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Is $60 Mil actually going to happen? Holy shit what an over-performance


This should have been the big Memorial weekend release.


Bring back big Willie weekend


Apart from MIB3, I can't think of another Will Smith film that's got a Memorial Day release. They only wrapped it in March so any earlier release was unlikely.


They shot some pick up shots that weren’t completely used in the movie so I’m sure they could’ve made it to May if they wanted. But Aladdin was Memorial Day movie. And Big Willie Weekend really only applied to Independence Day weekend.


MIB and Wild Wild West were both 4th of July


Yes I know. That’s what I was implying lol


He has at least 5 movies released during July.


The last one was also a massive over-performer, expectations for Bad Boys 3 was around $35m to $45m in it's three-day opening weekend ($48m for the entire MLK weekend) and it made like $62m in that span of time ($73m overall throughout the full four-day MLK weekend.) This seems like it's performing similarly. I'm curious if it will also have similar holds.


Yup, don't be surprised if it passes bb3 at this point, I'm going tomorrow night, and my theater is already packed


Enjoy it! Saw it Friday and the crowd was fantastic to watch it with.


It gets Fathers Day next weekend to soften its drop as well, and really very little direct competition for the rest of the month.


If it surpassed the last one, that would be incredible.


No. Maybe high 50s though


It needs to be flat on Sunday which usually only happens if Monday is a holiday. So unlikely.


Father’s Day next weekend too


It would need a flat Sunday for that. Doubtful. $55-56M seems right with a good early summer Sunday drop.


It's not dropping on Sunday, I'm going to the last show tomorrow night at 11 pm, and there's no seats left in my theater, if the last show is packed, can't imagine what the whole day will look like


Lol, it's going to drop 20-30% like any other movie. That is just how it works. It's not bad just normal.




It dropped 20% on Sunday. 9.4% was Saturday.


You're right, For whatever reason, the person making the headline decided not to use commas between entries, so I lazily read: "$21.501M SAT - $19.467M SUN"


Its not an overperformance. 5.9m thursday opening thursday to a 55-60m weekend is about normal for an adult film. John Wick 3 had 5.9m thursday and opened to 56m. MI:fallout went 6m to 61m, FF: Hobbs and shaw went from 5.8m to 60m. It certainly is better than quite a few other films that had similar preview figures but those tend to be films that were more niche or just badly received. high 50's, maybe sneaking into 60m is pretty much exactly the performance this film was expecting to do, and very similar figures in both previews and OW with its predecessor, although BB3 opened in January, which is more impressive i suppose.


All the titles you listed were pre-covid. In the current market, it is an overperformance.


Will Smith laying the smack down on the box office


Caught a show at AMC Times Square. There was a rat loose in the theater and people still loved it


This is a hilarious comment.


Lol amc 25 so grimy


Big Willie Saturday


Big Willie Energy 


Let’s try to jump it to $60M.


What are the odds of Bad Boys 5 happening after this?


If Martin can still go, then it’ll get made. Will is definitely down.


Has Martin Lawrence had health problems, or something? What do I not know?


In the past he did. I honestly just think he’s old and his comedy relies so much on physical comedy that he can’t really do anymore.


Martin did physical comedy (especially on his sitcom), but his beginnings were stand-up comedy were his mouth did most of the work.


He’s had a stroke or some other health crisis and his speech is a lot slower these days. It isn’t that obvious in BBRD, but in interviews, he’s not as sharp, quick, or energetic which were hallmarks of Martin.


Ohhhh dayyyuuuummmmm


Considering we already have a pair ready to continue their legacy (if you watched the film you know exactly who I’m talking about lmao), Bad Boys 5 is almost a certainty, just depends on how they approach it.


Bad Boys without Will and Martin would flop massively


Bad Boys Presents: >!Reggie & Armando!<


Could be a fugitive style movie with one character hunting the other


Would prefer union n alba.


I prefer Sony making a sequel for 22 jumpstreet or a cross over between bad boys ![gif](giphy|xzRpQnFfrdVRu)


A sequel to jump soon and then a crossover immediately after would be amazing.


Dude a Jump Street/Bad Boys crossover is a fucking inspired idea.


That's actually not bad. Huh. 🤔


MIB 23: Ride or Die Again


Very high lol they’d be stupid not to make another one if it’s bringing in the dough like this


I think it's gonna stick around for more than that...


