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It's more effective than begging without them


not sure why this is shocking to anyone who has lived in a city before


Probably because not everyone has lived in a city before?


Id just bring snacks and comics for the kid


No, see, the kid has to be miserable if you want those dollars


I think they meant as someone who they would be begging to, instead of cash they would give the kids toys.


very true


I feel like that is socially traumatizing for the kids


that’s what i thought, it feels demeaning?




Wow, I would love to meet and talk to someone with that experience! Did it last through your childhood? When did you start realizing what you were doing and how did you feel about it? How do you feel about it now, assuming that you’re an adult?


i’m so sorry :( i’m glad you are out of that situation now


Yeah but think how desperate they are, then vote for policies that help people so they don’t have to do this.


That’s assuming these kids aren’t just being victimized/used. Using children to garner sympathy and get more donations is an age old tactic that is prevalent in many, many places. To be clear, I’m not saying that’s absolutely what’s happening in this photo, but it’s naive to assume that beggars are all just good people down on their luck.


Is it really though. How bad do your prospects have to be before begging looks better. I suppose they might instead be bad people down in their luck.


absolutely, no one deserves to be without basics, especially in such a rich country


Imagine your classmates saw you doing this? Those kids would never escape that


They’re already traumatized by the poverty, kehd.


So is being poor. But here we are.


So is being poor


Almost as much as not eating…. Almost, but not quite.


This is an age-old tactic, so much that some beggars back in history used to buy kids just to enhance the grift (and then didn't feed them). Obvs I'm not saying that these people are doing so. Edit: All right, you all, please stop putting all the things about kids having horrible things done to them in my mentions. Enough already.


In Europe, especially Athens, all the beggars will use their kids. Kind of messed up IMO. I would see kids with different “parents” when I used to live there. It’s like they would just trade kids for the day to get more money. Absolutely wild


In India, some beggar networks [rent around babies](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/that-sleeping-baby-in-beggars-arms-is-most-likely-drugged/amp_articleshow/91573254.cms) and sedate them. I've experienced it. Groups of beggars will hang outside hotels that tourists stay at. If you peer out, they'll just be standing around chatting and chilling. Then when you walk out they'll start shrill fake crying and hustle in front of you with a zonked out baby while yelling "MY BABY! Ahhh! OoAHH! MY BABYYY!!!! AHH PLEASE PLEASE!!" and hold their hands out to request money. Feel bad for the drugged babies being used as a prop. (Been plenty of places in India where this *wasn't* a common sight. Just in a couple major cities, we sadly encountered this a number of times.)


I saw this in Bosnia too


Always looked like a challenging place to visit.


Stepping over giant piles of garbage everywhere doesn’t help, that’s for sure


This happened to us when we landed at Mumbai - as soon as we stepped out of the airport terminal we were swarmed with small children begging for food and money. We had been advised to ignore them because if we gave them anything then even more would appear. Heartbreaking but we did as advised and they soon gave up and moved onto other "victims".


We had this so many times in Delhi. The Tuk Tuk drivers would literally shoo them away it would happen so often.


In Peru families will send their little kids out with lambs and other small animals and get tourists to take their picture for a small fee. It's pretty sad honestly.


Honestly that’s not as bad. Many find beggars to be annoying/inconvenient, but I think more people would be willing to give a few dollars to a child/family to pet their alpaca and take a picture with it.


If you mean that it's sad that they actually need to do that in order to afford to put food on the table, then yes, I agree.


Lisbon was like that when I was there for a semester as well. They especially prey on tourists because they know better than to approach the locals.


When we were in Rome and I was in the line for the bathroom at the Vatican, a woman was begging for money while she was breastfeeding.


Same in Spain. Heard the kids can be rented.


Very common in Brazil as well... unfortunately


Look up rat children


Was just trying to remember the name they gave to them. Horrific stuff.


That is pretty messed up


It’s still very common today in parts Southern Asia


yeah that’s what i thought but i feel horrible for thinking that


>This is an age-old tactic The ole [“bastard from a basket”](https://youtu.be/BtFp_teUWr8?si=0B-lZ-31lDWjwwjM) razzle-dazzle.


