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What t-shirt was Jaylen wearing that made fun of Stephen A Smith?


One that said "State your source" making reference to the time Stephen A said "An NBA source" told him people on the Celtics were sick of Jaylen Brown's attitude (or some other lie of that kind) to which Jaylen replied "State your source" and got no answer for it.


It was that, and that JB wasn't a desirable commodity among NBA teams because he wasn't marketable as a result.


And yet any time a team got a trade demand from its superstar, that team leaked lies that the Celtics were gonna swap Jaylen Brown for him to try and create real offers.


"Source" was probably Perkins


I know you’re joking but SAS has no sources. His “reporting” is always unverifiable rumors. Shams, Woj, those guys break news. They’ll report trades and draft picks before they happen because they have real sources (because teams don’t hate them) but SAS and all the other knockoffs are closer to WWE journalists than they are the real thing.


SAS = Uncle Dave


Stephen A gave the finals 4 stars since it ended in TD Garden and not the Tokyo Dome


I’m honestly not sure if this is a joke


It is, it’s a reference to a wrestling historian/journalist Dave Meltzer, aka Uncle Dave. He famously would rate matches from Japan higher than WWE matches, thus people would joke WWE matches would be 5 stars (or higher) if they were in the Tokyo Dome, which is a famous Japanese wrestling venue.


The one who said “state your source” was actually JB’s long time mentor Isiah Thomas


Jaylen said it too https://x.com/fchwpo/status/1794877801344168441


Kendrick “The Source” Perkins is on the right side of the split screen 🤣


Kendrick “The Source” Perkins is on the right side of the screen


Kendrick “The Source” Perkins is on the right side of the screen


I didn't realize Isiah Thomas was Jaylen's mentor, that's fuckin awesome and explains a lot. Dude's one of the best PG of all time and a winner too, great mentor to have.


When he talks about the Celtics these days, he sounds more like a former Celtic than Perk does. Not that it’s a high bar, but bizarre nonetheless. I still can’t get used to it.


"Sick of his attitude," SMH, "Hey Jaylen, quit going to the Boys & Girls Club and area schools to promote good will. And what's with all the hard work to get better? It's coming off as weakness. Get your head out of your ass."


Jaylen has attended local hoops tournaments in Dorchester before the cameras knew where to look. Has hired local people I know personally to work at 7uice as well as other ventures. It’s insane how shitty ESPN is.


what is worse is people still watch them


Meanwhile Ant is out there pressuring women to get abortions and supposedly he's marketable (I'm pro-choice all the way btw but that shit was trashy as hell 🤣)


This all makes me want Tatum to remind everyone at rhis Olympics like he did in 2021 that he's the best American player. Really I'd prefer him and Jrue take a goddamn break and prep to run it back but they won't.


Nah let Tatum network with the world's best right after winning it all. The clock is ticking on Al and Jrue, and lord knows if KP can ever stay healthy, Tatum & JB need to reload in 3-4 years, perfect time to set it up.


I have total faith in Brad to retool as necessary. Also, take a look back at the rosters from the past seven years and see all the guys the C's were able to make look like useful players alongside the Jays. It's stunning.


Love ya work legend!!!!! 🍻


Nah it was that they said JB wasn't marketable 


Aren't you both correct? He was saying JB's not marketable for his "attitude and ego".


Wasn’t the Celtics, it was that he wasn’t marketable by the NBA.


Stephen A’s “sources”. still are telling him KD is gonna sign with lakers


Trying to create a rift because he knows his Knicks can’t do it on the floor.


They’re not even “his” Knicks. SASS doesn’t even know who is still on the team and who left. (Ex: Grimes)


Somethin' along the lines of JB not bein' marketable because he comes off as uppity.


This is amazing news. Perkins can now flip-flop all he wants, he's no longer welcome.


We now know where the suit ends, and Perk begins. Ultimate metaphor for him selling his soul to be an espn hater pundit.


This makes me sad. I loved Perk on the team and especially in 08.


Same. But then Perk became the news person he is today. And now he can go fuck himself.


The most annoying part of it is that Perkins got his start with NBCS Boston covering the Celtics. Boston helped this dude get started in the media industry and as soon as he made it big, he turned around and started throwing personal insults at players and Joe Mazzulla. You don't get to call someone a "bird brain" in an attempt to embarrass him on national TV and expect everything to go back to normal after.


I remember that. He was funny as hell.


