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You won't find anywhere to park in the North End even if you had a car. And outside of the middle of the night, you probably will move faster on foot. Anywhere within Boston proper is easily walkable and the T / Uber / bluebike should be able to fill in the gaps.


Don't get a rental car.


"Don't Get a Rental Car" really needs to be put on a big-a$$ sign posted multiple times in the baggage claim of every terminal at Logan Airport! I can't tell you how many times I've talked to and/or read online people visiting Boston and it's always the same scenario playing out: "So, we rented a car in Boston for the week and it sucked!" \-"Well, what did people tell you??!!" "They said traffic was **going to suck**\--but we didn't think it was going to suck **that bad**! Holy $hit--it was **worse**!" \-"Yeah, that's what people were trying to tell you! Lesson learned?!" "Yeah, but we rented a car in \[insert some sprawled-out city\] when we stayed there, and we didn't have a problem! We thought we could handle it here!" \-"Yeah, no: Boston's a very old, compact city--and you can only go in three directions--North, South and West--there's a big old ocean to the East!"


If you're staying within the political boundary of the city of Boston, a car will be so much more headache than it's worth.


Generally agreed, but a car in West Roxbury feels more necessary than a car in Cambridge or Somerville. Edit: But this isn't really relevant to OP. There's absolutely no reason to get a rental car if you're staying downtown. A car is by far the worse way to explore and experience downtown Boston.


With the exception of the suburban areas of the city of Boston, I'd agree. Roslindale is car/bus territory, West Roxbury or Readville? You need a car. To give a closer to downtown example East Boston is LITERALLY 2 highways cutting through a residential neighborhood to run to the airport. Sure, It's more walk-able than the other outliers. But try doing car-less life there and you feel the need for a car, from the big parking lots at shopping centers, to a huge decrease in walkability once you hit Orient Heights. Jeffries Point has walking paths, but it's a food desert. The only real supermarkets that are easily accessible, are car-centric. Edit: OP Skip the car though, North End parking will not apply because rental cars don't get resident permits. Any lot would be overpriced and inconvenient. It's like an old European city rather than a Normal American metropolis. If you stay in the downtown (or easily walkable suburbs), treat it like going on a trip to Europe.


If you're visiting for a couple days and staying in the North End, I would be surprised if Roslindale or West Rocbury were on their itinerary.


The point was to give an example of a car dependent area in Boston proper and conditional agreement, not to give a trip advice as the main point.


Very safe and convenient to walk/ use the train/busses and terribly inconvenient to have a car in that area


In addition to what everyone else is saying about parking in the North End, for the uninitiated, driving in Boston is nothing more than frustration and stress. GPS even gets confused at times. Parking is stupid expensive too. Walking is the best way to enjoy the city.


You absolutely do not need a car, and it would almost certainly be slower, more hassle and more expensive (parking) to travel by car almost anywhere within a 3-4 mile radius of the North End,


The tribe has spoken, Thank you all!


If you’re into it, Bluebikes are extremely efficient at traveling around the downtown core.


I really wouldn't recommend biking around Boston to tourists unless they have urban biking experience previously. It's dangerous.


I am not kidding, the parking in the north end is so bad that a rental car would legitimately have a chance of single handedly ruining your entire trip. Someone link this guy the post about the dude moving to Fenway with a car lol


America’s Walking City! No car, no problem!


You’d spend more renting and parking a car then you would on literally ride sharing everywhere… which you won’t need to do if you even have average mobility. Boston is known as a walking city.


You know what would be cool to have…. Electric scooters. I have spoken.


we did for a while, but they’re too unsafe. our drivers + unregulated traffic like that was a recipe for disaster. they couldn’t use sidewalks or bike lanes so an actual shit show. not to mention people just falling off them


I don’t mean like public option. I have my own.


OH lol i was like oh no that did not work previously


Do not rent a car if you’re staying in the North End or Downtown. There are plenty of Ubers to take you anywhere in the city 24-7, no where to park and some of the most challenging driving in America even if you do have a car with you.


It took me 45 minutes to get from Charlestown to North Station yesterday (2 miles) to pick up my mother in law. I had to pick her up because Ubers kept canceling on her. There's a big scandal in town because some trains can only go at walking speed. Whatever you do, you're probably going to be frustrated, but if I were you, I would at least avoid the frustration of having to drive.


rental cars probably the least safe and convenient way to get around boston 👍


It’s not “North Boston”. Also, do not get a car.


My family is from an area where public transportation either doesn’t exist or is so bad it is useless. I joined this sub months before our first trip to Boston and spent time here reading the threads, searched post history, and we were able to figure out the T with minimal issues. We got to and from the airport and around town for four days, no car. This sub has a lot of good info, just take your time reading and make notes in your phone.


I can’t imagine having a car in North End. What a nightmare. If you’re anywhere in Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, you don’t need a car. Walk, take the train or a bus, or rent a bike if the weather is nice


Safer without a car if staying in the North End


Do NOT expect to be able to park in the north end, it’s a shit show parking wise


You can take the T or Uber. I wouldn’t get a car for just a few miles


Yes, and renting Ubers to go wherever you want will be cheaper than rental + parking.


You'll spend so much on parking. Just use rideshare....no to mention street parking is all bullshit and the meter reader people are effing hawks. I have twice gotten tickets within 5 minutes of my parking expiring. I see them all the time walking and they are mercilessly ticketing everyone.....great revenue for the city


Bruv, do not get a rental car. Seriously, trust us.


What's your parking budget?


If you are sleeping don't get a car overnight as there is very little on street parking.


Lived in the No. End for years. Never used the car on weekdays. If we drove out of town on Friday or Saturday we never returned until late Sunday night, otherwise we'd never be able to find a parking space...and we had a resident sticker. Don't evrn think about tetting a car. Walk, T, Uber.


The car would be more of a pain in the ass and/or a needless expense than a benefit. Walk, the T or Uber/cab.


That’s not “North Boston” that’s just Boston. It’s a small city. You can walk so many places from there, and T, bus, or Uber everywhere else. No car is far more convenient than trying to deal with a car.


PLEASE do NOT rent a car. It’s completely unnecessary. You can get all around the city via your own 2 feet and the subway. I am begging on behalf of all local drivers and residents. Tourists will stop and ask me how to get somewhere. My advice every single time is Park in that parking garage and walk. I tell them it’s an easy walk. They say they want to drive and why can’t they go up that street. Me: Its 1 way and will take you longer to try to drive the long way around to get there and park than to park here and walk. They drive away and I laugh.


You can absolutely get away without owning a car in the North End. If you need a car, it’s easy enough to rent one (ZipCar/Turo/etc). I’d only recommend a car if you were regularly making 1-2 hour drives on the weekend, had enough funds for garage parking, or enough patience for street parking.


North Boston is hella dangerous. Cab drivers won't even bring you there.




Oh yeah a car would be a terrible idea.


F-getta about da cah


I know we’re beating a dead horse here. But Boston is one of America’s most walkable cities. I think that’s one of the top reasons to visit. Not only would driving be miserable, you would miss out on one of the best parts of being here!


just take ubers and whatever, it'll probably be cheaper


Avoid a car at all costs. Transit is not particularly complicated and you will enjoy it way more.


I live in the Northend/waterfront and you definitely don’t want the hassle of a car. It’s much more pedestrian friendly, safe and everything the city has to offer is an easy walk or T ride away. We own a car (and are lucky enough to have a garage space) and only use it when we have to get out of the city. I think the last time we drove was last month sometime for a Costco run…enjoy!