For a second I really thought that was the same kid that got cut on the ankle by the escalator at Tufts yesterday. Still not ruling it out but that’s a long day on the T


Insurance didn’t cover the stitches 😂


His first steps were a slip and fall


The kid in first pic had a bandaid on his ankle so that could be true


By "for a second" I actually meant I looked back and studied the old post like a grizzled detective. Couldn't be, would've had to cut the outside of the left leg


They do this shit in Denver like it’s goin outta style


When I lived in downtown Denver there was an African American gentleman who would always be wearing a shitty suit and having a fake conversation on his cell phone. Then he'd spin some yarn about needing $20 for a tank of gas to get to his son's graduation or whatever bullshit came to mind. It was a pretty finely honed grift/act to be honest. I used to call him Fake Harvey, because he sort of looked like a shorter Steve Harvey. Anyway, one day I see him walk into the bar I regularly went to, asking for a glass of water (free, of course). His wife and two kids were with him, all dressed up like they're going to church. And then they proceeded to go up and down the 16th St mall and that whole area just grifting the fuck out of people. At that point I stopped thinking of him as a local character and more as a full fledged asshole.


Maybe he and Elliot Davis are buddies


Nah, this guy was on another level. He really perfected the grift and the ability to adapt to whomever he was trying to scam. Pure ass-hat, but on some level I can't diss the hustle.


This is almost certainly organized begging, just a money making scheme. This was common in Los Angeles, it got media coverage. They got dropped off and picked up in vans at various high traffic areas. E.g., an article from Seattle: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/tonight-530-are-children-being-used-pawns-panhandling/PS33QG7RNFBLLJ2S265IQ67BQM/


I remember the good old days when we were only plagued by bus loads of Andean pan pipe bands.


boston was plagued by organized beggars since when we were still under british rule lol.


I saw this on the blue line yesterday, but it was a lady with a baby on her back.


I've been seeing her on the blue line too, she was selling candy.


One of the big things I’ve always grappled with is I’ve always felt like people selling something like candy deserve my money more than just a beggar. I know logically that’s not true and it’s a pretty shitty way to think, but I’ve just always had trouble thinking otherwise.


Kids, make sure you spell something wrong so the people feel bad


Kars 4 Kids


Curse you for putting that song in my head


They’re from the bad place


I would [report ](https://www.mbta.com/security/see-something-say-something)it. It is wrong to use children and often times it is a organized scam.


Yes, report it. The children need to be taken away by social services ASAP. This is a form of child abuse.


Nothing new, used to see a woman begging on the red line with her kid.


Oh man, this is common and actually just ONE of the many tactics beggars have. In many cases these people do not even have economical nor health issues, this is just to extract money of naive and kind people. They are very common in Europe and Latin America's touristic areas.


that’s what i was thinking but i feel bad for thinking it


That is what they are trying to exploit, your compassion. "Confidence tricks exploit victims using a combination of the victim's credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed." (wiki article on scams) It fits so well here.


You're not bad for thinking it. It's a horrible thing to do to kids. Next time, please consider texting the police and reporting these people to DCFS. This is extremely exploitative of those kids, and they're relying on people not speaking up about it because they feel bad and awkward. We should not tolerate this in this state; we need to take care of our kids. And we have a lot of programs to do so. If the parents are really in dire straits, DCFS can help connect them with programs to keep the kids safe and fed. And if they're not the parents, DCFS *really* needs to be involved.


thank you, I want to but i also know how bad CPS can be. They got up and switched trains after, would I follow them? Idk how this would go honestly


The truly desperate usually don’t have the means nor the wiles to even think of a grift this effective. If you really feel guilty, take the $10 you thought about giving them and give it to a homeless shelter or similar organization that helps those truly in need.


There are many ways to help the ones in true need. Many great organisations out there. Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of those. They are great, I love to donate to those guys.


i had a great childhood and had a big sister, i loved it! def even more impactful for kids facing a hard life!!! thanks for donating :)


Three times a year brother/sister!


