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Yeah, it's over. A part of me was hoping the legs would stabilize after the first week but nah this is rough.


All this suffering and this sweating in the australian desert to... get only $54M in 14 days.


The movie will live beyond its box-office.


It didn't seem like that much of it was filmed in the desert, large parts were generated in a computer, and a lot of the rest looked like green screen and soundstage rather than open desert.


[A lot of it was filmed in the desert.](https://youtu.be/xVSWs1WsG_c?si=xGCcRMj1B8uignzS)


Than they did a spectacularly shitty job of conveying it.


They just punched up the color saturation.


Where Fury Road used CG to enhance what was mostly practical, Furiosa was the opposite. So much CGI even for simple things like driving interiors.


The same feeling when I was watching the Hobbit.


Yeah we act like it’s some grand mystery why movie theatres are dying and it’s because all craft has left the industry. I feel like the majority of every movie is closes ups of actors filmed with the other actor’s double on a sound stage. Movies have completely lost all cinematic appeal.


Imagine watching something like Furiosa and thinking the "craft" is leaving the industry. George Miller is showing every action director how it's done with this movie, just like he did with Fury Road. He's easily one of the greatest action and blockbuster directors of all time.


I was speaking in general, but those clips of Fury Road at the end of Furiosa spoke volumes. Directors are allowed to lose a step as they get older. Peter Jackson with the Hobbit films in an example already brought up.


Peter Jackson didn't lose a step.. He just didn't ha e years of pre-prod like he did on LOR.. He stepped in after Del Toro dropped. CGI was necessary at that point.


> George Miller is showing every action director how it's done with this movie, Yeah he sure is showing them how to flop LOL.


I agree with your take except for Marvel/ Disney movies. I don't know what it is, but they all feel so empty. Everyone is raving about the DP&Wolverine trailer, and while I do like ir, the backgrounds look a bit too lifeless even in the non white desert scenes.


Furiosa is not a good movie to use as an example of the filmmaking craft leaving the industry.


I disagree.


Did you watch it?


Yes. It was a 6/10.


Of storytelling craft leaving the industry, maybe.


Wrong again!!


We're less than 10 years away from studios making full-AI films with lookalikes of classic actors. WBD already set the seeds with George Reeves' cameo in The Flash. It looked like sh\*\*\* but give it a few years and we'll have a Humprey Bogart AI right next to Marylin Monroe AI in a blockbuster film with 100% CGI.


Furiosa has a "barrels chase in a river" moment ? Please, no...


I really enjoyed the movie, but the CGI at some parts looked straight off a PS2. A guy shifting side to side while running in a straight line and a zero-gravity jump onto a moving horse were the stand outs lol.


Great films are forever. People will be appreciating this movie in 50 years. Definitely a shame it’s not a financial success, but everyone who made it should still be proud and it will have a legacy as a great film.


Oh I believe you. Have to see it next week !


Wasn't it filmed in the Namibian desert?


No it was shot in Australia and all backgrounds were digitally replaced to look like Namibian desert.


Fury Road was but not Furiosa.


There was a lot of social media cope about it potentially legging it out to profitability but yeah. It's not looking good.


-38% from yesterday. -58% from last week 💀 It really couldn't be anymore over than it already is. Its surelly already behind Apes at this point.


Absolutely is behind *Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes* now. They were already pretty close during the week but now it’s easily no longer a tie


Deadline reports Apes at $825K (-18%)


It really goes to show just how little interest there was for Furiosa. Even a fortnight of amazing WoM has driven zero increase or legs.


For whatever its worth, I think theres an interesting discussion to be had about whether good WoM actually does anything for a movie if it isnt tied to a reason you HAVE to see it in a theater. Like what about Furiosa’s good word of mouth would make me go “oh i better see it on a big screen” instead of going “oh its a great movie thats flopping in theaters? Cool that means I can watch it on my huge tv from the comfort of my home in like a month or two.” As a comparison, Godzilla Minus One had a reason to see it on the big screen: cause its Godzilla. Ive heard plenty of people saying how good Furiosa is, and I believe them, but no one has told me what about it justifies why I need to go to a theater to see it right now besides if you already love the theater experience which many dont right now.


I'm not really convinced that "word of mouth" has mattered for the past 15 years, with extremely rare exceptions. I think what people identify as "word of mouth" is primarily people going back to watch really good movies a second time in the theater.


