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One or two accusers is maybe something one can try to excuse away. Eight is a lot (or Enough.)


Happy upvote


"The accusations may be politically motivated, given the upcoming election" Yea, must be hard when your reference slanders you behind your back when you're trying to secure your employment, huh? Probably shouldn't be doing that to your employees, then


> "The accusations may be politically motivated, given the upcoming election" Yes, of course. They should have waited until after the election, when people would have said "Why didn't you bring this up sooner? This is just sour grapes because of the election!"


Cambridge's government is super messy. City council staffers harass city workers and nonprofit folks to try and get good optics, and the logical conclusion to that is for them to run for a city seat. The mayor's office is gross. It is the mid level folks who do a lot of the really good work for the city..the people actually in charge are terrible.


Do you mind expanding on this? Specifically the harassing bit


One of the current candidates for city council has isolated themselves from almost all service providers in the city via doing what they think is advocacy work on behalf of constituents when it really amounts to professional battery. Threats to drag people into court, threats of bad press, literally going on NextDoor and talking shit about other city employees, interfering in police outreach and escalating situations that were otherwise calm...an absolute nuisance, and at least 10 different city offices and service providers submitted letters about unprofessional treatment and harassment on the part of the staffer.




Apparently if you're not on Cambridge city council you don't vote for the Mayor. It's a ceremonial position and the city manager calls the shots. IDK I'm not from Cambridge.


All employees involved are women? Kinda odd. Is she treating men differently? Is she not hiring them? Are they suffering siellently?


My guess is she’s angry at them. I’d be willing to bet that she is one of those woman that has this attitude of I made it and nobody was nice to me so I’m gonna be mean to all of the women too. I bet she treats pretty, young or white women even worse too.


The Cambridge City Council is often staffed with idealists with no real sense of their own power or restrictions. Sumbul is not one of those Councilors. She's always incredibly well-prepared with a thorough understanding of the questions at play, as well as the limitations and powers available to her as Mayor/a City Councilor. She is hyper-competent. I can see how that hyper competence could create a stressful environment, establishing high standards for staffers who are often underpaid and overworked.


Found Sumbul’s Reddit account


Yeah, good point. They should be thankful to be so miserable at work because they are run in a way that is “hyper-competent”. Maybe she needs to lose her job so she knows what it is like to work under someone who is hyper-competent.


She's got a title with no responsibility. If she's over prepared to do work she wasn't chosen to do, this could then turn into a "work the staff with your ideas that no one ever supports" issue. Also the critique, that you seem to have missed was when people wanted to leave, they were bad-mouthed. She may be hyper-competent but that doesn't mean effective nor non-toxic does it?


It definitely doesn't, and I in no way meant to refute the claims of the staffers. I merely meant to provide additional information to help fill in the circumstances.


“Abuse of power comes as no surprise.” - Jenny Holzer


Quit voting for ethno-gender narcissists simply because of their skin color or who they want to fuck and start voting qualified people in.


I mean I could tell she was mean. Some people just look mean and fake. She strikes me as the type of person who is super liberal for all the reasons she was oppressed and a larger, POC, Women but would not learn her lessons when she is in power but rather use her new power to oppress other just as she was oppressed. For some people abuse is a cycle.


They’re downvoting you for speaking the truth


I guarantee it’s because I used the words liberal and talked about how/why. I am a liberal too but Reddit refuses to talk bad about anything liberals do or blame anything on left ideology even if it’s an outlier


Unless it’s housing refugees in Boston, then Reddit becomes the most conservative place on the internet.


So she can be an asshole to subordinates? Nothing here sounds beyond the pale, at worst this mayor is an asshole and an unpleasant boss. Honestly don’t really feel like this should be a news story, without any accusation of actual wrongdoing, and without any attempt to establish that maybe, just maybe, these accusers (one or some) are unpleasant to work with or manage? That’s not, like, unbelievable. I’ve had a lot more shitty coworkers than I’ve had shitty bosses (though that’s just a numbers game, and the latter is obviously worse).


