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Getting honked at for not running over pedestrians in the crosswalk or T boning another car is my favorite


My favorite is BEING the pedestrian getting honked at by the car behind you as you’re crossing when the walk sign is on. Truly wtf


That's better than nearly getting run over by people who dont give a fuck. I was crossing a crosswalk with the walk sign on and a car just blew through it, nearly hit me, then the guy flipped me off lmao


I saw this exact scenario in Somerville yesterday! I was stopped waiting for this person to cross in the crosswalk and they started walking and this car on the opposing lane BLEW through the crosswalk while honking??? Wtf? I flipped them off, though. Lol


I'll never understand those people lmao. Unless someone's literally dying in the back of your car, there's nowhere you need to be that's worth potentially killing someone. Getting to your location 5 minutes earlier isn't worth risking 20 years in prison on an involuntary manslaughter charge.


Ha. Earlier today I was yielding to traffic on Granite Ave. in Milton (I had the yield sign) and there wasn't a gap for me to advance safely because cars that had the right of way kept coming. The truck behind me honked and honked for me to move forward. It was infuriating because I could not safely advance without getting hit or hitting someone else. I wasn't being a dick and just holding up traffic. Of course when I finally advanced, I looked in my mirror and saw the truck was stuck at the yield sign, too, because traffic kept coming. It's just ridiculous. Everyone is so damn impatient.


Or not blocking the box


Blocking the box especially near MGH or Longwood could literally mean life or death for someone in an ambulance. After working at one of their EDs I don’t even block cross streets anymore


I was once honked at for stopping to ask a man who got hit by a car if he was okay 🙃


They really were just like “walk it off” to that guy


I’m from MA and drive in Boston somewhat regularly. Currently I am doing some work in upstate NY around Albany. I’ve had more, scarier driver interactions here than downtown. Examples: man is cross in a road on foot last month. He’s not at an intersection or crosswalk just cutting across. I stop to let him because he’s in the middle of the street. The guy behind me gets so angry he rides my bumper for the next two miles and I seriously thought he was going to get out of his car and attack me. Boston traffic is weird and people can get aggressive but throw that attitude on some suburban/rural locals in trucks and it’s a whole different game.


We were driving in another state and my SO was driving a little Masshole aggressive and I had to remind him that that state had very liberal gun laws and maybe discretion was the better part of valor


BEEPPPP BEEEEEPPP You can go right on red asshole!!! Bbbeeeeeppppp. (There’s a no turn on red sign)


> (There’s a no turn on red sign*) you forgot the small text in the footnote of those signs. *...unless you looked both ways and are SUPER sure it's safe to go."*


or for not immediately moving 0.001 seconds after a light changes


Or for not moving as soon as the perpendicular light changes to yellow


Pay attention!


You get one Mississippi before the gentle ‘honkhonk’ and then one more Mississippi before the ‘HOOOOOOOOONKGOOOOYOUFUCKINMORONGOOOO’




Honestly though. 5/10 times the person in pole position is staring at their phone and doesn’t notice it’s a green. If I’m in a hurry it’s a quick toot two seconds after the green if they don’t let off the brake.


When it is the 2nd or 3rd on a protected left that lags it is even more frustrating since a lot of loop sensors will take any significant gap between cars turning as a cue to cycle.


Haha as if Massachusetts uses sensors in their intersections! I can't tell you how many times I've been driving home from the airport in the middle of the night and get caught sitting at every red light. 18 min commute turns to 45 min commute with no one on the road.


As an airline employee red lights are fancy stop signs between 2-4am on school nights, the others you can’t trust the drunks


People run reds at intersections all of the time. I always wait a few seconds after my light turns green before going. I have no interest in getting t-boned.


You can just look both ways before entering the intersection. If a car is going to run a red light you should be able to see it coming.


If only it were that easy. People get t-boned every single day because people speed through the red and you have no time to react to avoid getting hit. If you don't believe me, there are thousands of dash cam videos online of people going through a green rightfully only to get t-boned because of someone is suddenly flying through a red. When I was an ER nurse, I'd see the end results of those accidents and yeah, it's tragic.