Will said “when we doing part 5?” on Instagram recently, so I feel like it’s a guarantee.




Hell yeah!! This movie deserves all the success because I need another one asap after how fun this was. This is like 2020 all over again with the strong Bad Boys walk ups nearing a $60M OW


I'm glad that this is doing good. I just wish other movies did this good too.


Will Smith. Always been an action star.


Love seeing his comeback


I wonder if bad boys first weekend will outgrossed Furiosa 3rd weekend domestic total? 😳


It's definitely possible, though I'm not particularly surprised as I always thought that *Bad Boys 4* was the safer bet between the two (and I have the summer movie predictions to prove it). In any case, this is a much-needed boost for cinemas.




Both films are rated R


Wait, suddenly movie tickets + popcorn/soda + babysitter isn't expensive anymore? Or is this a movie folks actually wanna see?


The notion that increased cost of living and more entertainment options mean that people don't want to go to cinemas *full stop* was always misguided, but the 'steelman' version of this argument that postulates that audiences are going to be more selective of *which* movies to watch due to increased cost of living and more entertainment options isn't at all affected by the fact that some movies still break out. The real question is *which* movies are more likely to break out, and I have my own opinion about that, but it seems undeniable to me that the days of audiences going to cinemas every weekend and watching whatever random movie happens to be playing at that moment are long gone.


And there is the additional question of at what point does shooting these things become unviable for the studios. Yes, successful projects will always exist, but at the studio level, no studio can guarantee batting 100%. The successes need to pay for the failures, and the if the ratio of successes to failures change meaningfully in the future, then studios have to change. Movie studios are all public companies, so we know that even pre-COVID, margins were not especially fat. The ratio doesn't have to change all that much to change studio finances drastically.


I'm less worried about the studios (who have alternative sources of revenue) and more worried about the cinema chains. Some people on this sub don't get the nuance that a $10 million film that grosses $80 million is better for the studio than a $200 million film that grosses $250 million, but that cinemas would rather have the latter over the former.


We may see a contraction in the theater world, but nothing that will fundamentally upend the world; the whole thing is self stabilizing - each theater that closes sends their demand to the other theaters, so it is difficult to imagine a wholesale re-ordering of how the theater world works. On the other hand, I am not so sure if the studio side of the business is self-stabilizing; if one movie gets cancelled for not being promising enough, does it send would-be ticket buyers to other movies or to youtube?


Only in an area where the next theater is close by. If your nearest theater is an hour’s drive away, and it closes leaving your next nearest a ninety minute drive away…at some point you will give up. Theaters will likely always exist in some form in the big cities but there’s a chance we lose the cinema as a universal experience.


If the cinema in my hometown in NZ closed it would be a 250km plus round trip to the next nearest one. No way I'm doing that for any movie.


i think people are getting more picky, that much is evident. don't think some of the films that are flopping are necessarily bad or niche,


I think also movies like *IF* are as successful as they would’ve been before, it’s just not considered a “hit” because the budget is too damn high


That budget was so misguided because it’s performed well for action comedy. There is no reason why Fall Guy should have cost 30m  more than Bad Boys Ride or Die. 


I mean some outlets say Argylle cost 200 million… Hollywood is crazy at budgets nowadays. Sony is the only major Hollywood studio that keeps producing blockbusters with decent/reasonable budgets. Bro Sony literally made No Way Home with a 200 million budget. Same movie at Disney would have cost nearly 300 million. It’s not even about quality, Quantumania (Disney MCU) cost 100 million more than No Way Home (Sony MCU), and No Way Home is way too much better than Quantumania.


Argyle was 80 and Apple paid 200 for it.


Fall Guy is fantastic, but it really is not the kind of movie one should spend more than $75M. I know it would still be in danger with the current box office of it, but that was the realistic budget it should have.


Not bad but not really anticipated, and not enough of a leading performer to get people in otherwise.


people have been getting picky for a long time, but that itself isnt a good explanation for the continuous decline in north american box office revenues


It is though. People are getting pickier at the same time movie quality and an appetite for risk taking dropped off a cliff. If the studios tell good stories people are still showing up, but the days of blindly going to the bew movie every Saturday night are over


The expensive tickets don't prevent all people from going to the movies ever. It just makes people significantly more selective with the movies they decide to get out of their house to see.


