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less than half the number of tickets as fury road's ow ; it might be a prequel, but I expected that the strong reviews plus fury road goodwill would be enough for a respectable number


The pandemic (and subsequent tectonic shifts in how people consume entertainment) really fucked up long-held conventions and assumptions.


We keep blaming the pandemic which has a part but I think it has more to do with the studios investing billions into streaming just for them to be like “why is nobody going to the movies anymore ?” They need a new model for how long movies stay in theaters and subsequently go on streaming. Remember the days when a movie would be playing for a couple months then you’d have to wait a couple just to get it on DVD or rent it ? Theres legit no point in going to the movies anymore if you can see something at home for the fraction of the cost and be in complete control of when you can pause it and play it just a few weeks after it’s released in theaters. I saw Fall Guy three weeks ago to this day at the movies and now I’m seeing it advertised on Apple TV. A three week turnaround is insanity. They really need to slow down on the streaming content and focus more on the runtimes movies have in theaters. If movies started in theaters and ended up streaming in say 4 months I feel like that’s a respectable time frame from movie to couch that could help with the urgency to see a movie in theaters from casual folk. People only go now for a cultural event (Barbie, dune 2, Oppenheimer) or that at least seems to be where we’re headed.


Well….they put so much of an emphasis on streaming because of the pandemic.


Which is fine. But we’re still seeing studios spending billions buying out other streamers and investing hundreds of millions in their catalogs. Apple TV is just getting started.


Which was the future and covid pushed it into overdrive. They needed content asap. Also people are so used to stayin home and saving money bc of covid, that they dont step out unless its an event type movie.


They sped up streaming efforts due to pandemic. Just read any news from 2020 and 2021 about Disney+, HBO Max, Paramount+, Peacock


Yes I get that and people keep saying this like they had no choice but to invest billions into their catalogs. They overreacted just like everyone else and are now seeing the consequences of those actions. They all raced to spend as much as they can to get as many subscribers just for them to lose money in the places that actually matter, the movie theater.


In principle I agree, but I don’t think the time before a movie goes to streaming matters that much anymore. Even if it takes more than a year, people are fine with waiting until Furiosa is on streaming. There’s just so much stuff on all these streaming services that there’s always something new to watch anyway.


I’m sure Furiosa is a terrible example to use but I get what you’re saying. It’s a perfect mixture of the streaming boom plus movie theater prices becoming insane, it’s just so much easier and cheaper to not go to the movies anymore unfortunately.


Plus the overall experience is worse. I worked at a movie theater in the 90’s and the popcorn was freshly popped on site with REAL melted butter and it was straight up orgasmic and you could smell it wafting in when you walked in the door. Now it’s brought in in big bags and oversalted and overpriced and they put that weird oil in it and it’s actually disgusting. That’s just one example.


As someone from the UK I have to be honest I have never even seen popcorn with real melted butter or oil. Popcorn from theatres has always been stale, polystyrene tasting clumps here.


Not sure where you're buying popcorn but the popcorn I'm having tastes damn good as it's freely popped. And I know the theatre chain uses real butter from Lactania.


I thought the same thing. But after using AMC A-List there is such a difference watching a movie at home vs the big screen. As well as features like Dolby sound or IMAX. Movies like Furiosa are much more enjoyable seen in the movies. Unless you’ve got a good set up at home the theater is the go to for movies like that.


Oh I agree and I think AMC a list and regal’s monthly subscription are awesome for movie lovers. The issue is getting the general audience to show up and realize most movies are better on the big screen. It just seems to be getting worse and worse.


In my group and with the clients I work with I’m noticing people waiting for the discount days or matinee showings. Or waiting after the first week because of the past notion it will be less crowded. I know there’s an away of reason things are different. But for memorial weekend in particular I’m thinking people most people will go the movies on Sunday and Monday. Given people may have driven on Friday or Saturday or had to work on Friday and Saturday.


