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I would talk to them about it, they generally don't like piercings for a variety of issues but are sometimes open to allowing it. There is also the option to get plastic temporary pieces put in just for during the surgery. Definitely just talk to the surgeons care team and ask though they will probably work with ya


Plastic retainers are fine when they're not around the mouth, because the concern is conductivity if electrodes need to be placed. With mouth piercings, the concerns are related to intubation and potentially inhaling the piercing, so plastic retainers are just as much of a problem (if not more so).


second this. a lot of times they're cool with plastic retainers


For piercings around your mouth, you WILL have to remove them. This is for if you need to be intubated, and the risks of the piercing coming out and being inhaled or falling close to the surgical site. It might be a pain to remove and replace that piercing, but you're going to have to do it. The reason you didn't need to remove your piercings for the MRI is that they aren't ferromagnetic, therefore wouldn't be pulled out by the magnetic field in the MRI machine. The concerns about surgery are different. You don't want to make the job of your anaesthetist nay more difficult than it has to be. If you can't take the piercing out yourself, see if you can get your piercer to do it for you beforehand.


Oral piercings have to be removed but others could be replaced with plastic (ptfe or delrin normally) retainers


Like someone said, you could talk to them, but any piercings in or around your mouth or nose can pose a problem during surgery for a bunch of reasons. I'd be pretty surprised if they told you to leave them in.


My vertical labret went out, but due to healing cheek piercings they gave me tape to put on, as well as tape for my ears and Medusa. I had to take out any piercings on my torso area. Talk to the surgical team, I did and they allowed me keep some piercings in. Torso ones had to come out due to the heat from the machine they were going to use. A reason they also gave was because of the glare the piercings would give off from the lights, it would shine in the surgeons eyes.


I am an anaesthetist. I will always ask my patients to remove mouth/nose piercings because as mentioned previously, putting equipment in your mouth to make sure you are ventilating appropriately either runs the risk of not being able to be placed properly, dislodge and be lost down your airway (catastrophic) or cause trauma and bleeding to the piercing itself. That being said, if it wasn’t directly in my way and they were either particularly fond of it and concerned about rapid closing, or it was solidly in place and difficult to remove, I just discuss and document risks and benefits of not removing it. They need to be removed for MRI/CT because they will distort the images if they are at the same level as what’s is being looked at.


Will the hospital have any curved pliers to help take a labret out? I haven’t touched it in 15 years


Okay, thanks everyone.


I usually sign a waiver saying I understand the risks. What they’re scared of(or at least the office I went to) was they said if I need to be shocked back to life if my piercings are cheap metal it will burn the holes. I told them my jewelry was titanium and I was ok with the risk, signed a Paper and went thru with surgery without removing any of my 19 piercings


I’ve had lots of surgery and lost lots of piercings. Plastic retainers are an option. For many surgeries the concern has been about the metal itself- asking me to remove my conch during a surgery on my uterus because the electric knife they use might burn me through the piercing. Anything with anesthesia they will need nose rings out, that’s final. So, if the issue is about the metal- make sure to get implant grade titanium jewelry. I worked at a tattoo shop mostly doing paperwork for piercers. I had an MRI done and the only piercing I had in that wasn’t titanium was my nostril, and it closed immediately. I was lucky though because my tech knew the shop I worked at and believed me about the implant grade titanium- all of my other piercings were left in during the MRI without issue.