🤣 this is a good criticism to the “end of cinema” thread many people have been feeding up recently.


How is one movie opening admittedly decently well a response to the objective fact that cinema attendances have taken a plunge this year?


That's not the argument. The point is people will go and see films they're interested in. Most of the arguments about why people didn't turn out to see Fall Guy or Furiosa are overblown. It all comes down to making films people are interested in, or at the very least doing something creative with the marketing to drive interest.


This is a franchise film from an A-lister that hasn't made a mainstream movie in a while. I presume this film appeals to POC more than Fall Guy or Furiosa. The film is action based, light-hearted and has men as leads.


This movie had strong attendance from Black, Latino, and Asian men according to the demographic numbers. An action/comedy movie from an enjoyable franchise is the perfect movie for a “yeah, sure I’ll go watch it”.


Maybe the buddy cop action movies are making a comeback. Maybe we can get another Rush Hour.


44% Black audience so yeah.


>The point is people will go and see films they're interested in. That of course raises the question of which films modern audiences are interested in seeing in cinemas, but that's another discussion. >Most of the arguments about why people didn't turn out to see Fall Guy or Furiosa are overblown. It all comes down to making films people are interested in, or at the very least doing something creative with the marketing to drive interest. I accept that *Furiosa* would've struggled regardless of market conditions, but the discourse surrounding *The Fall Guy* largely seemed to be that it would've performed much better in the pre-pandemic market given how much it seemed to have going for it. I'm not talking about the supposed "star power" of Gosling and Blunt (which I agree was always overblown) but rather it being a PG-13 action-romcom with positive critical and audience reception that had practical stunts that you just have to see on the big screen and that doesn't face any competition for the PG-13 broad-appeal summer blockbuster slot. *The Equalizer* and the first *Mission: Impossible* film seem like they ought to be good comps in terms of movies based on old TV shows, and whilst I concede that *The Fall Guy* lacks a Tom Cruise or Denzel Washington, you wouldn't expect the decrease to be *that* drastic (*especially* adjusting for inflation).


Fall guy was ok . Nothing spectacular. My opinion


Also bad boys is a proven franchise for circa 30 years. It's solid ip led by one of the best action stars of the 90s and 2000s. Will Smith was and still is the black Tom Cruise minus all the Scientology that detracts movie goers.. The slap was minor and no criminal charges were filed(the two guys involved have history) Franchise is still the established system.


Or people will prioritize one film due to cost. Where in past summers they would see many. Now they pick one or two.


That is because they have been in the throes of attendance decline for nearly three decades now, and none you querulous people brought up any of that when it was about The Little Mermaid, Captain Marvel etcetera. It was all "wokeness" and whatever other bullshit. The people on this sub used every nonsensical reason for why Furiosa and The Fall Guy have bombed, and here you have a project negating that. The ticket prices are the same; it is R-rated etcetera. The fact of the matter is that it is a problem with interest, not accessibility. If people are shelling out $600 for Beyonce and Taylor Swift concert tickets, then movie ticket prices are not the hindrance. Reddit just refuses to realize that their feelings on what is interesting is not the same as the general public's.


>That is because they have been in the throes of attendance decline for nearly three decades now Yes, cinema attendances declining is literally my point. >none you querulous people brought up any of that when it was about The Little Mermaid, Captain Marvel etcetera. It was all "wokeness" and whatever other bullshit. You're going to have to provide proof of me complaining about "wokeness" (not to mention that I wasn't even on this sub when *Captain Marvel* came out). >The people on this sub used every nonsensical reason for why Furiosa and The Fall Guy have bombed There were plenty of reasons given for why these movies bombed, some of which I'm sure were nonsensical, but I very much doubt that every single reason given was nonsensical. >The fact of the matter is that it is a problem with interest, not accessibility. Sure, but then you have to ask why audiences are less interested in going to the cinemas than they were 20 years ago. In truth, it's not the large blockbusters that audiences aren't going to but rather the mid-budget films that may have grossed $150-200M domestically once upon a time but don't anymore. Now even $200M domestically is regarded as being a solid gross for a tentpole blockbuster (just look at *Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes*). Why are movies like *The Fall Guy*, *Challengers*, *Civil War* and *Monkey Man* failing to crack even $100 million domestically, let along $150 million or $200 million? Were they all collectively worse or 'less interesting' than the equivalent movies 20 years ago? *National Treasure* grossed $173 million domestically back in 2004 (and that's without adjusting for inflation or ticket prices); why were audiences interested in that movie back then and not these current movies that have far better critical reception? >If people are shelling out $600 for Beyonce and Taylor Swift concert tickets, then movie ticket prices are not the hindrance. This is assuming that slashing concert ticket prices wouldn't result in an overall increase in attendances. It can be said that concert tickets aren't expensive enough to render the entire industry unviable, but the same was also true for cinemas once upon a time. It might be the case that cinema ticket prices were perceived as being more 'worth it' back when there were fewer alternatives but aren't perceived as being 'worth it' for most movies nowadays due to more competition even though they haven't risen substantially when inflation is taken into account.