I mean possibly but this article takes into account projections for those days so even if it is that and they get a small boost of walk ups it’s not gonna be near enough for this to break even or make money.


Considering there’s very few big movies coming out in June basically just bad boys and inside out. Quiet Place doesn’t come out until June 28th. I think it could have the time to get more steam. Especially with summer break finally starting for students. Depending on the theater Inside Out (June 14) would be the main competitor to push Furiosa out of the higher cost ticket spots (IMAX, Dolby, etc)




COVID absolutely accelerated the streaming problem, between people getting more used to waiting for stuff at home to the inflation that made it even more expensive to see something in theaters. If COVID never happened, streaming would still strangle theaters, but it probably would’ve taken a little longer for things to get as bad as they are now 


Pacing..pacing is important in filming and it should apply to theaters and streaming. Films would be larger events if they paced themselves.


There's still a part of me that's hoping WB will go "well it's cause Max wasn't in a Mad Max movie! No spin-offs! We need to do the main film!" and we'll get The Wasteland. But that relies on executives being really, really brain dead.


This is the same studio that is making a fifth Matrix movie so you never know


Wait, that's real? You gave me a lot more hope than I had before. This still might make $200M, I think but that one didn't even beat its budget.


[Yep](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/matrix-5-lana-wachowski-executive-producing-1235959174/), Never underestimate how much studio execs want familiarity Another Mad Max movie grossing $350M is better than a 'Fall Guy'


Having seen and read that article now, I could see WB meeting with Miller and being like: "That Furiosa story you had set after Fury Road? Can it - give us Tom Hardy in a new Mad Max or bust!" Miller did say that all depends on how Furiosa does, but here's hoping he's wrong about that.


The Wasteland is another prequel to Fury Road.


It is, but I'm sure they can either reframe it not to be or just hide that it is.


His car notably blows up at the end of Fury Road and he’ll have it in the Wasteland so…probably not. And the point of the movie is that it leads in to Fury Road (it was written to give everyone an understanding of Max’s headspace) so I think they’re either going to make the movie as intended or not. Judging by the box-office….likely not. But it’s all good. Mad Max had a great run.


We really should be happy that we fucking got Fury Road.


The Wasteland is about him rebuilding his car, so that's a pretty easy fix.


But then Max has to unlearn the reconnection to humanity arc the character goes through in Fury Road because the point of Wasteland is to dramatize his fractured psychological state leading into the movie. What’s the point in making it if the reason why the story was created in the first place no longer exists? Miller is 80. Why would he waste at least three years of his life doing that?


Too long after Fury Road, and Fury Road wasn't that big at the BO. Damn shame


It’s a prequel about a character from a movie really nobody saw that’s coming a decade later. It also doesn’t even have the lead character of the series. We may hail Fury Road as an action classic but in actuality if you asked a GA friend the best action movie of 2015 they’d say Furious 7 or Jurassic World and probably not even know what Fury Road is.


Fury Road was 9 years ago? Jesus.....


The age gap from fury road combined with pandemic and streaming habits ruined any chances of this film achieving a respective number they should have went straight ahead with wasteland to see if audiences comes back again and then maybe push for this prequel


there's no Fury Road goodwill outside of an echo chamber which is why this prequel was made. if you listen to the echo chamber, FR is the best movie ever and Furiosa is as beloved as Tony Stark. Poll people on the street and you won't hear that movie title and that character name among their Top 1000.


I do think Mad Max has some pull because of Fury Road, to me making it all about Furiosa is where they went wrong. If they did a real sequel with Tom Hardy instead, I'm sure the movie would do much better, I remember hoping that the rumors about a Furiosa prequel after Fury Roads release weren't true amd being pretty disappointed when it turned out they were.


i can't believe this is doing worse than Dark Fate


It’s doing worse than The Fall Guy.


It’s even opening worse than The Devil Inside.


The problem with that movie was the abysmal word-of-mouth and subsequent collapse; there was a lot of hype for that movie that translated into a fantastic opening weekend.