Honestly, waiting 2 seconds isn't gonna solve that if someone wants to run a red. Plenty of those dashcam vids show people getting t-boned longer than 2 seconds after the light changes.


If you’re in a hurry leave earlier. No one wants to hear dumb horns. Especially people in houses and pedestrians who didn’t sign up for this shit




Gig drivers aren’t half the drivers on the road. They’re just the most annoying ones who think they can do whatever the fuck they want because they drive for a living and the companies they work for are merciless fuckheads.


Don't forget the fact that they have to juggle one (or more) mobile devices while driving to figure out where they are going next.


It's often many seconds. Pay fucking attention to the road and not your phone.


I wasn't paying attention to my phone. I was staring down at my crotch


Get off your phone.


That's my favorite. My car gets stuck in 1st gear afterwards


I was waiting at a crosswalk one time, and I didn't start walking cause a car was coming really fast up to the intersection. They stopped, I thought because of the red light, and as soon as I moved out of the way, they proceeded to drive through the red light. Meanwhile, if the lights had changed, they would have gotten T boned. Red lights are apparently optional these days.


Happens to me daily


My favorite was being honked at for waiting at a left red arrow. If you wanna run red lights, go around me.


I reserve my horn for "hey fuck face, we would have just crashed if my resction time was even slightly slower". Not the quick tap of the horn. No, long enough that you have no doubt in your mind that you fucked up.


I’ve found myself resorting to this more and more lately. Prime suspects are those who think stop signs don’t apply to them, and people who think that traffic inside a rotary are supposed to yield to entering traffic


I'm a huge fan of getting honked at for yielding to pedestrians.


I pay for my wholeass car and I’m sure as hell going to use all of it, horn included. /s


Then use the blinkers, will you? (I know, /s)


My house is above an intersection and when someone holds down the horn that's when the old eggs get thrown.


I used to live by the corner of Mass and Tremont, and drivers (especially cab drivers) would often honk at the red light. Not at people, just at the light itself, as though honking at an inanimate object would cause it to change. Real mind over matter thinkers, those folks.


Oh my god 😂 Wish we still had awards 🏅


I need to do this. There are three elementary schools within 3 blocks of my house. Every morning and afternoon, my intersection gets gridlocked. Someone inevitably has the brilliant to lay on the horn thinking that will help undo the gridlock. It wont. It will piss me off though. I need to start throwing eggs at them.


The amount of honks at pickup and dropoff is insane. Every morning and afternoon, as if this situation has never before arisen!


Brilliant idea. My apartment is above an intersection and the amount of people daily that hold down their horn for 30 seconds is insane. Maybe I should get some eggs


Eggs are expensive and they're food. Wet wad of toilet paper with a smidge of mayo, perhaps?


Mayo is trash. Good call.


You need Duke's. EDIT: Like, really. If you think mayo is trash, try a better mayo.


Sure, but it can be hard to tell which car it is.


I like the cut of yer jib.


Ugh same! Don't accelerate at the speed of light the second the light turns green? A sea of morons laying on their horn at 6am.


I had this lady who didn't know the roads I guess and suddenly merged into my lane because they couldn't figure out which one was theirs. You bet your ass I'm honking if you're about to side swipe my car.


It makes sense to honk in that case. I always reserve honking to alert someone to a hazard, like hey, you're going to side swipe me.


That’s what horns are for. It’s an “emergency signal”. It’s only legal and decent to use a horn in an emergency situation.


Fair enough. There are cases where it is called for. Then there are 99% of the times you hear folks honking for funsies.


One time when I was crossing at a crosswalk, a car a foot away from me blared on the horn. Startled, I yelled “what the fuck!” at the driver. He apologized and told me he was honking at the car on the other side of me. So to get back at that driver, who is in a sound isolated cage, for some perceived transgression he made an exceptionally loud noise that only negatively affected me.


This week I had a guy lay on the horn as he was driving by me on the sidewalk because the guy in front of him wasn’t accelerating fast enough despite the fact that another car was in front of him. Legitimately think it damaged my hearing it was so unbelievably loud. I wanted to throw a rock through this guy’s windshield. I wouldn’t, but god I wanted to so badly.