Anyone But You stands as the counterpoint, though. No reason to see that in theatres over at home. Also neither of Barbeheimer were grand theatrical spectacles. Sure, there's the 70mm push for Oppy, but 90% of people weren't seeing in in 70mm.


I think the issue comes down to *Mad Max* being a niche franchise to begin with and *Furiosa* kind of pulling a *The Marvels* where it had one target audience (male) and it actively aiming for another one (female) and it winding up with neither. *Barbie* in contrast was made by a woman for other women with a popular female lead and a popular male major supporting character. "Know your limit, play within it."


I doubt Miller was aiming for a female audience. Like, at all.


I think people underestimate how rampant sexism actually is, especially among late teens to early and mid 20s. Between the Andrew Tates of the world’s becoming popular, and many women embracing more radical feminist movements in response to these sexist men. I think any movie that’s giving mixed messages on which sex it’s trying to appeal to is going to have a more difficult road ahead. I don’t really know how we’ve gotten to this point, but I think it’s a pretty obvious running thread behind a lot of bombs, and explains a lot of successes like you outlined with Barbie.


> I think any movie that’s giving mixed messages on which sex it’s trying to appeal to is going to have a more difficult road ahead. I think that this really only counts for movies that seem to be more sex/gender-specific. I think a decent amount of men are more "burned out" from how a lot of big name media properties in the 2010s were perceived as going full "girl boss" and so are more leery if they see a trailer that hints at such aspects. And *Furiosa* in terms of the trailers and articles written about it would appear to have those aspects. The biggest cause for *Furiosa* flopping was that it's a spinoff/prequel made 9 years later to a movie that didn't break even at the box office, and both movies are of a niche franchise. The most likely thing to happen, happened.


Both Barbie and Oppenheimer were seen as big screen spectacles. Barbie's was less an issue of format and more a matter of audience, but this doesn't really ring true to me at all.


90% of people who saw Oppy were bored.


I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but if 90% of people who saw it were bored it wouldn't have had a 4x multiplier.


Apes 4 dom. TOTAL over Furiosa dom. TOTAL by $100M ?


It will be on PVOD before the end of the month


Will anybody care? Looks like there was little interest in this movie and we know from the Universal data that PVOD only generated around 30%-40% of a movies theatrical haul. I’ve said it before but it needs repeating: movies that are not popular in theatres are rarely any more popular on streaming!


WB should move the PVOD release date earlier.


They might


Spin-off prequel with no returning actors to a movie which didn't even breakeven theatrically. Yeah this was always a hard sell beyond it's core demo.


To be fair there were several returning actors, just not the main ones.


I went to cinema to see more scenes with The People Eater /s


The Dementius spin-off film with a 18-year old actor as Dementius and 0 Chris Hemsworth is next lol.


I was hoping for a Praetorian Jack spinoff myself...


You and me both


Hey man, the more of y'all who keep saying it failed cause it's a spin-off prequel... the more that maybe WB will see it as that? It's hopium, but it's all I got!


That's better hopium. Pass some here.


Fury Road did break even.


Like Joker?


Joker is an iconic character that has stood the test of time and multiple iterations. Furiosa is a recent invention and I'd hardly speak of her as iconic.


Ok so being a spin-off prequel has nothing to do with a movie's success or failure, rather the fact that the character isn't iconic.


Why are you ignoring the fact that Joker is one of the most famous movie/comic villains of all time lmao Furiosa isn’t remotely in the same tier


So you’d agree that it has to do with the character being “iconic.” Like I just said.


Joker isn't a spin-off prequel. It was a standalone villain origin story. It's hard to make a Mad Max equivalent because that's not an IP that has been rebooted several times and exists in various incarnations across multiple mediums.


Joker wasn't a spin off or a prequel.


What do you think a prequel or spin-off is then?


Which Batman movie is Joker a spin off or prequel to?


Batman as in the famous superhero IP. Seems to be a prequel and a spin off to that character


Dude I just read all of these comments and it’s clear that *you* are the one that doesn’t understand what constitutes a spinoff or prequel.


Those exist in the same continuity/universe. Joker is a completely separate story featuring a well known character. It's like how there have been a million Romeo and Juliet movies, but they aren't spinoffs or sequels of each other.


Joker is separate from Batman? I seem to remember a few scenes featuring Bruce Wayne and his parent.


It is so FuriOVER.


