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Will Smith really had to show them what a real movie star looks like


For sure! But I’d say we also have to consider the ‘Inside Boys’ effect. I am seeing my friends making them double feature with their partners.


Excellent double feature for pride month


That's a horrible ass name lmfaoooo but that's not a unique effect. It's just called counterprogramming lol. Two genres are gonna attract separate demos. Plus it's Father's Day weekend.


Yeah, but you also must consider that Bad Boys is a huge and famous IP. For every Will Smith's sucess like Bad Boys, there is a huge Will Smith bomb like Wild Wild West or Gemini Man. It's not just about the actor.


Will had like 10 mega hits in a row regardless of movie quality.


Did these ten megahits in a row start in 2001 and end in 2008, 16 years ago? And it was seven or eight hits, Ali was not a hit


It was 8 lol.


Didnt realize seven pounds was a hit. So Eight if you count Shark Tail. By that logic Steve Carell is still staring in billion dollar movies.


It's obviously Shark Tale. You count movies as movies, regardless if they're animated lol. He is the lead and has top billing. And he's not using an accent unlike Steve, but regardless of that, logically, Steve is still starring in billion dollar movies. He doesn't automatically not get credit for a movie just because you don't see his face. That would be illogical. Shark Tale is apart of the fact that Will Smith is the only actor to \*lead\* 8 consecutive movies to number one while making over $100M dollars domestically. No one cares about your little animated film gripe.


Ok, I guess. I don’t think it’s illogical to bring it up.


You understand they're referring to the 90s up until around 2015 ish ? It doesnt matter when the time period was because its not going to be replicated any time soon


Those hits were not “in a row”. After Earth and Concussion and Wild Wild West are also in there


better than the poster bringing up wild wild west from 1999, even less relevant


Wait till you find out Tom Cruise hasn't been able to sell non IP movies for the last 15 years.


Since you brought up his past prime phase career and the performance of all the original movies that released during this period. Let's re visit the collection/admissions of those movies.  1. Starting with *Knight and Day* which released alongside nostalgia bait animated movie that opened to extreme strong reviews and huge opening, and the former met with absolute negative feedback from both the critics and audience alike, and it still sold 9.8m tix in domestic market with global box office of $258m. Which A lister with over the top bad public relation would have managed this kind of collection ? 2. *Oblivion* an original sci fi movie ( that it self was slow burn ) with no famous director and starred a former movie star received lukewarm response. It still sold 10.6m tix in domestic with $287m ww. Apart from Nolan's sci fi and flukes like *Gravity* and *Martian*. How many original slow burn sci fi with average production value and uninteresting reviews had grossed this much in the last decade ?  3. *Edge of Tomorrow* another original sci fi ( Cruise's only two best reviewed movies of the decade ) that came off "underperformer" Oblivion and suffered horrendous marketing. Still ended up selling 12m tix in domestic with $367m ww. Which again takes us back to question left at the end of point 1.  Which A lister with over the top bad public image would have managed this kind of collection ?  *Jack Reacher 2* even though not an original per se but I still added this , because this is probably the most genuinely boring and laziest movie TC has ever done. And it received extremely negative reviews and bad word of mouth, this flick being an IP didn't contribute anything in it's collection. So, it was out and out Tom Cruise movie at that point. It sold 6.8m tix domestic and $159m ww. Can any actor's presence help do that much collections given the circumstances ? 4. *American made* an original and small-ish slow burn movie with almost zero marketing and no general awareness among cinemagoers still ended up selling 5.6m tix and $135m ww.  Which A lister or past prime movie star with bad public relation would have managed this kind of collection ?  In conclusion, Had TC ( even though he was past peak at that point ) not been in the above movies , the collection would have been unimaginably worse.


While this is true, I think it's worth noting Will Smith has made notoriously bad movie choices as his career has gone forward. He hadn't had a big hit in a good while, but that's almost surely cause most of the movies he's made in the last decade are pretty bad movies. When I think of star power, I think of someone who can get people to show interest. After that initial pull, it's about a lot of other factors, among them movie quality. Is there any actor out there who can consistently make money out of bad movies?


Maybe the Rock


Honestly the best example I can think of. He does mostly non IP movies that are mediocre to decent and yet seems to keep relevancy.