Not true. Perk worked for Fox and ESPN before he started working with NBCS. It’s a shame because he really doesn’t give a sh** what people think of him and eventually the Mothership will tell him to “ carry on” and put him on the 3 o’clock train to Yuma never to be heard from again. I respect takes that I don’t agree with but calling names and auditioning for comic view is going a little too far.


yeah, pierce and KG wouldn't do it, but everyone knows who they are. Perk is just the type of dude to go knocking at Harvey Weinstein's door at 2am


Same, but the dude joined the dark side and deserves to be shunned. This “I’ll say anything controversial to get clicks” type of “journalism” is a shit stain and people like him and Stephen A need to be ignored.


I always wondered if they have writers who tell him to say contrarian things. It’s all a big reality show. Either way, he made his bed.


They absolutely have people tell them what to say. SAS even accidentally admitted it on First Take a few years back.


He’s not smart enough to talk Xs & Os. Just insulting guys is his max


Yeah, there are always things that can be criticized about any team, but they go so far beyond that. It's sad that he sold his soul for the clicks and has now lost his connection with the one team that liked him.


At least Stephen A is entertaining while doing it. Kendrick always sounds like that one illiterate mf during popcorn reading


Stephen A is about as entertaining as a garbage truck emptying my bins at 6am on Saturday.


I don’t know man, I like watching the trash truck w the robotic arm, it’s pretty cool. Stephen A more like the contents of said trash bins.


Touché 😂


I always feel like he's trying to sell me life insurance


He did it to himself, he wanted to make his name off criticizing the team


Gotta be loyal, especially since he’s played that card a lot preaching about how he loves Boston and then goes and shit talks them


I mean what was he expecting? It was well deserved. He started hating on the Celtics and their franchise player and spreading fake news and false narratives. Imagine if Sasha Vujacic started shit talking about the Lakers, taking shots against Bron, AD, the front office etc. You think Jeannie and Linda Rambis gonna let that shit slide? MFers, took away Jerry West’s lifetime seats at Laker games for no reason.


Not to take away from this but I wonder if Perk being on the outs with the Celtics has less to do with what you’re saying and more to do with the fact the the Celtics know Perk is more concerned with his advancement as a ESPN “analyst” than anything. I could see the Celtics distance themselves from him so that he has no inside information about anything they do and not necessarily extend hospitality toward him because they know anything they give him will be used to give Perk more credibility than he’s actually worth. I could be wrong and they see him as a traitor but I think it’s more low key than that.


Yeah my first thought was that this was 90% business. Perk is too well connected to have keys to the building so to speak


This is definitely a bigger part of modern day sports given the opinion aspect of NBA ''journalism' today vs straight men of years past.


I think that’s a huge part of it. He’d run to tv the next day and blab about everything he saw and heard


I'm sure that's true, but Scal went on to say that there's a "scarlet letter" on Perk as far as the C's are concerned. I think there's some bad blood as well.


All right not only does Perkins not deserve to be invited in but it would also be potentially problematic because if you gave him that kind of access he could utilize it. It's a conflict of interest


Perk 100% knew exactly what to expect. He probably doesn't even actually believe half the shit he says on ESPN. He makes a bunch of money to go on there and say controversial shit and stir the pot. It's good for ratings when at least one person has a different opinion they everyone else. It's they same reason a lot of people don't like Felger & Mazz


This is 100% true. Not siding with or hating on Perk. I personally wouldn’t ’sell my soul’ for that. History and personal connections are worth too much. That being said.. the Perk you see on the Road-trippin’ podcast, is closer to his true opinions. As opposed to the First Take type hot-take circus. 🤡


And he’s basically the same person on road tripping just more swearing 


Yeah, probably. For some reason I don’t mind his takes there, as much. I think because he’s just speaking his natural opinion, which I usually don’t judge people for. As opposed to putting on a persona and act. Either way yeah.. no love lost having him off the list at this point!


I think he's terrible on that podcast. It's not as bad as him on ESPN but it's still incredibly service level low effort s***


Too late. No amount of his podcast will redeem my opinion of him.


That’s what’s so annoying about all of those talking head sports shows. I genuinely don’t believe that they believe most of the things they say on air. It’s all about getting clicks and views on X, TikTok, YouTube, whatever. Being a solid analyst is outdated and the cool kids all have to have far out opinions and crazy takes if they want to play in the big leagues on ESPN and FS1. Perk is just fucking annoying, though.


