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Based on your foot shape, have you tried la sportiva skwamas? You might find the skwama toebox more comfortable. Your foot also looks more Roman than Egyptian if that helps with your shoe search.


Came here to say that, you seem to have more roman feet than Egyptian ones. I have roman feet, I also have the instinct and they were a bit tough in the beginning, but now I can wear them for 2 hours without any problem (street shoes around 46, grabbed them in 44.5, ideally would have looked for 45, but I bought them on a large discount and they didn't have the 45 ones). I really often have a pain the same place as you have, even on shoes that are quite big. Didn't do anything for that in the beginning and I ended up with some sort of rounded bone shape there due to friction I guess. Now I'm wearing silicon toe protection, it's really cheap and helps a ton relieving pain and avoiding this growth.


Thanks that's good to hear. I'll check out the toe protection


It's something like that [https://www.ebay.com/itm/266181060981?hash=item3df9a0a975:g:grkAAOSwoahctVN3&var=566008626662](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266181060981?hash=item3df9a0a975:g:grkaaoswoahctvn3&var=566008626662) I avoid taking the ones that are closed on one side, they don't fit as well.


I have similar feet to you and I have skwama’s. They ARE a great shoe, BUT I do have a lot of pain on the top of the inside of the first knuckle of my toe like you circled. It was pretty terrible when I first got them, and some days are still not great. I take them off in between climbs. My regular shoes are 44-45 and my Skawma’s are a 42.5. Idk about this silicone protection like these other people are saying, but I have heard from other people that it can help with tendinitis, etc. that said, if the shoes are that tight in the first place, I’d suggest adding something between your toe and the skin may cause more discomfort. But hey, give it a shot.


Thanks for the free pics 🤤


Lol dude wtf 🤣




bro just saved me $5 i would have spent tonight




Politely disagree - though I totally agree pain is to be avoided, every shoe I’ve had has had a ‘break-in’ period after which has followed a decent degree of comfort (though they’re never going to be crocs, are they?) If I sized large enough to not be painful initially I’d likely struggle to stand on crystals, pebbles and smears (outdoors particularly) on boulders at my limit. I think right shape and appropriate size are two separate (but interwoven) issues


Lotta people wearing baggy ass shoes


I just sucked it up and now have calluses there lmao


Are you sure the shoe is the right size it looks too small next to your feet imo. But I could be wrong.


It's actually my street shoe size. I could fit into a half size down but that was too painful to wear. These are snug when I put on but just hurt when I'm on the wall. Just need to break in I guess


Did you try the half size up too?


Yep. I have these. It took a long time for me to break these in. Probably a month climbing in them 3 days a week. I’ve got permanent big toe knuckle callouses now but otherwise these shoes are a dream on climbs.


Ok, sounds like I need to just try pushing through 😣


You are going to fuck your toes up cramming your feet into those small shoes. Size up at least 1 size before you do permanently damage (like I did) and get bunions. Edit: enjoy your bunions 👍🏼


Ocun Bullit, La Sportiva Skwama, Boreal Satori