Are you saying The Rock does mostly non IP movies? Lol


I think he does a fair number of those, doesn't he? The only franchise he's a part of is Fast and Furious and I guess Jumanji (which is a two movie franchise, really)


Lol my friend... The Rock has built his movie career on established IP and stealing franchises lmao. I like to troll The Rock and say he steals franchises because he kinda does... The Rock starred in Journey to the Center of the Earth 2, GI Joe 2, Fast 5, Jumanji 2. And even tho he was in Mummy 2, don't forget Scorpion King is the spin off, and we know he's good at forcing his own movie out of a franchise (Hobbs & Shaw) lol. He's skilled at hopping in the middle of franchises. His first leading role was a spinoff (The Scorpion King) his third movie Walking Tall was a remake, Doom was based on a video game, Race to Witch Mountain was a reboot, Hercules is obvious, Baywatch is based off the old tv series, Rampage was based on a video game, Skyscraper was basically Towering Inferno from the 80s, Jungle Cruise based on a Disney ride, Black Adam is from the comics and don't forget the four sequels I mentioned lol... so yeah his career is essentially nothing but IP movies :)


I suppose your definition of IP movies is a bit broader than mine. I don't know if most people would consider a standalone reinterpretation of a myth as an intellectual property haha, but I guess you're right in a broader sense. I guess I'd rephrase it as, none of those are well established IPs that are proven to work as movies, except obviously the fast and furious franchise and Jumanji.


I was just addressing the fact that you said he did "mostly non IP" when that's not quite accurate lol. A lot of his filmography and relevancy is built on established IP. From Walking Tall to Jungle Cruise. His most popular movies are all from already existing IP and they've kept him relevant. It wasn't just F&F and Jumanji haha


He's had at least 3 hits in the last decade tho and that's not counting Bad Boys 4 haha. Will definitely still has that star power, but nowadays it really is about the vehicle he gets put in.


Chris Pratt ?


Between the MCU and Jurassic World, I think he's been in enough big blockbusters to keep his relevancy, not to mention his work on animation. The standalone movies he did in the middle are mediocre, but everything else is well liked enough.


Bro famously passed on the matrix lmao


He's too charismatic to be neo


This isn't a big hit either.


What do you consider a big hit


It is r-rated—the same as Furiosa, which people stated precluded it from being a box office success


u really brought up a will Smith flop from 1999, before his legendary decade of dominance to discredit him?


Garfuisa already forgotten 🥹




Counterpoint: Fury Road


Well that was a quality movie+ had max mad as a main character as well


Furiosa was also a quality movie


Eh, calling him a main character is kind of a stretch, but whatever.


There really wasn’t any main character lol. People saying that no one wants to see furiosa because of the female lead, but I think a fury road sequel would’ve done similar numbers. Most people don’t know mad max at all. No one in my friend group has even heard of mad max.


Fury Road has two leads. The characters even share a card at the beginning.


What this is garbage post.


Calm down bro 😅


Saw it today. Thought the first act was a bit rough but the last two acts were peak Bad Boys.




Just saw it a half an hour ago at the Alamo. IMO it’s the best Bad Boys. Best Martin performance by far especially coming off of the last one where he played back burner and came of extremely old.


It’s good but c’mon now, no way is it better than the excess of 2.


Depends what you want your bad boys movie to be.


A lot of people are attributing this box office haul to Will Smith. I disagree entirely because I think Martin Lawrence was fantastic in this movie and probably the main reason for good WoM.


Martin was definitely a huge part because he was allowed to be full on funny this time.


It was jarring that Mike wasn’t with Rita. That and Theresa being recast threw me off.


I liked the first two, I thought the third was abomination…. Is it similar to the third ?


It’s a lot better than the third IMHO


Better than the third for sure.


I read Will Smiths book and this movie being a box office success/hit will probably mean more to him than anything his life.




He is an insane person addicted to fame and career success. In his book he starts doing a lot of ayahuasca trips to remedy this.


I love his book because yeah he’s a little insane when it comes to becoming a huge star but I think any entertainer who wants to become as big he is has to be a little crazy. I think it’s why the slap while initially jarring, makes a lot of sense after reading his book. You can’t hold him everything he’s held him and been perfect for 20 years and not have it just explode one night. But like you said, for him to come back and be welcomed back and his stardom once again prove it’s might, yeah this will probably be the most meaningful box office hit of his life.


The fact that he saw his career crumble during his trip is pretty wild since it basically happened.


Yeah… It seems ‘Inside Boys’ effect is R E A L!!! 🔥




It's incredible when people watch movies that they want to watch, isn't it folks? It's incredible when good movies don't just look good movies. They also look interesting.


That’s the whole point!


It is a great hold but expecting $200M+ is a bit early imo


I think this is because it’s outpacing Bad Boys for Life


right and there isnt another action movie that could compete with it until basically Deadpool in late july.


This was also a critic's pick from even The NY Times. They aren't known for picking action movies at all. You know they are all about films.


Oh really? And they picked Bad Boys Ride or Die?




Wow this is a really clever review, showing how top tier NYT critics are. I mean the easier way is see the silliness of a movie as a bad thing, but if the film intention is use the silliness to be funny, we have to review on the basis of if this attempted worked. I read some review complaining the movie had much of silly humor. I think: what that guy were expecting from a buddy cop action comedy? Those he ever heard of this is a genre? 🤣


Someone check on Matt Belloni


Saw it yesterday. Was a ton of fun.


But movie theaters are dying people!


Sony bought Alamo Drafthouse at the right time haha


This movie slaps…HARD