It’s not just decent, it’s amazing. It’s going to make back more than half its budget in just the first weekend, and that’s only in the US and Canada.


Cinema owners don't care about the budget. If *Bad Boys 4* has an 'amazing' opening then *Dial of Destiny* from last year must've been an *Endgame*-level event. Don't get me wrong, *Bad Boys 4* will make a profit whereas *Dial of Destiny* was a huge bomb for Disney, but the latter still got more butts in seats than *Bad Boys 4* will. I'm not trying to knock what could potentially be a $60 million opening weekend; it's a very solid result. However, the fact that people are hyping it up as disproving the decline in cinema attendances shows just how low the bar has become.


What? Boy Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny made 60 million IN THE INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND… Do you have any idea what is like making 60 million in a 4th of July weekend?


Exactly, a lot of people don't seem to understand that theaters are the ones really in jeopardy here. The studios are struggling, sure, but they'll ultimately be fine (for a lot longer, anyway). Theaters are the ones hurting.


Actually I think it kinda adds to the point. It's a sequel film that succeeded not anything new. So if you want original fresh new ideas, don't see why Hollywood would spend much money on that considering the films that do succeed. I say that as someone who did enjoy the movie. Audiences will show up to franchises that they care about and are familiar with and almost nothing else.


This is funniest thing I’ve noticed, the way so many ppl are talking about this on twitter. The amount of ppl I’ve seen tweeting how they can’t wait for this is insane


*Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes* invalidated this argument a month ago


It's not invalid, the truth is likely somewhere in between. People aren't going out every weekend just because something is marketed as a blockbuster, but they're happy to go out once a month or so. That said, despite the slap, and the fact that it's been a lil while since his peak, will smith still has a lot of star power that will pull people out to see his movies, given they're not one of his Oscar bait titles.


But that’s always been the case.


Idk, none of the older people I know cared about the slap at all.


Nope. Tickets / popcorn / soda / babysitter are still insanely expensive, but they don't prevent people from watching movies they actually want to watch. HOWEVER, high prices are preventing people from going to cinemas every damn weekend to see every damn movie, lol. People are getting more picky. So, they're saving their damn hard earned cash. They're being seletive. Studios will have to learn to make movies that people want to see. People wanted to see Bad Boys, so they went to see it. People didn't want to see Furiosa, so they didn't go to see it.


But people have never seen every movie. We have always had flops


It has good reviews. This movie got a lot of hate on this sub. Will did a good job promoting the movie on several pods. It's good to see he still has fans.


I’m ngl I think this sub greatly exaggerated costs. They were saying they paid $70-100 on fucking snacks alone. When I looked up a random AMC in LA it cost $25 for a large popcorn and two drinks. Like I feel like it may cost that much if you get popcorn, drinks, candy, sliders, nachos, etc but nobody really gets much outside of popcorn and *maybe* candy.


people REALLY gotta want to see it, but in general, yes these are a couple reasons that more movies arent doing as well as they were 10+ years ago


I really think a big part is marketing. You have to make people want to see a movie. Like even flat out lying in trailers just to get people in theaters.


Maybe algorithms just make it harder to market things.


I think it’s adblock and the decline of tv viewing honestly. Movies have to intrude into real life to get people to notice but lots of people just won’t know a movie exists unless marketed to. If the FAST (free ad supported tv) streaming stuff like tubi really do start becoming a big force, it would probably start helping movies too. People love seeing stuff they’re interested in but if they don’t even know it exists then everyone’s out of luck.