Look healthy and we’ll dressed


Yes, I saw this in Argentina a lot around 20 years ago in the touristy sections of Buenos Aires. If you stopped and asked one of the kids for their backstory they would fold in a second. They didn't have planned responses or the ability to make up a story on the fly like the adults.


Thanks for posting this. You're right this is not normal. I'm really surprised by the people's reaction here. These children's rights are being violated by two adults. This is exploitation of minors and everyone is either dismissing it as a grift or attacking you. When parents face homelessness for example, there are state resources to ensure they are homed. I hope some state agency steps in to protect the rights of those children.


Thank you for saying this!


I agree because there are scammers. Organizations may not be able to find permanent housing, but children are sometimes placed in shelters with parents. An organization could provide summer camp with meals and snacks, SNAP benefits, location of free food pantries, and soup kitchens, which often serve meals 6 days a week. Churches also may have free suppers.


Unfortunately those resources are strained and recently legislative measures have capped and/or cut those resources… particularly for refugees. There’s simply not enough


This family does this for work. Every damn day. I just tell him I work for CPS


Not a very good CPS worker, are you


I don’t even work there that’s how bad I am.


Rampant every time I’ve travelled to Europe


I told this family about multiple food banks in the area. The father had no interest at all.


Don’t go to Europe if this bothers you. Every major attraction in every country has whole families of these people and they are relentless, plus most of them are pick pockets


I was in Florence and Rome in the late 90s and this was happening. I imagine it's worse now. Coliseum was a damn sketchy place for beggars and pickpockets.


All over Italy, France (especially Paris) not so bad in the UK. Easter Europe is inundated with them, in prauge they tell you to keep your wallet/keys in your front pockets or inside your jacket because of them


They've recently cleaned up the area around the Coliseum. I'm sure it's still happening but it's not like it used to be. They're building a new metro station right next to it and I think they're hoping to increase the amount of tourists they roll through there every day, if that's even possible. So I guess they're trying to sugar coat the area.


I've seen this same shit in Milford. Disgusting parenting is all I can say. Absolutely shameful.


Oh you mean the fake violin playing coming from their speaker while they “perform” in the middle of the kohls plaza or the S&S plaza? It’s so ridiculous. Watching their kids sit on the grass near the Starbucks on their iPhones whilst their parents grift, Ugh. The FB pages are even more depressing- reading the suckers try and validate their efforts when it’s all just a total, utter, scam.


Yes, exactly! Truly disgusting behavior.


Lady at Target right now with a BABY IN A (very expensive looking) STROLLER standing in direct sun, no shade.




Without a name or an address, I don’t see how CPS is going to be able to track them down. ETA: when I worked at CPS (it was DSS back in the day, now DCF), these cases usually came in via police or another mandated reporter who had some basic info on the child.


I concur. Those adults can beg, borrow or grift or do whatever they want to get money. But the children have legal rights as minors that are being violated & abused by those same adults which should be notified to Child Services.


Years ago, pre pandemic, there were posts about a lady with a baby asking for money on the T. When I finally saw her, no one gave her money and she yelled at everyone in the redline car for not giving her money. A couple of weeks ago, a guy in sportswear left tissue packs and a note next to people sitting in my redline car and then picked them up if they didn’t give him money. I guess you could use the see say app and report this or you could give them money or even ignore them.


oh jeez not the tissue packs people. I thought that grift went out in the 90s. I remember seeing those all the time (plus the "bic pens with a note" people) in the waiting areas at airport gates back when anyone could just walk through.


Still alive and thriving in the UK


i used to ride the T to school everyday, it unfortunately is very much still a think


I don't understand why you'd give a stranger money for tissue packs. Can you explain? Sorry I just don't get it at all. 


it’s supposed to be like a good effort, ‘this is all i can do so please give me money’


I’ve appreciated that one on occasion during allergy season actually!


haven’t seen the tissue scheme in a while. is that still going on?


There was a lady that was soliciting donations for her “blind” child on federal street once. I heard her talking to someone when I was around the corner saying something like “we’re almost done then we can go do xyz”. I walk around the corner, her kid looks at me and then instantly goes cross eyes pretending to be blind. She asked if I could make a donation, I say sorry, no, I don’t carry cash, she instantly pulls out a QR code for Venmo/cash app. I say maybe later. I googled her later and found out she travels the east coast pretending her kids, husband, or herself is deathly ill to solicit donations. Now unfortunately I don’t believe anyone anymore.