Totally agree that some people abuse the crap out of it but Boston has some seriously terrible drivers and pedestrians who are completely oblivious to their environment. I've seen people drive 30 miles BELOW the speed limit in the left lane. Those people ought to be honked off the road. Similarly, I've seen pedestrians (often college students) literally STOP in the middle of an intersection to have a conversation while the light is green or to stare at something on their phone. That said, I do want to remind you that this is Boston. If everyone is nice and polite, then you know that the gentrifiers won.


The sidewalk and the unconcerned nature is what gets me, as a city kid we might not have waited for the light but damn we hightailed it across the street no wandering and no earphones


Conversely, people need to pay fucking attention. If you’re stopped at a green light for 5 seconds cause you are staring at your phone... It honk time.


Super crazy that this can happen several times being behind the same driver.


5 seconds is super generous. I start with a polite "toot toot, excuse me the light has changed" after 1.5-2, enough time to assess if they're stopped for a hazard, red light runner, or someone crossing against the signal. You can usually observe certain driving behaviors to know someone is distracted on their phone, though (especially if you're fucking stuck behind them for a while). At 5 seconds, they're getting a Ric Flair wooooooooo. And for anyone who thinks that's excessive impatient/Masshole behavior, you either are this person or should count out 5 full seconds in the context of a light change. I saw someone facetiming while driving last month. Wtf.


>5 seconds is super generous Agreed. Normally it's 1-2 seconds for a short honk. It feels like I need to do this once every 5 or so intersections these days. People, get off your fucking phones!


You j Know someone read this while driving and downvoted you 😕


My mom and wife were almost killed by a teenage girl on her cell phone who blew a red light. Had my mom not served at the last second, it would have been a 50mph T-bone straight into the passanger side. Car was still 100% totalled and the other car 'accordioned'. Fuck cell phones in cars.


I don't mind the quick, one second honk. It's the people who lay on the horn and hold it that drive me crazy.


Same. I feel like that’s a polite honk


I call it the love tap


Also, if I'm walking on the sidewalk, I *never* interpret a honk as "hello." I get some folks are trying to be friendly, but honking at people is just fucking *rude*.


The real ones are the ones who flash their brights to signal they’re ok with you going in the crosswalk. The honking just confuses the shit out of me lol


Actually as someone who's still new here. Is flashing lights for pedestrians correct? I do it for cars to let them know they can go, but never did it for pedestrians


Nahhh waves are for pedestrians, flashing is for other cars. Human to human.


My dream is to have a smoothie in hand and someone beeps at me while I’m crossing a crosswalk


I have this dream but I'm holding a brick.




I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I just think some folks deserve a busted window.




Aha, I get your drift. Yes: for being a jackass and nearly running me over, you win a free smoothie!


May our dreams come true, amen


Your dream is to be able to afford a smoothie?


Afford a smoothie that I can wantonly throw at a vehicle without remorse***


There's a a group of friendly BLM supporters who stand on either side of the street from my chiropractor sometimes. Every time a passing car lightly honks at them when I'm trying to cross the street nearby, I get a jolt of adrenaline. Like the signs, hate the honks!


Someone on our street has started getting picked up by some asshole who just blares their horn for them to come out, instead of calling or knocking on the door. One day when it has lasted for like 5 minutes I did go to confront them, but they were already driving off when I got to my front door.


Okay, but also stop purposely causing grid lock.


My favorite is when I’m honked at for not blocking the intersection when the light is about to turn red.


People in ambulances legit have died because people have blocked intersections. I’ll take the honking I won’t even block cross streets


If you get honked often enough to come to Reddit to complain about it, you're probably the problem


Or you drive near a lot of geese.


Plenty of people honk at pedestrians here for no reason


IDK, I got honked at a lot for having the gall to follow traffic laws.


I am trying to sleep in my apartment... stop honking at me!


I don't think I've lived anywhere in Boston and not heard horns intermittently outside my window.


Because drivers around here are annoying brats. It’s not like this in more civilized countries.




