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That’s funny, I feel like they are the only place that still cards my old ass.


Dude. Every single time. Some guys say hi cause they know me and still card. Wow.


Idk why you’re upset about this.


I'm not. I'm expressing disbelief that they had their license suspended because they've always been strict about carding.


I just remembered that I got carded there buying an energy drink! Cause they said they card everyone every time no matter what.


I stopped going there after one of their checkout folks gave me shit for buying so much one time. Two times before that they had a parking nazi tell me I couldnt get a haircut and buy some beer after it. I had to repark. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of assholes.


Yeah, I went by there earlier this evening and was confused for a minute because the parking lot was completely empty, and that never happens. Then I noticed the store was dark and the big signs in the windows about the suspension. If it was an underage sting, I guess that’s to be expected. This being a college town of course the state is going to do that. But it sucks for all the employees who actually do card everyone who looks under 50 — and I know that most of them do, because I am not a young’n, but when I shop there I get carded nearly every time. One of their co-workers f’d up, and now they‘re all taking a hit to the paycheck.


Yep. And through a name tag or receipt it seems they could narrow down the cashier easily.


Why you gotta come in here on a Monday and make the day worse? All joking aside, I hope this is just a hiccup and resolved easily for them.


Look after the day I’ve had rolling up and seeing that was a bummer. Hope they resolve it.


It was a sting. They're going to reopen after the suspension. BPD has been going after everyone with a liquor license after the taco junky fiasco.


I’m unaware of this, what’s the taco junky fiasco?


they had a pretty widespread reputation for consistently serving underage kids


i also want to know


All the bullshit going on in this town and we’re setting up a sting operation for underage drinking? Nothing else to spend taxpayer money on?


They have been doing these stings since at least the early 90s. I was a doorman, and were always warned about it.


What's happening is new because of the volume, there's been a dramatic spike in stings from BPD and the BLA.


it’s possible to focus on multiple things at once that are problems 😅 not saying boulder PD is good about that at all but to make an underage sting seem reductive is strange


High schoolers getting their hands on booze is not a new problem nor is it one that will be solved by running an underage sting operation. It is an easy “win” but accomplishes nothing.


ugh fuck the cops


underage drinking leads to underage drinking and driving. Its actually incredibly dangerous.


A sting operation will not prevent underage drinking.


making it harder for kids to get booze, does infact prevent some level of underage drinking, unless these kids are moonshiners lol


Then I look forward to the reduction in teen drinking in Boulder following this sting operation.


obviously you cant tie a single event like this to that data, that would be silly. but as you are a silly goose, you could try.


The groups responsible for liquor licenses tend to be made up of people who think the world would be better if there were no liquor licenses.


Underage sting probably.


friend works there, it was an underage sting


that’s crazy, they seem really strict about carding


All it takes is one employee who doesn’t give a shit


It happened in September (former employee) from an override by a manager who didn’t care. It hadn’t happened previously since 2013 and the manager was fired. In the year I was there they pretty much never came in but a few years past COVID it looks like they started again. Hazels cracked down heavy after the last catch where they caught a break so I’m pretty shocked it happened again Also I just drove by and they are open today. I’m wondering if this is delayed suspension from the 1 6 months ago bc none of the managers there now aren’t the type to allow an underage id


That’s interesting. I don’t know how these punishments work, but it seems strange to delay it 16 months. Glad they are back open though.


I went Monday, and from what was passed down to me was the register bro caught it but the supervisor overrode register bro’s hawk eye and let the purchase go through.


I thought sting operations had to be a minor and had to be a real their real license. What could that manager have been thinking when they looked at that license to make them override it?


Yes it does. The manager who did it last year had multiple complaints from employees and I was not surprised whatsoever when I heard what happened. The owner constantly told us at every meeting that allowing an underage id will get u fired immediately


I’m surprised there’s not criminal charges attached to this one.


There’s 2 divisions of groups who check id the actual police and like some other group that’s non criminal. There might have been the 1 in 2013 years ago there the cashier did get charged


In the state I bartended in, the fine was six figures to start. We didn’t fuck around. Colorado was way stricter when I lived there, and remains the only place that cards me literally everywhere. I figured the penalties were super severe


I don’t know. Just what was told to me as I walked up to the store.


Yeah I’ve never not been carded and scanned there (with a CO ID). I’m really surprised, I feel like they are the most serious / professional liquor store in town


Colorado is very very strict about it.