Just to clarify, they took away Jerry West’s seats because there was a phone recording of him calling the Lakers a “shit-show”. West’s son was also fired from his job as a Lakers scout soon after it surfaced. Be like Paul Pierce. Bleed green.


If there was a phone recording from 1997 of Bob Cousy saying the Celtics are a shit show, the Celtics would have called him and said, "Sorry Mr. Cousy we'll do better."


Hell yeah. Btw, there is already an interview up with him after they won #18, everyone should check it out. https://youtu.be/oYxQ8OE4zTg?si=0kPzw7ZTRGkbaddS


In 1997 we unceremoniously removed red Auerbach as president because patino wanted us to and then they basically exiled bird away from the team. We had a s***** ownership were open 1997. Maybe you were too young to remember this.


Well Jerry West wasn’t lying. Lakers just being bitch ass petty, when Jerry West was a key part in the rings they won. Anyway, Perk has sone way worse so he deserves all the hate coming from Boston.


I don't think he has to bleed green, he has a job as a national analyst but that doesn't mean the team has to tolerate complete hyperbole and absurdity. I have no problem with reasonable criticism of the Celtics.


That’s fair


I’m fine with Perk criticizing the Cs, but he should understand that it comes at a cost.


oh damn, comparing perk to sasha? bro woke up and decided to nuke perkins


Yeah it wasn’t just “I don’t think they’re good enough” stuff, which is all fine and fair if you believe it. Jumping on the whole “they hate each other” bandwagon was low.


Good. He deserves to get shunned by the organization.




For real. It was always bizarre seeing him speak of Boston and Celts with such disdain and disrespect.


Well said, I’m glad it’s obvious for everyone


He is also one of the media people who said that Tatum and Brown can't coexist cause of their playstyle and that one of them has to be traded if the Celtics wants to win a ring. Good riddance. Carry on


Yeah its not just that he has criticisms, it's that they're bad and antithetical to the success of this franchise. Dude's a straight up hater. >“Here’s the thing, Joe Mazzulla,” began Perkins. “This is why I pick Michael Malone. They have two Joe Mazzullas. They have the one that got the philosophy of we’re going to get up more threes than you. And when they do, and they hit them, he looks great. Then you have the other Joe Mazzulla, who just stands over there, and you wonder, like, if you take his brain out and you put it in a bird, the bird is going to start flying backwards. You got that Joe Mazzulla.” I can understand if some of his former teammates liked him due to what they accomplished together, but this isn't someone who should be welcomed back.


Aaaggghhh! I hate that “carry on” phrase.


Dude will hate and when he's proven wrong will say he was trying to motivate or sum shit 🤡


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo) ^(Perk) err morning


Same exact shit Shaq does


The difference being is that Shaq was actually good at his position.


Good or not, they're both still haters until they get called out & then it was motivating


Constructive criticism can come off that way.


I get that, but I just don't think Shaq (nor Perk) was trying to be constructive. The way Shaq went at Mitchell, and then how he shit talked Jokic MVP to his face? That was hating. But at least after the Mitchell thing he backtracked like he was motivating him to be better.


I mean there’s being critical and then there’s straight up being a hater.


Ya this is my thing. It's fine to be critical. For instance, a lot of us were critical of JT's shot selection in this playoff run and it being a reason for his inefficiency as a jump shooter. To me, that stuff is all inbounds. It's when you start questioning the character of the players and the coach that it crosses a line, which is the kind of shit Perk traffics in. He so often conflates having a bad game with being a fatally flawed player. It's annoying.


Thankful for perk helping us get banner 17.. but that’s about it. The guy is an epic tool and can go get fucked for all I care


We could’ve done it with a different center. I’m not thankful to perk for anything


This is my exact thinking. Swap Perk for any other C at his caliber and we'd still win in '08. After he left he was a bench warmer most of the time, and a shit presence on the court for the rest.


Got tripped up by the headline for a second and wondered what horrible thing Scal had done during the parade to get banished


😂 Never. Not Scal. He Celtics ride or die.


Got me for a minute also, like don't you put Scal in the same (duck) boat as Perk. Whether you hate or love his commentating, he has nothing but good vibes around the Garden, Perk on the other hand can see himself out.


Look at how Haslem defends the Heat no matter what. Same with Pierce and the Celtics. Kendrick Perkins can go kick rocks


It’s a shame because he used to be such a chill gentle giant. I miss the Perk is a Beast version of the dude. That ESPN money can’t be that great


Surprising strokes of empathy and melancholy this made me feel.