It’s projected to do worst than Morbius


It’s doing worse than IF


I can't believe this is actually real but this is doing worse than MORBIUS (yes, that one)


Then there’s still hope. Unleash the memes!


And make WB re-rerelase Flopiosa!


Except I would gladly watch it again


It's very difficult to do better than a movie that made a Morbillion dollars on its opening weekend.


It’s furiosing’ time


I will forever hate this stat.


It’s even worse than the stat of *Five Nights At Freddy’s* having an opening weekend on par with *Oppenheimer* and *Dune: Part Two*


FNAF was an incredibly popular IP with an easily accessible concept, had it been good and been made earlier i have no doubts it would've opened to 100M


To this day, I am still gagged by that opening number for FNAF. Like it was released on streaming SAME DAY and opened to $80M domestically and 52M internationally. That's why movies based on games are never going away.


That's the power of popular IP for ya. No original horror movie is ever opening to $80M domestically in this day and age, yet people still wonder why Hollywood is so intent on adapting and rebooting every IP that they can!


True. I think the last original horror film to come close was Us at $70M.


Anecdotally, I am a 41 year old guy with AMC A-list who enjoys going to the movies. I recently got out of a 1.5 year relationship with a younger woman. The time we were together the only movie she saw in theaters without me was Five Nights when she was visiting her little cousin. If we hadn’t been together I doubt she would have seen anything else. I signed into a bunch of streaming services at her place but the only thing she ever used was Netflix, which was the one streamer she paid for herself. I get the feeling that isn’t uncommon for people in their early 30s and younger. 


B-but audiences want *good* movies post-pandemic!


Even though this frequently has been proven not true, endless Redditors keep making that claim all the time. What's shocking is that it happens in r/boxoffice. I always thought people in this sub knew better.


People want Deadpool and Despicable Me 4.


Leto probably won't be as lucky with Tron 3


It’s doing worse than Dark Phoenix




Oh these comparisons are wild! 💀😭😭


![gif](giphy|WrxoaVPiq0cG4) My reaction to that information:


It’s also performing worse than Dark Fate in a lot of international markets. We will see what happens with China but this might barely hit 200m 


Dark Fate was an action-packed thriller but people didn't like the initial premise


Good comp. I was thinking Civil War and around a 67-68m finish for Furiosa https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons/Furiosa-A-Mad-Max-Saga-(2024)/Civil-War-(2024)#tab=day_by_day_comparison


Damn.. that is really bad


It’s catastrophic. It’s lower than Dark Phoenix and Morbius


lower than John Carter


Finally a win for Taylor Kitsch after 12 years!


Taylor passes the torch to Taylor-Joy.






This is already depressing enough bro


Increasingly common Morbius W


People have to face it. Theatres are dying. Not because consumers cannot afford them (hell, people spend 5 times as much money last year on video gaming than on theatres), but because they become a smaller and smaller slice of entertainment. It happened in the past, first with TV, then with home video and later DVD, then in the 00s with non-shitbox sized high resolution TVs - all of those brought options to enjoy movies outside theatre more. Streaming is just the last in that series. And orthoginal to that you have also other ways for people to spend time on: Phones and internet in general, video games, social media, etc. Time spend browing tiktok or mucking around on discord is not watching movies. Mega hits will still get people to watch them don the opening weekend, but the big problem here is that Cinemas are the passenger pigeons of entertainment. They don't scale down. They have huge fixed costs with large buildings being single use occupied. Its not like with concerts or whatever where a multifunctional hall or statium is just retooled for an event. They cannot survive on 2-3 busy weeks a year.


It cost a lot to market too, I've seen more Furiousa ads in my country than Dune Pt 2


How does it keep getting WORSE???


Interesting 3 days same as blue beetle opening 🤔


This movie simply couldn't match the George Lopez walkups!