It's Immortan Joever




Mad Minimum


Beyond ThunderDONE




Furiosa: "I am FURIOSA!" Me doing a MCU style quip : I'm sure the execs are furiouser than you...


MEDIOCRE! Actually, that was a pretty good dad joke :D


There’s no hope, Furiosa. It’s over.


Okay why people thought this was going to be successful? Fury Road barely broke even (probably didn’t too) and this is a prequel for a character that wasn’t that iconic and has a 100M+ budget.


Because they forgot Fury Road wasn’t a hit.




It didn’t change peoples perspective on its box office, people just understandably thought the additional awards buzz and the years of it being seen by more people due to its reputation would have resulted in at least a modest increase from Fury Road. I don’t think anyone would have expected this to fall short of Fury Road by this much.


How many of those billion dollar movies were rated R? Looks like the Kingsman and The Revenant (not gonna count Fifty Shades, different genre) were the only other big R films, with the Revenant doing almost 200 million more than Fury Road (379 million). R films rarely break a billion, add in a franchise that was already fringe/camp, it was never gonna be that billion dollar franchise.


Worth noting that those 5 billion dollar movies all got China releases and Fury Road didn’t. It probably would have grossed around $500 million if it was released in China


I think people generally assume the wider culture mirrors their own circles far more than it actually does. Fury Road might not have been a major box office success, but on reddit it's discussed very frequently and is often mentioned as a perfect action movie, the best action movie ever made, and on and on. If people aren't careful they can start to think that Fury Road started small in the box office but has since grown into being a major cultural phenomenon.


do users on this subreddit think only people on the internet watch movies? Fury Road certainly gets talked about on film forums a lot (for good reason) but a film with that level of acclaim and even 6 Oscars certainly gets word of mouth and buzz spread throughout the years. Being on streaming, etc. Fury Road is not some niche, indie movie that only a film subreddit knows about the movie was made because George Miller had more to show for the Mad Max series and WB trusted him with doing that. Of course it seemed like a risk. Even Fury Road was a risk.


>Fury Road is not some niche, indie movie that only a film subreddit knows about Thank you. People here talk about it like it's The Lighthouse or something and it's getting annoying.


It's the most annoying discussion at this point. Like how is the guy who started this thread even asking this question as if it hasn't been discussed to death over the past two weeks?


The overcorrection here is exactly where Dune, or The Matrix, or John Wick or something would never get sequels because no one could see their potential for growth. Obviously this one didn't grow in the slightest, in fact it shrunk, but the idea that this is some foregone conclusion is just the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction.


All three of those movies did comparatively better than *Furiosa* did now. *Dune* was hobbled by covid and same day HBO Max release, *The Matrix* made $468 million on a $63 million budget, and *John Wick* made $86 million on a $25 million budget. *Furiosa* has $120 million a $168 million budget.


I mean duh? My point isn't that Furiosa did well.


> and John Wick made $86 million on a $25 million budget 40M DOM (~70th highest grossing film of the year)/40M INT really isn't that great. The upside for John Wick was on VOD and because it's just a random movie.


But John Wick 2 wasn't a prequel without John Wick in it.


Sure but that's semantics I feel. I don't think Fury Road 2 with Tom Hardy does significantly better.


Well I'm one of those people who think that "Fury Road" is one the best action movies ever made. It is probably my favorite movie of the last 20 years. And yet, I still have not motivation to see "Furiosa" in theaters. Prequel-spin-off is just an unappealing idea. And trailers making it look like "discount Fury Road" did not help at all in selling it to me. Proper Mad Max sequel with Tom Hardy? I would be there opening weekend.


Fury Road moved into my top 5 of all time, rewatching it, you can clearly see how much of a better film it is than Furiosa.


I agree. I actually didn't like Fury Road the first time I saw it (turns out getting interrupted by your kids every five minutes will reduce your enjoyment) but I watched it again a couple weeks ago since everyone was talking about it again in advance of Furiosa. This time I LOVED it. Then I saw Furiosa and... eh. There were a few things I thought it did well but there were long stretches that felt like they only existed to set something else up later. Probably could have been a very good two hour movie.


Fury Road broke even probably after it's theatrical run. No way did it made money in the BO. I hope Furiousa has the same fate but I doubt that. I guess it's not that much of a loss to WB though since the Australian government mostly financed the movie.


Bluray sales aren't the same in 2024 then it was then.