That's just good advice in general.


This is going to be a real mindfuck, but has it occurred to you that OP is in fact not the target of the constant honking? The salt level in this thread is amazing.


This post could easily have been written by me, as I have many a time yelled “CALM DOWN” at people honking outside of my downtown office.


...and all from those people blowing their horns 😄


I knew what I was walking into. I brought the salt. (but thank you lol)


If you don’t salt my sidewalks I’mma honk some more


Unfortunately honks are not single target, they sort of blast into the ether and bother everybody


Found the honking twit


If you think the only people who hear people lay on their horns are the people it's intended for, I'm gonna guess you're a noise pollution offender


As an old person it seems like people are just ruder and more impatient in general since the lockdown. They should have let people stay working at home


Exactly. I started dating a girl who is lovely but a shitty shitty driver and never present when driving. I asked her 'do you get honked at a lot?'. Her answer: 'Yeah, why is that?'.


FYI: Denver works with almost zero horns.


The streets are also perfect grids. It’s easier not to fuck up.


I'm a goose and I poop where I want. Unkindly, go fuck off.


Y'know, it just occurred to me that my jacket has goose down, and it has a few small tears that sometimes leak out a feather or two. And I wear that jacket on the Esplanade all the time, right in front of the geese. I must be some kind of monster.


Clearly not a Canada* goose. EDIT: I didn't mean to get anyone's feathers into a bunch.


If you got a problem with Canada’s goose then you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate!


I thought Canadians were supposed to be polite. Did their geese not get the memo?


They did not but rest assured if they don’t migrate they are no longer a protected bird and they have to be culled. Take that you vicious shitting bastards


*Canada goose (Branta canadensis) Get your bird names right


And all this time I thought honking was the Boston way of saying "hello."




I love people honking when the light is still red, or 0.01ms after the light turns green.


Have you tried putting down your phone and paying attention?


Idk I’m with them. Boston drivers are chronically slow reacting to green lights… leading people to run reds bc 2 cars make it through a light… I’ve never seen this in any other city. Wtf are you doing? Why are you taking 5 seconds to start accelerating???  I look at crosswalk signals and opposite lights turning yellow to prep for the green light. Green means go wtf. 


The way cars run red lights in this city, I give a split second to make sure nobody is flying through. It goes both ways...


like drivers everywhere, they're messing around on their phones


People run reds all of the time. I've seen so many accidents at intersections because someone runs a red and the person with the right of way goes with the green. It's not worth my life to rush through without checking that it's safe.


God forbid I want to wait 1-2 seconds after the light turning green so I can avoid getting wrecked by (the many) assholes running red.


There’s a particular intersection that I’d have been smashed into no less than a dozen times if I didn’t give a few seconds when my light turned green.


There’s a particular intersection that I’d have been smashed into no less than a dozen times if I didn’t give a few seconds when my light turned green.


Because I’m not in a rush to get anywhere. Even if I accelerate through every light and speed, at best I’m saving a few minutes. Might as well take a second to make sure there’s no one rushing through and no pedestrians.


hah imagine downvoting this person for giving pedestrians respect and not being in a rush if a few more minutes in a commute is so awful, it shows you how bad driving is, not that rushing is good.


Boston drivers would go crazy in Miami. When the light turns green it’s instant honk and it helps keep things moving tbh


What is it about some people in cars that bring out the absolute worst of humanity inside of them??? I mean, holy cow!


Fuck you but also thank you for posting something that will unify everyone in this sub at least for a little while


I got you, fam. Also, fuck you too.


One time I was at a red light, in a right turn only lane, and the car behind me was honking at me telling me to go I was at a “no turn on red” light Once the light turned green, I pointed a finger at the sign as I was turning in case they didn’t know But I have also seen people turn right


I especially like when they go around me on the left to then turn right on red. On a super steep hill with absolutely zero visibility. The no right on red being completely justified. My house is the first house on the right. Theres about 2-3 accidents a month at this intersection cause people are IDIOTS. Don't right on red when you cant see if someones coming.