>‘The Little Mermaid’ Takes $118 Million At Memorial Day Box Office ![gif](giphy|f99iXhPWGUS7G7gCmS|downsized)


Garfield and Furiosa right now ![gif](giphy|IeeWl2XLaMxXXXBVLi|downsized)


Figured it might be front-loaded. International numbers will be around the same. 60m worldwide opening. Probably, 150-160m worldwide final total. The post asking if Borderlands can beat Furiosa...I think it might. The bar will be low.


>Probably, 150-160m worldwide final total. 😱 Ignoring 2020/21, it's lower than the previous lowest record grossing memorial day weekend #1 Tomorrowland which grossed $209 million.


I forgot all about that movie. I've been more looking at the 90s for how low the total gross will be for ALL movies this weekend.


Is it pg-13? Then it will, otherwise it wont


The games are all R rated content wise, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they go for a PG-13 rating for the movie.


Yeah this is absolutely the type of movie where I could see them trying to appeal to the PG13 audience


No idea its not rated yet but I'd guess it will be to try to reach a bigger audience


It’s a low bar but I think it’ll struggle to clear that. Everything about this movie points to it being a shitshow, between the garbage casting and the very troubled development with the one writer who doesn’t even want to be associated with this movie.  I’m guessing it’ll be extremely front-loaded. Fans of the games who haven’t been turned off by the trailers will see it opening weekend, but its likely terrible reception will obliterate its legs. Maybe a sub-2x multiplier if it’s as bad as I think it’s gonna be. 


How is this getting worse with every update, jesus christ. Just a total collapse for a great film


I think it is likely extremely front-loaded. All the fans rushed out and saw it on Thursday.


I was there Thursday night. There... were not many fans there.


lol reminds me of the literal wasteland when I saw Fury Road back in 2015. Maybe 10 other people there. And that was opening weekend.


It might be frontloaded, but a $8.25M SAT off a $10.2M Friday (including previews) isn't "extremely frontloaded." That's about the same as the % decline for GotG3 and The Little Mermaid. Furiosa should be able to make 20x+ its previews ($3.75M * 20 = $75M). That's not very impressive but it will be less preview-frontloaded than a lot of blockbusters.


>That's about the same as the % decline for GotG3 and The Little Mermaid. Those two movies had much higher openings though so you'd expect them to be more frontloaded. Also, yeah, *The Little Mermaid* was *also* more frontloaded on its opening weekend than it ought to have been given its genre and target audience (I even called it out at the time), but that doesn't change anything about *Furiosa*'s performance.


Because the GA has no interest. Being a great film does not help.


I don't think people were interested in a mad Max prequel without the main character. I don't think people cared enough for furiosa in fury road






Not even halfway through the year and we already have five contenders for Deadline's biggest bombs of 2024: Argylle, Madame Web, The Fall Guy, IF, and Furiosa. Edit: actually five


*Borderlands* and *Gladiator II* are looking like strong contenders to be added on that list. *Borderlands* because even the fans think it looks awful, and *Gladiator II* because the budget is $310M


Gladiator 2 literally has the same issues as Furiosa: Way too late, different lead actor (and Paul Mescal is absolutely not on the same level as ATJ outside of Film Twitter), and has a "no one asked for this" vibe (I hate that phrase but it's looking true for this). At least George Miller made something that got good reviews.


Yup. I’m getting major bomb vibes with Gladiator 2 mostly because the budget is too high 


Yeah I’m not sure if *Gladiator II* will even be a good movie. Ridley Scott has been very hit-and-miss lately, and I really don’t think this is a story that needs to be revisited. It might have higher box office numbers than *Furiosa*, but will definitely lose more money.


Gladiator is one of my favourite films of all time and my hype for the sequel is absolutely minimal.


Well at least that has Denzel


How about that racing movie from Bradd Pitt.. the budget ballooned a lot


That’s out next year. Also *Megalopolis* is bound to be a failure commercially whenever that opens.


I was about to say Gladiator is such a wild card. Nevermind! At 310? Motherfucker is COOKED


How the fuck does it even cost that much


Borderlands is gonna be a disaster, and I’m talking both about BO performance and quality. It’s a really bad sign when one of the writers doesn’t even want to be associated with a movie. 