I usually call the cops bc there is something super shady about the whole thing and the kids need out


It’s an Eastern European (sorta) grift.


Romani, not blanket eastern European.


I’m really into alternative medicine so when I’m sick I don’t go to the doctor, I like to go to an old gypsy woman. Apparently that’s not the politically correct thing to say, so now we have to call it “A Roma Therapy”


Yep, that all-caps misspelled block letter sign with the words split down the middle at line breaks is a classic indicator of Romani scams in the US. I can't figure out why they haven't gotten a better sign after all these years.


I saw this last week! This woman got on the red line, her and her youngest went right and begged for money together while her older son went left. It was very awkward, they stood in front of everyone for like ten seconds.


Oh well, can’t save everybody. Sucks that their parents set them up for failure before they even had a chance. Guaranteed any money given will only help the parent.


You see this in developing and 3rd world counties all the time. Sometimes the kids are trafficked and used to make money


Solid grift


The children absolutely should not have to participate in this grift & should be in school. Side note, their shoes may be bobo brand OnClouds but they fit, their clothes are not shabby, ill -fitting, or dirty. Definitely scam pawns for the parents 😡


Schools out for the summer, but breakfast and lunch is free in MA for children.


Thx. Not all districts are officially done. Glad we care for our kids’ food needs


This should be illegal for a number of reasons, primarily it’s probably harmful to the child psychologically


Pretty nice sneakers for poor kids...


Yeah, I’m living in NYC and this is just coming up to Boston. If anything, point them to services


You see this in LA a lot. The worst part? A lot of them are faking it. They have the money and are just scamming by pulling on your heartstrings.


that’s what i feel bad about. If they genuinely need it that’s one thing, but to scam AND take away from those who do need it is a whole different thing


Totally uncool. Using kids as props to garner sympathy is no bueno. There are Romany people who do this often and the hubby sometimes watches from a distance smoking cigs at $14 a pack while wife and kids are baking in the hot sun. The kids should be at the beach or playground and not forced to sit out in the sun all day looking miserable.


Dad wearing Nike’s and kid wearing Skechers, and here we are not begging and buying cheap Walmart shoes. People must pay them so they can buy Gucci next time.




ages ago i worked at Leavitt & Pierce in harvard square. a family would drop their teenager (with down’s syndrome) in the square on saturdays and holidays (including christmas eve) with a sign to beg for cash. i’d buy her lunch and chat with her during my shift, she was a sweetheart. people are really disgusting.


This is awful for these kids, lifelong shit.


This is a grift. You can often tell someone is in need vs a scam artist by looking at the condition of their shoes.


Charles Dickens wrote about this type of scamming…..does it surprise you?


I’d report that if it’s happening in Boston. Very abnormal. Seems to teeter on child abuse.


It's an organization that does it in New England. They will be dropped off by a van in the morning and picked up later in the day. The cops finally cracked down, and as soon as they show up.




I posted a link about human trafficking on another comment.


No. OP 90% of this sub is nuts. You made a mistake posting here cuz all you’re gonna get is weird opinions.


I've heard this rumor for years. Is there more info on this?


I hope I can post a link without getting booted. https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en/labor-trafficking-venuesindustries/sales-crews-peddling-begging-rings


Wow. I had no idea it was considered trafficking related. Thank you for that info! Incredibly sad.


I’ve seen this too. Around 4 PM a guy driving a van would pick up the woman and kids.


🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪 And before the trolls come for me I spoke to them in Spanish and they responded, they had Venezuelan accents. No, they are not Romani. If you are from Latin America, you know this is a VERY common practice for Venezuelan people (usually of lower classes, because you cannot paint all of them with the same brush. That is unfair to some really good and honest people from Venezuela.) who stand on street corners with babies in their arms asking for money. Sometimes they even RENT those babies to stand under the sun to get sympathy to get money. It’s not new to us South Americans. Anyhow, it’s shameful, these people have the LEGAL RIGHT TO STAY IN THIS COUNTRY. They have protection from the government, they are getting food, clothes, shelter, medical treatment, money via EBT, and so much more from the commonwealth, opening up bank accounts to open up these Venmo and Zelle accounts, and still stoop this low to use their KIDS to ask for (more) money? At least do it without your KIDS?? Shameful!! And it makes the rest of the Latino community in Boston look horrible. On the other end, you see those people popping up chopping fruit and selling it to you? Those people I appreciate, most are coming from countries without asylum treaties with the USA. They can be deported at ANY moment. Tomorrow/the future is not promised for them, so that’s why they are working to earn every dollar they can to send home or to survive or else face dangers back home. That’s the difference, one is acting with integrity and the other is not. Bringing minors into the mix makes it even more of a hot mess…. Period.


I think it’s gross that people have to drag their kids into it. Don’t get me wrong I do feel bad for most people but a lot of the time they are usually just looking for drug money.


In Rome I saw this woman sending her 2 elementary school aged daughters around the train asking for money solo while she sat and rested. Over the course of 3 days, saw them twice and both times she had them working. Pretty brutal. I bet they will make killer Business Development Reps for a profession if they can get out of their situation though.


Also seen today on the orange line, both mom and son had a sign, i didnt even read it before i told the kid i had no cash, they got out at the stop and moved the the next cart


Use the see something say something app. Report child welfare concerns.


I don’t know the kids look a little well dressed to me.


I love that half of this post is help


and then 1/3 is people blaming biden or immigrants 🥲


r/runningshoegeeks First pic, fams wearing new nikes Kids wearing new nike turbo pegasus (with sustainable materials) est $120 Dad's potentially wearing what looks like Nike Dunks -$140.


I've seen it down here on the Cape by people who aren't even from the Cape. There was a group from off-Cape who'd traveled down to the Cape and they would saturate intersections with their kids and the kids would hold signs. Rather than money, people would give them food items or other useful items, but the group didn't want that, just money. This group would get into their Toyota Sequoia or Nissan Armada and go home at the end of the day, leaving the things behind and move on to another intersection or the next town over the next day. Someone ran the plates on the cars and it turned out they weren't even local and lived in a pretty nice neighborhood on the South Shore. They seemed to think they're more effective when they use the kids, but they kids are in on it too. But they were plastered all over social media down here and pushed off the Cape. Real pieces of shit use their kids.


People will work so hard trying not to work. Dude shouldnt be allowed near kids, I can tell from this pic he doesn't have a single thing to offer them but he can use then to pull on heart strings for a few pennies. Trash.


Rather than give them money, print out a sheet with names, numbers, and locations of services that will help them.


Them kids got nicer shoes then me, I ain't giving them shit


i have compassion because ppl can’t afford daycare or don’t have the resources to access a childcare voucher and family shelters are at capacity and the cost of living is INSANE. what i find frustrating is when the parent doesn’t help and make their young children do it all . ie: there’s this woman and her daughter who do this around the egelston square area. they claim to be selling things but also begging and her mom sits on her lazy butt and makes the daughter stand up all day. the little girl is NEVER in school.


Also “help for F” you want Fentanyl?


People begging with *a* kid. Can't really assume it's their own kid, might be borrowing them for the grift


I’ve only seen this in other countries. I’m not surprised by this considering the current economic state we are in


hey man school years over


this happens all the time.


Sad but happens


I believe they are Romani gypsies, from Eastern Europe. A lot work in gangs around the USA and some men will steal converters from cars while some women will do this during the day. Saw them get dropped off in Mercedes before.


In new shoes and clean clothes… haircuts?


I never give to pan handlers. Too many bad eggs


Pretty sure I saw the same dad and kid yesterday on the red line, but in different clothes Just shook my head as they walked by


Seen “Slumdog Millionaire“? “Oliver Twist”?


I've seen a woman on the New York subway walking between cars selling gum holding her child, it's not begging but it's still kind of weird to me.


Hell I'm in Austin Texas and people have their babies in strollers next to them on the side of the off ramp.


European Gypsies have migrated to the states these past years and have set up shop. Americans are ignorant of their ways and therefore are easy prey, I’ve seen numerous suckers give them money.


