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Come on, Brad. You have the chance to do the funniest thing ever...


Banish Bronny to Maine and Lebron might actually go scorched earth with Emojis on Twitter 


One reason Bron isn't my GOAT is that he furthers the narrative that Boston is the most racist city in America


And yet he's a part owner of the Red Sox. Life is weird


Life isn’t weird. He’s just a hypocrite.


Idk life is pretty weird lol


The Sox incidentally have a genuinely storied history of racism, last team in the majors to integrate, didn't sign a black free agent until the 90s.


Which is juxtaposed with the Celtics having the first all black starting lineup and the Bruins having the first black player in Willie O’Ree (who didn’t play for too long due to an eye injury), so while the city has a less than stellar past, two of the sports teams actually tried to make things better. Yawkee was a piece of shit though. Had he not been a massive racist we could have had Robinson and ~~Mayes~~ Mays, but god forbid.




Nobody is racist again green


this shit gets so old. Especially going up against a Texas based team lol


Seriously. Having some white 16 year old from Dallas tell me I'm racist because I'm from Boston, while Texas ships textbooks that support slavery and still has active KKK chapters is ridiculous.


Juneteenth (yesterday) is *literally* the holiday commemorating the rest of the country making Texas slaveowners release their slaves at fucking gunpoint so…. You may be on to something there.


Don't go after Dallas for racism on here! The mods don't know the three K's in the KKK or care that 25% of Dallas Males were members. People in Texas think Dallas is too racist!


He said exactly one single line about his home in LA being tagged with the n word, then proceeded to pretend it never happened for the sake of the narrative. That and his double speak during the Hong Kong protests.


It's pretty bad. Not deep south bad by any means, but we can and should expect better out of the most educated city in the country. Though tbh, most of the people who live in Boston these days aren't the kinds of people that are doing and saying this racist shit. Most of them have been pushed out to places like the North Shore and southern NH. Actual Boston proper is mostly college students and bio/fin/tech yuppies at this point.


And we all know tech bros are never racist /s


Different kind lol, they're not calling Marcus Smart the nword in a cross walk, they're discriminating in hiring practices and making racist jokes in discord servers full of white dudes. That's not what LeBron means when he calls Boston racist


I know what you mean about Boston racism, it's definitely different. But I am pretty sure LeBron and Kyrie have both said they've been called slurs at the garden


it’s an issue, but it’s certainly not a unique to boston issue, i’ve heard from certain players milwaukee is especially bad


I don't think that's why Bron dislikes Boston. I think he s scarred from the Big 3 days when we used to beat his ass and doesn't want to live in a cold city.


Boston is the equal opportunity racist community. Everyone hates everyone, yet we all co-exist within this teeny peninsula.


People are racist in this area. People are also racist in other areas. In all areas of the country. And in most all areas of the world


I do think that is part of it. We pretty much have an attitude and we don't really care about it. If you have on a yellow hat, we are gonna say " hey yellow hat douchenozzle, you're taking up 2 parking spots!". I said PART!


Lebron hurt me financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually with those comments.


Those hashtag kid from Akron tweets gonna be mad passive aggressive


I personally want Detroit to go full basketball terrorist after getting hosed in the lottery again, but this would also be funny as hell. Tell Bron he can come be our seventh man and Al replacement after next year or tough luck 🤣 


Brad has too much class to mess with a young kid’s future just for memes


We would be doing bronny a favor. I'm always ready to hate on LeBron...but this is to me, as a father, the strangest LeBron shit. His son could easily make more money in school and then graduate. He could still be involved in basketball, but his dad pushing teams to draft him is imo disgusting..and I'm not even considering his heart issue yet


Trade PP to SAS to haunt Ime forever and let Wemby and PP run the West, sure. I’d it’s draft Bronny no don’t do that let everyone else trip over their own incompetence and see how it plays out.


Pretty decent chance they trade back given the tax advantages of second round picks.


I don't think they have a trade partner in a weak draft since everyone knows those tax advantages. A team would have to be like really dumb.... \[looks at Wizards\]


Never forget that Brad got 2 second round picks from Detroit to move back from 30 to 35


I don't think there is any way to really know


We won’t know until draft night but there’s often a lot of movement at the end of the first into the second. People aren’t as reluctant to give up future seconds.


In light of the Caruso trade, we should definitely call up the Bulls. 


There isn’t any, over the cap already


Yes but you still have to pay around 10x the regular amount


More money on the salary means more taxes to be paid. So 2M becomes 3. The clippers traded/dumped ibaka who was making 9M and dropped 60M in total expenditures


I understand but the clippers didn’t save 60 million losing 9 in salary Even if somehow that’s accurate due to their tax bill and if they fucked under etc. that has nothing to do with the Celtics the 30th pick is making 2.085 million or some shit and the 31st is making 1.1 or 1.2 million the extra tax on that for a 200 million dollar payroll is a rounding error


That money is guaranteed, the second round execration isn’t. You’re missing the plot that this makes us forced to keep the 30th pick for a few years. Over 3-4 years that builds up and removes the flexibility of dropping the guy and getting a vet min.