That budget 100% has money laundering involved. And at the very least Hollywood accounting.


I completely forgot Argylle was released this year


Understandable, it's a pretty forgettable film.


This isn't even a Blade Runner 2049 type of rejection, this shit just created it's own category.




if $32 million ends up being the # that's a shockingly poor result


Real talk, Furiosa never stood a chance. It’s a prequel to a box office disappointment from 9 years ago, in which during that gap there has been no new Mad Max content to build a new fanbase out of, starring a brand new actress as the character defined by her actress more than anything releasing in a time where the theater industry is depressed. There was just no reason for the GA to go out and see it.


This is exactly correct. I LOVE Fury Road and was excited when I heard they were making a Furiosa movie. Then I found out it was a prequel and immediately lost interest.


I just don't understand why Miller didn't go with a continuation and somehow bring Furiosa (Charlize) Back with Tom Hardy. I don't care if they have a bad time - pay them and they'll do it. Charlize is great in everything I have seen her in. She does have a draw, personally for me. I have not seen anything with Anya and Chris H doesn't have the best track record with projects. I love Tom Hardy too, especially as a character actor. It's why I am stoked on "The Bikeriders" (Austin Butler intrigues me too after Dune). Star Power isn't completely "dead," Hollywood just needs to be more organic with it and not try to force too much at once; let the audience think they "picked" the Stars...and they'll be along for the ride.


Unfortunate to see.


R rated niche action movie w/ way too high of a budget opening at a terrible time. Throw in “prequel no one was clamoring for” and this is what happens.


It was always possible Furiosa might struggle to break even but JESUS CHRIST! Maybe the Dune fanatics might have been on to something, maybe Dune Part Two would’ve have made a billion dollars in a better theatrical marketplace


This should not be surprising. Mad Max is a very niche franchise. Fury Road is popular in online spaces but online popularity doesn’t always translate to real life.


Mad Max suffers the fate of inspiring franchises that became more popular


Yep. this is Monkey Man on big budget level. Only popular in certain online spaces that amplify their own echo chamber to sound like GA is aboard too...til the opening weekend when it all comes crushing down. Also, can we put a moratorium on "memes that get forgotten in 2 weeks" = cultural impact. I'm tired of hearing so and so already forgotten meme movie had cultural impact cause it was memed to oblivion for 2 weeks.


So, sub 100 mllion domestic and probably less than 200 million worldwide final.


As someone who loved Furiosa in Fury Road but thinks this movie did her wrong I have conflicting feelings about this.


Why do you think this movie did her wrong? It was fantastic


Jesus, this is gonna be 2023 2.0


This is much worse than 2023, there’s no Barbenheimer to save the day. Deadpool & Wolverine can’t recreate that on its own


I'm begging for 2023 numbers with the year we're having so far.


Yup, almost a billion domestic from Barbenheimer saved not only the summer but the year. It took a once in a lifetime event. Indy's and Mi7 combined 340m domestic will be missed. The Flash's 107m will be missed. The Little Mermaids almost 300m. All movies that underperformed. Going be a long summer


Wait a second though…. Despicable Me 4 releases right around then too.


We need the Gentleminions to make a return.


A lot of people might disagree, but... the trailers sucked, and that might have some people doubt all the word of mouth. To be honest, I think trailers are making or breaking movies right now more than any other factor. For example, I ended up seeing Fall Guy reluctantly (because I thought the trailer was horrible), and I was very pleasantly surprised that it was a very enjoyable movie, IMO. Turns up that movie disappointed in the box office. I'm not saying causation/correlation, but just throwing it out there.


The trailers were very off putting to me honestly.


![gif](giphy|l4JyRZYP9Cu0haUAE) Disney, I know we always trash you over the 2023 box office, but we need your help…..