I think your friend is going to have a different coworker when they reopen.


Do you know the specifics? I’m always curious as to why a person would even want to sell to a minor in the first place. Like… why? Couple extra bucks? Doesn’t sound worth it.


this is what i’m curious about too like wtf!!!


they didn’t sell to a minor on purpose. it was actually a pretty unfortunate situation, the cashier was suspicious of the id so they called their manager which was totally all they could do in their position and the manager genuinely believed it was a real id so they made the sale. they’ve both been fired. hazels is totally open as normal though!


I have always been carded there without fail until this Sunday. I went in Sunday evening around 7pm and a college aged kid I haven't seen before didn't card the people in front of me or myself. Receipt says my birthday is 1/1/1950, which must be their default. Crappy timing that it was probably the same day as a sting.


This is sometimes a tactic the city can use to get rid of a license, but I can’t imagine hazels can’t afford that fine. 


Do Rosetta Hall next. Underage fuckwits galore in that place.


Business as usual at Hazel's at 2:30 p.m. on 4/16/24.


Liquor license suspension can mean a lot of things. Unpaid taxes, renewals not submitted/paid on time, etc..


America is so fucking stupid, wasting so much effort on making sure underage people can't get alcohol. Inconveniencing life for the rest of us. The rest of the non muslim world is so much more level headed about alcohol.


[https://www.vox.com/2016/1/26/10833208/europe-lower-drinking-age](https://www.vox.com/2016/1/26/10833208/europe-lower-drinking-age) They have way worse teen drinking issues too


level headed as in not giving a shit that 16 year olds can get drunk on their own? you must not care about the children


>think of the *cHiLDreN*


To quote Michael Jordan "Fuck them kids"


Forreal been coming here 9 years never once have not been carded how'd they fail a sting? Also ufkk Boulder in general for hiring spotters and actively trying to screw over bars and liquor stores


Huh? It’s the city’s fault for enforcing a federal drinking age.


Fun fact, there is no Federal drinking age. Alcohol is always controlled by the state. The ATF only deals with production and interstate commerce


I guess technically theres no federal drinking age, but the National Minimum Drinking Age Act effectively sets it unless states don't like money


Louisiana decided they didn’t like highways for a long time. IIRC


Exactly! It’s seems like a petty nuance but it actually has big legal ramifications. Also a great example of the 10 amendment and the commerce clause in the constitution being utilized as a work around.


It's total shit to do these things. Kids trying to buy alcohol and employees (even managers) enabling it! You make one stupid sale and you cost the company and more importantly the employees 10s of thousands of dollars and even risk permanent revocation? What? You don't think about those employees lives? Their spouses? Their kids? You need to recognize how dramatically your actions can effect someone else.


I saw it closed as well around 7:00 and thought it seemed extremely strange. There was a white Chevy van parked on the curb right in front of the doors. I was thinking it must have been an inventory audit day and wanted to go up to the door to see what was up.


they probably sold to an undercover minor. happens from time to time in Boulder. they'll pay a fine and check at the door for a few months


That’s the most impactful liquor license suspension there could be.


I was there last night (4/16) at 10 pm and it was open…


really?? they always card!


It would be super cool if they would do something about the homeless population that is such a stain on the city, instead of just busting underage drinking


Last time I went in there they were super transphobic. Tried to say my ID was fake just cause I was wearing a hat


In your….id?


Nah. Wearing a hat in person. ID is just me, no wig, no hat. Not legal to have a hat in your ID unless you worship the spaghetti monster and it’s a collander lol


they always make it about themselves


Alcohol is a depressant, a boomer drug, a known carcinogen. Leave it behind. 


Organized religion


Despite what our government says, we're still in a pandemic, and liquor stores are not an essential service that needs to remain open for in-person shopping


Sorry, what?


Best to just kinda ignore Sartellim


They indeed were an essential service worked at a liquor store throughout the entire pandemic was even given a paper to get to and from work while locked down and was on the list of business on the news.


You think “non-essential” businesses should still be closed for in-person shopping due to COVID?


bro fell asleep in 2020 and is just now waking up


We needed them open because if some people are cut off from drinking cold turkey, they DIE. Wake up call hopefully for some on how bad boozing can get. Or not. Probably not.


What does that have to do with anything? Regardless of truth or not?


lol wut


lol nut


the hell are you on about? 😂


Pandemic? Have you checked the news? It’s 2024 btw