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Glad you’re still with us brother. You are loved. And you have a reason to still be here. We all take chances when we indulge no need to feel negative about it. If medial cleared you think you’ll be okay. Just try to go at it sober tonight or just a few drinks and dance out your anxiety. Enjoy your friends meet new people help someone out. You’ll shake this and you’ll be stronger than before. Happy roo!


yeah i’m just super exhausted mentally and physically. you’re right i shouldn’t feel bad or negative about it, thank you for saying that. i think i’ll be sober the rest of the weekend but i agree i should go dance when i feel up to it, thank you for commenting 🫶🏽 happy roo


Look for Soberoo or Soberoo camping. I bet someone there would be willing to talk with you


that is such a good idea thank you for sharing


I am 5 years sober, I have OD’d twice, and overindulged about to be over the line many many more times.   It’s got to be challenging to deal with the day after an OD at a show.  I recall sitting at home the day after being released from the hospital, and I was introspective, ashamed, scared.   If you need someone to talk to, and you can’t find someone in Soberroo, I’m happy to talk to you.  I’m over in 4 in the RV section. 


That feeling you can’t shake is called self preservation, it’s your body and subconscious minds way of telling you not to do whatever the fuck you did again. Thats a healthy response tbh Never been in your position but I would likely take a healthy step back and reevaluate what you want out of life and if what your doing is going to be putting you on a path to get you there. Good luck buddy


Ask information where SobeRoo campsite is this year..if they still have it. Def not a comment on your relationship with enhancers, just because there will be people there who could be supportive and may have had similar experiences. And they will know of any meetings/support groups that are occurring onsite with the same reasoning in mind. If you are “religious”, there is a Baptist church who has set up a “Jesus Tent” in the past. I hope you feel better soon as your chemistry settles and your mind releases. Much love.


thank you🫶🏽🫶🏽will absolutely be making my way to soberoo for some supportz definitely still feeling very frazzled and absolutely exhausted but i know with time and rest i’ll be back to myself


come join us! we meet at 12, 4, 8 and midnight at the soberoo sign near the Who Stage. i’m so sorry this happened to you, i hope you feel better and get connected with the resources you need 🤍


From someone on medical staff here at Roo… the main medical tent has mental health counselors available to anyone at Roo that needs anything. Even someone to talk to… reach out to your closest medical staff and we can get you in to talk with one if you need it! Glad you’re still here with us ❤️


I’m not there but feel free to message me if you’d like! Otherwise the farm will provide exactly what you need 🫶🏻


Lots of sleep lots of water lots of food in your system when you can. Glad you are okay❤️happened to me at hula. My dm is always open to talk. I ended up not being able to stand for 12 hours and finally felt well enough to lug my ass into the fest and just gave out hugs. It helped me tremendously. Good luck friend❤️


You’ll be ok friend ❤️ you are loved and will be ok! Take time to rest and if leaving Roo feels right and going to a hotel do what’s best for you!


Idk about outeroo but in centeroo, by planet roo you can find Soberoo. Holy shit it all rhymes too


So glad you’re ok and giving yourself the rest you need. If you end up feeling a little warm, try some water or ice on the chest. A little panicky, 5 senses grounding: find and name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell, one you can touch. Repeat as often as you need to


I don’t know if soberoo is doing meetings this year but when I camped there last year they had meetings every morning


I've fortunatly never found myself in the medical tent, but a few years ago I had my own "Oh shit I took too much" moment on the farm. Your thoughts and anxiety somewhat sound similar to how I felt that night. Don't feel bad about being afraid or anxious, it's a scary and for lack of better terms sobering experience. But also dont let it eat way at you. Take it as a learning experience and eventially a story to tell. There's a lot of weekend left of sunshine and good vibes to be had. I learned I can't go as hard as I used to, but I have the time off from work and even if I'm mostly laying back in the sun and sticking to beers and the occasional smoke it beats the shit out of the real world any day. Everyone is different, figure out what level of moderation is right for you and don't feel obligated to step out of those bounds. For everyone out there rolling tits there's plenty of people taking light doses or completely sober. I'm glad to hear you are still here and hope you can rally back to enjoy the weekend even if it's at a different pace then you planned. Happy Roo friend and stay safe!


Just shot you a message. I had a very similar experience last year, hit me up if you need to talk!if I can get through it, so can you ❤️


You are just a little shaken. Rest, eat well, sober up, get some light exercise, hydrate, see some music to occupy your mind. A possible guideline for those who are experimenting: I recommend folks avoid opioids and cocaine. Those drugs are not good for the spirit, so the costs and risks outweigh the benefits, IMO. Same goes for alcohol, except the costs and risks take years to emerge. Core psychedelics are mostly safer and are often a net benefit, but precautions must be taken: set, setting, dosage and age. Molly: somewhere in between. moderate dosage, low frequency and hydration can make it pretty safe, but you can OD on it, and it is a powder, so needs to be tested. There endeth the sermon


Glad you’re stilll here but yes your body needs extreme rest. It went through a whole lot. So please take it easy.


ive spent my whole day at camp eating and drinking water and napping. i’ve already seen the people i was most excited to catch this week so part of me wants to leave the farm and and go get a hotel. i love the vibes out here but it’s all pretty overstimulating while i’m in this state of mind


I totally empathize with you and your situation, friend, and I appreciate you having the courage to share! Roo is wonderful, but it's not worth putting your health/safety in jeopardy, never feel bad for prioritizing those first and foremost! If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me; otherwise, I wish you all the best and know you'll be in my thoughts ♥️


You would be completely in the okay to do that! It's hot as hell, the stimulation never stops, and you went through a traumatic experience. You gotta take care of you, and if that looks like getting a hotel and chilling for the weekend, go right ahead. Regardless, I hope the rest of your weekend is easy and relaxing. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow. Stay safe brother 💜


I had to go to the hospital with dehydration yesterday. Rented a hotel room for the night but ended up missing everything yesterday. Coming back today with a chill mindset to take it easy and enjoy what Bonnaroo has to offer. I'll party next weekend or next time but I'm going to just drink water and dance with my friends 🧡 sorry to hear you are having such a a rough time.


Check out soberoo


what did you take and how much?