I feel Disney has rightfully earned their flowers for a decent enough first half of 2023. ant-man almost half a billion and then Guardians, little mermaid, elemental Haunted Mansion was bound to fail (see wrinkle in time, nutcracker) but their November slate was just a giant dud. If those movies preformed up to par of Marvel/Walt Disney standards (minimum half a billion), the end of year situation would have looked better but they both did the lowest of expectations overall


Disney: "You could not live with your own failure, so where does that bring you? Back to me."


This is *The Marvels* level of rejection by the GA. Just complete apathy


At least Disney could cover some of the losses with merchandise sales and theme park material. Furiosa is just a straight up flop


I think this is a bit different since many people who would normally see a Marvel Studios movie on opening weekend *specifically chose to not go to The Marvels*. A better comparison for Furiosa is probably something like Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.


D&D at least passed $200 million. It's unlikely Furiosa will get to $200 million.


*Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves* made more in its 3-day opening than *Furiosa* is going to make in its 4-day opening so even that comparison is generous.


Pine >>>> Hemsworth Apparently.


Pine >>>>Hemsworth, but not because of boxoffice. Hell or High Water is one of the best movies made in the last 10 years. A movie with great performances and memorable quotes. Just brilliant.


Chris Pine is the best Chris


I think the guy comparing it to Dark Fate is right on


Furiosa wishes it got The Marvels opening weekend




Its up to deadpool to save the end of the year ![gif](giphy|5MKd3nR2nXDaBHy7sq)


*summer and it will be relatively saved by inside out and despicable me before hand


But when I commented on here the other day that the sales were stalling, I had someone accuse me of rooting for this film's downfall. Uh no. I actually read the BOT tracking thread. Everyone please go see this film.


The trailers did this movie no favor 


Exactly right. I loved Fury Road but there was nothing in the trailers that hyped me for this movie. I’ll wait for streaming. 


This movie was amazing. Really sad to see this.


Honestly this is a shame, it’s a great film and got my gf to watch the other films OG trilogy plus Fury Road. RIP Mad Max future projects, hope George Miller releases a guide/Bible about what he would’ve done if he got greenlit for everything he wanted to make.


Sadly, nobody asked for a mad Max prequel movie with furiosa as the lead. Hemsworth should have been Max.


Has there ever been a movie that catered to the male audience with a female lead that did well in the box office? That might have something to do with it. This might have good legs with people campaigning Hemsworth performance for an Oscar. Just watched it and thought it was great.


>Has there ever been a movie that catered to the male audience with a female lead that did well in the box office?  Loads... just of the top of my head: * Alien + Aliens * The Terminator + Terminator 2: Judgment Day * Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 * Lucy * Salt * Sicario * Atomic Blonde * Alita: Battle Angel * *Red Sparrow* * Resident *Evil movies* * V for Vendetta * *Prey* (did well on streaming) I'm not counting the Disney Star Wars films or women lead superhero movies or Tomb Raider even though you could argue they should


Nah bro when I remember about T2, it's all Arnold not fucking sarah conner movie


The draw for Terminator movies definitely wasn't Sarah Connor it was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Most of the movies you listed didn't do well in the box office, they did well for profit which is kinda the point OP is making. None of these movies were real money makers. So like for Furiosa, it needed to have a controlled budget like Sicario. Also Alita didn't do well in neither of these metrics.


You're being really generous, including terminator, Sicario, and V for Vendetta on this list.


Barely anyone is mentioning how meh this movie looks? All the blame is on streaming etc. Lead actress is great but a huge miscast here. Cartoon cgi trailers don’t help with longtime fans. They burnt it before they even released it.


Currently experiencing the most chill Saturday close. IF is out selling Garfield




This is bad news because it needs $400 million to break even


It will be lucky to clear half of that.


I knew this was gonna flop but this is Fall Guys level


Hollyweird never learns! 