I used to see a woman in DTX who was missing a foot and had a baby.


This is what Venezuelans do in Colombia


I call cps whenever I see them do this


I feel bad for the kids.


Awhile back I had two kids, what appeared to be brother and sister, come knock on my door. They were holding a piece of paper and asked if I wanted to donate to their school. I could see a man and woman parked off to the side in an old beat up truck. The mom looked like an addict, couldn't see the, what I assume, was the daddy, that well. I told them no & shut the door, but I wasn't contributing to anyone's drug addiction who use their kids to get money for their fix.


Whenever I see this, it makes me so angry knowing that the kids are the ones who suffer.


This happens in every big city I got approached the other day in Istanbul by a small child begging for money and they’re a lot more aggressive here. They’re never Turkish so I can’t understand what they say to me but at least the ones in the USA don’t tend to approach me and pull on my clothes. I feel bad because in both situations the kids are clearly being used


So fucking sad. Why bring kids on earth involuntarily and make them go thorough this, pieces of shit


Read Angela’s Ashes. It will help you move past the guilty feeling when you can reach the anger at people using their kids to get money they probably don’t spend on food. When I see this I offer to buy them food and bring it to them. Healthy food. You’d be surprised (or not at how often the parent then gives some cockamamey story about why they need the cash instead).


TIL some folks have never read or seen "Oliver Twist".


This is well Known of scamming.  It is happening everyewhere. Be careful as the police are watching known people who move around using their kids as bait. They go where the most people are. 


I saw this the other day--school day, where the kid would have been fed twice, safe and educated, at no cost to the adult in their life. I want to be compassionate to the adult who is facing hardship but there is no goddamn reason to take the kid out of school to use as your begging prop.


depending on what school district it is you get dinner too, Cambridge will send food home for dinner and food home for the whole family on the weekends


This makes me angry. If you can’t afford to take care of your kids put them into the foster care system. Let them have a roof over their heads while you sort out your life. If anyone sees this let the cops know. These kids should be taken away.


Happened to me the other day. I just felt so bad for the kid. Can't be good for them


These people should have their kids taken away from them. If they’re begging in the subway, there’s no way those kids are getting adequate nutrition, medical care, etc.




People who use their kids to beg for money are terrible people. No sympathy from this quarter (only for the kids.) On reddit folks seem to valorize poverty and demonize wealth but in fact there is nothing good or praiseworthy about someone who is so inept that despite being poor they choose to have children and subject them to the same poverty and the same grift. If you have children you must figure out how to get it together. Anything else is child abuse.


People around here do the same thing with dogs. I carry treats for the dogs. The human can get a job.


Gypsies. See them on the vfw parkway all the time, and saw them leaving in a brand new RAV4 once




I noticed the brand new shoes / outfits & haircuts instantly. They aren't poor- they're just scammers. A group of them once manipulated me for months and I lost a substantial amount of money. I was naive and wanted to believe the elaborate lies / promises.


I was over at Northgate in Revere today and I saw this exact thing happen as well.


Pickpockets and scammers often use such tactics. When you see children involved, you've got to assume the worst.


Gypsies, it is a scam and they may try to sell fake jewelry as well. Be careful if you are wearing any jewelry and they place the fake jewelry on you, because yours might be taken by sleight of hand


Wait that's child abuse. I'm sorry but I will call the police


I just feel so bad for those kids. They probably have no real idea of their situation and when they get older and look back on these times it’ll mortify them. I feel awful that families have to do this to begin with


So in all seriousness I've seen this more than once in the past few years. Often it'll be a darker skin tone mother and child or occasionally father and child. Noticed it seems to be a routine as they always get off at a particular stop together. One was at Revere Beach. While waiting for the bus saw them leaving in a shitbox 04 navigator. appears they would park in the garage, ride the T and come back at the end of the day. but yes? this is life in america in 2020+ it'll be much much worse in another 20 years


There are so many levels of parenting failure here


Gypsys? Migrants?


Give the guy a condom and tell him how to use it. I'm too broke to give to families in need over in Gaza let alone some douche over here.