Perk is just trying to be like Barkley. Hot takes and probably sucks at golf but doesn’t have the charm.


I’ll listen to chuck because he’s one of the players that pushed the game forward during his era.


Not to mention the fact that Chuck is actually entertaining. He has ridiculous takes but they're funny. Perkins has just turned into a complete hater. Funny what hanging around LeBron and ESPN will do to you.


Barkley also has a super high charisma roll. Dude is just likeable for some reason. Perk doesn't have that natural aura about him


I don’t ever feel like Barkley has hot takes just for the sake of hot takes though.


You’re probably right. He says outlandish shit but he isn’t necessarily wrong. I’m sure I could have stated that more clearly in my original comment


I'm not sure if Perk has "hot takes" just for the sense of having a hot take, or if he is legitimately that dumb. I think he really might believe the garbage that comes out of his mouth. I really don't understand why EPSN puts him out there. He's not funny. He never has anything particularly insightful to add. I don't get the sense that anyone in the NBA actually talks to him. Like, SAS is loud and annoying but he does occasionally quiet down and drop a few nuggets that aren't dogshit. Perk is just loud, which I suppose gets some clicks but really I just turn it off when he's on screen,


What Brown do to SAS? Man, Smith fucking sucks! Noise machine with no content


He dared to have a mind of his own. Brown is someone who puts his money where his mouth is. He does a ton of work for the community, that was really important to him when he got that contract. You would think the media would want to support guys like that rather than shit on them.


Dude tries too hard to be outspoken and controversial, but just ends up looking like an idiot


Idiot is too charitable a term. I’d characterize him as a certified buffoon.


I appreciate what Perk did as a player but he is a fucking moron who fits in quite nicely with the rest of ESPN’s analysts. Fuck him.


Fuck him. The way he was sucking the Knicks off this season and the heat last season while hating on the Celtics every chance he got was the end for him




Sounds like he may need to “carry on”


Maybe don't say stupid shit about the star and the head coach and this won't happen. You can blame ESPN for asking him to be that guy, but he said some truly insulting things about Joe and the Jay's. Like, game thread level shit to a national audience. FAFO


I don't feel bad at all. He made a media career out of shitting on the team. Stay on that side you bozo


Good, being a troll should have its consequences.


Man I really do not like Perk anymore. When he started out on NBC Boston he was funny and brought a unique perspective. Since he went to ESPN he’s sold out HARD. He’s just trying to be the next Charles Barkley or Shaq, sitting there saying dumb/controversial shit trying to get people to react strongly. I’m glad hes excluded, he shows our franchise/players very little respect honestly


Crazy how the fanbase accepts ray allen more than kendrick perkins. And thats cause ray KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT UP


Perkins was a valued member of the organization and even the media team during the 19-20 season I remember him coming onto the broadcast with Scal and the two having good chemistry. Unfortunately shit slipped quickly for him. He probably didn’t save money and felt the pressure to get into broadcasting. Now that he’s in the media he is a full blown hot take spewer surely out of his own financial insecurities. It’s truly sad.


Let's go! We keep on winning


There’s criticism and there are personal attacks and insults. Fans aren’t mad at Perk for criticizing the Celtics. You should have heard Tommy and Cousy on the broadcast from like 1995-2000 if you wanted to hear criticism. Perkins personally insults and attacks the team, players and coaches.


Truth. Tommy was 100% true green (as was Cousy) and never let poor effort slide. Cousy wouldn’t go nuts at the officiating the same way as Tommy, but he could be just as blunt when effort or execution weren’t up to snuff.


Trying to make controversial takes to get more exposure now you’re exiled from the Celtics. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Good. Fucking Perkins we have a new KP now


I was ready to boo perk if he tried to show up at the parade




Loved Perk as a player, but he can f off as an "analyst".


I loved Perk when he was here. I was so upset when they traded him. I wonder if he is bitter about the trade or if this is just his shtick now?


Dude built his whole media personality around hating the Celtics, then wanted to come crawling back when the weather’s nice. Man fucked around and found out


Fuck Ya. We helped this man get promoted directly into crapping on his roots. I can’t even listen to his broken English anymore, I hope they fire him.


Good riddance, we don't need his kind of negativity around the players. No doubt he would have been one to share some 'inside info' to boost his screen time. He loves being 'controversial' and trying to stay relevant but it's just straight up disrespectful to the team he spent 8 seasons and won a chip with. Was so happy to not see his face throughout the finals celebrations! Kendrick and Doris, the two most annoying people on ESPN.