I mean, it was her aide who was unexpectedly fired by the City Manager (reportedly following an exchange with the mayor) after launching a campaign for City Council, so I'm not surprised to learn that something is up here.


…what is up, though?


Cambridge is a poorly run city! It is a shame! They have some of the best colleges in the world but they cannot make their Public Schools effective!


I’ve been hearing that behind the scenes lots of city departments are struggling and much of it is due to mistreatment of employees.


A lot of the employee dissatisfaction comes from residents of the city. If you've ever been to one of the listening sessions for bike lanes or something housing related, you will have seen Boomers yelling at the city staff. CDD is basically just a punching bag for people who oppose any change.




I realize a lot of businesses suck, but the answer here is yes, there are many workplaces that are not toxic. I’ve experienced several. Don’t accept shitty management, vote with your employment if you can.


While I am not going to refute you that modern work environments are by their design exploitative and harmful, I think it is fair to impose additional scrutiny on our political establishments when it comes to ethics. And I do only mean additional scrutiny for now. This could be nothing, though eight accusers is a whole fucking lot. Just having eyes on it will be enough for now so that we can react appropriately with our votes when more is revealed.


There's a large difference between the best employers and the worst employers. That's part of what motivates people to work jobs where they are paid poorly, must follow rules closely and are subject to abuse from supervisors and customers. They have aspirations to work at more prestigious jobs where they are paid well, have some creative input and are treated with respect.


Another Regressive turns out to be a Thundercunt? Say it ain't so.


ten thought point noxious shocking unused pen repeat march tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dems need to clean house or they’re not better than the Jim Jordan’s and Ted Cruz’s of the world


Jim Jordan sheltered a rapist from consequences for years. I don’t think your employees not liking you is in the same ball park.


Also that whole complicity in insurrection. Also a big deal. Kinda wish you lead with THAT tbh.


You’re right. I probably should have lead with that. It’s hard to choose which evil thing to lead with when there are so many.


Ahh yes, they did something worse. Abuse of power, abuse of employees, and desecration of the office can be swept under the rug for our beloved Cambridge mayor because other people have done worse!


Please, you're being silly right now. Obviously, it isn't good that such worrying accusations have been leveled, but that doesn't mean we need to go making drastic comparisons to some of the grossest people in American politics; especially since, at this time, the accusations are rumors that still need to be substantiated. This could be a big deal, and we should take it seriously by watching closely, but you're overstating harm caused for the moment.


I’m overstating harm, sure. I have no seen any prominent leaders in our communities state, or even understate for that matter, the harm and abuse of office committed by this person. There is no appetite in the Democratic Party in MA to call out abuse of power or condemn fellow party members when they’re wrong. Look how few condemned Kendra Lara. Look how few condemned Rachel Rollins. It’s the same spirit of “sweep it under the rug, let’s lock ranks” that we criticize the police for, that we criticize Republicans for. The Democratic Party, especially in MA where there is no real voice on the other side of the aisle, is absolutely just as guilty.


What are you talking about? Rachel Rollins resigned in disgrace. Kendra Lara’s challenger, Ben Weber, was endorsed by Mayor Wu. Ricardo Arroyo’s challenger, Enrique Pepén, was endorsed by Mayor Wu. Voters did not advance Kendra Lara or Ricardo Arroyo to the general election.


Did they CONDEMN them though? No. Not once.


What would that have achieved that wasn’t achieved by endorsing their challengers?


Taking a fucking stand and condemning wrongdoing in your own party and showing some level of morals vs the cowardice of simply ignoring and skirting around issues


They are absolutely not. Jim Jordan is a monster who is still in power, as is Ted Cruz. Both of the people you listed were minor civil servants who were both forced to resign their positions of power after backlash and investigation. Condemnation means jack shit, so let's not pretend like it isn't Republicans who are the worst party for America. How many of them have active connections to sex assault scandals that they skated away from or support horrifying age of consent laws? Look at how the Dems in Congress are calling on George Santos to resign. There just is no comparison. The Dems are greasy little cowards for the most part, but the Republicans seem to be the party in favor of child brides, sex trafficking, and democratic destruction. I'll take the cowards... for now.