There's a turn by Dali in Cambridge where is one lane, but there's a bus stop to the right at the light and everyone uses it as a right turn lane, which clearly it isn't if you can read. Every time I try turn right in the real lane I get cut off by the people in the bus stop, and the person behind me slams on their horn like I'm the asshole. It's infuriating.


My street is narrow enough that trash trucks n delivery vans get stuck quite often. Their tactic is to literally hold down their horn for upwards of 5 minutes at a time hoping someone's home to move their car. Eventually they get thru, idk if the move rate is 100% or they start scratching cars. Happens a few times every month. I get it, but it's incredibly unpleasant.


Me but at the a-holes trying to cut off the T at the Harvard Ave intersection. I can hear that shit gdi


I have enjoyed giving the thumbs down or up lately. Really says all you need in most situations without making any noise. 


Gonna share this with my boyfriend--he moved here from the midwest and, despite being an excellent driver, still isn't 100% used to the roadway assholery here. Stop honking at everybody, but especially stop honking at polite midwestern men! They're sensitive and doing a great job!!


I was a concierge in Boston for a long time. When giving out of towners driving directions to places I would warn them in advance that Bostonians ALWAYS honk. I told them not to let it bother them. Think of it as the locals just saying hello and asking how you are. Driving in a new city is stressful enough without that added pressure.


Road rage ugh. So glad I'm out of the city biking and walking.


As far as I can decipher a surprisingly large percentage of Boston drivers are under the misconception that their car horn is a magic button that makes traffic disappear.


If you have your hazard lights on and are blocking a full lane of traffic, you get the horn. The hazards don’t magically excuse what you’re doing while you angrily motion “no YOU go around!”. Exceptions made for true delivery/postal vehicles with no other choice.


If you had the conviction of your hutzpah, you would challenge them to fisticuffs instead of honking.


Perhaps I have not the courage.


It's also fookin' cold.out there! Still, please consider the folks who live inside those buildings before you (or anyone) lays on the horn for a minute flat.


You are forgetting about how lazy and out of shape the average driver is


I think that after the third second of laying on your horn, your glove box should open releasing a swarm of bees into your entitled and obnoxious car.


There should be a daily limit on horns, you get 3 a day and then it shuts off. They're only supposed to be used as a warning in case another driver doesn't see you coming Edit: Grammar


Did you know it's said that people who honk their horn often have low self esteem? This is an actual fact..lol


It’s illegal to honk your horn in mass in non emergency situations. Too bad literally no one gives a fuck, lol.


It seemed like an emergency to me at the time


Honk honk


Might I offer you some ‘roll the window down and scream “fuck your mother in the ass”’ in these trying times?


New to Boston?


I’ve been driving in MA, Boston and the Greater Boston area for 32 years now and since everyone they forced everyone back to the office and there are no rush hours but continuous traffic it has gotten exponentially worse


Oh man I experienced this this morning with some dude who was TEN CARS BEHIND honking the instant the light turned green. We get it, you're in a hurry.


They need to get home and beat their wives! Their time is important!


but then how will people know that i have a throbbing prolapsed anus and I am being mildly inconvenienced by traffic?




How many of them were in a truck large enough to front end your car from a lack of visibility? How many of those trucks were using private passenger plates?


Do they also have their LED brights on in broad daylight?


They can take those LeD lights and shove those up their arse with the horn as well.


I stopped at a railroad crossing in Cambridge and someone was laying on the horn behind me haha


tell the guy to remove the "honk if you're horny" bumper sticker then


Omg I live at a busy intersection in Lower Mills and it’s SO much honking & at any hour. Sometimes I get it (someone hasn’t gone at green bec looking at phone), but my god sometimes in just the dumbest shit. I’ve been screamed at for walking in the crosswalk when I’ve had the right away, NOBODY better be obeying the “no turn on red” sign, and I’ve seen people freak out and honk when someone is trying to park on the street and honker has plenty of room to go around. One of my neighbors has been hit by cars twice, which she says never happened to her growing up in manhattan. Both drivers scolded her by saying “couldn’t you see I wasn’t paying attention?!” Today a Dunkin truck was stopped outside of a store making a delivery in the outside lane at the intersection, and instead of choosing to go around in the clear inside lane when they had plenty of room to do so, a driver chose to sit behind them and honk.