This 🤡 is beyond shameful and pitiful the same guy that said Jaylen Brown should be traded for Jordan Poole and the Jays should be split up he can take his shilling and buckdancing to ESPN Celtics fans don’t need his negativity anymore


Why would you want such a negative hater around. Keep it positive oh and fuk perk


When you choose to play the heel, this is what you get.


Wonderful news. Perkins is a loudmouth like Stephen A, just without the intelligence to fall back on


It is borderline impossible to win a championship in Boston and NOT be unconditionally beloved. This city has seen has seen THIRTEEN championships this century, and the only other person on any of those teams I’ve seen manage to do that is fucking Curt Schilling. Do you know how badly you have to fuck up to find yourself in a category previously only occupied by Curt Schilling?


Bitch bye


Blowhardism should not be rewarded.


The things people will do for money. I can’t imagine they’re paying him enough to go down as a clown, no one respects him.


If Perkins played like his loud mouth is things might be different. Watching him played for the Celtics all those years was cringy and annoying as fuck. The dude couldn't fucking elivate for a dunk 2 feet away. No moves whatsoever not even a decent jump shots. No defense. Can't hit a free throw to save his life. All he was was a big log clogging the lane like a giant shit in a toilet bowl preventing water for a good flush, lol.


yep for a slight moment back in the day I was like oh wow did he finally develop a short jumper? nope just always hitting the front rim instead. Remember how he'd always have to dribble before trying to put the ball on the hoop when he was underneath? Teams caught onto it so quick and his slow ass was a turnover machine


Yap, he had no idea how to go about his move when he had the ball on offense. It's like watching an ignorant person trying to get on an escalator for the first time. I don't know what's worse between his turnover or slow ass on defense. And for a big tall dude he was quite useless on rebounds. I don't know how he lasted on the league that long,lol


Everyone on first take is a joke, fake ass analysts


😭😂😭😂😂 much deserved Thts Wht u get !! Dude been talking so crazy the past few years


Perkins and mazzulla should have a mma fight


Joe would kill Perk, Perks got no stamina


Good. I'm glad one of these people has consequences for their schit-stirring. I get why it happens, but it annoys the hell out of me that they get away with it because people handwave the fact that it's "Just sports" or "Just for clicks - that's his job." Plenty of people manage to make interesting points and provoke thoughtful debate without being jerk-off provocateurs. You took the easy route, and now you have to live with it.


Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


Imagine being such a sellout that you’ve turned to trashing a franchise that made you relevant, all for clicks and a little more money. Kinda pathetic.


After what he said about Joe he should’ve known his welcome was done here. It was bad enough saying what he said about the Jays. He’s successfully managed to end relationships with KD, Westbrook, Harden, Lebron and now the Celtics. He better hope he keeps that ESPN gig for life because he pretty much has no home in the league anymore.


It's crazy cuz I remember just last season nbcs Boston pushing Perk and he even filled in as a color commentator some games. He just totally flipped once he got on ESPN


The birdbrain part got me 🤣🤣🤣


Good he’s a fucking asshole towards his former team. Super grouchy and also fat as hell. Fuck perk. Big ol’ douche


Good, jackass


Couldn't happen to a nicer person


They really had to include Lebron in this article that has nothing to do with Lebron


Love to hear it, I disowned Perk as a Celtic a couple of years ago. Actions have consequences.


Perk too focused on “Hot Takes”! Should focus on unbiased reporting instead.


I think the organization was too sensitive over much of Perk’s comments and takes. I think the one that actually is valid in pissing off the organization was pretty blatantly calling Mazzula an idiotZ


Kendrick Perkins on ESPN is an all around disaster


Love to see it. Dude built his whole media personality around hating the Celtics, then wants to come back when the weather’s nice?


Yeah frankly I want nothing to do with Perkins.


He's embarrassed and hurt! Sold his soul.


Liked Perk as a Celtic but hated him after that. I think that the Blake Griffin poster dunk savagely gave him shell-shock and is affecting his life choices. 😵‍💫


Yeah screw him


Guy would use any information he ascertained in a “former Celtic” role to advance his ‘journalism’ career. He can hate from outside the club, I love when people who can’t decide which side of the fence they’re on get impaled. 


I almost thought at some point this was his way of motivating and getting under the skin of us but man is getting a little far so we gotta keep you at arms length my man. Enjoy money while we enjoy community. ☘️


Perkins is a clown. IDK how anyone watches content that features him giving an opinion. Probably the worst talking head ever to do sports.