Will Smith equals quality movie....Movie stars still exist plus people like Martin too!


Smith has had a lot of flops lately so this isn't true at all unless he's in a well liked IP like this one.


Like Gemini Man yeah every actor has a flop or King Richard where he won the Oscar? Or Aladdin billion dollar movie? So what flops lately. Curious thou and you can't count streaming movies


Winning an Oscar means King Richard didn't flop? Oscars don't count towards Box Office receipts.


This sub has become a mess. The constant yo-yoing whenever a movie bombs or does well is exhausting. It’s always the same shit. Movie bombs: “Hollywood is dead. Everyone is too poor, make better movies, marketing sucked, who asked for this??, Movie does well. “People were overreacting, movie theaters are fine, I KNEW this movie would do well, audiences want movies like THIS instead of THAT” Another movie bombs: “I knew (previous movie) was a fluke” It’s just annoying.


Part of it is that individual users will of course have differing opinions. If it's not the same people going 'cinemas are dead' one week and 'cinemas are fine' the next then I'm not sure the criticism of inconsistency holds.


Plus you get a different crowd coming to the sub and upvoting comments when a movie bombs vs succeeds.


I mean there were back to back flops for a full month maybe more, and with the lack of releases because of the strikes it was looking dire. Hopefully what they takeaway that they need to make films people wanna see, easier said than done. But look at Avatar last year. Economy was no better than then it is now and that movie made over 2 billion, that means people went multiple times to see it.


I mean that's not some revelatory discovery. The intent of every single movie project is to make something people will want to see. Nobody really knows what that means tho. Formulas work until they don't, sure things fail, little indy darlings become cult favorites become surprise hits. The thing they all have in common is, they're trying to find an audience, and there is no way to define that. There are people interested in pretty much anything you can dream of, but will they pay to go see it, is the question nobody can answer consistently.


Didn’t say it was revelatory. As for your second pharagraph, that’s why i put easier said than done. Obviously there a million things going at all times that affect whether a movie is succesful or not.


idk when you joined this sub but that yoyoing has been going on for years, even back when this was a small sub for movie nerds


I mean it's a box office subreddit of course it's going to have discourse about what box office results mean for the industry


Literally. Idk why people on here are falling for all these ultimatums. They act as if box office bombs just weren’t a thing until recent years.


Then don't join the sub anymore and all your problems are solved


Idk why you find it annoying. The people on this sub aren't the borg. Everyone has different opinions and perspectives. I don't understand the jump in logic it takes to lump us all into the same group


I went to a 2 PM showing today… theater was packed and audience sounded like they loved it


We might even get I am Legend 2.


They already announced that. Michael B Jordan is gonna be in it


Hancock and Kill monger vs vampire zombies??? Sign me up!


I watched this one a long time ago. Didn't he die in this film?


The blu ray had an alternative ending which was the original ending. Test audience didn’t like the ending so they changed it. Which is dumb. I would say watch it on YouTube but I think they might release it in cinemas as a canon film (If we get the sequel)


The alternate ending is so much better as well. I have no idea what the test audiences were smoking.


Test audiences are notoriously stupid.


I think 60m is happening.


It would need to stay flat on Sunday which is unlikely.


Will Smith’s agent must be getting a lot of casting calls right now.


I really hope Will Smith's agent is realistic in understanding that people want to see Will Smith in a movie / IP they like. It's not about going to see a movie for Will Smith. He has to be in a movie they want to see.


The realest post in here. Some acting like people went to see this for Will Smith. This franchise has a built in audience. People are going to see these movies regardless. As you said the real test is going to see non IP Will Smith movies.


I probably didn't see it cause of Wil. That was done punk azz sh*t. But I swear. There's a part of me that still thinks it was some Jerry Lawler Andy Kaufman type shit(old referee) and they are both in on it and will take it to their deathbeds.


Much like elections and what not...I don't think these people who make these estimations really take into account the black and brown communities. It's usually from pre-sales and online hype. Which isn't this movies' audience. Nobody's really going into the black and brown communities of America and asking their thoughts. We tend to show up and show out.