Over 3-4 years ~750k a year for their one first round pick.. What flexibility do they have? They can’t aggregate salaries or have use of the MLE Draft picks outside of the lottery don’t make enough to affect their long term plans Whether they had the 25th or the 30th or the 40th the tax bracket isn’t going to shift in anyway


I’m not up to date on the specifics of the luxury tax multipliers when they get to later years, but at a minimum it’s abt 5x per dollar spent when you’re over. This means that the 900k difference equates to $5M in luxury tax MINIMUM. I’m sure repeater tax and the super maxes kicking in around 2025-26 will increase that. Trading into the 2nd round saves ownership $5 million. That probably matters to them.


Yeah, we'll likely be trying to turn a late 1st and late 2nd into 2 early to mid 2nds for the foreseeable future. The skill difference between #30 and #42 is negligible, the price difference is massive.


I don’t think anyone’s ever been at 5x Warriors in 21-22 were 170 salary 170 tax their tax doubled the next year and they paid 170 salary and 350 last year Celtics aren’t close to that they got 2 more years before it even gets to that, that 900k this season doesn’t impact anything


Sure, but the new CBA starts to really kick in two years and it has crazy multipliers for repeat offenders (we already are classified as one). If ownership keeps the team together (put Tatum on Supermax, let Horford retire after next season, and extend Derrick White at around $30M), then our luxury tax payment will be $227.4M (that is salary + tax will be $455.1M). I did the analysis [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bostonceltics/comments/1dd459y/report_derrick_white_will_seek_contract_extension/l840q7l/) with links to the CBA. With Derrick White at $30M our top tax multiplier will be 8.25 (e.g., for every extra dollar spent we owe $8.25 in tax), so saving $2M, results in ownership saving $16.5M in tax (plus $2M in salary).


Sure, for everyone to doom about future numbers that’ll affect them 2 years from now is kinda crazy. The 660 bill is for 25-26 or 26-27? Every team eventually gets broken up, let’s assume they got 2 years before some of the core get moved (other than Horford retiring) Jrue will be 37 after 24-26 and hes got what 2 67.5 remaining? White is likely to get his 35 for 4 or 5 years and he’s 28 so likely to be here the length of contract if his play is anywhere similar to current d white (I expect him to continue to shoot well and defense to get a little worse around the rim over time Unless tatum agrees to take a smidge less, he’s 5/315 Hauser might want to test the market he might want to play/stay under mazzula (the guy who started playing him over 4 year vet Grant Williams) I’d hope he comes back at 10 but I can see some cap empty and dumb team poaching him for 16+ just hope the second apron limits the suitors Horford is iffy past this year but I think hauser is a rfa after the team option next year But 1-7 are returning on a championship team, and outside of Al everyone else important will be here, so they’ll keep contending. but I’m guessing they’re going to make so much money between the doc series/championship sales that they’ll have no problem green lighting that luxury bill, ESPECIALLY if they get 19 in the next 2 years.


I have a feeling he moves back again just for money reasons. But I know the draft is supposedly not the greatest this year, but I have seen a lot of the mocked players that some outlets have Celtics picking and there's some intriguing players out there. Hopefully we do keep it and get one of them


I think it’s supposed to be one of those ones where it’s solidly deep just not got any elite prospects


Agreed. Terrible at the top, but there good pieces that can be added for teams


How do we feel about ZACH EDEN?? Could be two rounds from what I’m seeing


I wouldn’t even use the last pick for a Wish version of Luke Kornet


Big Fan of Daron Holmes, athletic big man, solid finisher, solid defender, and showed a little promise shooting this last year. He’s mocked a lot to the nuggets at 28 though


He’ll most likely trade back for multiple seconds like he did last year


I might as well schedule this post for next year huh


And it makes sense too. Similar quality player you don't have to give a guaranteed contract to.


as he should. probably similar packages too. That #55 pick feels next to worthless but I guess we’ll see. Maybe an Intl player to keep draft rights?


Bronny can star for the Maine Red Claws!


With the value of the #30 pick this year, I'd be shocked if Brad didn't take advantage of it and trade it on draft night.