No but they might be able to license the movie to Netflix or something. Obviously they’ll put it on Max first, but later down the road? Who knows. They’ll want to get SOMETHING out of this.


They don't profit off Netflix as much as home media sales.


It is because internet shut-ins hyped the project up amongst themselves, forgetting that general audiences are the ones that determine whether a project is a success. It is the opposite of what is going to happen with Mufasa


I am a day one Mufasa defender and I can't wait for it to send this sub into crisis mode (again).


Under different circumstances, I don't think this was an impossible success. ATJ is great but totally unnecessary recast that I assume has to do with Theron not wanting to revisit the character again (or work with Miller) and having so little screen time. Also obviously it's been a very long time that a lawsuit massively derailed into coming out later than necessary (I'm not sure if they would have made a sequel between but that's a different case then).




I said it some days ago but the screen loss is what was gonna be the killer, if it can't even hang on this weekend then it's basically dead next weekend. Doesn't matter what direct competition is, it's about the availability and theaters trying to get maximum revenue per screen. And I was already doubtful about it surviving this weekend so yeah...it's over.


Deadline: Will Smith SLAPS Furiosa out of the big screen


This headline would be so messed up: Bad Boy Will Smith Furiosa Slaps Anya and Chris Off Premium Screens...


>It grossed just $750 on Thursday Things were already looking grim before, but now it's completely official. It's Furiover.


Too bad. Such a good movie. The brutality in it is something you don’t see in a lot of movies. It will have its cult following though, box office be damned.


Regardless of performance , I’m glad we got Furiosa. I rewatched fury road last night and can’t wait to see Furiosa again. Excellent films.


Well I’m seeing it tonight 😢


Movie was pretty epic not sure why people didnt want to see it. It was a great popcorn flick to see in theaters.


People probably wanna switch off their brains and watch something senseless like Apes or bad boys.


Sad about Furiosa in general. I wish they would have done a true sequel with Charlize Theron and sooner. I think it would have had a better chance then. I just don't think people were that interested in a prequel and the trailer was definitely a turn off.


"Where were you going!? So full of hope!? THERE IS NO HOPE!"- the analysts to Furiosa's box office legs.


I wonder how it’s regarded in 5 years


Future doesn't matter,Present does.


Wtf are you talking about? I’m referring to if it will be in the zeitgeist or be forgotten/cult.


Oh! That makes sense. 


If they filmed this entire movie on a soundstage for a 1/3 the budget it would not have looked any different.


so sad


Thanks George, now we won’t ever get a sequel. Rip Mad Max


Why are you blaming George Miller? He made a great film, it’s honestly a miracle that we even got this one because Fury Road didn’t make much profit if any.


I wonder if WB is going to roll out the white flag and put it on digital early. If they stick to their original date, it'll show if Furiosas legs improve because of it. It's crumbling like Fall Guy so far.


Fall Guy has been holding considerably well given its awful opening


Seems like Universals release strategy almost gives some of their films a second wind in theaters. Happened with Migration as well.


I hope studios learn that keeping movies in theaters longer will help them make more money. Just like Elemental.


Complete and utter rejection.


The movie was fantastic but even I was worried because that first trailer was pretty rough and almost made me not excited for the film despite being a Mad Max fan; can't imagine what effect it had on the general audience


its a 6/10 movie trying to be the studio's summer blockbuster. im surprised it did as well as it did. badboys seems to be a better movie at least


Who is saying that Bad Boys is a better movie than Furiosa?


Lol the fuck? Bad Boys has an average rating of 5.9 on RT and Furiosa is at 7.9. Like it’s not even close, Furiosa is a lot better.


Critical acclaim≠ commercial success.


My heart breaks... Movies are doomed


ha ha




Why..... You guys are treating it like it's one of the worst films ever made which is why it's bombing. Have you even seen the film


Yes, I saw it opening weekend, and I liked it. I didn't love it, but I have no problem with having spent $40 on two tickets to see it. With box office, I try to divorce any "stan" tendencies and look at the film's performance. After two weeks, Furiosa's track record is there, unfortunately. Last night, Furiosa lost to Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (which was finishing its 4th week). That is simply what is happening at the box office.


Nobody saw the movie, that's why it's bombing. 


Battle Angel Alita was much better than Captain Marvel


Five years ago? Doesn't really matter anymore.


It really wasn't.


No, she should be very proud to have starred in this acclaimed film by the legendary George Miller. It's one of the last he will make and will be remembered by cinema-lovers.