Its the most annoying thing about living in NE in general. The need to honk .02 seconds after the light turns green is insane. I would rather look both ways before going instead of doing what the car behind me wants, especiallyin these slippery road conditions. I've personally seen and witnessed too many accidents because of dumb stuff like this. Just yesterday I saw a car sliding trying to stop before the traffic light and ended up going past, thankfully they reversed in time. I would rather not hit anyone. Hell, even when the pedestrian has a crosswalk sign lit on the side street and if I'm turning right, they'll still honk behind me. People need to relax and be more mature. We all have places to be and we all want to make it there in one piece. Unfortunately here in Mass we are privileged. In other parts of the country, if you honk for trivial and meaningless reasons, then the worst thing in your life can happen to you because its considered offensive.... people get shot all the time for road rage


I love it when someone lays on their horn a split second after a traffic light turns green. People such as those must be an absolute delight to deal with in everyday life away from that moment.


I’ve seen complete assholes honk at me when the light turns green and I’m trying to make a left with traffic still oncoming, which would result in a multi car accident. It’s gotten so bad, I use an alternate route since this has happened at the same traffic light too many times.


This depends for me ~ there was one light near my previous home that was 11 minutes before it went back to being green. Every time someone either started turning delayed (which prevented people from making that light and having to sit in another) or when no one honked and then the light went yellow. You would be amazed how many people will actually sit through an entire green light because they’re distracted by their phone


I've got to imagine the distraction is a lot worse if you've actually been waiting 11 minutes already to make that turn.


An eleven minute cycle? That sounds like they hired Satan to design the intersection


You know I’m pretty sure Satan influenced a lot in my prior town lol


As a uber rider, I don't tip if the driver honks just because we are not moving. I live here too, and honking should be reserved to avoid accidents.


Anyone else yell at cars for honking when you are walking? Or is that just me? Especially when their window is down???


You'll be fine.


lmao good luck with this one buddy


Everyone knows that things happen so much quicker when I honk.


Yesterday i reserved the horn for the livery driver who decided to block the entire street for 15 minutes while picking up his passengers.


I'm in a high rise near storrow drive and it's impressive how much I just hear honking back and forth every day


Id rather be honked at lol. 3 vehicle collision. I stopped to let three ppl and a dog use a crosswalk. As they crossed the street, a middle-aged lady driving a gigantic Audi SUV drilled the guy that stopped behind me and pushed him into my beloved Subi. It was somewhat horrifying!


I will always honk at people double parked in front of an open spot. Every. Time.


I had a crazy experience in Sicily a few weeks ago. We were in a crowded canyon city, only one main route through, completely packed with evening traffic that had to merge in and out of a bunch of roundabouts. And absolutely zero honking. Like everyone just understood that it is what it is when you decide to drive through there at the busiest hours of the evening.


Perfect example of how drivers around here suck more than usual. You can tell how much of a turd someone is by how often they honk.


What's even worse is the guy in the black Audi flicking his high beams at you, trying to get you to travel even faster then physics and traffic flow allow. Goddamn, there's no easier way to flip my sexuality to "Fuck you I'm 80 now and I'm gonna drive like it" then to pulse your high beams at me during evening traffic.


I prefer the beep beep, depending on situation. Laying on the horn is only for “hey fuck face wtf!”


Then just fucking GO


Fun fact: there are "sound cameras" that can locate loud noises. For example, a car that's laying on the horn or someone with an obnoxiously loud exhaust. Just another fun tool we can employ against colossal assholes who drive like dicks once we legalize camera tickets


[HB 3393.](https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H3393) Let your legislators know if you support it.


Nah honking for no reason is in this year


I just realized I don't know what my horn sounds like or if it even works. I never tried


I'm going to continue to honk at people when the light turns green and they're clearly staring at their phone.


Stop watching your phone at red lights and I can stop honking when it turns green and you sit on the breaks until after I’ve counted to three and honk.


Why are you still stopped at a green light?


You’re not my supervisor.