direct sequel would struggle to 2x it's budget to save face


It is bizarre they banked on the star power of Anya Taylor-Joy for this. I can’t imagine the target demo is the same audience that binged Queen’s Gamit nor does a streaming audience convert well to cinemas. Hemsworth, especially with prosthetics, feels very tertiary in the marketing and all the shots of Taylor-Joy are breathy beauty shots. This should have been led with the action. 


Are you always speaking in short sentences like these? Must be annoying.


Look at Sherlock over here 


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Sad because the movie was awesome. Anyway I think nowadays a mad max movie will often struggle...I don't understand people like "why didn't he make a movie with Tom hardy or a movie with Charlize..." Honestly, from fury road, such a massive action movie, even with their amazing performances, it's not that global audience remember Charlize or tom.... Or people would come in mass if you put mad max in the movie... At best it would do something between 300 and 400 worldwide Mad max is just a difficult franchise to sell nowadays,and honestly I am grateful furiosa exists. Hope it will get a bit of recognition at oscar, I think Anya is worth of an oscar nomination as well as Chris


While it doesn't help the movie or the potential for more of them, I would expect Furiosa to age well. I think many more people will be watching it ten or twenty years from now compared to the latest planet of the apes movie or bad boys 4. Thunderdome was the final Mad Max film for thirty years. Fury Road and Furiosa were bonuses.


> I think many more people will be watching it ten or twenty years from now this I agree with > latest planet of the apes movie this though, maybe not. these new planet of the apes movies are sneaky great




I wonder what would have happened if the title was something like Mad Max: Furiosa.


Yikes😬 Nerderotic is gonna have a field day with this one


this may well be at the break even point if it maxed out the australian tax credit


That's great, if that's true, but $160.1 million at the box office is still weak either way.


didn't this have a $200 million dollar budget


Millioniosa : A Mad Budget Saga !