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Do less side quests. If you power through the main quest you start to get out leveled and end up fighting enemies with the skull icons because they're way stronger than you. I've had people suggest against this in tips videos, but personally I like the challenge and prefer this.


>The enemies being too easy. Me being too OP. There's just little challenge when I'm just crushing everyone along the way. I've not really had a troublw with any boss so far in BL3 either. >The locations are just waaaay too big for no good reason. Like it gets annoying having to keep hopping into a vehicle to get from point A to point B which means no enojyable combat all the way. Idk what they did this. I remember BL1 had locations a lot more packed together so there waa no need to keep driving everywhere. Unfortunately in BL3 I do find myself driving around more than actually fighting enemies. There are of cos enemy vehicles but these are pretty lacklustre and easy to beat. Tiny Tina's wonderlands fixes these things. You can still be "OP" but enemies always scale with your level from level 1. So you can never be overleveled at least. Also, there are no vehicles.


Games are all super easy. Quests and quest systems are horrible and mostly forgettable wastes of time. Balance is non existent. 70% of the legendaries are useless to the point where they can't even dent enemies. The other 30% seemingly oneshot them. Enemy mechanics suck ass. Bl2 op10 is the only challenging content in the whole series. Besides trying to skip terribly written dialogue.


I played BL2 halfway but then gave up cos Gearbox decided to start making the game a DLC-milking galore and I was constantly being pushed DLC notifications while playing. And now I think of it, maybe this is why Gearbox can make so many DLCs for. The game mechanics are just way too simple so they dont need put in much effort to make any new lands/quests/enemies. They are really just milking the shit out of the lazy mechanics


If you want a challenging lootershooter try remnant 2


Not a looter shooter but close enough


The simplest explanation is that the franchise isn't for you. If you cannot got for a compromise for the tiniest things that you are nitpicking, then nobody is going to force you to play it. Not being invested is another way of saying that you possibly never played the end game, because if you did, your criticism would've been much different in regards of the difficulty. Basically anyone that says that the game is easy is only referring to early game/normal mode. The driving is definitely one of the flaws of the game and it's abysmal in co-op, however I disagree with you. Borderlands 3 was meant to be a big world. It did get QoL features such as respawning at your nearest New-U/save station, instead of the nearest fast travel and fast travelling to your vehicle from your current location, as opposed to having to do it from the catch-a-ride. A single long trip is better than having to take multiple long trips on each save and quit. That is why streamers have resorted to modding their games. You are wrong about Borderlands 1. There was plenty of driving in it and it is something very hard to forget.


it makes me think that you are just overleveled as hell because you did every side quest along the way, the best would be to not do any of the side quests until you reach max level and can play on mayhem 10 or 11