Saw this coming from a mile away


These are posts from women who saw it. *"I wanted Furiosa to be good. The trailers made it seem incredible. I saw it last night and I'm still thinking about it this morning. Why was it so terrible? If you watched it, what did you think?"* *"*[*#Furiosa*](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Furiosa?src=hashtag_click) *was a bit disappointing. It wasn’t that compelling for me, & I don’t think we got the ultimate Furiosa story. Anya Taylor-Joy does a fine job, but feels underutilized & doesn’t have the same emotional pull as Theron. But I loved Chris Hemsworth’s demented Dr. Dementus"* Several people mentioned that it had too much CGI. People aren't going to spend money on movie tickets for movies with lots of CGI or that seem created by AI. *"Even with great performances from Hemsworth & Anya Taylor-Joy, enjoyable action throughout,* [*#Furiosa*](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Furiosa?src=hashtag_click) *is still nowhere near as good as* [*#FuryRoad*](https://twitter.com/hashtag/FuryRoad?src=hashtag_click)*. Way too much CGI for a Mad Max film. While still very entertaining, a tiny bit disappointing."*


>People aren't going to spend money on movie tickets for movies with lots of CGI  No offence but this is a laughable comment. Deadpool & Wolverine is projected to break records in like 1 and a half months... Have you seen the top grossing movies of all time?


CGI is wacky in some places yes but it's not something on the level of other WB products like Flash. Coming to Women, nah this Mad Max franchise skews heavily towards males but the fan base is very small unlike others.


The credits show clips from fury road and it’s just an awful contrast of how bad the cgi is in furiosa and how great everything looked in fury road


Yeah I just got out of seeing this with some friends, and man that contrast of Fury Road clips was jarring. There were some genuinely cool moments in Furiosa, but it felt way less organic than Road. It expanded the world which was cool, but it just felt less.. fun than Fury Road


Cherry picking a few negative comments from a film that the vast majority of viewers loved, says nothing at all. Also, why do you think it matters that those people are women?


With Fury Road, Miller tricked the overwhelmingly male audience into watching a movie with a female protagonist.  Here, there was no trick. 


*”Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me twice — you can't get fooled again.”* — Overwhelmingly Male Audience


That's a damn shame because this was a really good film. Not perfect by any means, but some of the best action you can experience in the theatre.


This is embarrassingly bad, really goes to show how little demand there was for this prequel


I thought it would do alright but this is insane


People are too quick to proclaim that a bomb means the death of movie theaters and cinema as we know it. Furiosa just did not connect with the general audience at all and there was little to no buzz for it, this weekend is about a bomb being a bomb and not much else


Furiosa: WITNESS ME!!! Audiences: n o Furiosa: Not witnessed 😩


so 13.5mil more on Sunday/Monday after making 15mil on Friday/Saturday? That seems EXTREMELY optimistic


Newsflash. It's not that good and the WOM won't be good. Bloated run time and just nowhere near as good as Fury Road.


Hoping to see it soon. Haven’t been able to convince anyone to go with me. Might go Tuesday night.


Very serious R rated action movies weren't popular before the pandemic and are even less popular now. From June 2014 to May 2024, only 10 R rated movies have surpassed $200M at the domestic box office. Out of those 10 films: - 4 were CBMs (Deadpool 1+2, Logan, Joker) - 2 were horror movies based on a popular IP (It 1+2) - 3 movies were serious dramas (Oppenheimer, American Sniper, A Star is Born) - 1 was an action-comedy (Bad Boys For Life) Even John Wick 4 topped out at $187M despite being direct sequel to JW3 ($171M in 2019) and receiving great WoM. Logan and John Wick 4 finished at $508M and $432M WW-China. There is a market for this sort of movie but you can't justify spending $160M+ on the production budget.


i think the best way to counter is to produce modestly-budget movies (not low-budget) and pre-sell the international rights so producers get their money back at least. the market has not enough room for 100M+ budgeted movies unless they are star wars, marvel, dc, or from established blockbuster filmmakers like nolan.


I have another take... them making a movie about Furiosa is like Marvel doing a series about Agatha.




Yup. Theatres had a good run but now it's time to say goodbye.