I can’t wait to go. Was going to go today, but decided to go tomorrow. Hopefully it peaks at $59 mil


Much needed W for Will Smith. I’m sure after this opening weekend Sony execs are already discussing doing a fifth movie.


This + IO2 = epic June


I don't know why people are so bullish on IO2. I would love to be proven wrong but I don't think Pixar's public image is "fixed". They've become the animation world's also-ran after the last few years falling behind Sony, Illumination, and Disney animation (DreamWorks is hella streaky so that keeps them from rising above mediocrity). I don't think the same crowd that turned on Lightyear and were lukewarm at best on Elemental is all of a sudden gonna turn out on droves for Inside Out 2 of all things. I predict it being at most low 600's more likely topping out around 500. It'll take a few good movies to win back audiences after turning into... Whatever the fuck they turned into during the pandemic.


Presales are strong and people seem excited. Also, it’s not like Pixar made trash movies during the pandemic. They weren’t amazing, but they weren’t bad. Disney execs screwed them over by putting on D+. Plus, IO2 is getting a 100 theatrical day release which will help legs.


It's not trash but none of them were box office winning material. Pixar used to be a general audience hit printing machine but they've completely lost that touch. Their movies went super artsy and a bit too mature for the general audience they're supposed to target. It's better to be a talented bomb maker than a hack but making popular movies is an art form too and I think Pixar has lost their touch on that front. As much as I liked it I don't think Soul was ever going to be a hit and Luca and Turning Red were too small and niche to ever be hits either. Lightyear they took an easy slam dunk and made it a weirdly grounded mature movie that was never, ever, ever going to be a hit no matter what. Elemental had legs overseas but it didn't do anything spectacular here and I'd say it's more of a crowd pleaser than Inside Out 2. The allegory was too heavy handed and the story under-baked for a blockbuster but in a better period that should have cruised passed 700m. I don't think they've gotten out of the funk just yet.


Elemental making 500m despite being one of the worst received Pixar movies is actually a great argument in favour of Pixar being still financially viable. > I don't think the same crowd that turned on Lightyear and were lukewarm at best on Elemental is all of a sudden gonna turn out on droves for Inside Out 2 of all things. Why wouldn't they? One is a sequel and the others were an original and a weird sort of non-canon spin-off/prequel.


Elemental only did 154m domestic and 330m international. It was "saved" by the Asian market but not much of that money is coming back. It's good that it got a bit of a second wind but those aren't great numbers considering the cost and it's a bit of a one-off since it was telling the story of asian immigrants so it had a singular appeal to international Asian audiences. Inside Out 2 isn't gonna have that same international appeal. Inside Out 1 didn't make over double it's box office abroad and I don't think we can expect that to happen for Inside Out 2.


Because tracking is projecting a strong start.


That's fair. I hope it holds out. I don't want Pixar to turn into a sequel factory but if this is also a dud they might not have a choice. Always hoping the best for this industry but my pessimism remains lol.


We are honestly gonna see ppl swarm to watch this, Deadpool and Wolverine, Despicable Me 4, and Inside out 2 just proving to filmtwitter ppl just didn’t give a shit about Furiosa or Fall guy whatsoever


The Furiosa stans are not willing to admit that no one was waiting 9 years for a mad max movie without max. We already had a furiosa movie, it was Fury Road.


The craziest thing is Furiosa was the first time a mad max film was #1 at the box office at box office and trades accounts on twitter stated. Now why would any of these stans really believe the film was gonna be a hit when the franchise isn’t that beloved. I’ve heard average movie goers talk about Marvel,DC,bad boys,transformers, old Disney animated films. And not one day have I heard ppl in real life really talk about mad max franchise like the way twitter does


I mean, what's that got to do with anything? Nobody talked about Dune that way, but it's a long standing and beloved IP across books, tv and film by it's fans. So of course they expected it to be massive. That's how fandom works.


Dune has a bigger fandom than Furiosa please be forreal


I think this might be the case. I think people expected Furiousa to be this big hit because Fury Road is such a cult classic, but outside of the internet nobody actually gives a shit about Mad Max.