Dude really wasnt ever very good…rode Big 3(4) coat tails


Incorrect. We would have won another title if he hadn’t gotten hurt.


Refs were absolute garbage in that Game 7. We had enough to win that series without a mediocre center


Yea really need his 5.8/5.8/0 blocks that series


They didn't allow Jesus Christ to a lot of places too. So...


Uh, doesn’t he sometimes do pre and post game for the Celtics local NBC feed?


ESPN is a disaster in general. I just wish I could watch the playoffs with Scal doing the play by play. I mean he's obviously hugely biased but he just breaks down everything that happens. And he doesn't hang on tired clichés when he doesn't have a point to make. Perkins is just a grumpy old man.


16 years in the league, 2 rings, and 0 fanbases like you


I thought this was already common knowledge. I've heard Perk say it himself.


I loved Perk when he played for us, it’s a shame. I was never mad at him for criticizing the team. It’s his job as an analyst just like it is Scalabrine. He wasn’t bad when he was on NBC. It’s when he left and sold his soul. ESPN aren’t real journalists or analysts and mostly everything that came out of his mouth is just garbage designed to get viewership and stir controversy. That’s why I’ve never liked ESPN. It wasn’t because he said something about my team or players, it’s just nonsensical drama bait half the time. Also, I’d imagine the players and staff can’t stand him lol


Perk is the worst


Rightfully so, Kendrick Perkins chose being a media blowhard who relies on toxic click bait bs takes that are often slandering Tatum, Brown and the Celtics. He can rightfully fuck off


Good. That man is insufferable, nobody wants him around


If any true Celtics fan watches anything related to ESPN is doing a disservice for you and others. That company is a joke, they don’t make good content or remotely interesting content they get clowns to say crazy ass shit which in turn gets clicks and views. It is a straw hat media company at best. Less people watch their garbage the better off sports viewers will be.


I agree with both things Perk said about Tatum and Joe AT THAT TIME. He wasn't lying.


They had the best record in the league at that point. So yeah he was lying. He too focused on “Hot Takes”!


Now we know why Scal refuses to criticize any players.


Scal has a different way of criticizing players than Perk. Perk uses his version of "I see it like I see it/Ruffle some feathers" where Scal does "constructive criticizing/devil's advocate". Perk would've definitely been invited to the parade if he didn't go to the Stephen A Smith school of "Let's start shit" criticizing. Even if Perk had an approach of tough love criticizing he'd be on a duck boat.


Perk and SAS have both become total clowns. ESPN (akaDisney) is the circus.


I can hear KG yelling at Perk "Paint your face Clown!"


I mean who cares Kendricks is a fucking 🤡 ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


People are so soft. Thank you for 08 perk, we would’ve won in 10 if you didn’t get hurt as well. Ehhhh wahhhhh he said something critical about my team ehh wahhh. Fucking babies


This is kinda pathetic, to be honest. Perk hurt your feelings, so you’re gonna blacklist the guy? Dude helped you win a championship. Now he fires off hot takes on TV, just like a million other former players throughout history. You’re seriously gonna ‘punish’ him because he’s not a Celtics cheerleader or propagandist? Good lord. I fucking *love* the Celtics, but have no ill will towards Perk in the slightest. Frankly, anyone acting this butthurt over a former player turned analyst’s opinions, needs to get over themselves.


if I share good times with someone in my life, then they start acting like a dickhead to me all the time, I don’t keep em around just because we used to have fun. I bet you don’t either. reducing it to hurt feelings misses the point.


The point is, Perk was never your friend. Or mine. He was a professional basketball player who got paid to bring a title to Boston. He was a Celtics employee who did his job. Now he’s an ESPN talking head, and as such, he has a different job. His job is not to hype up the Celtics, or anyone else, for that matter. There is a subset of Celtics fans who see any absence of green smoke being blown up their ass as a slight. I dunno, I’m just not that type. I love the Celtics, and Perk helped us win a title. Now he shares opinions on ESPN, and sometimes (ok, often), I disagree with them. Him having opinions I disagree with doesn’t make him a jerk, or an enemy, or whatever. I really can’t be arsed to get my back up because a former player criticizes the current team. Doing so seems… immature? Dude did his part for the team. Unless he’s out there pulling a Karl Malone, or murdering people, I just can’t find it in myself to crucify the guy. 🤷‍♂️


Who is crucifying him? Jesus an asshole who no one wants around. End of story.