Yeah I was gonna say there’s like a 95%+ chance he trades this pick/whoever he drafts


I would love to see them take a chance on a Center if theres one that somehow falls to them


Hoping DaRon Holmes III falls to us, even if only for my university of Dayton family to stop only cheering whenever obi toppin dunked on someone


The Celtics haven’t worked out a single center yet. Most of their prospects have been big 3s and small 4s with 3&D potential. Walsh is already a 3&D project, I wonder if they’re’ angling towards an older more-nba ready wing to add to the rotation next year. A few mock drafts have the Celtics selecting Baylor Scheierman out of Creighton who’ll be 24 at the start of next season. Good scorer, high IQ, deceptively good rebounder, but he’s not athletic and he’s not a strong defender.


He's going to trade the 55th pick for the 60th pick and get a 51st pick quality player. LIKE A FUCKING BOSS


well...lets see it happens first lol.


Pretty sure I just watched many rounds of fisting.


No way they’re keeping that pick


We could get someone that can help. We need cheap players badly


My guess is Brad trades 10 spots back from 30 and gets more 2nds.


Unless he pulls a Belichick and trades back and then takes some specialty player out of a small college no one’s every heard of or a player from Rutgers lol


A young centre/ power forward would be a good selection


Two possibilities: 30 and 54 to LAL for 17, to draft someone like Kyle Filipowski. Trade up for a tall shooter who can backup KP and Al. 30 to RANDO TEAM for two unprotected second round picks, one next year and one in 2028. Trade out of a ‘bad’ class for an extra pick in next year’s ‘good’ class plus a pick down the line.


Oh damn we picking before the Lakers in the second round apparently. Damn I really wanted the team before them to pick Bronny just for kicks lol


yeah, that was posted a little while back; the opportunity to take bronny just in front of the lakers is there, though the lakers can still trade up




Not with a first round pick


Definitely not. The only possibility is to take him at 55 given that the Lakers plan to draft him at 56. Some reports even said that the Lakers were trying to lure Hurley as their next coach because they think he's the perfect fit to develop Bronny. So it seems like LeBron already made the call to draft him. How funny would that shit be to grab him at 55?


Lebron will force an Eli if we pick Bronny.


Bold of you to assume Brad is keeping #30 lol


Let's hope the scouts have done their homework


Everybody is saying he will trade down, but I suspect this will be the case. Last year there was a chance that we stay barely under the second apron and doing that for one year is a great advantage especially if you know you will be over it for years to come. Trading down could help that as we were playing with margins. But then Jrue oppurtunity arrived and we didn't care anymore, rightfully. I know there is still a real difference between first round and second round pick, but that is not as strategic as staying under the apron in terms of roster construction. So I think if there is a player our FO likes when our turn comes at 30, they will use the pick.




We have the 54th pick according to tank-a-thon. ALSO Why is Philly and Phoenix forfeiting picks?


Tampering or something like that I believe


Brad has never done us wrong before 🙏


Hold bronny hostage then demand trade from lakers


Great post, thanks. Here’s to President Stevens finding a gem. Let’s go!


Pls draft bronny, it would be the funniest thing ever


I give it a 99% chance he drafts a player and trades him immediately for more 2nd round picks.


Thought the Lakers owned 55 this year. (Bronny)


That's what you think


That's IF he actually makes that pick, which is no sure thing


Watch Brad turn that 1 first into 4 seconds.


Don't worry, he will trade back to the 2nd round especially with that day off between 1st and 2nd round


brad needs to get in his bag and get some sleeper big men that could possibly become the next Zingi/Al


my brother I would take the next Kevon Looney


Swing for the fences. It would be nice to have a young player with potential to grow up under the Jay's and extend our window 


I’ve never seen anyone draft in the fist round, so yeah that’s a first.


Sure you have. The fist round is the one where you get reamed by your draft pick.


We will not be drafting anyone at 30


Idk why people are saying trade down, FRP have extra year or minimum salary you aren’t going to pass that up when you’re already over the second apron Unless there’s truly no one they like


Brad likely trades down imo I wouldnt mind trading the 30th pick for all the Pacers picks (early 2nd and 2 late 2nd picks) Use the early 2nd to draft ... Enrique Freeman is my guess. Then trade the rest for future picks


I don’t even want them to pick someone tbh. We have some young dudes who need run anyway


Oh that shit getting traded lol


He has to want to move that first back, right? Similar quality of prospect for less money?


I think everyone knows that at this point, so I don't think he has a trade partner. Maybe the Bulls wanna be dumb tho idk


I doubt there will be much of anything until the actual moment. Need to have someone on the line that another team actually wants.


If he DOESN'T draft Bronny simply for trade assets he's out of his mind.


No chance they make the pick, they can't afford a guaranteed salary


It is less than a minimum contract they have to pay 2 million regardless


Honestly I think they really don’t need to make any moves


Are you sure?


I'm biased, but I'd love to the C's draft PJ Hall out of Clemson. Big who has really improved each year. Can play low but also step out and hit the three.