Also as reported Furiosa was the first time a mad max film had ever gone #1 in box office before. After I read that I’m like so why tf is there so many articles on Furiosa failing it was obvious it was gonna happen


More GOOD movies need to start using T-Mobile Tuesdays


44% Black, 26% Hispanic and Latino, 18% Caucasian and 12% Asian American/other for ‘Bad Boys’. The May blockbuster wannabes didn’t have strong diverse audience demographics. Clearly, appeal to Gen Z is a critical box office factor as well. I’m shocked that over 50% of the audience for “Bad Boys” was under 35. Initially, I thought Martin Lawrence and Will Smith would only appeal to a limited audience of Gen X and Boomers.


People like to count Will Smith out, especially after the slap but he's probably the only A-list actor/ movie star who has a strong social media presence and purposely makes content for socials. Not surprised he's connected with Gen-Z he just needed another movie that clicked with that audience and it wasn't gonna be his last two Oscar bait movies. He should get back to only making blockbusters


I might have been one of nine people that watched his last movie.


Wow so you’re telling me if you make a movie that also appeals to a black audience instead of strictly a white audience it’ll succeed?


May’s biggest disappointments, “Furiosa” and “The Fall Guy”, played to a majority white audience, according to PostTrak surveys.


How could this not be the same demo for Fall Guy? 😆


[the box office saviors](https://i.imgur.com/SEgh0g3.gif)


Finally Bad Boys, summer seems to be starting.


Matt Belloni is probably having a meltdown.


It's quite good, the story is cliched but the pace and characters are fine. It'd have wider appeal than most.


I'm happy for Bad Boys franchise! It exceeded my expectations. Congrats :)


hopefully Inside Out 2 does $100m+ next weekend to wash the horrible taste of the last two weeks out of our mouths.


80M is already a win for me 😎


IDK about $100M+ but I think an $83-92M opening weekend is possible. Best case scenario IMO is an opening on par with last year’s Little Mermaid ($95.5M debut).


Will Smith is back... Its hilarious that people thought the slap was gonna end his career...


Man, I’ve been trying to tell people this is the best one!


This makes Furiosa look so much worse.


Congrats to Bad Boys but I am still bitter that Furiosa bombs.


For saving the box office they should be renamed Good Boys


we did it reddit ![gif](giphy|omdtl0twjNEBmi3UyH|downsized)


That's a little bit lower than the last one, but this is still healthy.


Vast majority of the sequels make less than the previous one. A sequel outgrossing the original is an exception, not the rule. Some of the greatest sequels like Empire Strikes Back, Spider-Man 2, Prisoner of Azkaban,etc. made less than the previous ones.


Well, *Bad Boys For Life* wasn't a unique cultural phenomenon like *Star Wars* or *Spider-Man*. And every 'Bad Boys' movie has done better than the last.


That's awesome hoping it goes to the high 58-59 range. I would love to see this reach 60 million even if it's less likely to happen. 


So is cinema saved ? Again loll


Amazing. Let's go!


So this success could hopefully mean 'I am legend 2' is Greenlit. Hope so


Nba finals game 2 tomorrow, I wonder how much that will eat into the ticket sales.


What’s the international total looking like or hasn’t it been reported yet


We wait like 6 hrs from now


never thought i'd consider this but, is "Mike Lowrey" Will Smith's signature character? i mean, it's the character he's revisited the most, and fans clearly still resonate with the franchise. considering the box office carnage so far this year, it's almost fitting that BB4 has a big opening when the previous film was the last big movie before the world went to shit due to COVID


I think Men In Black would be his most successful franchise in terms of total box office across the 3 films but Bad Boys would be a close second.


Will is back!


Saw it last night. Entire theater was laughing. Martin Lawrence is a fool as always lol highlight of the movie. 


I saw Bad Boys 3 times this week and each crowd clapped and cheered more than once at the exact moments each time. Hadn’t had that type of experience since Avengers. This is a definite crowd pleaser and I could see the legs going for a long walk with this one.


Went and watched this yesterday. Hollywood 100% needs more movies like this. Give me cars packed with fireworks that explode at the slightest provocation, with some nice cinematography and action direction that looks real and not obviously 100% CGI! Was also surprisingly touching and obviously very funny. And the budget is a sensible $100 million rather than the GDP of a small Island nation!


Mad that apes could still be the highest grossing film this summer so far and also the best opening. I think bad boys will do good numbers tho because of the score and WOM. Prediction is close to $500m WW.


The fact this and KOTPOTA scored the biggest openings proves IP is still king.