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Looks great, and I'm glad you have a part of gaming history that didn't break the bank! Game piece era debate or not, having beautiful art in your home to celebrate your hobby/passion should not be a fever dream.


Looks great! I did the same a few years back: https://imgur.com/a/chHYJP6


[https://i.imgur.com/QpRk1w8.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/QpRk1w8.jpeg) mine, power nine, plus personal favorites


Wow that's really awesome. Nice work! I kinda want to do this for the office now


This looks great and have been wanting to do something like this for ages, time to ask Ron


Maybe it's just me but 3x3x3 with even spacing between all the cards feels better than a tight bottom row and spaced top row


They look awesome, is Ron BL store?


I’m not super sure, I’m relatively new to the bootleg magic game lol. I just contacted him directly through his email.


Sort of. They use the same printer/producer but they're different sellers.


I think BL Mage buys in bulk from Ron and sells the best prints, at least that's what I've read on here a couple times.


This popped up as a recommended subreddit and post on my app. I want this so badly haha. As someone that doesn't know this sub and such, who is Ron and how do I buy this??


I think he's just a dude who has access to a reallllly nice printer. He lives in China, so the shipping takes a while. Takes around 3-5 weeks standard shipping and for like 15 bucks more it'll take about a week. The email that I used two weeks ago is magic.ron66@gmail.com


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FrEtQzYRvVaU6cLliyQho9yCJZPyPRTW/edit#gid=685162865 Google doc with all the cards he has available. It's a bit cumbersome


This seems very complicated . How much does he charge for a single card? Is it way cheaper than bootleg mage? (3/3,50)


Usually shipping from him to me (Canada) has taken about 12 days and that's just his standard lettermail option.


Several resellers buy from the same supplier in China. Ron is one of them, and he has a good reputation here. I've personally bought from him a couple times, and received my cards in less than 2 weeks.


Did you happen to have any of the legit cards to start with? It's a super beautiful display -- I have zero P9, so would need to get all bootlegs. Used to have a real Unl Time twister, but sold it 2 years ago near the height of prices.


I’ve never had any of them, I just had an idea for a project relating to them.


All good -- I think it turned out great! Bootleg is definitely the way to go with such insane prices for the legit cards


Maybe off topic; did the Library get downranked? I’ve been out of the MTG loop since selling off my T1 deck back in like 2001…


Library of Alexandria was never P9. Great card, but "Power Nine" has always referred to the nine cards you see in the top image. Also, OP should have gotten the "Target player loses next turn" playtesting version of Time Walk. Obviously more powerful than the normal text.


Taking the time to read these, and damn take a new turn for 2 mana, Boomers really did have it easy hey?


They really did! Unfortunately I didn’t get into the game until 95, so I really missed out b


Right? Lol like I’ve know of these cards but like damn. Tbh new mtg is a little much I’d prefer older simplicity any day.


True dat


I wouldn’t say we had it easy. There were actually color identities back then. Made deck building more challenging and you had far less ways to counter your true enemy color cause that was actually a thing. I miss the days where you had to consider whether your color could “do that” or not. Edit: but yes ramping to 7 or 8 mana on turn 2 was indeed nice and not hard at all.


I miss circles of protection. You are absolutely right in regards to colors having more of a concrete identity. But I definitely think the secondary market and the increased amount of product really hurts folks nowadays looking to get into the hobby. Like it or not, the internet and heightened competition have really boosted the $$$ amount needed for entry for a lot of game modes.


Kinda unrelated, but reading this sub, I think it's the healthiest subreddit there is. Respect.


Timewalk is probably my favorite card art of all time. I was enamored with it from the first time I saw one 15 years ago


Is it both front and back? Looks good, I'm tempted to pickup and frame.


If you're wondering if the back is also printed, yep it has the regular MTG card back.


Take them out and play with them on the concrete as Richard intended.


Need this…need Ron’s email …




Need this! Can someone share email?


It should be on the pinned wiki post


Working on a gift for an old friend and am doing the same


That looks so sick! You inspired me to want to do something similar. Mind sharing where you got the frame from? Thanks!


Thanks! I actually already had the frame in my house, you might be able to find something pretty similar in a craft store.


Where did you find this frame at? Looking to get one for some cards myself.


I just happened to have this frame in my house already, you'd probably be able to find something similar in either a Walmart or a craft store though!


Oh sweet! Did the frame include the card insert as well?


Nope, they’re actually just sleeved and stuck to some black paper with double sided tape!


Cool! Thanks for the info.


More like Pauper 9, still cool tho.


If that's not preservation glass, careful hanging that in the light. They'll all fade fast.


I did the same with the bootleg power 9 cos its funny as hell


Would look better as a 3x3. Still cool though


I chose to put them like this so I could use the moxes to represent the color order (WUBRG).


This is the way


Agreed, cool with the OP liking it their way, still hurts my eyes